Die Pinguine aus Madagascar Club
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posted by KowalskiTheLich
Skipper reluctantly climbed up the ladder, staring at the other two jealously (they had fallen asleep before he had even gotten to the oben, nach oben of the ladder). He was so distracted Von making nasty faces at them that he nearly slipped and fell off. After he regained his balance, he decided it was best to concentrate on climbing.

He popped out of the hole and into the pinguin habitat, and immediately shivered. It was a very cold night and even though he was a penguin, he seemed to have little tolerance for the cold, presumably because he had been born and raised in warmer temperatures (see ‘Tagged’ for proof). He wondered why he had not been cold at the auditions earlier that night.

He was regretting his decision to send someone out on recon duty, but of course he would not have been if either Rico oder Private had been out in the cold, he would be asleep in the HQ. Now that he was out doing it he was reasoning that Fred probably tripped on a baum branch oder fell off accidentally for one reason oder another and blamed it on someone kicking him. Skipper had climbed the baum himself and had found no indication that anyone had been up there besides Fred.

Skipper decided to slip back into the HQ and go to sleep, since he knew the others were sound asleep. He slid the fisch bowl aside and was about to climb down when he saw a lone figure moving through the blackness towards the pinguin habitat. Slightly intrigued, as it was very late at night, he decided to investigate.

The figure continued to advance towards the pinguin habitat, but eventually turned down a side path and disappeared from Skipper’s sight. Shaking from the cold and cursing his curiosity, Skipper jumped out of the habitat and ran off after the figure, taking care to make as little noise as possible. Fortunately for him, this was made easy as the lemur habitat was right Weiter door and one of the lemurs, probably Julien, was snoring very loudly.

The zoo was so dark that Skipper Lost sight of the figure several times before he eventually found them, silhouetted against the light of the moon oder the city. He made sure to stay quiet and out of sight, wanting to see where the figure was heading before dealing with them if necessary.

The figure was constantly moving but walking very slowly and making strange noises. It also appeared to be holding something, which Skipper was having trouble making out, but its shape was similar to a large upside-down vial oder beaker, like the kind Kowalski had in his lab. Finally, it reached the edge of the zoo boundaries and its current path was blocked Von a wall. Skipper sincerely hoped that it would not climb the Wand and go into the park.

But the figure turned and walked behind one of the zoo warehouses, like the place where they had buried Kowalski except that it was on the complete opposite side of the zoo. It turned behind one of the warehouses and Skipper followed, hiding in the darkness cast Von the wall.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed on. Skipper was startled, but as he had been prepared for a fight all along he got into his karate pose, waiting to kick the stuffing out of anything that attacked him. However, the figure, which was only a few yards in front of him, yelped in surprise and stumbled onto the ground.

Skipper quickly looked up to determine the Quelle of the light: it was one of those lights with motion sensors, which come on when someone walks by. This was obviously there to help zoo workers if they were making deliveries oder moving objects while it was dark.

Skipper jumped over to the figure, which was completely wrapped in what appeared to be a blue blanket. Ready for anything, Skipper pulled off the blanket and stepped backwards in case it lunged. But there was no need. It was Marlene.

Marlene seemed startled enough Von the lights suddenly coming on, but was even Mehr startled Von someone pulling off her blanket. She kicked out behind her, catching Skipper in the chest and knocking him to the ground. Then she got up and turned around, looking to see who it was.

“Hey!” she sagte when she saw it was only Skipper, lying on the ground and holding her blanket. “Not cool.” She grabbed the blanket from him and walked over to where she had fallen. Lying on the ground in front of the spot she had fallen was a tiny bouquet of five white flowers, which had been tied together with some string.

“Marlene…what are Du doing?” sagte Skipper, sitting up and rubbing his chest. “And although I admire your reflexes, did Du have to kick so hard?”

“Skipper, do Du always have to know exactly what is going on in my life? Because, it’s really not any of Du business” Marlene snapped, standing over Skipper and looking down at him.

