Thriller Roleplay Neos Rising [Explicit]

Rogue475 posted on Oct 13, 2015 at 01:11AM
Warning; This story contains graphic content that may not be suitable for all audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.
Welcome to Station: 07, the literal "Cloud City" of the 22nd century. Born into an era unlike any other, a time when the impossible is all but the reality, you are a citizen of the Seventh great floating city in the sky. Promises of a life of privilege and luster followed those who took up residents in these vast complexes, suspended in geo-synchronous orbit around Earth's skies. This, along with brilliant technological advancements have ensured mankind's survival safely in the confines of these mystical cities. When the many unlucky whom remain on the surface must hide away from the massive sandstorms and earthquakes that shake the planet at its very core, the people of Neos Seven will thrive safely for the rest of time.

"Sounds too good to be true doesn't it? truth is, people down there have it better off. Yeah sandstorms? Earthquakes? They're all nothing compared to life outside the wall... Oh they didn't tell you in the intro? Well, here's a little bit of history for you."

"In the year 2140, amidst this new found city in the sky, it wasn't all gold and glamorous as it's shown. No, this city was broken to begin with. And the man behind it all, Herald of the New Dawn, Mason Warwick... A posh noble and aristocrat who was by no design of his own, of course, became the most powerful man to have never set foot on the Earth. For his first act as Lord of the Neos, Mason made a giant wall, hard as the toughest most reinforced titanium alloy ever made... This wall of Jericho, separates the poor and innocent, from all of society and any clean source of food. This was the first act of many set forth by this mad man..."

"Eleven years have past and his reign is absolute, only there is a light in the darkness... The Echelon, a group of rebel insurrectionists, hoping to bring about the end of tyranny and restore justice to this world of chaos, have finally begun to act... And today, we found us a way to breach the great wall of Jericho..."
(Character Form)
(When filling out, remove these, please: ( )

Base Personality- (Ex: Brash, Arrogant, Follower, Leader, etc...)
Appearance- (A pic will do)
Attire- (Most common attire)
Weapon Specialization-
Love Ties-
Designated Class- (Minority, Majority)
(In order of appearance)
 [b][u]Warning; This story contains graphic content that may not be suitable for all audiences. Viewer
last edited on Oct 13, 2015 at 02:10AM

Thriller Roleplay 639 Antworten

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Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

The man was unmoving, quiet as his eyes remain closed. All until suddenly she was pulled down, arms grasping her as he held tight. "I've got you!" He cried with laughter.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
She squealed, wriggling to get away again, laughing hard enough that she started coughing, going still in his arms to catch her breath.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

His laughter became a low chuckle as he calmed, "... I got you." He whispered to her, starring up into her eyes with a soft, calmed expression.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
She stuck her tongue out at him, smiling brightly. "Glad to see you feeling alright." Leah said softly, leaning down to kiss his nose lightly. "Come on, wanna explore?"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

A small smile emerged, "As long as you make sure no-one messes with us." He said quietly, watching her carefully with one eye.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"I'll whup 'em." She smirked a bit, hopping to her feet and offering to pull him up, grinning brightly at Renner.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

He nodded, taking her hand just before she helped him to his feet. He was a little wobbly at first, but managed to stay upright. "Just a moment..." Ren said as he took the pistol out from the bed, stuffing the small weapon into his deep pant pocket.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
She sighed, rolling her eyes before pulling it back out, flipping the safety on, and tucking it into the waist band of her jeans. "You can't shoot that, Renner, and you know it." Leah scolded him, picking up her staff from the table, giving it a quick once over, as she always did.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

"I had no intention of shooting it, Leah... Just a precaution." He sighed, going to follow her in an unsteady motion. "You've got your staff and martial arts, and I've got the gun, that's what makes us the dynamic duo..." Renner whispered the latter from behind her, one arm wrapping around her stomach, while the other grip of the handgun at her waist.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"You can't even walk properly." She pointed out, sashaying her hips away from him, taking the gun with her. "I'll hold onto it. You can have it back if things get weird."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

He let out a short scoff, taking her hand in his as they went to the door. "... I've got a bad feeling about these people." Ren murmured as the door slid open, leaving them in a bleak hallway.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"They seem nice enough. Helped you out." She said, squeezing his hand slightly as they walked, her eyes scanning the hallway, doors, the walls, everything. Memorizing their path.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

The man went with her, rolling his eye. "That might be the case, but let's not forget, they're the reason you wounded up in that police cell." He reminded her, keeping just behind her and slightly beside as to have quick access to the pistol if the need arise.
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"They're the reason we got out." She said, tone going dry at the memory. She had put him in so much danger because of a moment of weakness. IT wouldn't happen again.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

"Sure..." He shrugged, just as a two pale-faced resistance fighters walked past. Ren glanced back, eyes meeting with theirs for only a split second as the turned their heads away and carried on. "I'm tellin' ya... Bad feeling."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
Leah glanced at him, sighing softly. "We'll be fine, Ren. I promise."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

Just as he turned around, Harvey came into view, with a rifle slung over his back. "I've someone who would like to meet the two you." The man spoke with a grin, nodding towards the hall behind him. "Right this way."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
Leah's eyes narrowed for a moment in suspicion. "Lead the way." She said, glancing briefly at Renner.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

Renner shook his head as their eyes met. "We shouldn't..." He murmured, eyes turning to the man walking off down the hall.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"I'm going to anyway." She said softly, kissing his cheek before walking quickly after the man, not really giving him a choice if he wanted to keep her close.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

"Leah... Damnit..." He scoffed, chasing after her. "Don't do that to me, c'mon, you know I hate that..." Ren grumbled, keeping even closer to her as they went.

A few moments later the door opened up to two men standing before them. One wore a leather trench-coat, and the other was none other than Harvey. "Ahh, there they are, I was beginning to think they wouldn't show..." The coated-man murmured, before offering his hand to be shaken. "I am Colonel Maxwell of the Resistance, I welcome the two of you to our home."
 Ren "Leah... Damnit..." He scoffed, chasing after her. "Don't do that to me, c'mon, Du know I hat
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"I'm Leah." She said quietly, hands in her pockets, pretty much making it clear she wasn't a hand shaker. "He's Renner."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

The man gazed up at the Colonel, eyes lowering as he shook his hand. "Yeah, what she said..." He muttered, keeping quiet as he went back to Leah's side.

"I've been waiting to speak on the incident at the police station... You were both present during the explosion, I take it?" Maxwell asked, glancing at Harvey for only an instant.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"Yeah. What's the big idea, blowing shit up like that?" Leah scowled, temper flaring.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

"Well, we did save your lives, even if some were injured..." The man shrugged, motioning slightly to Ren. "You have my utmost apologies for whatever damage might have been done, but that bomb was a necessary evil..."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"Necessary?" Leah's tone took on an edge of steel. "What was going to happen if the bomb hadn't gone off? Why where so many of us rounded up and hauled to prison for no reason?"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

"... If I tell you, this must remain between only the two of you... The police have orders to arrest so many civilians per three months to be transported down to the surface. There are mining camps down there, at least seven from what we've been able to determine.

Harvey sighed, eyes turning from the others. "We lost a man to get that information, and his body is likely still down there."

"Nevertheless, that police raid was planned, and you just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time." Maxwell concluded.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
Leah's expression lost it's hardness, and she sighed softly. "My father is down there." She said, glancing at Renner. "I suppose it is a good thing you blew the place up."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

The boy took a step back, expression softening as he watched Leah. "... You never told me, Leah, your fath..." He trailed off, glancing towards the other two. "Why?! Why haven't you done anything?!" Renner shouted angrily at the two before them.

"We've little we can actually do, Renner." Harvey told him, shrugging as he crossed his arms.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"Renner, calm down. He chose to go." She said, turning away, then back to face the pair. "How can I help you guys?" Leah asked, expression growing rather determined.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

"Leah?" He murmured, eyes lowering as Maxwell took a step forward.

