Total Drama Island Club
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Hello, this is my first time making a review series. In this series I'll be reviewing my thoughts on certain characters. I'll consider requests any time.Today I will cover one of the most entertaining character I've came across. I have some strong opinions about her. Von the way spoilers alert. For people who don't know where the character is from Du can decide if Du are interested in hearing others thoughts before getting interested oder Du can go back and watch the movie/series before reading.I am going to tell Du my grading on personality,development, and insgesamt what I thought of the character. At the end I will tell Du what the score was and what groups or/and stereo-types she/he fits into. Another thing that I'll mention is what my insgesamt thoughts are on Personality,Development, and my insgesamt ending thoughts on the character. At the end of reviewing the different breakdowns I will put it all together which will summarize my thoughts. I'm a personal Fan of her character but I have mixed feelings about her too. I got to admit she's really entertaining and it's almost impossible not to have a strong opinion about her character. Just like everything there's something that irks me about her character, So expect some parts where I'll go on rants oder just try to defend her. Same goes for any other characters that I review. I'll be judging Von the classical 10 out of 10. Here's the score for each:

10,love/adore it, I thought it was almost/is flawless!

9, I really liked it but there's small things that I'll like to change about it

8,I really liked it but I do have some problems with it.

7,I like it but, why I liked it is basically guilty pleasure oder I just wished that some parts of it could have been better.

6,It was insgesamt okay, I have some really mixed feelings about it but insgesamt I enjoyed it a little bit.

5,It's okay I guess there are things that really irks me but there's somethings that really saved it Von my dislike/hate.

4,Ugh this is so close to my hate, There are things that save it through no matter how miner they might have been. I still didn't enjoy it.

3,I hate this piece of trash, luck fully the problems with it wasn't big.

2,I hate this...What the hack is this anyway? This has so many problems that I could make a SA on it.

1,This is ONE the worst thing I ever had to sit through!

Let's get started with the Artikel after these short rules:

1.No bashing
2.If Du have any disagreement please Von free to say so but be sure that I'll go out of my way to defend my opinion so please don't think I am being mean when I respond to comment.
3.Please, double check what Du read oder just be careful on what Du write.(That's especially is something I have to do myself)


Perfectionist: She often struggles with loosing oder failing this was shown many times with her development the most. everyone that probably clicked on this knows that Courtney doesn't take loosing nicely. Due to her Competitive nature, her Pride and Perfectionist side.She hates loosing and is very upset when she does so. Often taking it out on other people along with herself. She doesn't only seem upset but also very mad. Which is very interesting. Cause most of time with her stereo-type they just get upset with themselves. Why I find this interesting is because her being a mysterious character we aren't sagte much about her instead of what they have us work with. So, ya Mehr head cannons I'm too embarrassed with the stupidity of it to tell anyone.Anyway, I really do think this is one of my Favorit personality traits in a character and one I have in myself. Even through this personality trait is shown way too much even through it's fun seeing her character struggle. This also builds up most of her development along with some of her other traits. I guess that's a little nitpicking there. So let's just let that go for now.

Competitive: If Du don't know Courtney let me say something.She's overly flawed and is insgesamt a antagonist so if Du hate theses types Du will not like her. I know It's a little late to tell Du that, But it wasn't like it was at the end of the article. Anyway her competitive nature is what makes her the most unlikable to most. She usually has that one trait ruins her character for most. And yeah this trait is the one that totally breaks her character for most. Her actions caused Von this trait is usually "jerkish". Like most TD character she seems like she acts out of character oder that her character is bad in general. Her actions are usually small insults,cheating or/and Duncan and Courtney betraying each other Constantly.Yes, I say each other. Wait, I'm not talking about that so I'll be Mehr then happy to leave that aside for now at least. These characters also use each other to get farther in the game. So basically most antagonistic characters does mean stuff as part of the game. Courtney is most certainly one of them. Even through I see how this can ruin her character. It doesn't really, she is a hard worker and like I mentioned before she is a perfectionist so most of the time she doesn't take loosing nicely. She's also Mehr determined then most characters too. I know she can seem like she'll do anything to win that isn't true in "muddy sundae" she voted herself off so she could make Gwen her friend again. She oblivious wouldn't do anything to win she has her limits thin limits but she still has some. She'll betray and use Duncan she will also scare people to give her the money, but she wouldn't kill Du or/and hurt people mentally without feeling bad and not making up for it.(Not very effectively) She mostly does stuff like the weak insults, scaring oder making threats to people but not go through with what she said, using people who hates her guts, Etc. Again the line is thin but it was proven that she wouldn't actually kill oder hurt a person that she cares about. To be honest I think it does ruin her character but she still has limits as thin as they are it doesn't make her villainous (almost does through) oder a marry-sue since most of the time she's called wrong for it. I think this is the trait I hate most about her but it isn't enough to get me to even feel disliking towards her enough to kick her off. I mean yes I do feel hate towards this trait as it makes her seem like a really bad person. But, it isn't like she doesn't have any limits if she did I would kick her off this Liste and count her as a villain. So, Does this ruin her character not really, It's most certainly a character trait of hers that I dislike. It isn't enough to break her for me.I don't think her limits are thin enough to be called villainous .The trait makes her seems like a anti-hero oder a antagonist.