“Eh…sorry” sagte Skipper, trying to speak quickly to get him out of trouble. “I was on recon duty and saw Du walking through the shadows, I couldn’t tell who it was and, with all these strange occurrences going on around here I thought I should probably follow and make sure…”

“Okay, whatever” sagte Marlene. “Well, everything’s fine. Good night.”

She began to walk away, tossing the blanket over her shoulders and wrapping it around her. Skipper was reminded how cold it was and mentally congratulated Marlene for having enough sense to bring a blanket, even though he was a little put out about her choice of words. Skipper was not one to put himself in other people’s shoes and think about how they would react in any gegeben situation.

“Hold up sister! I can’t just let Du go wandering off Von yourself on a night like this! Don’t Du remember what happened to poor Fred just a few hours ago?” sagte Skipper dramatically.

“Skipper, he got kicked out of a tree,” sagte Marlene. “If he had been stabbed with a messer oder something I’d be worried. Besides, it’s Fred, he probably just tripped oder something and blamed it on someone kicking him.”

“Hey, that’s exactly what I thought,” Kommentiert Skipper. “Um, I mean…”

“Yeah” sagte Marlene. “Skipper…how do I put this…this is a time where I kind of want to be alone.”

“But Marlene, there could be a bloodthirsty madman lurking in the shadows, just waiting for me to walk away…” sagte Skipper, glancing around with shifty eyes.

“I’ll take my chances,” sagte Marlene.

“Sorry Marlene, but leaving a defenseless citizen in a time of peril violates the pinguin Code” sagte Skipper.

“Well, I guess Du just got your butt kicked Von a defenseless citizen” smirked Marlene. Skipper blushed slightly. Marlene sighed.

“Okay, if I tell you, will Du go away?” she said.

“Not liking the tone much, Marlene,” sagte Skipper, standing up and patting Marlene on the head.

Marlene brushed Skipper’s wing off her head. “Skipper please” she said. “This is always a hard Tag for me.”

Skipper looked at her curiously.

Marlene sighed. “Six years Vor today, while I was still living in my old aquarium, my dad died. When I moved to the zoo, I buried his Favorit strand ball behind this warehouse.”

Skipper felt very awkward. “You buried his…beach ball?” sagte Skipper.

“Well, they removed the body and everything! What else was I supposed to do?” Marlene snapped.

“Okay, okay,” sagte Skipper. “Well, I guess this is sort of personal, so I guess I’ll just let you…”

Marlene suddenly threw herself onto Skipper and began to sob. Skipper nearly fell under the force of the impact, but caught himself. Slightly annoyed, but not wanting to comfort Marlene, he gave her an encouraging sort of hug.

“Oh Skipper” Marlene sobbed. “I miss him so much…I’ve never been the same since he died…”

Skipper found himself imagining how Marlene must have been like before her father died, but since he had no idea what her father was like, he really couldn’t.

“Where did Du get those nice Blumen Marlene?” sagte Skipper, trying to get her mind off her father even though he knew perfectly well that they grew in the gras, grass of her habitat.

Marlene gave a very annoyed look. “Of course, why would Du care? Du never even knew him!” snapped Marlene. She stepped away from Skipper and began to walk away, but turned around and addressed Skipper one Mehr time before disappearing into the darkness. “I appreciate what you’re trying to do, Skipper, but tonight…I’m not really in the mood to talk.”

Skipper considered calling out after Marlene, but decided it would be fruitless. She obviously didn’t want to be bothered and she was almost certainly right about there being no villain wandering the zoo. It went against everything Skipper taught, but Marlene had made him at least somewhat aware of how preposterous it sounded. Besides, Skipper was tired and really wanted to get to sleep. Maybe he could sneak back in without the others even noticing…

He began to walk, and the automatic light turned on again. It was getting very annoying, Skipper thought. Right before he turned a corner, he glanced back at Marlene. He could see her silhouette about twenty feet away. She appeared to be kneeling crouching on the ground, still holding the flowers. Skipper inclined his head respectfully before walking away.

From the oben, nach oben of the warehouse, Kowalski surveyed the situation through his powerful binoculars, conveniently equipped with night vision. As soon as Skipper was back in the pinguin habitat, he hopped off the roof and prepared to execute his genius plan…at least that’s what he referred to it as. However, he made a mental note to be careful in case Skipper suddenly became concerned and rushed back to make sure Marlene was all right…that would blow his cover big time.

Kowalski hid behind a nearby trashcan and watched Marlene through his binoculars. Von the time he had adjusted the zoom, she had already laid the Blumen on the ground and was about to walk away. Kowalski needed to act quickly oder his plan was kaput!

Kowalski rummaged through a bush, which he had stored a few items in. He grabbed a large cassette player, which was actually the lemur’s ‘boomy box’, which he had swiped from their habitat while they slept. He then dropped the binoculars into the bush, but they landed on his left flipper as he was fiddling with the cassette player. He let out a grunt as they crushed his flipper, and Marlene turned around.

“Hello?” she said.

Quietly, Kowalski popped open the cassette player and popped in a tape and shut the player. Then he hit the play button and soothing violin Musik issued from the player.

“What the…?” sagte Marlene, walking closer to investigate.

Kowalski noticed that the volume was exceedingly loud and tried to turn it down as quickly as possible. Unfortunantly, he turned the knob the wrong way, so the Musik suddenly became very loud, then very soft. Marlene stood a few feet away, wondering what was going on.

Kowalski saw his plan falling apart. He decided it was now oder never. Jumping out from behind the trashcan, he swirled his cape around and began to talk in what he hoped was his most mysterious-sounding voice.

“Your pleas have not fallen upon deaf ears, child. Your father has sent me. I am an angel…your Angel – Jäger der Finsternis of music…” “Aah!” sagte Marlene, jumping slightly. “Skipper, is that you? Pretending to be the Phantom of the Opera?”
“Aw man, Du figured it out that quickly?” sagte Kowalski, retreating behind the trashcan and turning off the music.

“Yep. Obviously, Du don’t know me that well. I memorized that entire play when I was only a few years old” sagte Marlene.

“You saw it as a play?” sagte Kowalski.

“No, silly! I had all of the Musik on cassette tapes. I played them all the time. That is, until I got sick of them…”

Kowalski now felt very embarrassed. “Well, it was worth a shot!” he sagte in a mock cheerful voice.

“And take off all of those black clothes! I can’t see Du at all!” sagte Marlene, blundering forward.

Despite the coldness of the night, Kowalski was feeling very stuffy inside of all of the clothes he was wearing. He threw off everything except the cloth covering his face. Marlene might think he was just playing but, with the ‘mask’ at least, he was not. He threw all of the clothes into the busch the binoculars were in.

“Man, I still can’t see anything,” sagte Marlene. “Hey, come over here.”

She scurried over to the side of the warehouse, where the automatic light came on and illuminated the area.

“Kowalski!?” sagte Marlene, expecting Skipper. “Okay, you’re gonna have to explain this one to me.”

“What? Why it’s me and not Skipper?” sagte Kowalski.

“No! Didn’t you…die?” sagte Marlene shakily.

“Oh that. Well I kinda…sorta…staged my own death, if Du know what I mean,” sagte Kowalski.

“WHY?” shouted Marlene.

“Classified” sagte Kowalski. “Maybe I’ll tell Du later. But I need Du to promise me something. Whatever Du do, DO NOT tell the others, especially Skipper!”

“Kowalski, I’m not going to lie to Skipper. I don’t care what kind of grudge Du two have, I need to tell him,” sagte Marlene harshly.

“PLEASE!” sagte Kowalski, making a pathetic face.

“Oh all right!” sagte Marlene. “But don’t Du think Du can go doing whatever, you’d better think again, because if I need to tell Skipper what you’re up to, darn it I will!”

“That’s fine” sagte Kowalski.

“So, what were Du doing here anyway?” sagte Marlene.

“Oh, right. I was going to offer to help Du practice for your audition,” sagte Kowalski very simply.

“That’s what all this was about?” sagte Marlene. “My audition? And what do Du know about Singen anyway?”

“Well, I’ve been studying the physical processes of Singen and thought I could at least share some tips to help Du sing better and waste less oxygen while doing so,” sagte Kowalski.

