One Direction Club
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Niall’s eyes fluttered open the Weiter morning. He rolled over on his side to see that it was only 6am. He groaned and pulled them covers over him. He desperately tried to get some sleep but failed miserably. Something was keeping him up.

He climbed out of bed, yawning and outstretching his arms widely. He glided across the hall and pulled the handle on Carter’s door to find that it was still locked. Sighing, he sprinted downstairs and strolled into the kitchen. He searched in the cupboards for something suitable to eat, which in Niall’s case, was anything edible. He eventually decided on two slices of toast, scrambled egg and cereal, for starts.

Once he had devoured his feast, he checked his watch to see that it was now only 6:30am. Groaning, he decided to get dressed and go out for a walk.

The brisk morning air ran though Niall, causing him to shiver slightly. He yawned and shoved his hands in his pockets, waltzing down the vacant footpath. He hummed quietly to him while walking aimlessly around the town. As he neared the alleyway, he noticed a young man unconscious on the floor. Looking closely, he realised that the young man was Harry.

Niall raced over to him, bending down beside him. “Harry, what’s wrong?” he exclaimed, but received no response. Harry’s skin was pale, he had several cuts and bruises on his body and a large wound on his lower stomach. Niall searched for his phone in his pocket, but soon realised he had left it at home. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Harry’s phone on the ground. Picking it up, he gazed at the screen before dialling 911.

“Hang in there Haz, You’ll be okay.” Niall smiled at his old friend, feeling a wave of guilt wash over him. If he and the boys hadn’t blocked him out, maybe he wouldn’t be in this mess.

* * * * *

Carter gazed at her phone, staring at the blank screen before her. She had gotten no reply from Harry last night, which had left her heartbroken. It didn’t come as a surprise though, seeing as she took so long to tell him. But deep down, she felt that there was maybe another reason for him not replying.

She came out of her bedroom last night, which was a massive improvement according to the boys. She didn’t engage in much conversation with them, and completely ignored Liam, but hey, it was at start. She went up to bett quite early, and the boys soon followed. Harry wasn’t mentioned once last night, but he was on the mind of Carter continuously. Liam knew what she was thinking about, but he tried his best to stay off subject. Sometimes she smiled, but he knew fully-well that she was dying inside.

* * * * *

“Carter?” Louis quizzed from outside her bedroom door. “Yeah?” she replied groggily. “Do Du want breakfast?” he asked. “No thanks.” She responded. “Are Du sure? I mean, Du must be hungry!” Louis hesitated. “I’m fine Lou.” Carter rolled her eyes. Louis bit his lip before journeying downstairs. Liam was in his own little world in the kitchen, slaving away at the cooker. “What’s Carter having/” he questioned as Louis entered the room.

“She claims she’s not hungry.” Louis sighed. “When’s the last time you’ve seen her eat?” Zayn looked up from his phone. “I don’t know.” Liam put his head in his hands. “What am I going to do? I can’t go back to college with Carter Schauspielen like this! She’ll end up killing herself!” he chimed, running his hands through his hair. “Liam, it’s going to be okay. The nurse is going to be here in under an hour. Who knows? Maybe Carter is on the mend.” Zayn mused, patting his mate on the back. “I hope so. I just want my sister back.” A tear fell from Liam’s eye.

“You’ll get her back Liam, I know Du will!” Louis promised, grinning widely.

* * * * *

The doorbell echoed through the house, signalling that the nurse had arrived. Liam sailed down the hallway and opened the door, smiling widely at the nurse. “Ah, Mr Payne. How are Du today?” she greeted him kindly. “As good as I can be for now, you?” Liam responded. “Very good thank you. Now, where is Carter?” she inquired. “Upstairs. The first door on the right.” Liam retorted. “Perfect. Now, if Du don’t mind, I need to talk to Ms Payne in private. Then we’ll take the tests and see how her depression is.” The nurse stated. “Of course.” Liam nodded.

Smiling, the nurse headed up to Carter’s bedroom. Once inside, she noticed tears in the young girl’s eyes. Carter’s gaze soon met hers, and she wiped her tears away. “Hello Carter. “I’m Jenna.” The woman spoke in a kind tone. “Hi Jenna.” Carter forced a smile. “I’m here to talk to you, so, if Du don’t mind, I’m going to ask Du a few questions, okay?” Jenna tittered, earning a small nod off Carter. She sat herself across from her and glanced down at her clipboard.