Caring: Ha ha, I know that the last trait would make Du totally think this trait doesn't exist in her character. Believe it oder not it actually does. She has been shown many times to be. It just seems hard to notice all of her actions to point to it. She makes a anti-burn medicine for Gwen, Saves Izzy from drowning, Checks if Duncan is okay countless of times throughout the sires,Etc.Basically TD toke great pains to make this trait into her character. I know to take in count her competitive side. And for the rare times when it does interfere with it. Like for example when she threaten to break some Bones for money. Obviously that doesn't sound like a caring person. Like I sagte before when she makes a threat she doesn't go through with it. A great example for this truth would be When Courtney threatened Duncan if he would betray her for Gwen it wouldn't be pretty.But, instead of doing what she sagte she just cried about it and made bad revenge plots to Gwen. Of course Duncan didn't mind cause that's a kind of douche he's. I wonder if she expected Duncan to do so.She might have it is quiet easy to notice that these two hate each other and constantly betray each other in a Forum of hatred. To be honest I have no idea why they got together in the first place but I'll give them credit for being a realistic and interesting couple.And Like I sagte before Courtney did seem to care about if he gets hurt. If it's not Von her of course. I know there are the rare times when it seems like it is the complete opposite but the Zeigen goes out of it way to Zeigen us the opposite and does it constantly. I'm going with that just a heads up for most of you. That it's most differently shown Mehr often
also is shown Mehr fitting towards her character. So, I think I'm going with that choice. Even through she's kinda of half.

Short-Tempered/aggressive side: I will admit that most of her traits are too many negative traits. In a sense she does have a unique personality and one that really stands out as a whole. It seems to be just there to justify why she's so wrapped up on winning and why her actions are antagonistic. It really doesn't do anything Mehr then just that. I guess that is okay as long as they don't over do it. Cause if they did it would feel out of character. Especially if Du do that with the competitive side which they have done a few times. Du know since they go out of their way to Zeigen the opposite why that will be out of character. Putting that behind the writers do this flaw okay it isn't effecting my opinion about her yet. And it's probably the least memorable out of all of the flaws. Again how it's shown seems to be just okay for now. This is actually when most of the humor comes from.(When it comes to her character at least.) Like for example in this scene when Courtney, gets angry and starts destroys the fake set.Or every time she hit Duncan in the no,no zone .(by the way same) It was all cast Von her short-tamper/aggressiveness. I really won't call her cruel for hitting Duncan if Du have parents Du should know
why I sagte same. I have been trained to handle stuff like that. That way since I'm supposed to hit the guy when a guy gets to close oder tries a pick-up lines. Even through it was a joke. I think the reason why TD had her done it is because they were just taking it and over exaggerating the term for humor. So I wouldn't exactly call it being cruel true it wasn't nice. But I think it's purpose and how it's justify is good enough to not call it a cruel/mean-spirited moment oder call the character that. It's just there to bring some humor and it isn't supposed to be taking seriously Von any means. I also don't think we should go the poor Duncan route since in a lot of respects her deserved. before oder after the cheat. So I don't feel that comfortable when people say Courtney is so cruel poor Duncan he deserves better.

1.Duncan changed her into that person yes it wasn't only development doing the work.If Du pad attention Du can see him encouraging her to do stuff like stealing oder cheating. Even through I know what he was trying to do. And I'm not going to subtract oder add points because of that.(same goes for Courtney Von the way) I still think it's wrong to change people into monsters so in some respect he did deserve it.

2.They both were equally bad to each other. Yeah shame on Courtney for hitting him in the no,no zone when he tried to flirt with her.Also shame on her for betraying him so many times. When Duncan betrayed her many times as well and also hurt-ed her a lot Mehr mentally.

3. He did stuff like "dork fishing". Just because it was fun and it gave him a good laugh. So for the people who sagte Courtney is evil for doing sample miner things as part of the game oder the rare times she actually done anything major. May I bring up this point she never went too far with it. And did suffer for majority of the bad stuff she did.There were even points when Courtney tried to make up for it oder the Zeigen made her out of character in the episode. (most of the time she was Schauspielen the opposite all season). So no,Courtney may have been a brat at some points of TD but,she wasn't any where near as bad as Duncan. Who is willing to feed a dork to a hai just for the fun of it. While let's see what's the worst thing Courtney had ever done made a threat that she will let four boys break their Bones if they didn't give her a million dollars . Yes,I sagte "break bones", Because looking what kind of stuff they can live through and barely get hurt I think it's appropriate to say at most they will break a couple of bones. I mean if Du life depended on it wouldn't Du give her the money. And besides we all know how many times she made a threat and never went through with it oder knew something wouldn't happen. (I know that Duncan did rarely do major stuff too, but his major and small stuff were as bigger sometimes even a lot bigger then what Courtney did)

Through all of that is poor Duncan still in your mind? Look I respect those opinions. But,keep in mind that most of the time he did stuff as bad oder sometimes up and beyond what Courtney did. To be honest I wasn't even done naming all of the reasons why I think he deserved it but, for now let's put that aside I'm not supposed to be talking so much about DxC. Even through people probably already know that I dislike them as a couple. Wait I wasn't, this is the majority of this flaw shows up when Courtney and Duncan are communicating in some ways.

