Die Pinguine aus Madagascar Club
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There he was, all Von himself, standing in the long dark corridor all Von himself, only just waking up about a Stunde ago, Kowalski was worried about where he was, nervous, he continued to walk threw the dark hallways, hoping to find someone oder something to know where he was..

Kowalski: skipper! Rico! Julien! Where are Du guys?! This isn't funny if this is a joke!, wait a second...what's this on the wall?

On the Wand was a notice on the wall, saying a notice to all the faculty and staff to heavenly host elementary. Kowalski froze and begin to tremble with fear, a cold sweat began to go down his chest as he walked away slowly from that notice in the wall.

Kowalski: no...this has to be a joke, right? Heavenly host was torn down 30 years ago! How am I in it then?!, no it has to be a joke, the others probably put me in a abandoned building and set this up, yea.... That's right, when I find them there dead.

Kowalski then proceed to go down the hallway, hoping to find out where he was, and why there was notice for heavenly host.

Kowalski continued down the hallway until he stopped in his track to find a body, it was slowly decomposing, and looked like that person didn't die long ago, Kowalski dropped to the floor and began to scream, his herz beating faster, knowing that this wasn't a joke, he was in heavenly host for some reason.

Kowalski: (calm down Kowalski! Your stronger than this! You'll eventually hyperventilate if Du keep this up, get up!)

Kowalski: why is there someone dead in here?! What the bells going on?! Where is everyone?!

Kowlalski had so many Fragen he had, but no one could answer it, he was all alone, shivering.

Suddenly, the spirit of the dead body arose from the body and begun to speak to Kowalski.

Spirit: Du were brought here against your will...

Kowalski:!!!! What the! An actual ghost! Don't hurt me!

Kowalski then fell to the ground and begun to shake uncontrollably.

Spirit: calm down, in not going to hurt you, I'm here to answer all your questions.

Kowalski then slowly stood up to listen to what the spirit had to say to him.

Spirit: Du are in heavenly host elementary school, expect that this place is disconnected from the real world, Du were brought here because of the charm Du did, just like I did...

Kowlalski: ?, then....there's no way out?!

Spirit: unfortunately, no...I never found one... And I eventually starved to death...

Kowalski was scared. Was he gonna end up like this fellow? Wondering these halls until he's too weak to move?

Kowalski: no! There's got to be a way out! I know there is!

Kowalski: wait....where's my Friends then? How come I'm all alone?!

Spirit: your Friends are in this school with you, but there in different spaces.


Spirit: yes....they could be in the same place as were your standing, but there in different closed spaces, oder dimensions...right now...you are the only living thing in this closed space, but in sensing 8 people including Du who were sucked in....

Kowalski:(me,skipper,private,Rico,Marlene,julien,Maurice,and mort), everybody that did the charm was sucked in here....in this hellhole.


Kowalski: is there no way I can see them?!

Spirit: Du could somehow get to them....but I highly doubt it, you'll eventually starve oder die from evil spirits...

Kowalski: evil spirits?!

Spirit: yes, there are spirits who turn evil after dying, and kill innocent people like Du and me, be careful when walking around....I wish Du good luck... Don't end up like me... oder you'll experience the pain of your death even as a spirit...

The spirit then faded away, leaving Kowalski all Von himself again, trembling with fear.

Kowalski: I better watch my back....I hope everyone else is ok right now...

Kowalski then proceeded to walk down these endless dark hallways, hoping to find his Friends and get out of this place, Kowalski tried to see if any windows would open, but they were as if they were Hintergrund on the wall, they wouldn't even budge...and he found a door that led outside, but was like the windows, it wouldn't budge, he was truly trapped.....alone.

Kowalski was getting very weak from not eating anything for a while, and decided to sit down and take a break. While he was taking a break, he heard children laughing not that far away.

Kowalski: ?huh, is that children...?

Kowalski got up and walked closer to the noises of laughing children, and was horrified to see that there were two spirit children, one with there eyes out, as if someone had stabbed there eyes, and the other one had half of her head cut off...Kowalski nearly hurled looking at them. The children were playing with a dead body, as if....they had done it themselves.

Kowalski became a little dizzy, and backed away slowly, to see if they wouldn't notice him

Kowalski:(stay calm Kowalski.... If your quiet, they won't see you...)

Kowalski, without knowing it, slipped on the ground and made a loud noise, making the kids stare right at him.

Children:ahahahahahaha.....ahahahahahaha ...

The children then smiled decisively at Kowalski, and then they rushed towards the frightened penguin. Kowalski, knowing that they were coming, got up and ran as fast as he could, because if they catch him, he was going to end up like that person the children were playing with.

Kowalski: stay the hell away from me!!!

Children: hahahahaha.....hahahahaha....

