Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) Shingeki no Kyojin (Rp)

Aigomiko posted on Jun 08, 2014 at 09:08PM
The Walls were built more than a century ago, when humanity was brought to the edge of extinction at the hand of the Titans. In response to this looming threat, the humans made huge walls to protect their last stronghold. The walls reach about 50 meters in height and reach four or five times a human's height below the ground, and is rumored to be as strong as bedrock.
Titans are a mysterious race of humanoid giants that appeared roughly 100 years ago and rapidly exterminated humanity to the point of near extinction. Their origins, overall numbers, and how their physiology works remains a mystery.


Civilian: (All Will Start Of With This Class)
The last of the human race that have been peacefully living within the walls for the past 100 years. Some are poor while others have become very wealthy. Social standings and wealth is now left only to your lineage.

House Hold Appliances, clothing, and at most a dagger or hand gun or other primitive weapons.

Military: (Will become a choice later in the Rp)
Humanity's defense against Titans is a full-time, professional army trained to deal with Titans. The military is divided into three divisions: the Survey Corps, which explores outside human territory to hostile areas in a bid for expansion, lately receiving a new mission from the Capital to research the Titans and where they originate from; the Garrison, which patrols and maintains the Walls keeping Titans out and acting as the first to engage the Titans if the gate is destroyed; and the Military Police, the top-ranking soldiers who serve as the personal guards for the king and maintain order within the Walls.

Uniform of your designated sector and your own
"Three Dimensional Maneuver Gear"
The Three Dimensional Maneuver Gear, is a set of gear developed by humans that allows great mobility when facing the Titans in combat. The gear allows the user to fight in a 3D space as opposed to a 2D one. The gear itself takes the form of a body harness that encompasses much of the body below the neck. Although the Gear can grant a skilled user tremendous mobility, it is a demanding art that requires strength, and skill, both of which must be honed through constant practice. Some tools involved in the apparatus include:
Handgrips , Piston-shot grapple-hooks, Gas powered mechanism, and Iron Wire Propeller with Plug in Blades.

Battle Types:

Strength: Is capable of dealing deadly strikes to titans sometimes able to lacerate the limbs of smaller titans.

Speed: Capable of moving at high speeds on the ground and mid air making it difficult for titans to land a blow.

Defense: Capable of stopping a Titans swing using both blades as a shield and in the heat of battle as a last resort can stop a Titan's jaws from clenching down on them by using theirs blades and their own strength to hold the mouth open.

Acrobatics: Quick to master the 3D Maneuver gear are able to do multiple flips and quick turns to either catch up to a Titan and get in the right position to strike them down or use these excellent reflexes to get away from a foe too powerful for them to defeat.

Strategists: The smartest of their squad are capable of making brilliant attack formations can easily spot out a Titan whenever one is near and can also see the Titan's intellect.

Gas Efficient: Though average in all other aspects these fighters know how to conserve and maintain their pace. Their gas tanks seem to never go empty and they can also spot out a supply caravan miles away.

Skilled Swordsman: These soldiers have trained hard with their blades and have honed their techniques to that of a master. With their fine blade skills they never leave a scratch on their prized weapons making them last for long periods of time and are able to make more difficult strikes to specific areas of the body.

Range: What they lack in speed they make up for with availability. These soldiers are capable of sending their 3D Maneuver gear to far distances and grabbing a hold of a smaller target to propel themselves towards or from danger. While soaring it is noticeable that their acceleration during flight is faster than all other groups even SPEED!