“So Carter, what is your favourite thing to do?” Jenna quizzed. “Play football.” She retorted. “And when was the last time Du played?” the lady asked. Carter though for a moment. “About a Monat ago.” She replied. “That’s a very long time to be without something Du love, eh?” Jenna inquired. Carter nodded, looking at her feet.

“You’re mum and dad died not so long ago, am I right?” Jenna questioned. “Yeah.” Carter responded quietly. “You miss them, don’t you?” Jenna queried. Carter swallowed hard. “A lot.” Her eyes began to brim with tears. “Is there anything Du would say to them if they were with Du now?” she mused. “That I Liebe them and I’m sorry.” Carter whispered. “Why would Du need to apologize?” Jenna tilted her head. “Because of what I’ve become.” Carter said. “And what’s that?” Jenna knew this was finally going somewhere.

“A weak, spineless and pathetic failure that no one will ever love.”

“That’s not true dear. What about Liam?” Jenna frowned. “He doesn’t Liebe me. I’m a burden on him. I stop him from living his life because of my stupid depression.” Carter told her. “It’s not your fault Du have depression love. I’m sure he loves Du very much. He’s your big brother and cares about Du a lot.” She pointed out. Carter just shook her head, a tear cascading down her cheek.

“What makes Du upset Carter? To cause your depression?” Jenna asked. Carter paused, not knowing what to say. “Do Du get bullied in school?” Jenna quizzed. “I-I guess so.” She replied. “What do they do?” Jenna dug. “They beat me up, tell me how worthless I am and stuff like that. Harry tried to stop them but he’s not here anymore.” She spoke quietly. “Tell me Mehr about this boy Harry.” Jenna smiled.

“Well, Harry is just perfect. We’ve been best Friends for years. He’s got snow white skin complimented with kirsche red lips and a mop of curls on top. We went through a rough patch for a while, but he helped me through everything. He got me passed my amnesia and my depression began to improve. But now, he’s gone.” Carter burst into tears.

“Why isn’t he here anymore dear?” Jenna questioned. Carter wiped the tears out of her eyes and looked up. “Because Liam wont let me see him anymore.” She explained. “And why is that?” Jenna inquired. “Because Harry made some mistakes. But that happens to everyone, right? We all make mistakes.” Carter gazed at Jenna with pleading eyes, begging for her to understand. “Of course.” She smiled. Carter put her head in her hands.

“I’m just going to take some tests now, okay love?” Jenna chimed. “Okay.” Carter sniffed, cracking a tiny smile. Jenna nodded before standing up and rooting through her bag.

* * * * *

Liam tapped his foot impatiently as he, Zayn and Louis waited eagerly for the results of Carter’s tests. “What’s taking so long?” Liam finally snapped. “Relax Liam. The nurse is doing her job.” Zayn hushed. Liam took a deep breath. “Where’s Niall? he quizzed moments later. “I heard him get up at the crack of dawn this morning, and I haven’t heard from him since.” Louis shrugged. “That boy belongs in a mental home.” Zayn chuckled, earning a laugh off Louis. Liam joined in for a moment, but he was torn away Von his thoughts.

The stomping of feet down the staircase startled the boys, as the turn their heads in the direction of the noise. Jenna entered the room and smiled warmly at each of them. “How is she?” Liam asked immediately. Jenna bit her lip. “Her depression has multiplied. And she also has a case of anorexia.” She sighed. The boys gazed at each other in horror.

“Do Du know how she could be this upset?” Liam questioned. “Yes. There is this one boy who she kept mentioning. Harry, is it?” Jenna replied. Zayn nodded. “We don’t speak to him anymore.” Louis said. “Well, Du better think about getting back into contact with him before it’s too late. Carter needs him.” Jenna told them before picking up her stuff and heading out the door.

“What are we going to do boys?” Liam quizzed. Louis and Zayn shrugged. Louis and zayn shrugged, much too shocked to speak. “No wonder Carter hasn’t been eating recently.” Zayn muttered. Just then, Niall burst through the door.

“GUYS! GUYS! GUYS!” he screamed as he paced into the room.

