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posted by hetalianstella
This is in no particular order.

- I hate how people automatically assume Du are Chinese just because you're Asian, oder automatically assume Du are Mexican just because Du are Hispanic.

- How people always say they COULD care less when they COULDN'T care less!

- When people use an elevator.....for one floor!

- Perverts....I mean, I don't hate perverts. Some of my best Friends are perverts. But I'm not a pervert, so don't act like a pervert around me. Anywhere else is fine, but please respect my asexuality.

- When people overuse lol.
Especially when there is nothing funny!
Same with OMG. I mean, it's one thing in a text but why on the internet? I mean with LOL it would be kind of awkward to say "laugh out loud", but is it really that hard to type out "oh my god"?

- Cigarettes.
They are killing Du there is no point to them at all!

- When People Capitalize Every Single Word In The Sentence Like This. Capitalization Is For The Start Of A Sentence oder For A Name oder Something Important, Just Don't Do It Like This, There Is No Point Of This At All.

- When people use txt tlk leik tis ovr ta intrnt ...................It hurts my brain.

- When Du just finish a really long message oder text message that took Du 5-10 Minuten and then they reply back as just "ok".

- Overly obsess fangirls/boys.
When they act like there is nothing else to life but their fandom.

- Toddlers & Tiaras.
It's obvious the girls don't want to do it. How is this not considered child abuse?!?

- Shows like Teen Moms and 16 and Pregnant.
We just shouldn't be glamorizing the subject of teen pregnancy. There are people who have purposely gotten pregnant as teenagers just in attempt to get on these kind of shows and have had their entire future ruined.

- McDonalds oder just Fast Essen in general
It's disgusting and no good for you! Why would Du eat it?! I especially hate the restaurants that give out toys to kids when they buy their food, they are luring children into obesity!

- Disney Channel.
At least change the name of the freaking channel, stop advertising that channel with Walt Disney's name!! If Walt Disney was to somehow come back to life and see what they have done with his name he would probably have a herz attack!
Disney was all about Aladdin, Pinocchio, and Peter Pan. Not Shake it Up, Ant Farm, and Jessie.
Disney and Disney Channel are two totally different worlds. At least change the name of the channel, that is all I am asking.

- Girls who have boyfriends who treat them like trash but they treat them like a god. And then they get a good boyfriend who is really nice to them but they treat them like trash.
Why....just why?

- Animal Abuse.

- pelz Users.
It's just plain wrong! How would Du feel if Du were slaughtered and skinned just because it's the new fashion trend.
I don't know about Du but I would be pretty pissed off.

- Kids who are disrespectful towards teachers.
We cannot learn anything with Du constantly talking and being disrespectful! Du think Du have it hard? They are the ones who have to deal with brats like you! Seriously, teachers are just trying to help Du and give Du an education. Shut up and be quiet when they are talking!

- Racism

- Homophobia on so many levels.
It's one thing to simply not support gay rights but it's another to go around bashing it and shouting stuff like "SIN, BIBLE, UNNATURAL, CHOICE ECT.!".........shut up. Du are not helping yourself. The only people who are listening and agree with Du are the ones who are already homophobes. Du aren't converting anyone.....just shut up.

- Sexism

- People who shove their religion/beliefs down everyone's throats.
I respect all religions. It is perfectly ok to be religious. But don't go "GOD HATES YOU! THAT'S A SIN! YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!"............again just shut up.

- Cheaters

- Communism and Dictatorship

- War.
I admit there has been some wars in the past which were necessary. But most are just pointless violence and killing, especially today. I have yet to hear one good reason for why we (Americans) ever went into Iraq.

- People who want to cause war just because of something like oil.
NO amount of oil makes up for so many innocent Lost lives. NO AMOUNT WHATSOEVER!

- Pedophilia

- Rape

- People who make rape and pedophilia into some kind of joke.
It's not something to laugh at!

- People who kick others while they're down.

- When people use words they don't know the meaning of...

- People who make claims and they can't back up anything they say.

- People who swear when there is little kids around. oder just do anything that sets a bad example for kids.

- America's education system.
......It's just bad.

- How everyone gets a break from school to celebrate Christmas, but Jewish people can't get a break to celebrate Hanukkah. oder other people of other religions to celebrate their holidays.

- The Electoral College
......It just is not a good way to elect President.

- When people back up traffic Von driving 10 miles under the speed limit.

- When people stereotype Muslims oder the Middle East.
oder just stereotypes in general. When someone bashes a whole culture oder religion when they have no knowledge whatsoever about it.

- I hate it when Du are texting a really long message then someone sends Du a text and Du have to start all over again.