Character Sheet:

District You Live In:
Social Class:
Battle Type:
Appearance: (A picture is acceptable except you cannot use any already made Attack On Titan Characters)

 The Walls were built Mehr than a century ago, when humanity was brought to the edge of extinction at
last edited on Jun 09, 2014 at 04:03AM

Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) 1349 Antworten

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Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
"Don't you realize... Your doing it right now." He says, lowering his hands, letting them fall to his side. "Humanity is curious by nature, but to venture out and think out of the norm, is to be put to death? There is more to life than following, surely a leader such as yourself understands that?"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
[Ash's Rp Post]

*The man would pause and looked at his men.*
Commander: shall not be put to death here...,but we shall take you under arrest until we can get more answers.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
He shut his eyes, and sighed once more. "Yes sir." Is all Ash said before raising his hands once more, and getting down on his knees.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
*As the men rounded him up and placed him on the back of a horse tied up he got witness the body of Sarah being left behind in the wilderness as the road off into town. After many hours of core aching horseback riding they eventually made it to the inner walls. It was there that Ash was sentenced to wait for an appointment with the king himself.*

???: Hey you..what're you in for?
*As he turned the best he could behind the bars he saw the face of an elderly man from his bearded jaw to his old nose.*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
"... If I told you, we'd be here all day." He sighs then shrugs with a slight smile. "But I guess we've got the time. I'm in for, well let's see; Inventing, Saving, Questioning, and Surviving... What about you?"
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
???: The murder of my squad.
*He'd say this with a cold tone and a twisted smile on his face.*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
"Oh... um, well that's um... Original." Ash mutters the last bit, scooching away on his bed.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
???: Hehehe it's what they deserved...leaving me for dead with those titans? Hehehe well I showed those titans who was boss first...then I taught them all a valuable for all and all for one.
Since they tried to kill me, but failed I tried to kill them and succeeded!
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
"Your a scout?" He asks quietly, not really wanting to speak with the murderer.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
???: Hahaha back in the day yeah...wanting to see foreign lands and save the world,...but what they don't tell you is that there's nothing, but those things out there... No lands that are foreign and beautiful...just wild animals and the titans... and what's if you do manage to come one looks at you the yourself have become foreign alienated from society.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
"... Right." He murmurs, closing his eyes. Why'd Jessica have to die...? She had nothing to do with it... He thinks to himself, a single tear escaping his eyes.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
???: You still there youngster?
*The man questioned at Ash's silence*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
"Uh, y-yeah... I'm still here." He mumbles slowly, wiping the tear away with his arm.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
???: Everything okay kid?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
"... We're in prison, awaiting to be executed... Am I supposed to be okay?!" He glares at the murderer, then rubs his eyes.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
???: Hahahaha kid if they brought you here you're not dying anytime soon.
I've been here for years.
*As he said this Ash heard a large iron door screech open*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
He looks up and gets off from his bunk. "Years huh...?" Ash murmurs, moving over to the edge of his cell to see who it was.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
*As he did this someone stood before his cell that he'd never seen. The male simply grabbed his face and began to inspect him.*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
He tries staggers back slightly, gripping the bars tightly. "Ah!" Ash growls falling back to the floor, landing hard. "What was that for?!"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
???: I'm seeing how healthy you are. Few exams then the testing begin.

Murderer: Hahahaha oh boy the testing!
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
"Testing? Testing for what?" The young man asks, standing up. "I'm not sick if that's what your thinking."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
???: Hehehe we's just we know so little human and titan similarities so whenever we can we snatch a soon to be dead patient and begin ..."Testing" these similarities
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
"Well I'm alive and kicking, so this isn't necessary." He concludes with an annoyed crossing of his arms.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
???: You won't be for long if you don't peacefully come with me.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
"... Fine." He mutters and walks back over to the man. "Where are you taking me...?"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
*As he opened the gate guards came and coughed Ash and began to lead him down a long white hall.*
???: Well you see we know when humans are ingested by titans they dissolve in their stomachs, but what we're wondering is....
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
He looks over his shoulder at both guards, then turns to face the mysterious man. "They don't completely dissolve. From what I saw, they puke out the remains." Ash mutters, rolling his eyes.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
???: Hehehe we're not interested in their dieting habits, but their being. As in we intend to try and turn you into one.
We shall start by injecting freshly obtained titan blood into your veins and see what happens.
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
"... You know that's not really how it works." He sighs, beginning to feel his restraints digging into his hands. "And if by rare chance you do turn me into a titan, what then?"
(Is he gonna become a titan...?)
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
(No but they will experiment lol)
???: Then we tear you apart and see how the transformation took place. See if you still retain parts of your human body.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…
(kk -_- Not sure where your going with this... Guess I'm a gonna trust Lady Aincrad on dis one :P)

