Zufällige Rollenspiele Dark Hunters ((private))

Directingchicky posted on Apr 13, 2013 at 02:18AM
The Dark-Hunter Credo:

We are Darkness. We are Shadow.
We are the Rulers of the Night.
We, alone, stand between mankind and those who would see mankind destroyed. We are the Guardians.

The Soulless Keepers.

Our souls were cast out so that we would not forewarn the Daimons we pursue. By the time they see us coming, it’s too late.

The Daimons and Apollites know us. They fear us. We are death to all those who prey upon the humans.

Neither Human, nor Apollite, we exist beyond the realm of the Living, beyond the realm of the Dead.

We are the Dark-Hunters.

And we are eternal.

Yeah, yeah. Enough of the doom and gloom because, baby, that ain’t us. You want to know what a Dark-Hunter is? We are what the intro says. We’re Mad, Bad and Immortal. We’re ancient warriors with attitudes who fight rough, and play hard.

We are the scary things that go bump in the night. And we love every minute of it. So when you think you’re being watched. You just might be. The question is…is it something evil or is it one of us?

Be nice to the Dark Huntresses, because they can also kick your ass.

Dark Hunter rules:
Kill no human, drink no blood.
Stay out of sunlight(unless you have a death wish)
Kill no appolite, kill only daimons or gallu
You can die, so don't expect that you can't
There will be a bow and arrow mark where you were touched by artemis, so pick a place and don't get shot or stabbed there.
Do not touch your squire
Do not kill your squire(even if they deserve it)
Even though it sucks, Dark Hunters are not allowed to have families or relationships. So, don't do it. One night stands only. Sorry
If you want your soul back, talk with Acheron to become human again.And you had better have a good reason.
Do not harm another Hunter, or you will feel the pain ten-fold
In the world of the Dark-Hunters nothing is ever as it seems. Life and death both take on a whole new meaning as this immortal cadre of warriors fight to protect mankind from those creatures and demons who would prey on us. It’s dark. It’s deadly and it’s a whole lot of fun and laughter.

Daimon Rules:

There is actually only one rule: Don’t Die.

However we have put together a few reminders for you:
Don’t fall onto pointy objects chest first.

Don’t drink the blood of the dead.

Sunblock doesn’t work, nor do umbrellas or anything else. If sunlight touches you, you violate the only one real rule- Don’t die.

All humans are evil.
Dark-Hunters are vermin in need of extermination.
Squires are extra yummy when eaten.

Avoid taking the life of an Arcadian or Katagari unless they are offered to you as a sacrifice. They tend to have very large families that will hunt you down and kill you. On that note, remember, they can travel and kill in daylight. We can’t.
In fact, avoid angering anything that walks in daylight. They tend to break into our cribs and expose us to light. So don’t play with your food. Kill them, eat them and move on.

Dark-Hunters can’t go into cemeteries or any haunted place. For a great show, drag them inside and watch what happens.

Dark-Hunter blood is poisonous to us.

Don’t try to kill a Dark-Hunter to steal his soul. They don’t have one. It’s a waste of your time and it just pisses off the Dark-Hunter.
You can only kill a Dark-Hunter by exposing him to daylight or by decapitation. Anything else just pisses them off.
If you see someone with a bow and arrow tattoo, walk on by. DO NOT ENGAGE. Not unless you’re a true Spathi
Avoid polyester and plaid. No real reason other than you just look stupid in it. No one should be caught dead in either one and since we’re dead…

Avoid the Dark-Hunter called Acheron. There is no such thing as escaping or defeating him. He will kick your ass and laugh while he mops the floor with you

Anything other than that is alright.
To join post the following
Age(Era you are from):
Reason for becoming Dark Hunter or Daimon.:
Powers(Only two):
You may also be a human, but be warned that if you are attacked, you're on your own unless you fight the daimon off or a DH comes for you. You can choose to be a character from the book series or make your own.

Other rules:
No God modding, all of you can die excpet the actual gods.
Sex is fine if kept to a minimum
No powers as controlling fire or anything like this. Its sorta realistic. So powers are mind reading, mind erasing, strength, agility, etc. Stuff that makes you a better fighter.
And other stuff you think may be against the rules, just don't do it or ask me.
Have fun.
Humans, if you want the soulf of the dark hunter you fell in love with, talk with Artemis or Acheron, but you must be sure you love them. And don't drop it, because it will break.

Zufällige Rollenspiele 3140 Antworten

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Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
"Maybe someday you could make it a permanent home?" He entwined his fingers in hers. "Fix it up a little, add on a room or two and it would be the perfect house." He glanced back at it. You could see the moon beginning to rise over the trees and turn the lake to silver again. "Absolutely perfect."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…
"I like that idea..." she glanced up, "But I want to find a way to get my sight back first. If I want to bring the cubs here, I want to know that it is absolutely perfect for them. They deserve the best."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…
"I like that idea..." she glanced up, "But I want to find a way to get my sight back first. If I want to bring the cubs here, I want to know that it is absolutely perfect for them. They deserve the best."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
"You can always take it back from me if you want, that offer still stands." He looked back to her with a soft smile. "But I'm sure we can find another way. There has to be another way, right?"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…
"I told you, its too late. The change went permanent days ago Marron...Perhaps Ash could help me. Or someone else. But if it can't happen, then oh well. I don't mind being blind, its new and strange."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
"It did? I don't remember you telling me that." His expression changed to surprise. He wanted to argue it, but it was pointless. There was nothing he could do now. "We'll have to see of Ash knows a way. He does know just about everything, right? We'll get you your sight back somehow. I promise."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…
"Its okay if we don't. I've been getting along just fine without it. Besides, I can still tell when you blush just by putting my hand on your cheek. You get very warm you know." She taunted, swinging their interlocled arms slightly.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
"I do? Are you sure that's not just the warmth of your own hand, because I've never felt it do that before." He let out a little embarrassed laugh. Knowing that he was completely lying through his teeth about it. When he blushed you could about fry an egg on his forehead, that's how badly his face would heat up.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…
"Mmm...I'm pretty sure. You blush a lot from what I can tell. From our first time we tried the kiss, to when you were in Fang's.body. all of it, I felt the heat of it. But frankly, I find it adorable."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
"Do I really blush that much?" He brought his free hand up to his cheek. To his frustration just her simply talking about it that way was making his face turn red and he could feel it. "Now this is really embarrassing...I can't imagine how many times I've been caught red faced like this."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…
"By me? Countless, by others, probably less. I'll be honest, when I could see I would purposely make you blush because I thought it was cute. Still do actually. But now I get the satosfaction of knowing that even blind, I can tell when it happens."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
""How am I supposed to keep up my tough guy act around the bad guys with you makin' me blush all the time?" He put on a pouty face like she did earlier. "I'm not supposed to be cute. I'm supposed to be a big scary hunter." He couldn't help but burst out laughing. Not even believing himself with that one.
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…
Aimee couldn't even find words because she was giggling so much. She was sure he was pouting, he did that a lot, but his tone and just the way he phrased everything made her burst out into laughter, having to clamo her free hand over her mouth to stifle them.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
"That sounded absolutely ridiculous didn't it?" He couldn't hold back the laughter like her. "Don't even know who I'm talking about anymore. There are teddy bears scarier than me."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr HumphryOmega said…
"Somehow i saw that coming" he held the side of his face and went back to his spot by the door door, a small smirk of satisfaction on his face.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…
"Bonnie is quite frightening." She managed between giggles and continued on, still having to hold onto her mouth to calm her laughter down.

"Just leave." She hissed, "I don't want to see you right now Alpha. Just leave and leave me alone."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
"She sure is. Especially now, in her 'I rule the world' phase." He playfully bumped into her, trying to get her to laugh. "If she's like this now then Gods help us all when she reaches the teen years."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…
It was too much for her and she busted out into hard giggles cheeks turning pink from it. She literally could not speak as she was laughing and giggling way too much. "Stop it...Marron. Stop making me laugh."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
"Sorry, I'm afraid I can't do that." He leaned into her shoulder with a sigh. "I like the sound of your laughter too much."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…
Her giggles calmed slightly and she just smiled, leaning her cheek against him, "You're just awful...you know that?" She said quietly.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
"I know." He chuckled quietly. Now that their laughter was beginning to calm down he could focus again. "Come on, we'd better hurry up before we miss the train."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…
"Okay." She straightened up, bumping her hip to his to move him from her shoulder playfully as she squeezed his hand. "If we miss it though, its your fault."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
"How would it be my fault? You're the one having the laughing fit." Without warning he scooped her up in his arms. "There, is this better? We won't be late if I run us there."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…
Her squeal echoed in the empty space.of the night, then the giggles returned, "But my laughing was your fault!" She protested, that cute little pout returning as she crossed her arms.over her chest.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
"Well. I..Okay fine, you win. Again." He had no argument. It was his fault that her laughing fit even began in the first place. "You know what. I'm just going to stop arguing like this with you, seeing as I haven't won a single one yet." Making sure he had her nice and secure he took off for the station. Taking only a few minutes to get there, but still barely making the train on time. "Good thing I ran huh? We would have been waiting for hours."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…
"Thank goodness. I think I would have fallen asleep either way." She had made herself snug in his.arms as he ran with her, holding onto the sleeve of his jacket as he did his best to catch the train. "I hope you don't mind if I do again. I just...like being held by you."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
"Not at all. I'll just carry you all the way back again." He smiled down at her. Like the first time they had come back from the cabin he carried her all the way back to Sanctuary. The only difference this time was that he didn't sneak back in. Figuring it wasn't necessary seeing as her brothers already knew he had gone off to find her.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…
"Looks like you found her." Remi grinned as he watched Marron carry in a sleeping Aimee. "Mama was calmed down earlier by the others, so you should be good to take her back upstairs without too.much hassle."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
"Yep and there shouldn't be anymore tears either." He smiled back and adjusted so he could carry her upstairs easier. "Alright. I'll go tuck her in then.See you guys later." With a slight, shy smile he turned and headed up.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…
"Have fun..." the younger bear snickered and went back to work cleaning up the bar.
"Mmm..." Aimee groaned, wiggling in his arms, "Are we back? I thought I heard..." she didn't continue her sentence and nodded off once more.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
"Yeah, we're back." He replied quietly. "I'm just taking you to your room. So you can sleep comfortably in your own bed."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…
"But..." she yawned,forcing her eyes open to look at him. "But I'm comfortable...right here..." she protested and tightened her grip on his shirt, not wanting to let go.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
"I can't hold you all night." A small chuckle escaped as he worked the door open with his foot. "And don't you think wrapping up in your own sheets sounds nice? Just look at how cozy that looks." He turned so she could see the bed.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…
"I guess." She mumbled grudgingly and allowed him to carry her to her bed, loosening her grip finally in submission. She was not a morning person, or a waking up person. She liked sleep, and hardly ever wanted toget up.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
"Isn't that better?I'm going to go see if they need me for anything. Maybe even work up the nerve to face Ash." Smiling he set her down gently. Then wrapped the blankets around her snugly. "Sweet dreams." He snuck in one last sweet kiss before turning to head out again.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr HumphryOmega said…
"You got it." He stood up and opened the door "so stubborn all the time.." He commented as he slammed the door on his way out. "What to do, what to do."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…
((Do both of you just want to time skip...somewhere?))
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
Vor mehr als einem Jahr HumphryOmega said…
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
(( I may not be on this weekend. It really depends on if I can get the stupid Ipad to work at my grandparents))
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…
((I'm sorry about the whole thing in Banished, I just hate being called a liar.))