“Why do Du have to turn everything into a big scientific mess?” sagte Marlene. “But it does sound like it could help. Ah, what the heck, follow me back my habitat and we can practice there.”

“Actually, I was thinking Mehr of using my…super cool underground lair!” sagte Kowalski, hesitating slightly in order to think of something better than ‘the sewer’. “Besides, I have an organ.”

“You do not!” sagte Marlene.

“Yes I do” sagte Kowalski.

“A real one?”


“Lead the way!” sagte Marlene.
posted by TheRatKing1
(my first in a series of episode style Fan fictions. and Von that, i mean, the sort of stuff you'd see in an episode)

April 1st, 2013.

The Penguins woke up early that morning. Skipper watched the rest of his team tiredly crawl out of bed. Kowalski was first, followed Von Private, and Rico....well, he just sort of rolled out of bett and hit the floor. He was still asleep.

Several attempts to wake him up were made until Private had the bright idea of placing a fisch near Rico's head, intending for him to eat it when the crazed bird woke up, but just before he could place it on the stone floor, Rico's...
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posted by Skiparah
He was just a pinguin with a growing depression. Not a word in the world could take the weight of the infliction off his shoulders. He was a pinguin who just needed to run away and have a good cry. But he wouldn't let that happen. He knew he couldn't. I'm a man.I'm a man. He told himself that so many times. Now he walked, head hanging, shoulders drooped. Here could be found no glory, no spirit of freedom, no lack of affliction. Only the mark of an outcast, the weight of regection and hate were seen. Rain clouds were drawn to him overhead. Slowly raindrops began to fall. Not after long rain...
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posted by sowem
Sorry you, always have to wait so long, I keep struggling to decide what happens Weiter and the it's power outages, exams, etc. All of the sudden my computer won't let me on Fanpop and I have to use my dad's computer.

Skipper: Hey, the hatch finally opened!
Marlene: There's the braniac!

They all went for him, but as they jumped 1 Von 1 Kowalski paralyzed them. And once the king froze Mort jumped onto his (Skipper's) feet, knowing that Julien can't kick him away now, then he got Frozen too.

Julien: Show's Du for touching the feet!

Kowalski: That's everyone! Wait! I'm missing one!

Skipper: Over here!...
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Von request of link. Hope Du enjoy it. :)

Romantic Guitar: Take 1

Skipper: Somewhere inside that abomination burns some ember of our Marlene. And I know just how to reach it. Rico! gitarre me! Por favor!

Rico: *hacks up guitar*

Skipper: (not realizing that its an electric guitar) *plucks string* *LOUD gitarre SOUND*

Private/Kowalski/Skipper: Aaah! My ears!!!!


Director: Rico! Spanish guitar! Not electric!

Kowalski: What about Danish metrics?

Private: No! I think he sagte Famous sitar tactics!

Kowalski: Oh yeah Private! That makes sense!

Skipper: What are we...
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posted by peacebaby7
“Sorry about that compadre. Not too much I can do about him. Anyway, we are going to help Du get over this.” Skipper told Kowalski after Julien’s attempted interference. “But how?” Kowalski asked. “Ugh! Enough Kowalski! I’ve had enough of your ‘buts’!” Private suppressed a giggle. “Private! Do Du have to giggle at every ‘but’ reference?” Skipper asked the young cadet angrily. “Sorry sir.” Private replied. “What do Du want to do Kowalski?” Skipper asked his lieutenant. “Wallow in self-pity…” Kowalski muttered. Skipper slapped him. “Kowalski! There’s...
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posted by legendary7
The pengins began to proceed their journey before the sun came up to spare themselves from the blistering sun for awhile. That morning the heat was untoleratentable. Von eleven Rico couldn't take walking anymore, so he slid on his belly.

As they inclined up a hügel Private's eyes randomly began to light up. He daydreamed off into the distance. It wasn't long before Rico and Kowalski joined him in his gaze.

"What are Du boys looking at? I don't see anything." Skipper questioned.

"Don't Du see the H.Q.?" Kowalski sagte pointing to nothing.