Independent: I think it was mentioned in TDA that she was betrayed Von her friend. She sagte that it was the time when she realized that she had to do it herself. Isn't that interesting to know? I know it was tend to make her look like a bad person. They really try to play it out that way too is how I can tell. That's some Essen for thought isn't it? I wanted to start out with this fact cause I thought it would be appropriate to start off with the story on why. I actually find it very interesting and another thing to add to my head cannons list. Anyway I should probably Bewegen on. Her actions are very varied in this subject. She at first didn't really care about any relationships. She was just there for the money near the same thing as me being at school to be educated not to improve on my social skills oder to make friends. Even through I know a lot of people think either she's a perfectly complex Angel – Jäger der Finsternis oder she's a heartless,bland robot. I've always got quiet annoyed Von both sides cause neither are really true. She isn't bland at all and she's defiantly isn't an angel. Let me tell Du something I'm not a big Fan of protagonist most of the time. I really prefer antagonist,Villains oder anti-heroes over them any day. Will, most of the time anyway. The main reason for this is because they are very flawed and are characters I usually like to talk about cause they are less innocent and a lot Mehr interesting/complex. That's the main reason why I prefer Courtney over Gwen.

Genius:She has been Wird angezeigt this side Mehr near the book smarts. Which is the only type of "smarts" people take in to call Du smart.(When it comes to the public at least.) She has shown this many times throughout the series. Most of it was shown in TDWT and TDA. She often makes plans that she uses against other people to win oder get ahead in the game.Oh, yeah there's something that really bugged me in the past. Everyone always sagte that "Noah is smarter then Courtney cause he won the class president over her.". Where did Du learn school either one of them go to? Let alone knowing that they go to the same school. Even putting that aside Courtney could have been the smartest girl in school and still lose because of popularity. Cause that's who usually wins I'm sure they were want a cynical gamer over a bossy perfectionist. Even through that wouldn't be my choice this is the public we are talking about so I'm sure they will think. Besides there isn't going to be a way that Du could tell oder anything. I guess I'm picking Courtney since well, I don't know I think both are equally smart. With this out of the way. I can live my life peacefully now.

Bossy: Yes another flaw. This has to be my least Favorit flaw of hers. Perfectionist is in fact my favorite, Short-Tempered/aggressive side is fun,Determined is another one I like, and Competitive isn't a flaw I like out of hers but it's okay, I mean I like it a little. Since believe it oder not I can use it to save her character. But Bossy is just a bad flaw of hers all around.Is it needed at all? Nope, just to make her seem like a jerk. It isn't like we needed another flaw on her character I think we have Mehr then enough. Does it improve her character at all? Nah, It does the opposite actually it was meant to at the start anyway. And like I sagte this makes her seem like a douche just please do some development to erase this flaw PLEASE! Does it make her Mehr likable? What do Du think? Yeah see the main problem it does nothing but make her character seems even worse. Like most of the flaws this does stick to her character pretty good. But, that isn't enough to save it. To think I almost forgot about this! Even through this isn't going to be called a good trait because of the bad focus and what the attention is supposed to be on. And like I sagte the attention is just Courtney being a douche and nothing else. (Wow, I'm not living up to my user name am I.)
This isn't something I'll want to see. And I don't know anyone who likes this trait especially on her character.Which I'll repeat again "It does nothing but to make her character seem even worse". No way is that a "GOOD THING"! Yeah, I'm going to do a rant here, Cause why not. I really can't say anything good about it to save it.If I could trust me I would deferentially do that.

Hardworking: Courtney is very,very,very,very hard working. In fact some use this as a defense to most. In fact Von this trait most Courtney Fans say it's a redemption for her character. Even through I must admit I don't exactly agree on that. This trait can be used as a pretty bad defense yeah a Saw worked very hard on killing people with his traps Du know what this is exactly what I'm going to use in court to defend his horrid actions of KILLING! Not that I hate this trait in general oder how it's used on her character. What I hate is how people are using it. Want to defend her actions with this one trait let me tell Du something DON'T DO IT! It's a stupid idea from the start. Leave it BE!! Even through I still respect defenders of hers just like myself. Let me tell Du something, It is very annoying when Du try to defend all of her actions at once Von just saying she's a hard worker. Even through there's a lot of people smart enough not to use it as a defense. For the people who do I want to make this strait. No matter how hard Du try Du cannot try to defend everything wrong about her character that people pointed out this way Von any amount of effort. Cause the results are all going to be the same. To be honest I do make the mistake of making myself look stupid a quiet of few times. So I can completely know how horrible it feels and the many ways Du can do such a thing. And one the ways for sure is not looking at the other side of the story. It's important to do this so what your side doesn't look shallow or/and one-sided. Believe it oder not this is one of the ones that I knew Von heart. The thing that made me look stupid in the first place. It's usually my poor Lesen skills that makes me look stupid in most cases. But, that really doesn't matter. The trait itself isn't really anything that matters. She's a hard worker, what's there to talk about in this subject?So, I guess me getting off to my world when I complain about anything and anytime was really useful oder else Du guys would had nothing to read.

