Kitty Kurai

Bei Fanpop seit February 2011

  • 23 years old
  • USA
  • Favorite Musician: Cinderella!
    Favorite Book or Author: Lord of the Flies
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katkat57 sagte …
Today marks twelve years since I created this account. Ouch! gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
katkat57 Kommentiert…
and somehow this site (in classic mode, anyway) still has my Favorit UI of any social media... lmao Vor mehr als einem Jahr
SiriusAmory sagte …
link gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
katkat57 sagte …
I don't know if I've ever sagte it anywhere before, but if it wasn't Blaringly obvious back in the day, I was a young kid when I used this website lmao. My behavior back then was nothing short of Very Embarrassing. I am a changed emo! I drop in every Jahr oder so to see what's happening, so if Du come across this message: Hello, and welcome. gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr