Die Pinguine aus Madagascar Club
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"It Happened One Afternoon"

"The Penguins of Madagascar"

Season 4, Episode 5 (4X05)

Production Code: 405 Air date: ?

Previous: "I Smell A Rat" Next: "The delphin Who Hired Me" I

t Happened One Afternoon/Transcript

Scene I: pinguin HQ (Inside)

(Skipper is seated at the table, staring at his cup of coffee. Has bloodshot eyes)

Private: (Waddles in from Kowalski's lab) Oh! Good Morning, Skipper. You're up early!

Skipper: I don't see anything good about it, especially when I'm going through a crisis at the moment.

Private: Oh no! Do Du need us to buy a umwandelbar, konvertierbar, cabrio to make Du feel young again?

Skipper: (Anguished cry) It's not that kind of crisis! I'm out of the fisch I drink in my coffee!

Private: (Doesn't see a problem) Well, who don't we just get Du a different kind of-

Skipper: (grabs him Von the shoulders and stares him straight in the face. Says crazily) These are my special fish! (looks truly insane now) Du don't understand! My special fisch are all the way in (dramatic pause) Essen Shed!

Private: Ok… So we'll just go in there and get those fish, and-

(Kowalski enters, stepping out of his lab, holding an invention covered Von a small tarp in his flippers)

Kowalski: (Cautionary) Private… never argue with Skipper when he is deprived of his coffee. He gets-

(They both glance nervously over their shoulders and see Skipper rocking back and forth in a fetal position, muttering incoherently)

Kowalski: -Like that. (Shudders) So we have no choice but to wait it out while we get his fisch before he starts foaming at the mouth…again.

Private: But why did he pause dramatically when he mentioned the Essen Shed?

Kowalski: (Nonchalantly) Oh. Including the manual locks, and thumbprint scanner, they've added death traps, motion sensors, darts, land mines. The usual.

Skipper: (Rolls around on the floor wheezing) Ccccccofffffeeeeeeeeee! (Coughs and wheezes) Please tell me you're joking, Coffee-… I mean, Kowalski! I can't handle any Coffee-… I mean death traps in my coffee…condition…whatever! I need my cccofffeee!

Kowalski: I don't joke, sir. But (Giggles. Snorts a bit) I heard one that I liked. "I heard Oxygen and magnesium were going out, so I was all, 'OMg!'"! (Laughs hilariously) And- (gasps for air) And another! "Why was Six afraid of Seven?"

(Rico comes inside from up top)

Rico: Because Seven Ate Nine?

Kowalski: (Tearing up at his joke) N-no! "Numbers are not sentient and thus are incapable of fear"! It's hilarious, right, Skipper-…Oh. Right…your fish.

( Skipper gasps and wheezes once more)

Private: We need to find that fish, and fast!

Kowalski: Commence Operation: fisch Out of Water!

Rico: (Punches his flipper in the air triumphantly) Yeah! fisch out a' water!

Skipper: (Gets shakily to his feet) I'm well enough to say it! C-Commence Operation: Coooofffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (Collapses to the floor muttering to himself)

Kowalski: (pouts) I like my operation name better! "Operation: Coooffffeeee " sounds ridiculous.

Private: Kowalski? The mission?

Kowalski: (Sheepishly) Right…let's go!

(They assume fighting stances and flip off screen. Rico steps back on screen and drags Skipper along with them)

Rico: (Looks directly at the camera) Hehe…oopsies!

Scene II: Outside the pinguin Habitat

(The Penguins are making their way towards the Essen Shed as the sun begins to rise)

Private: Kowalski, why are Du still carrying around your yet-to-be-revealed-to-us invention? And what is it?

Kowalski: (Does a double take) Good Golly! I didn't even realize I was still holding it, what with all the chaos…And it's a personality switching device. I was planning on presenting it when I noticed Skipper Schauspielen all-

(Camera pans to Skipper, rocking back and forth on the ground)

Kowalski: -That. It's also highly unstable. It activates if Du so much as look at it cross-eyed! It's gone off when I was testing it numerous times. Once, it switched my personality with a housefly. Do Du know what it's like to have your personality switched with a housefly?

Private: (Backs away) Um….no?

Kowalski: Oh. I was hoping Du could tell me. I don't remember a thing about it.

Private: Then how do Du know you're back to normal?