insgesamt thoughts on her personality. I think her personality is very well done. It perfectly fits with every parts of her character. It's unique and has a great sense of order. Even through there's one trait I can't stand it's insgesamt flawless in my opinion. Even through I can't really shake this feeling that I'm missing of traits of hers. Anyway she has a clear personality that's easily the most entertaining thing about her and is done shockingly well. Especially how much each and every trait shows amazingly well is just awesome. And again it's unique and separates her from her stereo-type. Her personality is usually the main complaint about her character so I'm happy I got that through. There was a trait that bothered me but insgesamt the others I enjoyed greatly and found it fun to watch. This really took me a long time to explain every subject that I wanted to talk about and thanks for sitting there patiently and reading!:D


Total drama Island: I find this part a little underrated. A lot of TD Fans sagte it was a bad part of her character and that's the worst part of her character. Besides, TDI wasn't the season when people complained about it in fact there are a lot of people who liked her development here. It gave us little to no development in this season. The only development she got revolved around Duncan. Not saying that's a bad thing it's just something that doesn't make her seem like a insgesamt great character with a lot of struggles. I'll admit through that this was probably one of the best seasons of development for her through. I shouldn't expect so much development on a character that's just starting out. So I guess her development is just fine here. Besides this is the season when they focused the least on Courtney. She did seem her blandest on this season. There was nothing really memorable about her here. She wasn't exactly bland on this season it's just because the other seasons force on her so much that she doesn't really feel like herself here. Let's just forgive that through. It doesn't really effect anything anyway. She still does have some really great development in this season. A lot of people I know claim that she is in her shinning glory here and that they prefer. And I must admit this is the season when she's at her most likable. Even through I do think that I won't say this is my Favorit of hers. For development she did have a really good start. She was learning about the real world. I know she might sounds like a brat right now, But in my opinion it wasn't really betrayed that way. They did have her seem pretty nice and concentrate in this season for the majority of the time so I don't think they really tried to make her seem like a brat she just wasn't really assured of it. Neither did Lindsay oder she was but she's just one of those people who are obliviously dumb.I am going with the ladder I guess.

Total drama action: Now this is the season, people just hate to death Courtney related oder not.I guess I Should just talk about Courtney in this season since I was suppose to talk about Courtney in general. In this season she wasn't her best but, I wouldn't say that she was at her worst either. I'll like to praise this for something through so..Yeah..3...2...1. This did really fit in with the first because when we left off she just learned what the real world is like with that being on her mind along with her boyfriend cheating her. So, I can see her in a pretty bad mood along with her attitude. Not really surprising in my opinion. It was built up and if Du paid attention close enough it really does make a lot of sense. And isn't betrayed as bad as Du think it's. The hints are mostly in her development Du can find the clues. Actually Du can find pretty much all of the Antwort there too. This side of her didn't just come out of no where it was established pretty well. Want prof? Okay, In "Basic String" she was unfairly voted off, So she decided that she needs to be on higher ground and try to be Mehr careful. Von this she considers to be a lot Mehr competitive and gets rude and upset when she has Lost in a challenge. Instead of just getting upset at herself. Also Duncan was the one to caused it. Making her have a lot less trust him and start doubting what she thought before. Of course I could be all wrong about this, It's just little head cannons that I made up. Because I have way too much free time on my hands. Von the way I have some more. "Phobia Factor" had the best development from her character. And like always Courtney's made her even worse then what she started out with. Du are probably disagreeing with this but, she is competitive and on oben, nach oben of that she's a perfectionist. So losing isn't something she takes nicely.And in the Weiter season we see her a lot Mehr competitive and is taking it harder on her and many other people instead of just crying about it and makes her seem Mehr bossy and competitive. I really do think that development made her a lot worse then what she was. Now, this isn't a bad thing at all I think it fits in. Besides was she really that much flawed in TDI. So I'll say it was for great reasons. Plus it's pretty believable looking at my point of view but, again I could be completely wrong since this is a head cannon. Okay,Lets just stop with the head cannons for now and Bewegen on. This season does has it's fair share of bad development issues too. One of them has to be the current relationship of Courtney and Duncan who abuse each other and just takes turns hurting each other in either a mental oder physical way.That was the only one that wasn't really anything anyone wanted to see and seems out of character for both of them. I guess Courtney grew a little bit of lack of trust for him but, that wouldn't be enough to explain. I hate the way they just holds on how Courtney making him suffer. While the times he did that to her the writers just gives him a free pass. It annoys the hack out of me and something I just can't stand how easy they take it on Duncan and how harshly they take it on Courtney who did almost the exact same thing. *clears throat* Anyway most of her development here is mostly betraying her in a bad light. That isn't a bad thing though oder as bad as most people are putting it in.Like I sagte before this didn't just come out of no where. It's kinda of hard to say oder to put in words how Courtney's development was during TDA. Since she was gone for the most part. Because we have to make room for suffering from everyone. Cause, Du know that's very,very fun to watch.(sarcasm) I know the tittle is" total drama" and all but, that doesn't mean we think it's fun and not mean-spirited at all to see all of this pain from the oben, nach oben THREE most loved TD characters of ALL TIME. Yeah, no wonder this is everyone's least Favorit season.

