Thriller Roleplay Neos Rising [Explicit]

Rogue475 posted on Oct 13, 2015 at 01:11AM
Warning; This story contains graphic content that may not be suitable for all audiences. Viewer discretion is advised.
Welcome to Station: 07, the literal "Cloud City" of the 22nd century. Born into an era unlike any other, a time when the impossible is all but the reality, you are a citizen of the Seventh great floating city in the sky. Promises of a life of privilege and luster followed those who took up residents in these vast complexes, suspended in geo-synchronous orbit around Earth's skies. This, along with brilliant technological advancements have ensured mankind's survival safely in the confines of these mystical cities. When the many unlucky whom remain on the surface must hide away from the massive sandstorms and earthquakes that shake the planet at its very core, the people of Neos Seven will thrive safely for the rest of time.

"Sounds too good to be true doesn't it? truth is, people down there have it better off. Yeah sandstorms? Earthquakes? They're all nothing compared to life outside the wall... Oh they didn't tell you in the intro? Well, here's a little bit of history for you."

"In the year 2140, amidst this new found city in the sky, it wasn't all gold and glamorous as it's shown. No, this city was broken to begin with. And the man behind it all, Herald of the New Dawn, Mason Warwick... A posh noble and aristocrat who was by no design of his own, of course, became the most powerful man to have never set foot on the Earth. For his first act as Lord of the Neos, Mason made a giant wall, hard as the toughest most reinforced titanium alloy ever made... This wall of Jericho, separates the poor and innocent, from all of society and any clean source of food. This was the first act of many set forth by this mad man..."

"Eleven years have past and his reign is absolute, only there is a light in the darkness... The Echelon, a group of rebel insurrectionists, hoping to bring about the end of tyranny and restore justice to this world of chaos, have finally begun to act... And today, we found us a way to breach the great wall of Jericho..."
(Character Form)
(When filling out, remove these, please: ( )

Base Personality- (Ex: Brash, Arrogant, Follower, Leader, etc...)
Appearance- (A pic will do)
Attire- (Most common attire)
Weapon Specialization-
Love Ties-
Designated Class- (Minority, Majority)
(In order of appearance)
 [b][u]Warning; This story contains graphic content that may not be suitable for all audiences. Viewer
last edited on Oct 13, 2015 at 02:10AM

Thriller Roleplay 639 Antworten

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Showing Replies 601-639 of 639

Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
"Hey man." Renner yawned again as he went to the fridge, retrieving a freshly grown apple. "You see Jack around anywhere?"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"Basement, like usual." Pierce grunted, giving up and leaving the couch to the beast as he went to join his acquaintance in the kitchen. "You guys are always up so early, do you even sleep?"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
"Not that much, no." He grinned, watching him as he walked by. The young man took a bite from his apple and casually went to the elevator, waiting patiently as h\it took him to the basement. The doors opened with a faint hiss, and revealed Jack sitting beside Alex's lifeless body. "Hey, you get any sleep, you look exhausted."

"A little, I guess... How long?" The man asked quietly, not looking up from the woman.

Ren shrugged as he went to the man, observing the body. "It's too hard to say, soon maybe... Most of it depends on her at this point... Think of it like a coma, her minds repaired for the most part, but she just hasn't woken."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
Leah joined them in just a few moments, looking pleased with herself as she went over to the lab's computer, booting it up. She'd put on a pair of sweatpants someone had purchased, but was still wearing Renner's shirt.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
Jack sighed as he stood from his chair, going over to the desk to make a cup of coffee. The brewer churned and hummed, before a think stream of black went into his mug. He sipped at the substance quietly, before moving over to Leah. "So where are we at with this program?"
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"It's finished." She said. "I just need to compress the files and download them to the micro chip." Leah glanced up at him. "You should go to bed. Nothing's going to happen for a few hours, at least."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
"I'm good, you'd be the same if it was him on that table." Jack motioned with his cup towards the Young Man leaning beside Leah. "Listen I-I uh... I appreciate you doing this, both of you." He grumbled, as if he was forcing it out of him.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"It's no big deal, really. I mean, a week and a half ago you wanted to kill us both. Or at least lock me in a little room. This is thanks enough." Leah snorted a bit, glancing between the men. "When this is done, while we wait, you go over to that cot in the corner and take a nap. OR I will drop you right here. And that's not an empty threat."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
The man casually raised his arms in surrender, "Alright alright." He grinned, going back to his seat beside Alex. He quietly sipped at his coffee as the two worked their magic.

"This kinda tech would be priceless beyond the wall..." Renner realized as he inspected Jack's tablet, which had been left on the table.

"That's about right." Jack sighed, leaning back. "It was my idea to cut off imports from the city... A way to quell the resistance movements, only it made things worse." He grumbled softly, not mining the lad handling his device.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"Desperation makes people do brave things." Leah said softly, tongue between her teeth as her fingers tapped away at the keys, starting the delicate process of transferring codes to the tiny chip.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
"Looking back on it, I could've handled it differently..." He murmured, something like regret emerging in his tone.