- When Du are texting and Du accidentally do the winking face ;) instead of the smiley face :).
Then it just makes the whole conversation awkward.

- I hate the lyrics to some rap songs. This is only referring to some.
They don't make sense and the people listening have no idea what Du are rapping about. And even when they do know what Du are rapping about the lyrics just suddenly go way off topic.
And yet they still make millions...
Ex: Starships Von Nicki Minaj
I have no idea what that song is supposed to be about.

- How most modern Musik talks about nothing but sex, money, partying, and drugs.
Whatever happened to Musik that actually means something, that was actually written for a purpose?

- When people are completely isolated oder oblivious to other religions, cultures, and countries.
When they know nothing at all about the world outside of theirs.

- People who never bother to say "I'm sorry", "Please", oder "Thank you".

- Two faced people.
People who act like your best friend one Tag and then act like they don't know Du the next.

- Followers and Fakes

- People who are obsessed with appearance.

- People who judge a book Von its cover.

- When people who say "ew" at the most simple things.
There is nothing "ew" about that!

- When people think there whole life is nothing Mehr than what is on a computer screen. When they can't live without the internet.
Seriously, go outside, read a book, ride a bike, something! Do something with your life!

- People who are way over patriotic.
It is perfectly ok to Liebe your country. There is nothing wrong with loving your country and being patriotic. But for example "USA! USA! USA! #1! WE ARE SO MUCH BETTER THAN EVERYONE! FREEDOM!!!!!"
...........People like Du are the reason we are the most hated nation on Earth. Go and learn about other countries for once before Du start making claims like that about yours.

- How some parents go on and on about how incredibly amazing their child is.
..................We get it.

- When people use "gay" as an insult.
"That's so gay!"
Do Du realize how stupid Du sound?

- Deforestation

- People who leave their car running for no reason.
Our air is already un-breathable enough.

- How there are thieves who go to jail longer than murderers.

- When people decide to have their conversations right in the middle of the freaking hallway!
Why....why can't Du scoot to the side oder something? Why do Du need to cause a traffic marmelade when everyone is trying to get to class on time?!

- When Du are choking and people ask if Du are "ok".
I can't breath of course I'm not ok!

- When Du hear about a young person dying and all people have to say is "Oh what a shame she/he was so beautiful/cute."
So if they were not it would be any less of a tragedy?!?

- When people chew their gum too loudly.

- When people say stuff like
"I hate school! Teachers are so dumb! Homework is so dumb! I hate learning! Why do we even have to go!"
Um...you are going so Du can get freaking education and not end up living in a box when Du grow up!
Seriously, that annoys the hell out of me! Be grateful, there's some less fortunate people who would give anything to have the education and knowledge Du do.

- On the internet when Du go to click on a picture to make it bigger and it doesn't get bigger it actually just gets smaller.

- When I'm somewhere like at the grocery store and people ask "Oh hey! What are Du doing here?"
What the hell does it look like I'm doing here?!

- When kids can't wait to grow up. Enjoy being a kid when Du are a kid! I know that when I was 8 I wanted to be 14. Now I'm 14 and I wish I was 8 again!

- How there's 7 Jahr old kids dating now.
Again with the wanting to grow up to fast.

- When I hear little kids chanting words as bad as "f*ck" oder "c*nt".

- When I see little kids dressing like they're grown adults.
Du are 8 years old, why the hell are Du dressed like a prostitute?

- How 27,000 species of Tiere go extinct every year.
What pisses me off Mehr is how it's mostly due to humans.
What pisses me off even Mehr is how most humans couldn't care less.

- Teachers who say they can't stand dealing with kids.
...........Why did Du become a teacher?

- People who keep having kids when they can't support them.
It's one thing if Du want a big family but, why would Du willing keep having children if Du are already poor? If Du can't even feed them?
And then Du sign up for welfare but Du keep having kids and then Du need to get Mehr welfare? People like Du are why our economy is so bad!

- When I see people who ONLY Liebe the country of Japan JUST because of its Manga and anime. This just makes me really mad. I mean, what is the point of loving a whole nation, but only for the products it produces?
I admit I like Manga and anime. But there is SO much Mehr to Japan than that. It has a fascinating history, language, culture. To only Liebe it for that is just disgusting.
Manga and Anime is cool but it doesn't nearly, if at all, represent the beauty of that nation.

- When drivers don't stop for pedestrians.

- When people think that just because it is fake it's better.
Like fake sugar oder diet soda. It's not better, it actually can give Du stomach cancer!

- When people complain about something and then don't do anything about it.
Like they will complain about being overweight but they do nothing but sit on the couch and watch TV. oder they complain about being broke when they don't even try to get a job!