Total drama world tour:This is definitely my Favorit season out of her. This season pretty much forced on the Liebe dreieck between GxDxC. Which sucked and wasn't really well-rounded on focus. To be honest I really hated GwenxDuncan in this season. Von the way I'm not a big Fan of DxG either but, I'm not making this Artikel to review the couples. Courtney in this season was annoying at some parts but, I will give her a pass since it was kinda of fun seeing her going insane. She showed that she was hurt a lot Von Gwen's and Duncan's betrayal. Which is very interesting sense since a lot of people has been saying the complete opposite. "She doesn't value Gwen's friendship"...."She only likes Duncan so she can get farther in the game". Guess, that might be true but, the kanone doesn't exactly say that through. Since she practically going insane all over the betrayal. I don't think that I agree fully either. She only wanted revenge on Gwen and left Duncan alone with it being mostly his fault. Why she probably just forced on Gwen is probably because she was a lot Mehr hurt Von hers then Duncan's.I don't think Duncan betraying her effected anything through since she and Duncan constantly betray each other. It wouldn't surprise me if she didn't care that he did and with Gwen it would be a different story since these two just got friends. About Courtney not caring about Gwen's friendship I don't agree with that since in TDAS it was proved Von her making it up right away Von voting herself off. Wird angezeigt that she did value their friendship over money. Just not over boys, but to be fair it isn't like Gwen was any different and to think I really liked their friendship at first. When it first started it seemed very sweet. Courtney and Gwen showed a very sweet bound with each other. They both seemed to be in their best behavior during the start. I'm quiet ashamed that the writers even thought of the stupid Liebe triangle. It's very hard not talking about it since that is the main focus of the season. Nothing else is presented but, the new characters. Which I'm also not a big Fan of. The things they don't focus on. Actually is done better. Like the humor, our old antagonists, the side characters, and the Animation was actually the best so far comparing it to the other seasons. Why did they think of focusing on the bad stuff and completely shunning the parts that made it so popular. Her development from this was excellent. It showed her reactions to betrayal made Von someone that she isn't used to being so hated Von a friend compared to a relationship when they are used to it and hate each other. That was really interesting. Plus the development on how much sweeter she's during a friendship. This would have been great if Du didn't try to make her seem too much like a villain, not treating Gwen like she's the one suffering and Schauspielen like Courtney is the one who deserves what she's getting. The idea is very interesting and complex it makes Courtney seem very complex and interesting. Why did they ruin it Von making Duncan come back to start off some Mehr drama. We could have made them have some drama Von just having someone trying to break them up. Because they found their healthy friendship a problem. That someone could have been three people. Why not one of them? What is so important about the Liebe dreieck that they had to remove anything that was beliebt about the show? It's probably just me wishing this through.

Total drama all stars: Wow, she was out of character in all the wrong ways. After her best season too. Even through this was my least Favorit season out of hers I still liked her character up until episode 11. Where they just ruined her redemption we were promised. Wait, let me reword that Ed ruined her redemption. Now let me point out this isn't as bad as it seems if Du look at it from a different view point.One of them is that this in a way proves that Courtney did have a lot Mehr of a herz then most people think. Look on the bright side of it proved that she valued/ learned to value friendship over money. Cause she did seem to feel bad on what she has done and she did prove that she'll vote herself off to stay Friends with Gwen. Even through she still wouldn't put Gwen over her Liebe life. But same with Gwen those two would easily put each other against their Liebe life but, not money. (That's one of the reasons why I found it out of character of for her to hurt someone so badly for money.) Even through I'll admit I hate their friendship just like the Weiter person they do have a little care for each other. I also want Du to take in account that most of our most mean-spirited moments usually was caused/ oder is Von one of them. Which is interesting since these two seem like good person inside. Even through Courtney isn't exactly the type of character I'll call nice she does have good points in her personality. And Gwen is a nice person but sometimes has an urge to do cruel things for revenge. This is also positive when it comes to the Schreiben itself as mad as it made us they did explain everything. Besides the characters were already out of character from the start. It wasn't like this was the first of the season she was out of character. This did play her better then the others that made her a lot worse at making her a Mehr of a likable character. Like for example at "Moon madness" She sagte "No, If I was her I'll be one step closer to the million dollars and she'll be deer food". That felt a lot worse and I thought that alone would had ruined her redemption. I mean her redemption was ruined from the start. Her personality was even off, I wasn't even the first person to complain about it either:

Face it, this season was her worse but, let's give them credit for at least trying to redeem her character.

insgesamt thoughts on Development: Doesn't mean someone develops to a even worse person doesn't mean that's strait out a bad development. The events that she went through are the types of events that would make Du like that. And how she reacts to it is in character for her. It's very realistic for how she reacts to it and how it makes her even worse of a person. And some of her development had real herz in it like for a example: "Phobia Factor" Is my Favorit episode of TD and had the best development from each character. And like always Courtney's made her even worse then what she started out with. Du are probably disagreeing with this but, she is competitive and on oben, nach oben of that she's a perfectionist. So losing isn't something she takes nicely.And in the Weiter season we see her a lot Mehr competitive and is taking it harder on her and many other people instead of just crying about it and makes her seem Mehr bossy and competitive. I really do think that development made her a lot worse then what she was. But that doesn't mean it was bad development. Also did Du notice that she didn't have much flaws in TDI but came back overly flawed in TDA? In other words in TDI she truly needed Mehr flaws oder to her flaws to Zeigen a lot more. The only real problem with that is that they gave her too much development about her becoming a even worse of a person. I also think her character in Tdas was kinda of out of character. Besides that one major and one miner problem . I had no Mehr problems.