Renner watched as Jack spoke, a subtle glance finding Leah before returning to the tablet he was so fascinated with.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"We all would handle something in our lives differently. Your decisions just happen to effect everyone." Leah glanced towards the man, then up at Renner. "There. It just needs to download, then Ren can put the chip in the mainframe and we'll get her heart going. See if she wakes up."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
Ren clasped his hands together after he set the tablet down. He went over Leah, swiping his hands against each other as he went to her side. "Right'o" He grinned, seemingly excited for his part in the operation.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
Leah rolled her eyes a bit, moving off to the side so he could take over, instead going over to where Jack was seated beside Alex's still form. "It will take a few hours for her to warm up." She told him, more quietly than before. "We'll shock her heart then, and that should start the processes for her nervous responce from the chip."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
"How's the coffee?" Renner asked with a youthful smile, eyeing Jack's mug.

Jack sighed, "It's fine, go make your own... I'm not sharing this." The man grumbled, eyes averting to Leah and the woman he so cared for. "I trust you lot to fix her..."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
Leah just nodded a bit, turning to make some adjustments to the machine that prevented Alex's body from deteriorating. "Just don't screw us over when she's better. We need you too, Jack. All of Neos does."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
Jack shrugged, "I've gone to far to turn back now, I'm in this for long haul." He sighed softly, sipping at his coffee.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
Leah nodded a little, looking at the man for a long moment. "Alright, we trust you." She said quietly, turning to go upstairs. "I'm gonna find something to eat, let me know if anything changes with her.'
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
A few minutes passed, when Renner emerged from the basement, sliding into a seat beside Leah. He only nudged her shoulder as he reached over for the pitcher of juice, pouring himself a glass. "The shirt looks good on ya, Leah." Renner snickered, nudging a second time.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"Oh shove off. Nothing of mine fits." She grumbled, though the young woman was smirking.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
"I'm sure Jack would be willing to go shopping with you, but I'm not complaining." The young man shrugged, kissing the lobe of her ear.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
Leah turned slightly to look at him, just smiling a bit for a second. "Do you think any of this will work? This stuff with Alex, and everything we're trying to do for Neos?"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
"I think that we could change things, the people beyond the wall are living off scraps. If it means saving that woman, well... We have to try." He shrugged, before biting into a waffle doused in artificial syrup.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
Leah sighed a bit, going back to picking at her own breakfast. "I don't know that her memories will come back if she wakes up. We'll lose Jack's support if she isn't okay."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
"Guess we just have to hope for the best." He muttered in between bites, his mouth full of the tasty waffle.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
She rolled her eyes a bit. "i;m glad one of us likes these damn things." Leah chuckled softly, standing to take care of her plate.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
"Huh?!" Ren gasped, acting as though he had been offended. "How dare you, these waffles are a gift from the almighty, sent to cleanse us of our wrongs." He exclaimed, spinning in the chair.
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"Uh huh. Tell that to your kid." She called over her shoulder as she ran water in the sink to rinse her plate.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
Renner scoffed, "Just you wait and see, he'll love em just as much as I." He told her, pointing a fork at her as he spoke.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"No way, SHE is gonna hate 'em. I can already tell, because I used to love the damn things." Leah grinned a bit, going back over to him.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
He bit his lip grinning, "You sure about that?" Renner shook his head. "Say it's a boy, what ever will we call him?"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"I guess i havent really thought about it." Leah frowned a bit, going back to sit beside him, thinking. "Really don't know. You have any?"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
"Hmm, how does Jack sound? or Alex?" Ren asked, finishing off his juice before pressing the tip of his finger to her nose. "You'd love it."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"Why would you name your child afte the people who imprisoned and tortured his mother?" She scowled at him, clearly not amused.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
Ren's smile vanished, "What? They tortured you...?" The man's expression went from joy to anger in the split of a second. "I thought they only kept you locked up, is the baby okay?"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"Doctor seemed to think so." She shrugged a bit, looking towards the clock. "But yeah. For like three days. Alex made him stop."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
Ren was still for a moment, his expression becoming increasingly agitated. "He hurt you... He tortured you, and we're helping him..." The young man shook his head, his hands balling into fists. He then rose and started for the basement.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr PungoBliss said…
"Ren. Come back here!" Leah sighed heavily, really not caring for a confrontation between the two of them.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
He was unfazed as he went down to the basement, striding right over to Jack. He just finished sipping at his coffee when Ren's fist met the side of his cheek. Jack felt his collar yank as another hit struck his cheek. "You son of a bitch! You hurt her!" Ren shouted in rage, just before Jack slammed his boot against his assailant's kneecap.

Ren was thrown to the ground, all as Jack pulled out a switch blade and went to advance. Just as Jack realized it was Ren, the man had drawn his handgun and was aiming it square for Jack's head. "... Leah, I assume she told you."