Kowalski: I don't. I still have an overwhelming desire to taste things using my feet..

Private: We have Rico to do that. Now, let's get on with it. We /do/ have a mission to complete.

Scene III: The lemur Habitat

(Julien sits on his throne. Sips a smoothie, bored)

Julien: Maurice, be making me another smoothie. I am not liking this one.

(Tosses the cup behind his thron where a large mountain of empty smoothie cups is piled up)

Maurice: (Exhaustedly) Du sure, Your Majesty? That's the- (pauses to count) One hundred and fifty-third smoothie you've turned down. And the empties are starting to attract flies. Remember the last time that happened? Kowalski wouldn't leave us alone! Or…speak in normal sentences either! (Shudders)

Julien: Yes, I am remembering. He was all "Buzz, buzz." And it was creeping the Royal Eyes out! But I am not caring! I do not know how Du are making these smoothies, but they are assaulting the Royal Taste- buds with nastiness and strange textures! And the last one was not even a smoothie! It was a lumpy!

Mort: (His head pops out from the pile of empty smoothie cups) (giggles) I /like/ lumpies!

Julien: Well I am going to give Du a lumpy on the head if Du do not start helping Maurice make better smoothies immediately!

Mort: Ok, King Julien! I /like/ helping Maurice make better smoothies! Here! Let me push the blender buttons!

(He jumps on Zufällig button on the blender, causing it, and him along with it, to fly in the air and crash-land on the walkway)

Julien: (Delighted) Oh! And I did not even have to kick him out of here this time!

Maurice: What the…? How did that even-

Julien: This is Mort we are talking about! This happens all the time, after all.

Maurice: I'd better go see if he's ok. This is beginning to be a bad running gag!

Julien: Forget him! Check to be seeing if my blender survived the crash! And when Mort gets back here, I am kicking him out myself!

(Maurice grimaces, and slowly walks off screen)

Scene IV: Exterior of the Essen Shed

(The Penguins are standing at the entrance of the shed, staring at it. It appears to loom over them menacingly. Kowalski, Rico and Private stand there, too frightened Von loud clanking noises coming from behind the metal door to speak, while Skipper is in a lack-of-coffee-induced coma)

Private: (Scared) Um…since Skipper is incapacitated…can I say it?

Kowalski: Say what?

Private: (Quavers) "Kowalski. A-analysis".

Kowalski: G-Go ahead.

Private: Kowalski, a-analysis! (He breaks off, whimpering)

Kowalski: It would appear they've included the s-standard death traps since we were here last. (Gulps nervously) They've also installed…The Big One!

(Rico shrieks)

Rico: Wait…whas' The Big One? Kaboom?

Kowalski: No, Rico.. it isn't an explosion.

Rico: (Lowers his head sadly) Aww man! Dangflabbit! No kaboom!

Private: If this Big One isn't The Exploding Big One, then which Big One is it?

Kowalski: It's easily the most deadly trap I've ever come across in all my years as a scientist! The /Ultimate/ Mother-Of-All-Death-Traps!

Private: Well, yes… I gathered that from the title, but what exactly is it?

Kowalski: It's -

(He begins to explain, when a screaming is heard from off screen, followed Von a crash. Mort lands at their feet)

Kowalski: Darn! He ruined a perfectly good dramatic moment!

Rico: Mort? Wha' are Du doin' here?

Mort: Ooh! Yay! Flashback time!

(He looks at the upper right corner of the screen. Kowalski and Rico follow suit)

Private: I don't see it! Where-.. (Kowalski turns Private's head in the direction they're all looking) Oh! Now I see it!

Scene V: The lemur Habitat

(Three Minuten earlier)

Julien: (To Maurice) What do Du mean that my blender is broken?!

Maurice: Well, when Mort flew off with that thing and crashed, the blender broke. Simple.

Julien: (Turns his back to Maurice, his arms crosses angrily) I am not understanding!

Maurice: (Slowly, as if explaining to a small child) Blender…go…boom.. when…Mort…went.. "Wheee!".

Julien: Why didn't Du say that before? And did Mort get hurt, at least?

Maurice: Like I said, Your Majesty; it's like a running gag. Not a scratch on him. Strangest thing.

