Sonic Fan Characters Club
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added by TakTheFox
Source: ME! THE AIR! PIE!
added by shadowknuxgirl
Source: Me, duh.
added by Tooootie
Source: Art is mine
 Lero_3ternal The Scarlet Rose
Lero_3ternal The Scarlet Rose

Name: Millenia Leroux
Age: 18yrs old
Eyes: Smokey Grey
Hair: Jet Black
Height: 3"0 Ft Tall
Weight: N/A
Date Of Birth: December 23rd
Mobian Type: Wolf-Cat
Single oder Taken: Single
Born: Tokyo Japan
Raised At: Mobius City

Opposite Character Of: Amy
Arch-Enemy: Eggman Nega
Nicknames:Mar,"Deadly Beauty" And Millenia The Scarlet Rose..

Favorite Quote:"Everybody Scream Your herz Out!"

Personality: Quiet, Crazy, Fun, Very Intelligent, Sneaky, Mischievous,Shy, Soft Spoken and Have Manners To Who Ever She Pleases.

Can Be: Annoyed Easily, Rude, Sarcastic, Mild-Tempered...
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posted by scougesgirl
Name: Ashton Jade Moon
Nicknames: Moon oder Ash
Age: we think I'm about 17
Species: wolf
Gender: female
Height: don't know
Weight: don't know
Marital Status: taken
DOB: 2/27/ unknown
Birth Place: the ark
Residence: I'm kind of a gypsy
Occupation: working for G.U.N
Social Class: I don't know
Economic Class: I don't have any rings
Alignment: none
Top Speed: 290 mph
Agility - 34
Speed - 40
Strength - 35
Defense - 37
Evasiveness - 40
Dexterity - 24
Intelligence - 40
Skill - 32
Special Attacks: feuer kick, ice storm, moon beam, jade punch, chaos blast, chaos control
Abilities & Aptitude: good with...
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Sonic Fan Character Profil Creator


Name: Kyle Perry Waktini

Gender: Male
Birthday: October 30th
Age currently: 15
Age at beginning of story: 15
Age character appears to be: Around his age


Species: Human-Hylin Mask (Alien species) hybrid-turned-Mobian with pieces of his Human-Hylin Mask DNA left and traces of Nighless DNA

Primary Color (Main fur/skin): Yellow
Secondary Color (Mouth, chest, ect.): Pale (Muzzle), black (Extra tips on his quills and hair. Also various pelz patterns around on his body)

Eye-color: Red
Other Eye-details: Nothing worth noting

Does character have hair?: If Du count...
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posted by AceRider
Cove Krakatoa Infernus, oder Vile Cove Dragon, is a 45 Jahr old dragon that lived in East Dragon Raw. Before he became a victim of the Vile Virus and it consumed his entire being, Cove lived as a famous, superb, and noble warrior. He slayed over 1000 enemies on the field of battle, and saved lives of any bystander that was at the peke of peril. He was loved Von everyone on Dragon Raw, until it happened. A monster appeared at South Dragon Raw, seeking lives of innocents. The noble dragon made haste towards the island to slay the foul beast. As Cove was fighting the beast, it had scratched him with...
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Hi there, this is your friendly neighborhood Matt here.(Yes, I'm just a surprised as Du are.) Today I'm giving away some characters of mine, why? Mainly for two reasons:

#1. I never use them anymore and it would be ashamed to just let them rot to death.

#2. There is nothing Mehr I can do for these characters, I am WAY too busy to write there stories.(For those of Du who know me, I run a Youtube channel and a DA page which consumes my "creativity time".)

So yeah, I want to give away my characters. I already gave "Baffle Bobinski" to friz, so that just leaves the rest of them for the picking,...
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posted by ShadowFan100
Character Chart
Character's full name: Razor Rex
Reason oder meaning of name: Due to his powers--razor blades
Character's nickname: None
Reason for nickname: None
Birth date: The datum is unknown but the Jahr he was born is: 999997977 BC (No, seriously, I used a calculator to be sure I got this right)
Powers: Razor blades (meaning, he is able to form sharp razor blades from his bones, through his body to use as weapons to fight oder defend himself with)
Theme: None

Physical appearance
Age: 9,999,999,990 now (1,000,000,018 when he reawakens in Shock's last Saga. And again, I had to check to make sure his...
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posted by Dragonfruit44
Rose stared at Nat in disbelief. "What?!" She said. Nat sighed, " I've had these dreams lately, just suddenly coming to me. It was about me wondering into the woods and I kept hearing a voice. I followed it to this hole, where I was pushed in and while I was falling, I saw two dark figures looking down at me. One of them was your brother." They all stared, then Flare looked into the hole. It looked as if it was a bottomless pit. "Rose my brother is down there? Why would he go down there?" Nat got up and walked to the hole. " There's only one way to find out. We have to take our chances and...
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As I had feared, I saw Locke, trapped in a strange machine, and a dark version of something being formed on the opposite side of it. I remained hidden, my rage building and about to explode, when I felt something grab my shoulder. I quickly turned around to see Trisha, in a rosa and silver outfit similar to the one that Locke had been wearing, holding the laser blaster she had almost killled me with before. "What are you...?!" I asked angrily. "Keep your voice down!!" She demanded, "I figured Du would need some help from someone that actually knows what Illusionoid can do." "Thanks, but I...
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So as many know, Identities are composed two simple things, Nanites and Chaos Energy (Captain Obvious is I). The Nanites act as the body structure, while the chaos energy is… the energy, oder stamina if Du will.

