Die Pinguine aus Madagascar Club
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 Skipper's nerdy best friend
Skipper's nerdy best friend
Chapter One-The Foreigns
    “Oh, cool!” a very young pinguin squealed. “Look at them!”
    “Shut up,” the other one hissed. “They might see us.”
    Skipper yanked down the head of his friend who was peering over the snow drift they were spying behind. They just discovered something incredible. Skipper and Martin were just playing rodel down a snowdrift away from their pinguin flock when they discovered some very strange penguins. They were not like any others the two had ever seen. There were eight of them and they seemed to be exploring something. They would walk along and observe their surroundings with caution. Skipper decided to spy on these strange penguins to see exactly what they were doing. Unfortunately, he had to take Martin with him. He wasn‘t very cautious with spying though and could be the end of them.
    “They are leaving,” Martin whispered. “Let’s go.”
    Martin was just beginning to waddle out of the drift to perfectly expose himself. Skipper quickly yanked him back. “Leave the leadership to me. Du will be our downfall. Fall out on my say-so.”
    Skipper noticed the penguins stop to look around again. He didn’t think the eight looked dangerous, just curious. The leader of the penguins was very foreign looking with bluish gray and white feathers. A pinguin with blue fur? Skipper was amazed. He was even Mehr amazed with the fact that the leader was covered in dozens of battle scars. He had to be a fearsome warrior! The others looked pretty basic. He saw a pinguin about he and Martin’s age and could totally relate. The little pinguin looked friendly enough.
    During this observation, Skipper didn’t realize that Martin left his side. He looked to his left frantically. Martin was inching out in the open! Skipper gasped with horror and pounced on his friend. They both thudded in the snow.
    The youngest pinguin of the group stopped and listened. Skipper quickly rolled them both back into the snow drift.
    “Private, keep up,” the leader ordered.
    “Shh,” the private sagte warily. “I think I hear something.” He pulled out a notebook and scribbled something down. “According to my calculations, it came from behind that drift.”
    “Hmm,” the leader moaned like it was the most totally natural thing in the world. “Better scope it out. Fall out.”
    When Skipper looked out from the snow drift the penguins were gone. Where did they go? They couldn’t just disappear…Then there was a flash of black and white and Skipper felt something knock him in the side with force. He fell over and landed in the soft snow. The young pinguin that detected him was now on oben, nach oben of him. He was too stunned to Bewegen as the private tried to pin him down. He wouldn’t give up that easily though. He rolled over to the side quickly and jumped to his feet. The private held a very awesome battle stance and prepared for attack. Skipper glanced over at Martin for help, but he was just watching from the safety of the snow drift.
    “Bring it on!” Skipper challenged the young penguin.
    He was about to attack when the pinguin pulled out a notebook and a pencil. He was scribbling something down while Skipper watched with curiosity.
    “..and if I carry the four and I can find the square of-“
    “I can then detect the movement of my opponent based on star, sterne map and Aztec origin-“
    The private looked up from his notebook. His topaz eyes glittered with annoyance. “Can I help you?”
    “You’re a dork,” Skipper answered rudely. “I thought we were fighting.”
    “Yes, KOWALSKI!” a fierce voice thundered. “I thought Du were fighting too.”
    Skipper took a step back when he saw the leader pinguin from earlier appear along with the whole team. He looked quite scary up close and he wanted to retreat. He heard Kowalski, strange name, whine and shy away slightly.
    “What were Du doing, Kowalski?” he ordered unpleasantly. “You have to fight like Du are trained to do, soldier.”
    “Sorry, TJ,” he whimpered. “I just…had to make some calculations.”
    The leader, TJ, softened up when he noticed how guilty and sorry Kowalski was. That made Skipper feel a little less scared. Now would be the perfect time to flee but something kept him in place.
    “That’s fine, Kowalski,” TJ sagte gently. “But I expect some fighting Weiter time we are under attack soldier.”
    Kowalski saluted TJ loyally.
    You’re under attack?” Skipper asked, drawing complete attention to himself.
    “Shut up, Skipper,” Martin whimpered from the drift.
    Coward, Skipper thought. The team was now looking at him carefully. He showed no fear and sought only an answer for his question. He felt so Merida - Legende der Highlands when he actually took a few steps toward them.