Julien: Darn Mort and his cartoonish ability to stay unharmed after falling from a great height! (Sobs) My blender! He broke my poor, poor little blender! (Still sobs as he takes a running start, and kicks Mort towards the Essen Shed)

Maurice: Why'd Du do that for?

Julien: (Sniffles) I sagte I would be kicking him out myself before Du went to get him the first time, did I not? Now, go get him again!

(Maurice rolls his eyes and sighs)

Maurice: Right away, Your Highness.

Scene VI: Exterior of the Essen Shed

(The flashback ends)

Mort: And then Du sagte "Darn, He ruined a perfectly good dramatic moment!". And then-

Kowalski: We get the point, Mort. Now may we-

(Mort gets to his feet, but stumbles around. Accidentally knocks into Kowalski, who drops his personality-switching device)

Kowalski: (Shrieks) Oh no! My invention!

(Private and Rico quickly back away as the device activates. A green beam of light hits Skipper and Mort, blocking out the screen)

(The light slowly fades away)

Kowalski: (Worriedly. Rushes over to Skipper's side) Sir! Are Du all right?

(Skipper slowly gets to his feet)

Skipper: (His pupils increase in size, giving him the appearance of having enormous eyes) In an annoyingly high-pitched voice) I-… I'm fine! I am needing Julien's feet, but then I will feel better! (giggles)

(Private and Rico swap confused glances)

(Rico shrugs)

(Mort stands Weiter to them)

Mort: (Shadows fall across his face, giving it a hardened look of authority. In a deeper, Mehr masculine voice) What in the name of King Julien is going on here? Kowalski, status report!

Private: Oh no! Your machine switched Skipper's and Mort's personalities!

Julien: (From off in the distance) Mort! Where are you, Du stupidy little pest?

Mort: Here!

(Julien and Maurice walk towards them)

(Skipper rushes towards them)

Skipper: The feet! (He tackles Julien and latches on to his left foot. Starts cuddling it)

Julien: What is the fishy-penguin doing? Get him off!

Mort: (Bored) Ringtail, just leave this to us. We can handle it.

Maurice: (Rubs his eyes in amazement. Says incredulously) Mort?

Mort: (Annoyed) What? Can't Du see I'm in the middle of thinking of a plan of action?

Kowalski: (Tried to pry Skipper off of Julien's feet) We had a little….accident with one of my inventions. It should…gah! You'll need a surgeon to get him off of your feet!

Julien: I am not understanding. Why is the fishy-penguin Schauspielen like Mort?

Kowalski: (Slowly, as if speaking to a small child) Skipper…act…like…Mort. Mort…act…like….Skipper. My…invention…go…kaboom…and…make… them...like…that.

Julien: Oh! Why didn't Du say that before?

Mort: Ringtail, get your rear in gear and get out of here! We have a mission to finish!

Kowalski: We'll have them back to normal soon…I think. (Smiles awkwardly)

(Julien and Maurice exit, with Julien dragging Skipper behind him)

Mort: All right, boys! Resume Operation…. What operation were we doing?

Private: Operation: Coooffeeeeeeeeeee. oder Operation: fisch Out of Water. We haven't picked an official name.

Mort: Well, Du can forget about that for now. We have to commence Operation: Blender, first!

Rico: Operation….Blender?

Mort: That's right! Operation: Blender! I broke Ringtail's blender, so we need to get him a new one!

Kowalski: Mort, but what about-

Mort: You're going to address me as "Sir", from this point on, Kowalski.

(Rico and Private just stare. Kowalski mouths "Play along" to them)

Mort: And after the blender is bought, we'll commence Operation: Whatever-you-guys-called-it. Now, what's the status of your latest thingamajiggy?

Kowalski: (Examines it sadly) (Sniffles) B-broken beyond repair. My beautiful new invention…broken!

Mort: Well, your inventions tend to do that, don't they? Now, stop your sniveling, and let's get that blender!

(He manages to belly-slide towards the Zoo's exit. The Penguins share bewildered glances and follow him) Scene

VII: The lemur Habitat

(Skipper is holding on to Julien's foot for dear life, hanging from it as Julien is on his throne, attempting to shake him off)

Julien: Would (shake) Du (shake) be getting (shake) off of my Royal Feet?

Skipper: B-but I like the feet!

Julien: Well, I am liking smoothies! But do I see one? No!

Skipper: I'll get Du one, King Julien!