Bonnie jummed and skipped along the halls of the house, singing the actual song that Aimee would sing to her and her brothers when it was time for bed. "Ohhhh Brrrrooovvverrr!" She called out loudly, mindless of anyone else trying to sleep. She wanted someoneto play with and she was hungry. Someone should be awake right?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
((It's alright. It's totally understandable.))
"Bonnie?" Marron hauled himself out of bed and stepped out into the hall to see what the cub was up to now. "Hey sweetheart....what are you up to?" Stifling a yawn he looked down at her with sleep filled eyes. As expected he had been given extra work for slacking and it was leaving him drained of energy.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…

"I'm awake and wanna play!" She exclaimed with a wode wide grin. The cub was as cheery as ever, hyer and full of energy. "Will you play with me brover? I'mbored and a tall brover in a cape won't play with me.neither."
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
He gave a tired sigh, how could he resist this? "Sure. I'll play with you Bon." He covered his mouth as another yawn escaped. "Why did the uh..tall brother, not want to play with you though?"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…
"He was mean!" She pouted, jumping up to grab his hand and tug him along back to her playroom. "He was alls big and.mean and scary brover. But its okay, I gots you to play with." She stated rather proudly and continued tugging him along with a stubborn pull.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
"I'm gonna have to talk to him later. Tell him to not be such a meanie." He rubbed his eyes with his free hand as she dragged him around like a rag doll by the other. "But for now I'll play with you. Kay?" Every time he played with her this childlike way of talking would come up. He never meant to do it, it just sort of happened. Unfortunately it often happened around others now as well.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…
((Have you seen the new Star Trek? Because...because this lart is NOT okay!))

She giggled loudly and yanked him into the playroom, dropping his hand as she ran forward and jumped up onto a chair beside a dresser. Clothes and toys galore were piled there and she began flinging them one by one into the floor until a small bright, bubble-gum pink stereo was revealed. She pressed PLAY and all of a sudden, hard rock blasted through, "Dance party!!!"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
(( I have not -__-))

That was definitely a wake up for him. The music was pretty loud, but to his sensitive ears it was almost deafening and the sudden blast nearly gave him a heart attack as well. "Yay." An awkward smile spread across his face as his brain tried to catch up to what was going on.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Directingchicky said…
((Then I shall hush. But if you are a sap like me, then you will cry. -zips mouth-))

As the music blasted, Bonnie jumped down and grabbed both of his hands this time, and started attempting to dance. Of course she was clumsy, and frankly she looked more like an itty bitty chicken, but she was having fun. "Dance brover dance!"
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Axel1313 said…
"I am I am. " His dancing was no better than hers, but he couldn't really dance like he used to. It just wouldn't work in any way. Even though it left them both looking ridiculous she was having a blast and that's all that really mattered.