“What’s wrong Niall?!” Louis queried. “H-Harry…. He’s… he’s…” Niall panted for breath. “Spit it out man!” Liam exclaimed. “Harry’s in hospital. He was stabbed last night.” Niall told them. The boys’ jaws dropped. “WHAT?!” they yelled in unison. “We have to tell Carter!” Niall tittered. “No, we can’t.” Liam spoke. “Why not?” Zayn quizzed. “Guys, Carter’s depression has gotten worse and she’s developing anorexia, all due to her loss of Harry. If we tell her this, and he ends up dying, she’ll get worse. She’ll soon forget about him guys, I know it. We need to think about her health first.” He told them. The boys nodded reluctantly.

“Don’t mention anything about Harry around her, okay?” Liam chimed, earning a nod of agreement off each of the boys.

Standing on the other side of the sitting room door, Carter gasped. She had just managed to overhear the whole conversation between Liam and the boys. Harry was in hospital?! Who cares about her health, what about Harry’s?! She needed to see him, to make sure he was okay. She grabbed her phone from the küche before running out the front door.

* * * * *

Scampering towards the receptionist, Carter gazed up and recognised the girl before her. “Carter love, we had your check-up this morning dear.” Jenna informed her. “I know, I’m here for my friend, Harry.” Carter told her. Jenna looked down at Carter, biting her lip in hesitance. After a few moments of silence, she spoke. “Come with me hun.”

Jenna led her though the hospital until they came to Harry’s room. Carter peered through the window and her eyes fell on the curly-haired boy lying lifelessly in the bed. She quickly pulled away and glanced at Jenna. “I can’t do this.” She said, shaking her head. “Yes Du can. Now, come on.” Jenna took Carter’s hand and led her into the room. “He should be awake soon love. I’ll be back later.” Jenna smiled. Carter nodded as Jenna left the room.

Carter shifted over near Harry’s bed. His chest rose up and down as he breathed deeply. He had several stitches under his eye, along with many other wounds. His pale skin was as white as a ghost, and his swollen lips were black and blue. “I’m so sorry Harry.” Carter whispered, letting a tear fall down her cheek. “This is all my fault.” She continued, as a few Mehr tears fell. She sat herself down on the sitz near the bett and put her head in her hands, bursting into tears.

* * * * *

“Pass the ball Harry!” Niall yelled at his curly-haired friend. Harry kicked the ball and passed it to Niall as Louis tried to tackle him. Zayn stayed in goals in case he got dirty in the muddy gras, grass while Liam blocked Niall. It was the week running up to Christmas, and the boys couldn’t wait for the event.

“If only Carter was here, then we would have even teams!” Louis chimed, heading the ball away from Niall. “Yeah, but she was really sick this morning. Mum and dad are thinking about bringing her to hospital.” Liam mused, firing the ball into the back of the net. “Is she okay?! Do Du want me to go in and check on her?!” Harry spoke in an utterly worried tone. “Nah. She’s asleep.” Liam replied. “Why do Du want to check on her anyways? Does Harry have a crush on Carter?” Zayn teased, chuckling loudly.

“No, it’s called caring. Plus, she’s my best friend and Von far the best football player around here. Well, except for me, that it.” Harry responded arrogantly. “Sure Harry, sure.” Niall laughed, earning a scowl of his best friend. The boys howled with laughter.

An ear-piercing shriek coming from Carter’s house erupted in the air, causing each of the boys to tear themselves away from the game and look up. There they saw smoke coming from the house, and a feuer brigade speeding down the street. They gazed at each other in horror before sprinting down towards the house. Many of the neighbours had gathered around the house as the firemen made their way inside.

“Have my mum and dad come out yet?!” Liam exclaimed, but no response followed. “Look!” a voice yelled. Liam looked towards the house to see both his mum and dad staggering out of the house. “Mum! Dad!” A smile spread across a young Liam’s face as he ran into their arms. He pulled away from their hug and before he knew it, his mum was on the floor, passed out. Paramedics rushed up to her, supplying her with an oxygen mask. “She’ll be fine son.” Liam’s dad patted him on the back. Liam’s head shot up suddenly.

“CARTER’S STILL INSIDE!” He yelled before dashing into the blazing house.

“Liam come back!” his dad called after him, running into the burning house also. Liam ran upstairs and burst into Carter’s room, seeing her sound asleep in her bed, smoke surrounding her as she breathed deeply. Liam took her in his arms and ran out of the room. “I have her!” he grinned at his dad, who was stood at the other end of the landing. A huge smile grew on his father’s lips, he was so proud of his son.