"No, what are Du talking about Kowalski? It's a...
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Note: This is not the final chapter. There's going to be one oder maybe a couple more. I hope I get Mehr Kommentare this time, because last time I didn't get as many Kommentare as anticiapated. Please, comment, if Du wish, Du don't have to, though.

The Weiter Tag Skipper went fishing again, and Private was alone. Private took the diary and tried to take off from where he had left off.
Dear Diary,
It is the Tag before the wedding.

No that wasn't it. He finally reached it.
Dear Diary,
.......................... we decided to name him Private.

Private dropped the book in shock. Then it hit him: his mother's...
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As the figure got closer Private shut his eyes and fell into a deep sleep. Skipper emerged out of the fog and rushed to Private's side.
S: "Private! Private, wake up! Please speak to me!"
Skipper put his head to Private's ice cold chest. A faint heartbeat caught his attention. His raced through the treacherous blizzard. He concluded his sprint when they reached a cave. Skipper held Private tight in his trembling flippers. He strode deeper into the cave with Private in his grasp firmly. Even though the immense cave seemed dank and mysterious, Skipper felt comfortable in it. After all, this was...
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posted by legendary7
They tired and hungry, especially the lemurs who weren't used to walking so long.
Ma: "I'm beat. Can we stop for the night."
K: "Negative,"
The whole team was yawning. It was apparent they all needed rest.

It was dead silent for awhile.
P: "Help! Please some one!"
N: "I don't think anyone can hear Du from in here, Private."
Private noticed Skipper groaning.
P: "Skipper, are Du sure you're okay?"
S: "I have a major headache,"
N: "Wait, Skipper, did Du say Du were tired and dizzy before?"
S: "Yes, but why does that matter?"
N: "Did Du get hit on your head?"
S: "Yeah, matter of fact I lost...
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posted by karenkook
Kowalski: Wait, I think I can explain.
Blowhole: It will be extremely lame.
Kowalski: Do Du mind? This is science.
Blowhole: It's a kind of weird alliance.
Kowalski: Yes! Take my experimental power cell.
Blowhole: Add the diaboligizer's evil spell.
Kowalski: Plus Julien's MP3 player
Blowhole: The combo that makes this musical slayer.

Blowhole and Kowalski: Now everybody sing! Everybody sing! Everybody has to sing. Du don't have a choice, but to modulate your voice, because everybody must sing.
Zoo animals: Sing, sing, sing, sing, sing, sing, sing.

Kowalski: The zoo is caught in an energy bubble.
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posted by chaos-ice
“Ah huh, Bingo!” Kowalski sagte proudly.

“What is it Kowalski?” Skipper asked as he moves near Kowalski.

“I have completed my energy converter and it’s now ready for action” Kowalski said.

“So what does it do? I hope this gotta be good” Skipper crossed his flippers

“It will convert negative energy to positive energy and vice versa” Kowalski replied.

“Okay, now explain it in English, less brainiac” Skipper sagte sarcastically.

“This thing can convert evil things to goodness” Kowalski explained.

“And?” Skipper asked thinking that this device might also have a negative...
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Skipper couldn't really describe it, the car crashing into him, he didn't feel much, all he could describe the feeling as being: "Like a cork popping out of a wine bottle". He looked around and all he saw were cars zooming across the road, then realized his team was gone, he walked around endlessly. "Well it seems we got separated Von that bump," sagte Skipper. "Gotta get back to the HQ, they're probably worried to death about me," sagte Skipper. Skipper then looked around and saw a map on the ground, he picked it up and looked at the straße he was at. "Ah, just 2 miles away, not very far at all,"...
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posted by skipperfan5431
Kowalski unlocked the doors and Lilly jumped into the front seat. "Hey. Ready to go?" Lilly asked, waving goodbye to her mother. Kowalski nodded his head and drove off to their destination.
datum LOCATION!!!!!!
"Kowalski. When can I take this blindfold off?" Lilly asked, touching the blue cloth on her eyes. "Now." Kowalski replied. Parking the car. Lilly removed the blindfold from her eyes and saw a large gray building with a big blue model earth on top. "Is this the.." "Yeah! The science center!" Kowalski exclaimed, bouncing with excitment....
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I'm Lesen some of the synopsises of the PoM comic Bücher on Madagascar Wikia, and some are better than the real episodes!