- Hollywood running out of ideas for movies.
They're making a lot of remakes, they are making old Filme 3D. And lots of the new Filme that come out are boring and unoriginal...

- When people harass someone with a disability.

- When people harass the homeless.

- When Essen is wasted.
There are people starving in other countries and Du are going to throw out a whole plate of Essen just because you're not hungry? Seems very selfish. Just wickeln, wickeln sie it up and save it for later.

- How there is never Pepsi, how there is never Pepsi at most restaurants Du go to. When they only have Coke.

- When restaurants will stop serving breakfast too early.
I don't want lunch at 10 in the morning. It's the morning!

- When people take up 2 parking spaces.

- The English language. Not the whole language but just some aspects of it.
If I spoke another language I would honestly hate to learn English. People who speak English as a first language don't realize how hard of a language it actually is to learn. We spell wickeln, wickeln sie with a W. There's no point in that. We spell pterodactyl with a P. There isn't any point of that either.

- Spam

- Bullies

- Stalkers

- I hate how people use Google as a first resort of direction.
I'll ask someone something oder tell them a problem I have and all they say is "try google". Well no duh, I already spent 3 hours searching for help online that's why I am asking you!

- Kids/Teenagers who constantly disrespect their parents.
Du obviously don't realize how hard your parents work for Du oder how much they care about you. All they are trying to do is help you! Just stop being so spoiled and say "thank you" for once.

- I hate how when Neil Armstrong died, everyone thought it was the guy who won all of the freaking Tour de France's!

- I hate how people can make such cruel jokes about such disasters like 9/11, The Holocaust, ect.

- People who go on and on about how awful their life is when Du complain about one little thing like it's some kind of contest!

- When people need to take dozens of pictures until they finally have one of them looking absolutely perfect.

- Perfectionists.

- When Hollywood steps in and decides to make a horrible movie out of an amazing book oder show. *cough*avatarthelastairbender*cough*

- Trolls

- People way to desperate for attention.

- People who disrespect such amazing historical figures.
Like someone I ran into the other Tag saying "I want to do an essay on someone cool not some old boring guy like Leonardo Da Vinci!"
Ok, people like Leonardo Da Vinci changed the world we live in today just simply Von existing. They invented such amazing things and made such fascinating discoveries. Don't be so disrespectful towards such a great person and piece of history. oder else Du just look like some big uneducated bigot.

- Black Friday
It turns the holidays into nothing Mehr than just some big shopping spree.

- Most celebrities

- When people don't know what real literature is.

- When people call 911 when it isn't an emergency oder as a joke.
What the hell is wrong with Du they are trying to save lives!

- How foreigners will come to America and they will know a lot of English but when we go over to their country we don't even try to learn their language.

- Lights being left on in an empty room.
What a waste of electricity.

- When people use words they don't know the meaning of...

- Laziness

- This is really nerdy but......when people say time travel is still a fictional thing.
It has been proven we can travel into the future! (Einstein's theory oder time) It's not a fairy tale anymore!

- On Youtube when people ask about things which are in the description.

- People who don't bother to put others feelings into consideration.

- How there are humans who are still dying and starving to death!
Not only do I hate it I just don't understand why this is still a modern problem. It's 2012, we have the iPhone46, 3D television, hybrid cars....and yet there are other people out there who don't even have access to clean water.

- Immaturity

- How people automatically assume it's a "he".
"I Liebe your cat. He's so cute!"
No it's female not a "he". Don't automatically assume everything is male.
If Du don't know the gender just call it an "it".

- Gold diggers.
People who only like someone else for their money.

- When I see annoying overused Youtube Kommentare actually get oben, nach oben comment.

- And finally.....
The Westboro Baptist Church.....
Just Google image it.
Nuff said...

If I think of anything else I might add onto this.
Thanks for everyone who actually read this all the way through! :)

added by camosolidsnake
Source: armoredd.com
added by Cliff040479
Source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/77371316@N00/72816738/

"Tonight (I'm Lovin' You)"
(feat. Ludacris & DJ Frank E)

I know Du want me
I made it obvious that I want Du too
So put it on me
Let's remove the Weltraum between me and you
Now rock your body
Damn I like the way that Du move
So give it to me, oh oooohh...
Cause I already know what Du wanna do

Here's the situation
Been to every nation
Nobody's ever made me feel the way that Du do
You know my motivation
Given my reputation
Please excuse me I don't mean to be rude

But tonight I'm loving you
Oh Du know
That tonight I'm loving you
Oh Du know
That tonight I'm loving you
Oh Du know
That tonight...
continue reading...
1. Everytime your reach a new floor, scream "Glory hallelujah! We will reach the promised land!!!"