I’ll be explaining some stuff (some meaning a lot) about the Nanites and chaos energy as they interact with each other, but it won’t be a Liste like I normally do, it will mostly be me just moving from topic to topic, as I segway from point to point.

So to start it off, what are the Nanites?

The Nanites are an almost metallic element which is twenty percent core energy, fifty percent...
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posted by lili11p
Name:Crescent Nickname:Cres, CC. Age:16 datum of Birth:December 17, 1912. Backstory:Crescent was the daughter of Rose and Micheal the Hedgehog. When she was 1 Jahr old her parents disowned her. She is now the current daughter of Topaz and Ross the Fox. When Crescent was 15, she was told that her parents had gegeben her up. Angry and upset, she ran out of the house. She was met up Von Amy Rose who had comforted her. Crescent's only mission in life now is to find her parents. Personality:Upbeat, Bubbly, Always confident. Clothes: Old:Blue tank top, white skirt, white boots. New: Dark green tank top,...
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posted by sparkyhedgehog
THE SON OF THE ROYAL FAMILY! behold, prince sparky! the royal preist excaimed.

should we tell him? the Queen whispered.
no.........replied the king...................


the baby..........why? the Queen sulked.

i don't know, dear...........the king sagte sternly.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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Noijam had never been abducted before, but he decided that it was different than how he would have done it.
His captors (apparently they had no name, oder no-one planned to tell him it until they actually got to the dungeon oder wherever he was going).
Noijam looked at their uniforms. They bared the mark of some state called Oxvelt. He guessed it was one of those experimental states that Nimea had to conquer after they got those silly ideas, such as liberty and independece from the Motherland. They were always like that.
In any case, even if it wasn't how he'd abduct someone, it was rather pleasant...
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posted by shadowxcreamftw
Crystal: oh these Blumen are wonderful Dash <3
Dash: but they're no where close to how beautiful Du are <3
Crystal: *giggles and then kisses him*
*as soon as that happens, suddenly Kazen enters and then a laud noise wakes Dash up from his dream*
Dash: *jumps up from the noise*
Yuki: whoops I may have opened the door to fast and forceful ^^;
Yogi: *followed Von Gant* Sorry for waking Du up Dash ^^; Anyway happy Valentine's day! Oh and Slick's out of jail finally! I kinda bailed him out xD
Dash: after a week? If Du were going to bail him out, why wait a week?
Gant: we had some complications....
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"Emily, Emily. Wake up!"Sonic sagte to Emily."What is it Sonic?" Emily said."I just want it to tell Du that it's x-mist!"Sonic sagte leaving. "Ok and?"Emily said."The presents are here Du stupid bíćh!"Sonic sagte leaving."Ok ok but Weiter time don't yell at me Du @$$hole!"Emily sagte to Sonic who who was leaving."Ok but Du should open your present." Sonic sagte leaving only for Shane to come in."Emily,get out of your room."Shane sagte in a sweet voice."Why should I!?" Emily said."Because your Schauspielen like your sister Jisseca." Shane sagte in a much Mehr sweeter voice(if Du know what I mean)"You...
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posted by SilverFanGirl
Team Gold is a Sonic Heroes Team that try to save Station Square from any evil lurking. They are a team of 30 oder more. Mossriver the Cat leading them all. She's most experienced and started Team Gold. Micks came second. Micks was Von her side for about 10 years. Mossriver had to outcast Micks, Lily, and Courage from the team for reasons that lead to:
Begging for Mehr missions
Begging to be Mehr up-ranked
Getting into trouble
Mossriver decided to make Spiritwater Sekunde in Command. Sekunde in Command would be like a deputy. When Mossriver dies oder quits, Spiritwater will take over the Team.
The Commands...
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{these fanfics were only good around easter cuz i had lots of Schokolade to eat and inspire me}

(this is in whispers point of view) i am so scared. i dont know where i am. mr. fluffy blue hair and captain darky knight brought me to a schloss but it isnt like the princess castles like in the stories big sissy arc told me. no way its a dump. its all black and red and dull icky. so captain darky knight brings me to a big dark thron room with a big stain shiney glass window with a pic of a broken in half black herz like the mantel of arms on their shields...
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posted by Skitty_Love
Name: Moka Purre'
Species: Cat (persian)
Age: 17
Nickname: Cool Cat
Color: Dark purple and magenta
She mainly believes in beauty, charm, looks, and attraction. I guess Du could say she is conceited. But that doesn't change the way she is very caring and acts as Kami's guardian. Very responsible.

Name: Kami
Species: Rabbit
Nickname: Bipolar Bunny
Color: Cream and light yellow
Strange and highly annoying, mainly because shes bipolar. Her idol is Moka and she is obsessed with Vlad. Has no parents.

Name: Winter Bride
Species: Not sure XD
Age: Not sure
Nickname: Woman in the mist
Color: Creamy misty color
Her beauty and wealth is admired Von all. Not much is known behind her.

Name: Koko
Species: Cat (Maine Coon)
Age: 15
Nickname: Choco cat
Color: Schokolade brown
Adopted and not very social. She can be timid but uses her powers as her main weapons.