"I'll be sure to eat you first." He chuckles as they walked down the long hallway.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: *She came back to reality*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
[Ash's Rp Post]

*As he entered the room he saw a large restrained Titan who gnawed at the door hoping to devour Ash and the doctors.*

[Kana's Rp Post]

*As she realized what was happening the Titan began chasing a man who had ran right past it leaving her in the clearing all alone.*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: I've got to get after it, *she began using her gear to maneuver up to the buildings* Now, *she used her gear once more to maneuver and slice the nape of the Titan with a spinning clean slash*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
[Kana's Rp Post]

*As she began to prepare to launch she remembered she was outside the walls in a grassy plain with few trees and could not maneuver.*
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

"Another failed experiment?" He questions as they guide him, making sure to keep out of its reach.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
[Ash's Rp Post]

???: More like the first part of out procedure.
*He then stuck a large syringe inside of the retrained titan pulling it out having filled it with steaming hot Titan blood.*
This might feel like you're on fire and being drug through glass,'s for the sake of science
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

"Your not sticking that in me." He growls trying to break free from the restraints, but it was to no avail. "You are mad!"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
[Ash's Rp Post]

???: Hahaha no we are scientists trying to rid this world of titans my friend.
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

"Rid them by creating them...?!" He shouts, trying to free himself of the guard's grip on his arm. "What about a pathogen? Why not develop a virus? A plague!"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
[Ash's RP Post]

???: A plague spreads among humans my dear subject.
*He'd then flick the top of the needle.*
Titans are immune to all diseases we've ever seen. As far as we know they are immoral except by removing the nape of the neck. And we intend to rid ourselves of them by learning how they were formed and if they are any part human. Then we shall learn how to revert them at will.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

"... You stick that in me, and I will kill you." He glares at the Scientist. "You got that?!"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: Damn.... Maneuvering out here is gonna be a big problem..... Damn!
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
[Kana's Rp Post]

*As she rode her horse the man managed to lead the titan away and escape from it's clutches leaved the titan crawling searching for new food.*

[Ash's Rp Post]

Scientist: Ah ah aaaah.
Now is that the way to speak to the person that might turn you into Humanity's savior?
*He'd bring the syringe closer to Ash's now subdued body.*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

"Pariah seems to fit more... If the people found out what you were doing down here, you really be seen as a savior?" Ash growls as the man came closer.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
[Ash's Rp Post]

Scientist: But they never will find out. And if I eradicated all of the titans....hehehe who would care for the lives of criminals that were sacrificed to save the innocent public?

*He was now strappping Ash's arm down and his neck into the chair leaving his lags free in case he needed to kick and squirm in pain.*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

"... Just get this over already, I'm done talking to you." He mutters, shutting his eyes. Ash began to imagine himself back at his old farm house inside Wall Maria, where he'd teach his little brother how to fish.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Aigomiko said…
[Ash's Rp Post]

*As these memories flooded his mind he felt the needle being inserted and once the blood entered still steaming he began to feel searing pain throughout his body. It was if someone had fused acide and lava and forced it inside of him. He began to shake involuntarily from the pain as the doctor simply stared at him and wrote on his paper.*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr TheAdventGhost said…
Kana: [That was too close]
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Rogue475 said…

He begins to cry out in pain, trying desperately to break free from his shackles. "Your-r gonna pay... For..." Ash manages, just before blacking out.