2. Interrogate people as if Du worked for the FBI.

3. Make wild turkey noises and when people tell Du to stop, say "You have no respect for animal rights, do you?"

4. Sing your Favorit song and when people get annoyed, sing louder.

5. Follow Zufällig people off and tell them what to buy every Minute oder so. If Du get in trouble, say Du were helping the person make educated choices.

6. Press every button, and try and get off, then, speak into your halsband, kragen and say, "Houston, we have a problem, floor#__...
continue reading...
posted by invadercalliope
I hope Du enjoy.
◦Aizen-sama fears nothing. That's why we bow before him. For us, a man afraid of nothing shines like the moon before us.
Aisuringa (Bleach)

◦From this point on, all Du opinions will be rejected!.
Kurosaki Ichigo (Bleach)

◦Remember this well. There are two types of fights. As we have put our lives in battle, we must be able to distinguish between the two. The fight to protect life, and the fight to protect pride.
Ukitake Jushiro (Bleach)

◦Well can't Du see, the resolve to cut Du reflected in my sword?.
Urahara Kisuke (Bleach)

◦If i were the rain that bind together the...
continue reading...
Some of Du girls will remember that on Wednesday i told Du that Miley's parents were getting a divorce.

According to the celeb news Quelle HollywoodLife.com, Miley was so devastated Von her parents Tish and Billy strahl, ray Cyrus‘ divorce that she got back together with Liam Hemsworth.

“Miley knew about the divorce awhile Vor and she’s been taking it really hard. Pretty much at the same time, she broke up with Liam, Hannah Montana was ending and then her parents’ marriage was falling apart,” Miley’s friend says.

“She got super stressed out and that’s really when she started Schauspielen out...
continue reading...
added by 3xZ
added by Rodz
Source: desktopnexus
added by Basant_pandit
Source: Basant pandit
added by Jet-Black
added by Bisexualnerd22
I am so sick and tired of people not trying to understand another person's plight. I am so tired of people not having solidarity when many groups have gone through horrific things. This world is divided Von many factors. Sexism,racism,homophobia,transphobia,classism and I can continue to go on and on. But whenever someone tells someone else who has not experienced sagte issue. Sometimes the reaction is: "I don't believe you." "I haven't seen it so it doesn't happen" "All (insert any group that has received the short end of the stick on any occasion) are moronic and they don't realize what a great...
continue reading...
added by MeiMisty
added by Mauserfan1910
Source: boob
added by KataraLover
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Song: link

Narrator: Sugar. Spice, and everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girls, but Professor Utonium accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction. Chemical X!
Professor: *Gets moved backwards Von an explosion, but smiles when he sees what he created*
Narrator: Thus the Powerpuff Girls were born! Using their ultra super powers, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup have dedicated their lives to fighting crime, and the forces of evil.
Blossom: *Flies through the sky*
Bubbles: *Flying to the right of Blossom*
Buttercup: *Flying to the left of...
continue reading...
posted by ShadowFan100

I'm a furry, I can do what I want
You're a furry, Du can do what Du want
We're all furries, we can do what we want
We can sing where we want
We can dance where we want

I'm a furry, I can do what I want
You're a furry, Du can do what Du want
We're all furries, we can do what we want
We can hang where we want
Have fun where we want

People in fursuits everywhere
Paws in the air, like we don't care
'Cuz we came to have so much fun now
Got our fursuits on and we gonna furry it out

If you're not ready to go home
Can I get a "Hell no"?
'Cuz we're gonna furry all night
'Till we see the sunlight, alright

continue reading...
This Liste is about the characters from Johnny Depp's Alice in Wonderland films. The 2010 and 2016 Alice films have various enjoyable characters. Everybody on the Liste except for the oben, nach oben 2 is in alphabetical order. I hope Du enjoy the Liste and feel free to mention your Favorit characters from the 2010 and 2016 Alice films.

Cheshire Cat

The Cheshire Cat was briefly a rival of the Hatter, but the Cheshire Cat turned out to be a useful and amusing character. Also he has a nice voice.


In Zurück versions of Alice in Wonderland the Dormouse was a sleepy guy, but the Dormouse is a heroic...
continue reading...
I know.. Liam is a cliche, he's tired of it.
He's always saving people in a very similar formula.
But.. He's still LIAM NEESON.
This guy can read a book too children, and it would be the coolest sight ever..

The Happening.. Oh the Happening.. Du really must of been fucking AWFUL if your able too get a bad performance out of Marky-Mark Wahlberg..
I actually like him Mehr in Filme like TED.. Mark has a certain charm that he brings into the performance..
But hey, watch SHOOTER and LONG SURVIVER to see him kicking ass*. He doesn't really have any real TypeCast.....
continue reading...