Issue 1: Synopsis - "Join the Penguins of Madagascar on an all-new mission! When the Penguins discover that the zoo's new platypus Mia has been separated from her eggs, they put their military minds together to hatch a plan for a Great Escape - back to her native Australia! Goodbye New York, Hello adventure!"

Issue 2: Synopsis - "Stranded in Brazil, Skipper enlists the help of some unusual locales, including a snake named Jose who is anything but, in order to reunite his...
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posted by Katie_Kat200
Du know that Phineas and Ferb episode where they find that alien that only says "Meep!" (HEY I CAN BE A Fan OF OTHER SHOWS!) Well, I think our boys should meet Meep now. Don't ask, I just came up with this at the oben, nach oben of my head.

Authors Note: This is like a transcript, so Du can act it out with your friends

Scene 1: pinguin Habitat, on oben, nach oben of the floe
Kowalski: Alright, Rico, ready to test my new invention?
Rico: Uh-huh!
Kowalski: Alright! (holds up a complicated looking machine) ready?
Rico: Yeah! (puts on baseball glove)
Kowalski: Playball! (he hold up the machine and shoots a baseball up in the...
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Part 1 - The Lost Otter
Setting: A schloss near the ocean on the Western U.S. Coast.
A King otter continues to Suchen for his wife, who suddenly disappeared years Vor one night.
Unbeknownst to him, she would later bore a pup.
So, our story begins with him talking with his squire.
King Otter: "Oh squire, I have searched for years now, but still my wife... She is yet to be found."
Squire: "Don't give up your highness. There's still hope."
Before the King could answer, a messenger appeared.
Messenger: "Your majesty. I just received some wonderful news."
King Otter: "What is it, Leah (messenger's name)?"...
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posted by ThatDarnHippo
Yup. I have officially Lost interest of POM. I can't really explain it - I've outgrown it.

My Favorit shows have always been adult FBI action shows. Such as Fringe, Bones, and Criminal Minds. If Du like POM and other child friendly shows, then I suggest Du don't check these out.

I also Liebe comedy. But adult comedy. I've liked it since the 5th grade when I barely understood most of the jokes (I didn't get most of the jokes until the 6th grade). Its always appealed to me and I've outgrown Cartoons at around the age of 11. I would probably still Liebe them if they replaced the trödel, schrott, junk-e- we see on...
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This is one looong chapter. XD
And it has me in it! :3
Seriously. Long chapter. Find time to read it. XD


Chapter 1: For starters

Monday. 10:03 a.m.

It was a warm breezy Tag in the Monat of May (Hey, that rhymed!). The penguins were lying around the HQ, bored. Their training was done for the day, sooner then Skipper expected.

Kowalski was mixing different chemicals at one corner of the room, hoping to discover something out of the blue. Rico was just brushing his doll girlfriend's plastic hair...for 52 Minuten straight. Private was watching TV, changing the channels...
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posted by beastialmoon
Skipper sighed. Another mission, another day. This time, Marlene needed help getting popcorn. He sipped his coffee. If only she knew, knew how much he cared. But it could never be. She didn’t feel the same way. At least, as far as he could tell.
Speak of the devil. Marlene burst in the door.
“Guys! Guys!” she shouted, running around with her arms flailing about.
“Guys, my diary – it’s gone!” Private gasped in horror. “Maybe Du misplaced it somewhere.”
“Don’t worry Marlene; we’ll help Du find it.” Skipper smiled. He glanced at his boys. Already they were set off into...
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posted by krazy4kowalski
The Final Battle

Ok, so this is pretty much the climax of the story. I realize that the chapters have been getting shorter and shorter, but this is the longest one since the first. Anyway, this chapter gets a little violent so if Du don’t like your Favorit characters getting hurt, send me a message, and I’ll tell Du what happened. Von the way, I think one of the Narnia Bücher has the same Titel as this chapter so if Du happen to be the author….. PLEASE DON’T SUE! All right, back to the story.

Skipper surfaced, greedily gulping air. The stink made him retch, but he was too worried...
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