Ending thoughts:

Stereo-type: Type-A

Type of story character: Main Antagonist/Anti-hero

Extra thoughts: Most of her character is really thought out intelligently. Meant to be viewed that way oder not. This was obviously putted a lot of varieties of opinions across and what ever character can do that is usually in both ways complex and something new for most people. And it's no different here, She's very 4D, she's unique towards her stereo-type, she has a lot of personality that fits perfectly with the rest of her character, she's easily a person Du can empathize with/relate to, and is a very realistic character. Which is at least my differentiation of a complex character. (Even through I'm sure it'll change in a Tag oder two, It's my opinion for the current time at least) Now is she the most likable character. Well no, but she's one of those characters who can make up for it Von pretty much everything else. It isn't like any of her actions aren't explained in the slightest. They are explained well enough that Du can empathize with her. Not the fact that Du can empathize with how extreme her actions
are. Since she really does seem like she's overreacting in a little bit of a childish manner. but, the part that is easy to relate to mostly comes with her stereo-type. Which is from the reactions and personal thoughts. Like how Courtney reacts to her boyfriend and her new friend turned on her for each other. She reacts Von crying like crazy. While seeking unhappiness from those who betrayed her. Either wanting to admit it oder not I bet a lot of people do that by, stalking them on Facebook oder any other beliebt social medias. It's just how a lot of people I know think. They just don't usually Zeigen it in this over dramatically but, it's a cartoon called "Total drama", what did Du expect from it?So, in a way her actions are kinda of redeemable. I'll never say that it makes her Mehr likable, it's just something I can make an excuse for oder makes it believable. It doesn't make her Mehr likable. It just improves on everything else, making her a better character. Doesn't mean Du have a decent explanation, exactly make the character Mehr likable. Cause the actions are just as bad as their were. It just builds a lot Mehr in their character. Expanding on the character if Du will.This is just my opinion through. A lot of people might think this does in fact make them Mehr likable and that's okay if Du think that. I'm fine Du are free to tell me if Du disagree. It's just for me isn't enough to redeem a certain bad trait oder any horrible actions. This is the main reason why I find the blandest characters likable They barely do anything oder has anything to cause this level of unlikable content but, since they aren't taking any risks. They are auto-aromatically bad characters. Since Du have nothing to work with oder get even entertained about. MOST of the time they are the most likable since there's no risks to be taken and they are insgesamt sweethearts. Either one Du prefer is fine. Even through people praise the complex ones a lot Mehr and say they have all the advantages I don't necessarily true through. Since as I sagte before they both have equal advantages to each other at least in my opinion but, let's not go deep into that since that's not the main focus. Our focus is on Courtney herself. Which I will admit is a character that I talk about way too much. Almost to the point that I have nothing left to talk about.

End results:



Development: 9.0

Personality: 9.8

how well I can relate to her: 9.7

insgesamt character: 9.1
Natalie: Welcome to Total Drama...Really?! I'm Natalie Charm and I have generously volunteered to be this season's host! We have a few old faces, 12 to be exact, and a few new faces, also 12 to be exact. This season, we're coming to Du from Malibu, California! We'll be traveling to beliebt Californian cities such as L.A. and San Francisco, but our Home base is right here on Malibu Beach. So get ready for a season of secrets, surprises, and epic twists! Right here on Total! Drama!...Really?!
*theme plays*
Natalie: Ok, so we'll bring in the old faces first. Please welcome Courtney, Gwen, Lindsay,...
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posted by izzysawsome
Tasha: Hey everybody this is a new season of Total Drama I'm Chris's Sister Tasha and I'm the host. And here comes the first contestant of Tds I welcome Natalie

Natalie: Hi Tasha it's great to be here

Tasha: *Whispers to the camra* Thats what she thinks Weiter up is Rikki

Rikki: Hi Tasha and Hi other girl *smiles*

Natalie: WOW Du have awesome teeth!

Rikki: Thanks

Tasha: Girls I welcome Jordan

Jordan: Hey Tasha

Tasha: Ya ya ya whatever. I present Rayven

Rayven: Hi Tasha

Tasha: HI ALREADY!!!

Rayven: Geez don't have to be so....

Tasha: Dare to finish that sentence! *Sinister look*

Rayven: *gulps* No

Tasha: I didn't think so. Now give it up for Jared

Jared: Hi people

Rikki and Nathalie: Whatever

Tasha: Heres Zoey!

Zoey: Hi Tasha Hi everybody I'm Zoey.

Everybody: Hi

Tasha: Heres Ray!

Ray: Hi everybody!

Tasha: Heres Penny and Samatha

Penny: Hi everybody

Samatha: Hi people

Part 2 coming soon :D
Geoff: Your kidding me right???????
Noah: No! This could really be the end of the world.
Bridgette: We have to worn the world.
Duncan: Frist Courtney!
Katie: But we don't know where she is.
geoff: Izzy????
Izzy: I know where courtney is.
Duncan: where?
Izzy: Hop on my vine.
Duncan: Your crazy!
Izzy: I know i am.
Duncan: how about u walk me there.
Izzy: ok.
Geoff: I'll go on main straße with bridgette.
noah: I'll go to all the state house.
Sadie: I'll go to all the houses with katie!
Duncan: I'll go tell courtney with izzy.
Izzy: yep
Noah: ok lets go!
-Monroe's P.O.V-

I logged onto Facebook as Duncan fell asleep on the couch.