(He lets go of his foot, causing them both to tumble to the ground)

Julien: I have had enough of this! Maurice! Take him back to where he belongs!

(Maurice springs to attention from napping in his hammock. He leads Skipper who is screaming "No! I must not be separated from the feet!" towards the pinguin Habitat)

Maurice: Come on, you. You're headed home!

Skipper: I want the feet!

(Struggles out of Maurice's grip)

Julien: (Gets and idea, and picks up a banane from the ground) Hey, you. How about Du get me a banane that I accidentally dropped in the…uh… ( he looks around, and finally tosses it inside the känguru habitat) the känguru habitat!

Skipper: Ok! (He rushes off to the känguru Habitat) Banana! Hello? Where are you?

(His voice fades as he gets farther and farther away)

Julien: (Sighs in relief) Whew! Finally we are rigging ourselves of him!

Maurice: Aren't Du the least bit concerned about where you're sending him, Your Majesty?

Julien: No. the fishy birds can keep him, for all I care!

Maurice: well, I just hope they can handle him. Regular Skipper is ok, but a Skipper who acts like Mort? (Shudders)

Scene VII: The känguru Habitat

(Skipper slips in under the gate enclosing the habitat and drops down into it with a thump)

Skipper: (Calls loudly) Banana! Where are you!?

(Camera pans to Skipper's front, where Joey looms behind him, casting a shadow that blocks out the sun)

Skipper: (slowly turns around) Oh…Hello, Mr. Hoppy-Guy! Have Du seen King Julien's banane that he left in here?

Joey: Du sure sound different, birdie. Something wrong? Skipper: Where is the banana?

Joey: Erm.. either you're a whole new breed of idiot, mate, oder you've got a death wish. Now, you're trespassing in Joey's habitat! And do Du know what happens next?

Skipper: Free hugs?

Joey: No, mate! This!

(Picks him up and drop-kicks him. Skipper soars through the air, screaming)

Joey: (Calls out to him) And stay out, Du li' weirdo!

Scene IX: Exterior of an Appliance Store

(The Penguins and Mort exit the store carrying a brand new blender)

Private: (Nervously) I can't believe we pulled that off in broad daylight.

Kowalski: (Nervously) I c-concur. And did Du see how Mort knocked the cashier out?

Private: I didn't know people's elbows could bend that way! (Shudders)

Mort: Exactamente! And as far as I'm concerned, this mission was a success!

(Skipper crash-lands at their feet)

Skipper: Owie!

Rico: (Waves) Hi, Skipper!

Mort: What in the name of Truman's Underwear are /you/ doing here?

Skipper: My. Hoppy-Guy kicked me out of his habitat when I was looking for the banane King Julien threw in there. And I didn't find it! The King will be mad! (he starts to cry loudly, blowing his beak on Mort's tail)

(Kowalski leads Private and Rico away where they can't be overheard)

Kowalski: Julien must be as sick of Skipper as we are of Mort! Mort with skipper's personality is a /very/ bad mix! He's gone overboard!

Private: And Skipper with Mort's personality is just…weird.But how can we fix it?

Kowalski: I have a plan, but I'm not sure if-

Mort: (Cuts him off) Come on, Du nancycats! Break up your little quilting kreis over there and let's get Sad Eyes over here back to where he belongs!

Kowalski: Yes sir…

(He picks up the blender and follows Mort and Skipper. The others follow him)

Scene X: The lemur Habitat

(Julien hugs his blender and spins around with it)

Julien: (Happily) Thank Du so much! I have my blender back! And it has an ice crushing feature! Mort, I am thanking Du so much! May the Sky Spirits bless you!

Mort: No problem, Ringtail. Now-

Julien: (Interrupts him) As a reward, Du may touch my Royal feet until Du turn blue in the face. Hopefully literally.

(He dangles his left foot in Mort's face)

(Everything fades to black, only Wird angezeigt Julien's foot hovering in front of Mort. Mort's eyes widen. Something snaps in him)

Mort: (in his normal voice) The feet!

(He latches on to it tightly, tackling Julien)

Private: (Blinks) What…happened?

Rico: Weirdness!

Kowalski: No, Rico. Not weirdness. Science! Well, Mehr specifically, psychology.

Rico: Aw man! I like weirdness!