The children were catching up to him, and Kowalski was getting weaker and weaker and was slowing down..

Kowalski: (dammit! If they catch up to me I'm screwed!, faster Kowalski!)

The children were still laughing demonically slowly getting closer to Kowalski, and eventually....caught up to him and held his arms and legs to the ground.

Kowalski: let me go! Let me go Du monsters!

Children: Yohr Gohha die...ahahahahahaha...

There tongues were gone while they were talking to him and laughing at him, what the hell happened to them Kowalski though.

Kowalski was struggling to get the children off of him, but the children had super natural strength.

One of the kids pulled out a messer and raised it at Kowalski, who was trembling in fear, crying, begging them to stop, and wouldn't listen to him.

Children: hee hee hee...

Kowalski: no, no, please don't, please-

And then the child stabbed Kowalski in the stomach, sheer screams were Bieng heard from him, he was dying slowly, and there was nothing he could do about it, each Stab was making him weaker.


Kowalski: ack!!....ugh...ugh....s...k...ipp...er....

Then children stopped stabbing him and dropped the knive Weiter to him, and faded away, laughing, leaving Kowalski stabbed 15 times in the chest, barely breathing, coughing up blood...


Kowalski was near death, he was gonna die, all that walking around aimlessly and ending up like the first spirit he Ran into.



And just like that, Kowalski's body stopped moving, and all the life in his body was gone, Kowalski was dead....
added by cattoy10
Source: Gut instinct
added by Bluepenguin
Source: Nick.com and Me
added by SJF_Penguin2
Source: My photos; "Badger Pride"
added by Bluepenguin
Source: Mask of the Racoon
added by Bluepenguin
Source: Monkey Liebe
added by krazy4kowalski
Source: The Big Squeeze
added by knocktimerico
added by PrisonBreak08
posted by Bluekait

It is nighttime in New York City. Something glows from afar in the trash can. A green cube-like creature jumps out, glowing and growing in little time. It is Jiggles!!!


As the sun rises, morning light shines like a gem in the Central Park Zoo. In the pinguin habitat, a large explosion awakes everyone. The explosion lets Kowalski flying in air, landing in the water. Skipper comes outside in rage, while Private and Rico comes out to watch.

"Kowalski! Have Du been up all night again?" yells Skipper.

Kowalski replies, "Yes Skipper. My...
continue reading...
posted by skipperluvs
 Kowalski Rawks :) (luks cute in dis pic)
Kowalski Rawks :) (luks cute in dis pic)
S: Skipper; K:Kowalski; P: Private; R: Rico; D: Doris ; M:Marlene ♥ : (love, oder kiss)

Skipper is talking to the penguins about a new escape route when skipper notices that kowalski is not paying attention. He just has a blank and depressed look on his face.

S: Kowalski, are Du alright buddy???

Kowalski doesn’t answer. A dreaded tear falls from his eye and kowalski wipes his cheek. He gets up quietly and goes to sleep.

S: What’s wrong with him???
R: Blahda gada heda blod shishda??? (meaning: what about that old dream machine he invented???)
P: Rico, your right!!! I’ll go get it!!!

continue reading...
added by 27Kowalski
Source: Internet
added by Bluekait
Source: ME
added by TheLaughingBird
Source: Me
>“Eat Pray Shove” - Clover is forced to take a vacation, and while she’s away, she meets the handsome and free-spirited Sage Moondancer.

>“He Blinded Me With Science” - Julien teams up with Timo the tenrec, a scientist enlisted Von the king to automate everything in the kingdom.

>“Viva Mort” - After embarrassing Maurice, Julien tries to make up for his transgression, while Mort inadvertently joins an anti-King Julien group.

>“The Really Really Big Lie” - Julien concocts an elaborate lie, blaming a giant “mega-gecko” for ruining a young lemur’s birthday party.

>“One Mehr Cup” - Julien finds a bag of coffee beans in the Cove of Wonders and gets the entire lemur community hooked on caffeine.
added by Bitt3rman
Source: Artwork belongs to MissKin from FA
posted by TheRatKing1
*presses record on the tape recorder*

Skipper's Log : My Autobiography.


Location : The Cen-...classified! I'm...um...in a classified location! I certainly wouldn't be in The Central Park Zoo! Well, I'm recording this autobiography for posterity's sake, see, and also because most of my secrets have been declassified.... Oh...whatever! I was hatched in Antarctica and raised a genuine New Yorker; I know the lay of the land better than the back of my own flipper. I came out into the world a bold and daring baby pinguin on *coughs* CLASSIFIED *coughs*, and after rescuing a baby pinguin from...
continue reading...
added by 27Kowalski
Source: Internet
added by 27Kowalski
Source: Internet
added by Sheila-Daimond
added by Sheila-Daimond