There was a loud cracking sound followed Von a gigantic bang. Liam shut his eyes and backed away, but when he re-opened them, his dad was gone. “Dad!” he yelled, but all he could see was the burning interior of his home. A fireman ran up to him. “Come with me son, we need to get Du out.” He told him., grabbed his arm and leading him through the house. “But my dad’s still in there!” Liam protested. “We’ll go back for him. We need Du and your sister out first.” The fireman tittered as he pulled Liam out the door.

Cheers came from the people outside and claps echoed in Liam’s ears. The paramedics took Carter out of his arms and laid her onto the floor. They put her on an oxygen mask and bent down beside her, regaining her pulse. It soon came back, and her eyes slowly opened. Harry and Zayn rushed over to her, while Louis and Niall aided to Liam.

“Carter, are Du okay?” Zayn asked in a worried tone. “W-What happened?” Carter coughed. “There was a fire. Liam saved you.” Harry explained. “A fire?! Where’s mum and dad?!” she screamed. Harry and Zayn looked at each other, and then at the house to see the firemen carrying out her Dad’s body on a stretcher, signalling he was dead. Carter followed their gaze.

“No, he’s not dead! Dad! DAD!” Carter shrieked, panting for breath and trying to run up to her father. The paramedic stopped her and laid her down. “Sweetie, I need Du to stay here and breathe, okay?” the paramedic hushed. “Boys, make sure she takes this.” She told Zayn and Harry, they nodded.

“Daddy! Du can’t leave me…”

Carter burst into tears, struggling in Harry and Zayn’s grasp. “Everything is going to be okay Carter, trust me.” Harry spoke in a soft tone, hugging his best friend tightly in his arms. Tears continued to fall freely from Carter’s eyes. Why her dad?

* * * * *

“Carter, Du and Liam are staying with us tonight, okay?” Harry’s mum, Anne, smiled. Carter nodded. “Is my mum going to be okay?” she asked as Liam picked her up in his arms. “I’m sure she will be dear.” Anna told the young girl. They walked to Harry’s house and went inside. “Do Du two want to watch TB for a little while?” Anna offered. Carter didn’t speak, she just nuzzled into Liam’s neck. “No, its okay. I think I’ll just take Carter up to bed. Thanks Anne.” Liam said. Anne nodded understandably as she watched Liam carry Carter upstairs and into the guest room.

They both got into bett and Carter soon began to cry again. As the older sibling, Liam knew he had to act strong. He pulled Carter towards him and hugged her tightly. “Why did this happen to us Liam?” she wept. “I don’t know Carter. But I know we’ll get through this, okay. Du and I just need to stick together.” Liam told her. Carter nodded along and Liam turned off the light, both of the soon falling asleep.

* * * * *

“You better go up to bett Harry. It’s been a long day.” Anna said. Harry nodded and kissed his mum goodnight before heading upstairs. He peered into the guest room to find Carter sitting on the bed, crying her eyes out. “Carter, are Du okay? Harry whispered, but he got no response. He tip-toed towards Carter and bent down beside her. Scooping her up in his arms, he carried the fragile girl into his bedroom.

“What are Du doing Harry?” Carter croaked as he placed her into his bed. “You can stay here tonight. I’ll sleep downstairs.” Harry told her, heading towards the door. “Wait!” Carter chimed. Harry faced the young girl with a look of Frage of his face.

“Will Du stay here with me? I don’t want to be alone.” Carter croaked.

Harry grinned and nodded, shutting his bedroom door and climbing into the bett beside her. She laid her head on his chest while he kissed her forehead. He rocked her back and forth slightly until her eyes became heavy and she fell asleep.

* * * * *

Harry’s eyes opened to find Carter at his bedside, sobbing quietly. “Carter?” he managed to mutter. Carter’s head shot up, he eyes instantly locking on Harry’s. “Harry! You’re okay!” she beamed. Harry let out a throaty chuckle. “It’s going to take a lot Mehr than Tom Larkin to keep me down.” He laughed. “Tom stabbed you?” Carter mused, letting out a small gasp. Harry nodded. “I’m so sorry Harry.” She began to cry once more.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Harry hushed. “This is all my fault. Du shouldn’t be in that hospital bed, I should. Tom was going to do this to me, but Liam wouldn’t let me out. I’m so sorry.” Carter wept. “Don’t Du think you’ve gone through enough Carter? What good would come of that? Du winding up in hospital again?” Harry frowned. “It’s better than it happening to you. I don’t want Du hurt.” Carter put her head in her hands. Harry sighed heavily.