'What a slob' i thought as he snored very loudly.

I looked at my notifications and noticed Alexis had accepted my friendship request.

I also had a message from her which she'd sent a few Minuten ago...

'Hey Monroe.

Erm, I know this is weird, but are Du related to a Duncan Juarez?

If Du are, can Du force him to meet up with me, Du and my mum; Courtney Renez; in the park please?

I dont know why i'm telling Du this, but i actually want Duncan and Courtney to get back together seeing as she's not exactly 'happily married'...
continue reading...
-Courtney's P.O.V-

"You know that old Zeigen Total Drama Island that i was on?" i smiled at the distant memory.

"No" Alexis had a blank look on her face.

"Check it out on YouTube" i said.

"Hello gorgeous" my husband, Justin, walked in and kissed my lips.

"Ew, public display of affection, EW!" my thirteen Jahr old son, Filip, gagged.

"Its romantic" my other daughter, Tilly, sighed in awe.

Alexis went into the küche and bought her laptop into the living room.

"What'cha doing?" Justin asked.

"Watching Total Drama Island" i answered and she nodded.

He mumbled something in audible and went upstairs to take...
continue reading...
- Alexis' P.O.V-

"Leave me alone Monroe!" i shrieked at the pierced punk following me home.

"Why would i do that, princess?" he smirked which infuriated me.

"Just... go" i sagte calmly as i picked up my pace to a gentle jog.

"Nice ass" i heard him snicker.

"What?" i growled at him.

"I said, nice ass, didn't Du hear me, toots?" he smirked, yet again.

"Toots?!" i stared at him, dumbfounded.

"Yeah" he laughed as he swung his arm around my shoulders pulling me closer to him.

I could smell the distinct fragrance of a 'Diesel' aftershave.

"Mmm" i sighed.

"Like it?" he asked cockily.

I pushed him away and shrieked,...
continue reading...
Kenny Rogers: Hi my name is kenny rogers and your all on my reality Zeigen bitches!!

Gwen: ok?

Kenny rogers: Thats right Total drama kenny rogers and Hey Hey Hey here are the teams

Kenny rogers: Team uno- Gwen, Harold, Alejandro, Courtney and Cody

Courtney: I cant be on a team with her *points at gwen*

Kenny rogers: Well tough luck im the boss *hits harold in the head with bottle*

Cody: what the hell

*camera goes to harold*

Harold: ahhh *on the ground*

Kenny rogers: Oh dont worry hes fine

*camera goes to kenny rogers*

Kenny Rogers: On Team Magical is Duncan, Heather, Geoff, Izzy and Owen.

Geoff: party!!!!...
continue reading...
posted by KARIxTRENT
chris:last time on total drama dynamite...our contestants had to do duncan's phobia....and since mr.toughguy:duncan couldn't do it,we sagte goodbye to him...6 contestants left:kari,megan,nicole,aydan,kate,and winner!who will win?!find out now on total drama dynamite!
chris:today's challange running!whoever can run farthest WITHOUT passing out wins!
kari:this bites..
selena sighed:tell me about it.
aydan:mm hmmm...
kari:may the best girl win...
and kari is in the lead and she gets pushed Von aydan,that is breaking the rules!bye sister!
5 contestants winner,who will win...?find out Weiter time on total drama dynamite!
confessions of lindsay:
lindsay was in the confession can Lesen a magizine and peeing.
kari was building a floß to float away from the headache ditz.
andrea looked at her.
andrea:you didnt plan on leaving her DID YOU?
kari didnt look amused:no.that would be cruel and heartless..
confessions of kari:
I planned on stranding her!ah,just playing,not that evil.but she IS annoying.
lindsay:kara,what are Du doing?
kari threw the floß and said:Ah,screw it.
lindsay:oh no...
lindsay:I have to pee...
kari:then GO!
lindsay:but I cant leave our conversation!
Kari rolled her eyes:we were...
continue reading...
Chris: Mysterys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Duncan: What was that for?
Chris: We R going to have anouther season!
Heather: Oh great!
Chris: here R the teams! team 1! duncan, Issy, Owen, Coutney, and Eva. team 2, Heather, Lnday, Tyler, Justin, and beth! And team 3, Sierra, cody, alojodo, geoff, and bridgette! The outhers U will be my helpers! Campers! Every Tag we will have a chalnge on mysterys! One of these r the one who did it! oder me and Chefe! Well, that's mostly all. sorry that was short! well we have to get to Chcogo USA! We will have to wait till anouther Zeigen to do this! Buy!

Chris: What they don't know is that they will be recored the wole time! Buy!
"sup dues and dudettes? Your new host, chris here to host extreme, crazy, mentally brain challenging, bone-breaking, painful-"
"I think we get the point, Chris."chef beil yelled from the kitchen.
~commercial break~
"here we are, howz about we meet the cast?"said chris with a grim smile."lets meet Alex, Kaitlan, Nikole, Ashley, and Addrey!"
later on chris introduced nikole after alex.

