Inuyasha Club
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added by soulfire524
posted by reyfan01
Kikyo may have been a kind soul, but she was also very quiet, and Du gotta admit she did seem kind of creepy. She felt like an outsider, and found a match with inuyasha. That's why they connected. Kagome is another story. She is bright, loud, optimistic, strong, fun and playful as well as scary. Now Kikyo is also strong but she's also a pessimist. The again I would be to if I was a walking dead woman who knew she had to go back. But still she seemed that way when she was alive, away from the village and children. Kagome always brought some spirit into Inuyasha and has gotten him to make friends...
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added by RAICAL
added by Shikon_Kiara
Now just so everyone know, I've only watched the shows. I've seen every movie and every episode of Inuyasha. But I haven't read the Manga so do not be upset with me if some of my thoughts are different.

I believe that Sesshomaru, at any point in time could have killed Inuyasha. Yes, their father did leave Tenseiga to Sesshomaru and Tetsusaiga to Inuyasha, making it futile for them to fight. But look at everything that happened.

In the early episodes, Sesshomaru used a human arm from Naraku and showed Inuyasha the Wind Scar. He could've easily just used the Wind Scar on Inuyasha.

The episode where...
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1:she's a zombie that stils souls from the dead
2:she took the half of the juwle(spelling)that Inuyasha had and gave it to naraku
3:she tried to take Inuyasha to hell with her wile(spelling)inuyasha was unconsie
4:she tried to kill kagome
5:she tried to kill inuyasha
6:in Inuyasha movie 1 she pushed kagome down the well telling here yet she is dead
7:she took half of kagome's soul
8:every time she falls off a cliff she somehow maneges to survive
9:she shot Inuyasha with an Arrow binding him to that tree
10:when ever she comes around Inuyasha always gose to see her wich resalts in her makeing kagome cry it's not inuyasha's falt if kikyo would have stayed dead kagome and inyasha woulden't have to cry all the time. and theres my ten resons for hateing kikyo.
added by TheDarkEmpire
added by RAICAL
added by RAICAL
added by geocen
Source: Facebook
added by geocen
Inu no Taishō's point of veiw

I can remember the Tag my first son was born, me and his mother now had such a handsome young man who would one Tag take my place. What shall we name him? She asked, I replied Sesshoumaru.
Although he barely ever saw me because he was always under his mother’s watch, I developed a Liebe for human beings while fighting them. Such creatures with their bravery and skill to dare to challenge me, without regret to die a foul death.
After the war, I came Home to see Sesshoumaru, A whole fifty years now. Squealing, joy, and happiness that I was finally home. How was...
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added by geocen
added by RAICAL
Inuyasha could barly walk with his leg burned like that. kagome helped inuyasha.

they all stared at the burned village. keida was just standing there. kagome and Inuyasha walked over to keida. there was no sign of anyone living at that village. they both stand Von keida. she walked vorwärts-, nach vorn and went to a hut. as a half demon she didnt have many Friends at the village. her mother was a powerful wolf demon and keida realy didnt know her that well. her father was a human villager who loved to help the villagers with there injuries. the night of that feuer was not long ago. she picked up some burned...
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added by fushigina97
added by InuQueen01
added by InuQueen01
added by InuQueen01