“Come here babe, he pulled the covers up and patted the Weltraum beside him. “No, I’ll hurt you.” Carter shook her head, wiping her eyes. “It hurts Mehr not having Du beside me.” Harry smirked, winking at Carter. A small smiled cracked on Carter’s lips as she climbed into the bett beside Harry.

“You don’t know how much I’ve missed you.” Harry kissed Carter’s forehead. Carter gazed up at him and attached her lips to his.

If I lay here, if I just lay here. Would Du lay with me? And just forget the world…

* * * * *
 Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Made by: Vampire_Lover97
New part
Sorry It's a bit short....the Weiter one will be longer...promise.

“Like I sagte before; there isn’t anything to talk about. It’s over. Just Bewegen on.” I sagte still not turning to face him, because I felt like I’m going to cry. I don’t know why I just wanted to cry.
“Why won’t Du listen to me?” He asked sad.
“…because I don’t want to hear your voice again!” I yelled at him and run away. He just stood there like yesterday when I dumped him.

I waited for the other girls outside, but hidden so the boys wouldn’t find me. I waited for 10 min....
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 Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Sorry. I'm so sorry. This part is very drama! I hate drama and tragedy so it was hard to write this.
Lucy's POV

“Don’t Du think you’re a bit overreacting?” Bella asked.
“Maybe, but I want to know the true!” I sagte and drunk my coffee.
We shopped for 3 hours but we didn’t have much fun as we usually have. We were too busy thinking about the boys and their band. We had a very strange feeling Von that. It was like something told us to check that band.
We all arrived at my house. We’re going to have a sleepover at my.

“So let’s go to the laptop...
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 Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Made by: Vampire_Lover97
New <33

“Really?” She moved her hand to girls, “…and who are those girls?”
“Those are our girlfriends…” Harry sagte hugging Alisha.
“Oh my God, Harry got a girlfriend, the world is ending!” She joked.
“Very funny….I Liebe her.” Harry sagte and Alisha kissed him.
“How cute. So who is whose girlfriend?” Sofia asked.
“That’s Lucy and she’s mine, just my girl!” He sagte and kissed Lucy.
“Mine is Zara.” Zayn sagte smiling at her.
“Mine is Bella.” Niall sagte Küssen her neck.
“…and mine is Avery.” Liam sagte hugging me.
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 Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Made by: Vampire_Lover97
Here...New...God, I'm tired I need to post always Mehr oder my friend's going to kill me....<333

“I can’t believe Du kissed me.” He sagte Küssen me again, “Well, get used to that.” I sagte playing with his hair, “Can we get up now?” I smiled.
“Why? I like it here…” We laugh, “What if someone sees my butt?” His eyes widen and he jumped up together with me. I took his hand and we walked together into the party room.
“So are we now together?” I asked shy.
“Of course, babe” He kissed my hand and I blushed. We heard someone behind us telling “awww”....
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32-year-old Xtra Factor presenter and member of the beliebt boy band are still together, although there were rumors that they parted on the eve of Christmas.

Caroline, in fact, for a weekend visit to One Direction konzert held in London and is a very good time, the Daily Mirror. "She had a fantastic night and enjoyed seeing the band in action for the first time. At one point, her Harry nodded and winked, "said an unnamed source.

It should be sagte that a group of Fans wearing placards with insulting messages on her account, but the host is apparently not heed to it. It has been repeatedly defended this link, saying it was not matter if two people love: "Everyone talks only about the difference in years. What I do not understand are people who say that it's disgusting. I do not think so, "she sagte in an interview late last year.

What Do Du Think Is This Rumors oder Not?
Part 3: My destiny
Isabella's POV
6pm. In the cafeterian.
“How was your test, Hannah?” I asked
“I don’t know. Maybe It was terrible.” Hannah answered me without looking at me. She was busy texting.

I took the newspaper and catched a big headline: “ ONE DIRECTION – Hot new boyband from the X-factor” with a Foto of 5 boys.