"hey people! when are we going to eat?(looks around) this place looks boring, how about we turn up the volume?" Nikole runs to chris with a lighter.
"what are Du going with lighter?" sagte chris gulping...
continue reading...
Sumer's POV: i was gonna kill Heather! Why? She'd read my diary out for the WHOLE viewing world to hear. Im NOT happy! "Hey heather" i greet as if nothing is wrong, but i just wanna tear her head off! GRRRR! "Hey, Sumer" she replied. "Do Du wanna hang with me in the woods?" i asked, "sure" she said. Ha. She's so naive. We went to the middle of the woods. "It's freezing" heather complained, so, to warm her up, i got out my flame thrower from my hiding place in a baum and killed her...
 Sumer (Sumerjoy11)
Sumer (Sumerjoy11)
gwen was walking at night,and she was hungry..FOR BLOOD!she saw trent.trent knew she was a vampire,but she couldnt hurt him,although he smelled so delicatable....
gwen:trent I PROMISE I will never hurt you.
kari:trent,I know what she did to you.but trent,I would NEVER hurt you.
trent:your really beautiful..
gwen bit trent. gwen tackled kari:GAH!
it's cool. dont worry about me.
trent:I'm NOT running.
kari pushed gwen off of her,then trent was in the way of a car.
kari pushed trent out of the was so fast Du couldnt see it,then she took off.
trent:she saved me...
Kate: Oh crap! where's my diary?! It was here in the car yesterday! Mom and dad aren't up yet so they can't possibly have it!
I Lost MY FRICKIN' DIARY! I would probley jump in a whole and kill myself if someone read it! If some one ever read that means I would be the laughing stock of TDI high!

*Cell phone rings*
Kate: Hello?
Cat: Noah and I have a Great Idea!
Kate: What how to find my diary?
Cat: Du Lost your diary? Du don't know what would happen if so-
Kate: Oh, trust went over that this morning.
Cat: Well, anyways This guy is really cute! Most beautiful brown eyes, most sparkling teeth ever,...
continue reading...
Life After Lies

By Fadingsilverstar16

Chapter 4


"A feeling in the pit of my stomach told me it would only get worse from here."

I violently jabbed the punching bag once more, my bruised and bleeding knuckles throbbing in protest. Beads of sweat streamed down my face as I unleashed my anger on the thing. My herz slammed into my chest and my mind screamed at me to stop, but I ignored it. Pure adrenaline was the only thing keeping me from passing out. I channeled all of my negative feelings into the workout dummy, and soon it seemed as if it was the manifestation of everything that went...
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I kept my head in my lap. I didn’t need to look at this newcomer. I knew who it was. Since there was only one person on this island who called me “Princess,” it wasn’t exactly hard. But sagte person was also the last person I wanted to see now. Especially after our little encounter Minuten ago.

But why did he follow me?

I could hear him approaching me, his footsteps cautious. When he was feet from me, he spoke again.

“Princess?” he repeated. “Is that you? Why did Du run?” His voice was curious and angry as he asked the question. I sniffed in response. I didn’t want to talk to...
continue reading...
After the orange sun rose, the four Vampire ducked under a tree. Courtney, Gwen and Bridgette panted for air- while Kaycee looked depressed. Suddenly, she inhaled sharply and let out a wolf-like howl. When it ended, she started walking out toward the sunlight- when Gwen stopped her. "Kay, what the hell are Du doing?!"

"I'm going back." Kayce didn't look back.

"Back? To where?!" Bridge asked.

"Back to see Duncan."

"WHAT?!" Courtney and Gwen shouted.

"You'll be killed going out into that sunlight!" Courtney gasped.

"I don't care. I'll see Duncan in heaven if i have to." Kaycee said, starting to walk...
continue reading...
heres how my room looks,
so now u know so u will get the story beter ^^

ok so its the guilded chris cerimony, i sit on my couch, its either Duncan oder Justin, i whisper to myself, duncan duncan duncan PLEASE SAY DUNCAN!!!
then chris sagte justin, i flipped backwords with my couch going down with me, i screamed NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!in a high pitched voice, i bang my hands on the ground, i look down, i notice a tear drops from my eye, then all of a sudden courtney stood up and said, THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!JUSTIN SHOULD BE GOING HOME!!!, i look over, then chris sagte ur right,...
continue reading...
posted by bubblegum05
"This week on TDF,we have a person who means alot to me,Cody!" *cody walks over*"Hi,Andrea.I missed you!""I missed you!!!!*cries**hugs*i'm glad i can see Du again!!"

*Sumer,Juno,Brooke and Ronnie walk over*
"Awwwwwww,you guys are so cute together!" sagte Juno."Aw,totaly!" agreed Sumer."Is it just me,or did those two just agree?" asked Brooke."Wierd.Anyways,what's todays challenge??"said Ronnie.*Andrea wipes away tears*"You're challnge today is called 'Up The Creek'.You will be NOT (i repeat) NOT getting a partner like the original.Instead,this is a solo challenge.You will get a caneo,paddle it...
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Nadia: hey! we are back with total drama adventures!! in the last episode i made the teams the orange team and the green team!! and the orange team Lost the challenge and heather get voted off!!! who will be the Weiter one?

Elizabeth: where is nadia?
Katie: yeah she normaly wake us up at 6:00 am...
Danny: this is weird....
Nadia: Hey guys! ready for your new challenge?
Duncan: not really...
Nadia: good! everyone come with me!
sumer: where are we going?
tappy: no idea...
Nadia: ok guys! welcome to the TDA stadium!!
Jared: a baseball stadium?
Nadia: yeah!! today`s challenge is a baseball game!!!
Flavio: how...
continue reading...