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Ok. So this is another opinion Artikel I am typing. On my Reasons for hating Asami one there were so many mean comments. I really hope they are not on this one. Because this is not about hating a character. It's about my reasons why I like The Legend of Korra better than Avatar The Last Airbender.

All Reasons here
I have always like it better in shows, Bücher oder video games when the main character is a girl. I'm a female who likes it better when main characters are female. I don't hate Aang on Avatar The last airbender. I think he is a great character but I just liked main female...
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added by Roleplayer
Source: tumblr
added by zanhar1
Source: varricks-smile
added by hopestar1
added by carrieicecream
added by zanhar1
Source: tumblr
added by bakes2389
Source: LOK Book 4 Episode 1
added by WinterAmari
Source: http://forevergirlkorra.tumblr.com/
added by LLheart
added by mstre
added by NightFrog
Source: tumblr
added by AvatarKorra73
Ok before I say my reason to why I hate Asami. This is my own opinion. This way be hurtful to Asami Fans but I'm not saying it to attack Asami fans. I'm typing this because I read a Kommentar that pumpkinqueen sagte I only hate Asami for her looks. And that is not true. I have many reasons why I don't like her.

When Asami had first came on in ep 4. When she was riding on her motor thing. I thought she was one of the evil characters. But than she wasn't. But when she started to talk to Mako and datum him. I was all angry. I always been a Fan of Korra and Mako together. But that's not the only reason...
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So in my last Artikel I mentioned that I wanted to compare two of my Favorit characters; Azula and Kuvira. And that's just what Imma do.

First and foremost they are both cunning and manipulative. The two of them share that crazy ability to just twist their words to make their will appeal to their opposers. In the way Azula got Ty-Lee to Mitmachen her side, Kuvira was able to get that one small Earth village on her side.

Likewise both seem to have this large interest with politics and military. They both have very meticulous strategies as to how to take the Weiter place. They both want dominance. The...
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added by pumpkinqueen
Source: tumblr
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: tumblr
posted by Magicalgirl12
They had found Korra. She was on Naga. Tenzin and Lin wanted to talk to her how she got away but Mako stop them.

"Give her some space!" Mako called out as he picked Korra up.

"I was so worried. Are Du alright?" Mako asked with a very worried look on his face.

"I'm fine. I'm glad your here" Korra sagte with a smile. Mako also smiled. Mako put her on Oggi.

"Your save now" Mako sagte as he brush her face with one of his hands. Meanwhile Korra was in her bedroom sleeping. She didn't look too good. She had some scraches on her body. Mako was in her bedroom. He sat in a chair Weiter to her. He hold...
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Another anon tumblr prompt; Ming Hua sees a new mother with a baby and does some reflecting. It was a fun prompt to work with.

Ming Hua was never really the motherly type. To be honest she didn’t really even want a kind. But somehow, she found that every time she saw a mother carrying a squirming infant, that a knot would from in her throat.

It simply just wasn’t fair.

She’d never have that.

Sure, she could always carry a newborn of her own using her liquid arms. But that just wasn’t the same, she’d never actually feel the smoothness of the baby’s soft skin. oder the warmth of its...
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added by princessAries