“Is this your One direction?” I asked Hannah
“Yeah, they are too hottie, aren’t they?” She replied
“I think they are normal.” I scowled
“You’ve never listened to their songs. They are perfect. Once Du have listened to their lovely voices, Du must...
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Elena Tran was 15 aged and she lived with Mrs. Kim- her mother. Her parents were dicorced last month. Mrs. Kim was an stylist. She took part in an international competition and she was chosen for the new stylist of One Direction band. ...
* *

Part 1
Elena"s P.O.V:
A sunny day.
"Hurry up ! Elena, Elena " My mother shouted out loud.
"Coming , mommy, wait me for a few minutes!"
"Be quick! We're late! I don't want to miss the plane!"
Running at full speed, I gasp for breath:
"I'm here! "
My mother sighed with relief and held the suicase tightly:
"Come on, my darling! Did u say good...
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posted by CullenSisters-X
Girl I see it in your eyes you’re disappointed
‘Cause I’m the foolish one that Du anointed with your heart
I tore it apart
And girl what a mess I made upon your innocence
And no woman in the world deserves this
But here I am asking Du for one Mehr chance

Can we fall, one Mehr time?
Stop the tape and rewind
Oh and if Du walk away I know I’ll fade
‘Cause there is nobody else

It’s gotta be you
Only you
It’s gotta be you
Only you

Now girl I hear it in your voice and how it trembles
When Du speak to me I don’t resemble, who I was
You’ve almost had enough
And your actions speak louder than words...
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Tanya’s P.O.V:

It’s been 4 days since Mickie was knocked out Von Melissa, and she still hasn’t woken. Melissa must’ve hit her REALLY hard! Because she usually wakes up the very Weiter day. I decided to ask Melissa.

“Mel?” I whispered as I walked into her bedroom.
“Yeah?” she answered.
“I was just wondering how hard Du hit Mickie the other day?” I asked.
“I didn't hit Mickie, she collapsed.” She told me.
“Oh shit!” I roared.

“Tanya call the krankenwagen love!” my mom spoke with a tone of panic in her voice.
“Why mummy?” I questioned.
“It’s Mickie- she’s collapsed....
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*Knock Knock*

“I’ll get it.” I sagte whilst getting up off my bed.
“NO I WILL!” harry roared as she shoved me to the ground.
He flew downstairs and I soon followed him. He opened the door to find zayn and Amanda grinning at us.
“Oh it’s only Du two.” Harry grunted and stormed back upstairs.
“I think he thought it was Kate.” I told them.
“Ahhh now I get it!” zayn laughed.
“Come on in guys.” I stood back and let them step in.

They removed their coats and went up the stairs. Greg strolled out of his room and greeted both of them before heading down to me.

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“uh hi niall.” She sagte shyly.
She had taken her make-up off and her black eye looked really sore.
“hi Mickie.” I sagte quietly as I sat down beside her.

Mickie’s P.O.V:

I had forgotten niall was coming over. I look like shit!

“I’m really sorry for leaving Du like that today. Kate needed my help.” I apologized.
“ah that’s ok. What were we about to to when we were interrupted again?” niall winked.
“oh Du cheeky bastard!” I laughed.
“I guess you’re going to have to teach me a lesson.” He smirked.

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped open.
Niall grabbed me and pulled...
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Tanya’s P.O.V:

The little hündin snuck out! She’s such an ungrateful brat.
“Close the cellar door.” Melissa ordered.

I walked over to the cellar door and saw that Mickie was lying in a pool of her own blood. Serves her right.
“Jesus Mel! How hard did Du hit her?” i asked.

“The usual. Why?” she asked.
“She’s bleeding badly. I think she may need stitches.” I told her.

“Oh shit really?” Emma asked. I nodded.
“No problem. There’s some paper stitches in the press from the last time.

Andrea went to the press, got the stitches and handed them to Melissa. Melissa wiped...
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we were just coming up to the house ,
and the front dor was open ? Hmm
Strangee ...

We Walk on in anyways , Hello ??
were in here .... heheheh ..

Maria : Heey Guys ;) S'craaaaaaaik ??

Me : Maria are Du drunk ? And why are Du sitting on someboys knee ??

Maria : mabey Possilby i am !! I am sitting on LIAMS knee cause he is my wonderful BOYFRIEND :D

ME : Oh ok , now wheres Niamh ..... And Niall ??