The Colonel smiled lightly, nodding in a subtle manner towards the girl. "You can start by telling us about your father, how he ended up down there."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"They told him it would pay for his house. Keep me, us, from living on the streets." She said, looking at Renner again.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

"... That's why the payments went down that year your father left. God damnit... He's down there...?" Renner uttered, glancing back at her with disbelief.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
She nodded slightly. "As far as I know." Leah replied softly, not looking at her lover. "Its why we can Ker thehouse, even if we can hardly afford to eat."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

"I wish I had known... You should've told me." He grumbled, eyes turning to Maxwell. "We're getting him out, now." Ren's voice was undeterred, solid as he could muster.

The Colonel sighed, "We can't just go down there and pick him up, what of the other thousand down there? Are we to airlift every single one of them?"

"Yes." Renner growled, fingers finding his palms as they balled to fists. "You are going to save them, then you can mount your rebellion." He said turning to his love. "Show the people you wont stand for this, and they will rise..."

"It can't be done, not now." Harvey stated, eyes watching the young Engineer.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"Ren. You're being irrational. It was father's choice to go." Leah sighed quietly, shaking her head. "What do you need help with, here?" She asked, turning back to the men.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
Ren just scoffed, crossing his arms as he walked off.

Maxwell watched the man for a moment, before turning to face Leah. "We need spies, more specifically people who can move around unseen."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"I'm not really great at that. Anyone teach martial arts around here?" She asked, ignoring Ren as he walked away. "Sorry about him. He's really careful."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

The colonel glanced back towards Harvey, before returning the woman's gaze. "No... Why do you ask?" Maxwell inquired, crossing his arms.

Ren went to the edge of the room, turning as he lent himself against the wall, lowering his head as the others spoke. Leah had lied to him, about her father. It was so unlike her to be this way, and it scared him, so deeply to see her so open with the idea of resistance.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
Leah nodded a bit. "I trained professionally, if you'd like someone to train people." She said softly, still ignoring Ren, knowing he would be totally against it.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

"You, you're trained?" The man questioned, an eyebrow raised as if he had doubt. "You mind showing off on Harvey?"

The man to Maxwell's left stepped back slightly, glancing back and forth between the two. "Sure, volunteer me, you haven't had your ass beaten in a good while, Cam!" Harvey scoffed, his tone showing clear distaste in being shown up by a woman.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"I won't hurt you." Leah said, smirking softly as she turned towards Renner, finally. "Come here and take this, Ren." She said, finally removing the gun from her waistband, and removing the cartridge from it, pocketing that.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
Ren didn't move at first his eyes low as he rose quietly, going over to her. He didn't even look at her as he took the weapon, turning away instantly as he stuffed the pistol away.

"... Fine, show me what you've got." Harvey uttered, scratching his head as he stepped before the young woman.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
Leah squared off, her stance defensive, but absolutely ready to take him out with the tiniest movement from the man.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

The man shook his head one last time before charging, arms right to her.

Renner simply walked back to his little corner, sitting down as he removed the pistol. His fingers went to work disassembling the firearm, each little piece being set neatly upon the floor before him.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
Leah retaliated immediately, a high kick aimed for his shoulder.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
Harvey ducked from the kick, his momentum forcing him to slam into the light woman. He stood dazed for only an instant, before offering his hand to help Leah up.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
Leah took his hand, and lunged to her feet, twisting it up behind his shoulder, not hard enough to cause more than a little bit of pain, her foot firm against the back of his knee as she forced the man to the ground. "You're a clumsy fellah, aren't you?"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
"Yeah, yeah, I'll remember not to be so courteous." He groveled as the Colonel clapped with a grin.

"Well Harvey it seems we have a new Martial Arts instructor." The Colonel beamed, his suit managing to not show a single wrinkle from the movement.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
Leah stepped back to let him up, grinning slightly. "You where being a gentleman, I took advantage. It happens. RIght Ren?" She looked towards her lover with a bright grin, hoping he would stop sulking.