Kowalski: it was just as I'd hoped! When confronted Von the one thing Mort wants the most under his old personality, that part of his subconscious came back full force. Now if I'm right, we can fix Skipper the same way with-

Private: (Finishes his sentence)- With his fish!

Kowalski: Now all we need to do is get it!

Private: The Essen Shed?

Kowalski: (Nods) The Essen Shed!

(They exit, Private being the last, with Skipper in tow)

Scene XI: The Essen Shed

Kowalski: Luckily, I pulled one of Maurice's prints off of Skipper's flippers. It should open the door, in addition to disarming the first several obstacles.

(The door opens with a loud clang)

Kowalski: Private, Du stick with Skipper. Rico, you're with me. Now, let's Bewegen out, boys!

(They all belly slide in the Shed, past the deactivated traps, until they turn a corner. A loud clanking and crashing sounds, causing them all to jump and break formation)

Private: Is that what I think it is?

Kowalski: (Grimly) The Big One!

(He points to a large corridor with section of the ceiling and floor that rise up, down and crash from side to side)

(Rico gulps nervously)

Kowalski: I couldn't have sagte it better myself, Rico.

(A pause)

Kowalski: Well, isn't anyone going to go?

Private: Come on, Skipper! The feet are this way!

(Leads Skipper towards The Big One)

(They both jump through successfully, pausing in the narrow spaces in between each section of the trap. Kowalski and Rico follow, only to have Kowalski nearly get crushed. He scrambles to safety at the last minute)

Private: Kowalski, are Du ok?

Kowalski: (shaken) I'm f-fine. Just a bit skittish! Oh, good golly, whose idea was it to put a bunch of chompy…pushy things in the middle of a hallway?! Whoever designed that probably pulls the wings off of Schmetterlinge and kicks kittens!

Rico: Heheh…splat!

Private: Let's just find that fisch before anything else happens!

Skipper: Du lied, Du big meanie! The feet are /not/ over here!

(They follow Kowalski and Rico into a large cold-storage room filled with crates of fish)

(They Suchen for several minutes, while Skipper stands there, stupidly)

Kowalski: (Holds one up) I found them! Quick, Rico! The coffee mug!

(Rico hacks up Skipper's coffee mug, full of steaming black coffee, and they put the fisch in it, and let it steep for a few minutes. They make Skipper sip it. A long pause follows as Skipper's pupils dilate to their normal size, and he gets a relaxed look on his face)

Skipper: (slowly, in his normal voice) Tastes like…stomach acid, coffee…and… my Favorit fish! It's Rico's Gut-Coffee! How did Du guys find it? And Mehr importantly, what the heck are we doing in here?

(They high five each other for several minutes)

Kowalski: Good to have Du back, Skipper!

Skipper: Back? Did I go someplace?

Private: We'll explain some other time, sir.

Skipper: Du can tell it to me on the way out. But first, we have to get some Mehr coffee grinds. This isn't my usual brand. I mean, come on! It has to be here somewhere!

(Camera pans upward, Wird angezeigt the labyrinthine corridors of the Essen Shed. Skipper's "Somewhere" echoes off the walls, as the clanking sound of The Big One starting up begins)

(Screen fades to black. The clanking echoes)

Voice Cast:

Skipper-Tom McGrath

Kowalski-Jeff Glenn Bennett

Private-James Patrick Stuart

Rico- John DiMaggio

Julien- Danny Jacobs

Mort- Andy Richter

Maurice- Kevin Michael Richardson

Joey- James Patrick Stuart
added by 27Kowalski
Source: "Little Zoo Coupe"
added by Private1sCut3
Source: Dreamworks and Nickelodeon,I do not own the Penguins of Madagascar
added by BloodyAlexy
added by Skipperlovah258
Source: High Moltage
added by Tressa-pom
Source: High Moltage
added by LeonardFan
Source: Me
added by NoShameHere
added by Bitt3rman
Source: me
added by SlyCooper18
added by JessyParrot
Source: Me
added by Tressa-pom
Source: Kanga Management
added by PillePalle
added by PillePalle
added by Dythloar
Source: geek team
added by cattoy10
added by Tressa-pom
Source: King Julien For A Tag
added by Kaiume
Source: ME :3 S2E12
added by Kaiume
Source: ME :3 S2E12
added by athanlao93
Source: @Rschooley
added by PenguinStyle
Source: Me xD