Maria : There went outside with the ipod and speaker half on Stunde Vor oder so :)


Me : Harry your gunnah toss something be care... oh he didnt :O thats...
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posted by xMrsNiallHoranx

1.How do Du feel about being voted One Direction FOTM?

xMrsNiallHoranx: I feel shocked, I though a lot Mehr people deserved this SO much Mehr than me!

2.Who is your favourite member? Why?

xMrsNiallHoranx: Niall James Horan:) why? Here’s why:

I am a ✔verified niall horan lover! he is AMAZING!
his big blue eyes that sparkle whenever i see him
his dirty blonde hair! (which he changes ALL the time!)
his laugh!(which u can hear ALL the time!)
his smile that lights up the my world:D
his personality which is also AMAZING!
his talents (the Liste of them is ENDLESS!)
his fit body!
his accent!...
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Niamh … Sarah ... hurry up and get down them stairs we have to leave in 10 mins and all your Friends are here to say bye to yous! Yes mum were coming... went we went down stairs me and sarah kind of teilt, split up in to are friend groups , even though we were twins we had different Friends !
The 10 mins flew and it was finally time to say bye  I couldn’t keep the tears back anymore. The I started everyone crying. We left the house with tear stained cheeks. once we left my straße I put my headphones in my ears and listened to Musik , And soon fell asleep !!
I awoke to the sound...
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posted by xMrsNiallHoranx
one direction summer of 69

I got my first real six-string
Bought it at the five-and-dime
Played 'til my fingers bled
It was summer of '69

Me and some guys from school
Had a Band and we tried real hard
Jimmy quit and Jody got married
I should of known we'd never get far

Oh when I look back now
That was seems to last forever
And if I had the choice
Ya - I'd always wanna be there
Those were the best days of my life


Ain't no use in complaining'
When Du got a job to do
Spent my evenings down at the drive in
And that's when I met you

Standing on a mama's porch
You told me that you'd wait forever
Oh and when...
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posted by xMrsNiallHoranx
one direction all Du need is Liebe

Love, Love, Love.
Love, Love, Love.
Love, Love, Love.
There's nothing Du can do that can't be done.
Nothing Du can sing that can't be sung.
Nothing Du can say but Du can learn how to play the game.
It's easy.
Nothing Du can make that can't be made.
No one Du can save that can't be saved.
Nothing Du can do but Du can learn how to be Du in time.
It's easy.
All Du need is love.
All Du need is love.
All Du need is love, love.
Liebe is all Du need.
nothing Du can know that isn't known.
Nothing Du can see that isn't shown.
Nowhere Du can be that isn't where you're meant to be.
It's easy.
all Du need is Liebe (All together, now!)
All Du need is Liebe (Everybody!)
All Du need is love, love.
Global Merchandising Services signs firm as licensee for the X-Factor finalists.

Following their appearance at the sell-out X-Factor arena tour around the UK this spring, Vivid is planning to immortalise the five teenagers as collector Puppen in time for Christmas.

The Vivid team is working towards a Q4 retail launch and is already projecting sales in excess of 250,000 units in the first year.

The One Direction Puppen add to Vivid's catalogue of licensed dolls, which include Justin Bieber, JLS and Take That.

“We know that One Direction are without doubt the Weiter big thing on the UK boy-band scene...
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Here's what Du could have won...
gepostet by: 3am13/12/10
08:55 am
x factor,One Direction,stop, look, listen,oh no, it's another X Factor story.
Although we’re pretty pleased that Matt Cardle won The X Factor – as is he, with all the pussy he’s going to get – listening to what would have been the new One Direction single is a bit sad. We can still see their disappointed little faces now.

It took about three Minuten for the boys’ cover of Forever Young to get leaked onto YouTube, and it’s already racked up 40,000 hits. And although it may cost us our straße cred (it’s fine, we’ve got loads of it anyway, innit bruv), we quite like it.

What do Du lot reckon?

listen to it here: link
posted by johncenaw85oi
Is there only One Direction for G-A-Y?The promoter of Britain's biggest gay club night has caused controversy Von suggesting young female Fans would not be welcome at a performance Von X Factor boy band One Direction

Visitors to London's gay district, Soho, may have been surprised on Saturday to see the streets thronging with hordes of young teenage girls. They were there not to sample the gay tourism oder tuck into an exuberant plate of Chinese food, but with the heart-racing hope of obtaining a G-A-Y wristband to see boy band sensation One Direction.

Jeremy Joseph, the promoter of Britain's biggest...
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