    “What were Du doing hiding out in that snow drift?” TJ demanded.
    “What are Du doing in my home?” Skipper shot back with a voice of confidence.
    TJ and the Sekunde in command pinguin exchanged glances. Skipper winced with fright when he saw that the pinguin only had a right eye and a red mark where the left should be. He backed up a few steps before he accidently tripped and fell.
    Oh no! he thought. What did I just do? I should just lay here.
    And he did just that. He waited until everyone gathered over him, even scary eye.
    “Problem, little penguin?” the scary pinguin asked coolly.
    “Well…”He decided to tell it like it was. “You just caught me off guard, that’s all. Du know, since…yeah.”
    The pinguin glanced at TJ coldly. Skipper felt like he was going to puke when the leader sagte “He’s all yours, Lieutenant.”
    Then everyone backed up except the scary lieutenant. Skipper shakily stood up and whimpered pathetically. The lieutenants single eye glittered with challenge and the look that sagte “Hey, pipsqueak. I’m going to rip out your stuffing.”
    He looked around for a way to retreat, but the kreis wouldn’t allow him to. He was trapped in a kreis alone with creepy scary- eye over here. He was about to be attacked.
    “Bring it on, little penguin,” he growled.
    Skipper found himself glancing at pathetic little Kowalski for help. He just shrugged and sagte “Nice knowing you.”

Chapter Two-An Unexpected Attack
    Skipper was rigid with fear. He glanced at Kowalski for help, but the young Private just shrugged helplessly. Skipper knew he was no match for the Lieutenant. Well, this was the end. He just stood there and was easy prey for his opponent. There had to be a way out of this.
    Then he noticed something. He was too busy spying to notice it before. Skipper swallowed an ice block when he saw a hole in the thick ice they were standing on. That meant only one thing: leopard seal. The seals were dangerous predators that hunted penguins. Every Sekunde here causing recon was sure danger. His eyes were locked on the hole in the ice and his herz pounded. They had to leave.
    He stopped looking at the ice and looked back up. He saw one-eye creepy freakazoid standing only about two inches from him. Skipper was immediately pushed to the ground. The Lieutenant’s flipper was over Skipper’s throat and tightening. He gasped for air and tried to push it off, but he was way too strong for the young penguin. He glanced back at Kowalski who was watching nervously. Skipper’s pleading eyes begged Kowalski to say something. Kowalski shook his head no, but Skipper was persistent. Finally, Kowalski decided to say something. What Skipper didn’t know that also was an advantage was that, being a private, he was Frankenstein’s apprentice.
    “Austin, maybe Du shouldn’t…”
    “Shouldn’t what?” pressed the Lieutenant and didn’t loosen the slightest bit on poor Skipper.
    “Shouldn’t…put so much pressure on the soft tissue of the throat.”
    “No, this little guy doesn’t care,” Austin sagte in return and tightened on Skipper who was now whining with the fact that he could possibly choke to death. “What are Du looking at? Ice?”
    Skipper had a response, but he couldn’t answer. They were in DANGER. Austin finally loosened his grip slightly so Skipper could answer.
    “Seals,” he wailed. “We have to leave.”
    Austin seemed confused. “What’s a seal?”
    He couldn’t even believe that. Every pinguin knew what a dichtung was! The whole lot of them seemed confused. Not even the smart intelligent Kowalski knew. TJ was equally confused.
    “Whatever a dichtung is, I’m sure we can take it,” Austin pointed out.
    That was when it happened. There was a crack in the ice followed Von the vibrations from under the ice. Skipper was so scared that he struggled frantically. Austin was no longer paying attention to him and he was able to slip away to Kowalski. They all looked at each other frantically, wondering what to do. Then in front of them the ice exploded and a giant creature appeared. Skipper had never seen one so close. It was far bigger than all the penguins put together and its eyes were fixed on them: the prey. They had never seen a dichtung before and were confused.
    “Attack!” TJ ordered.
    “W-what?” Skipper exclaimed.
    What were they doing? They were no match for the seal. The best thing to do was to flee as fast as they could, not fight it. Unfortunately, all the penguins agreed with TJ. They all circled the dichtung and their fighting style was something Skipper had not yet seen. Kowalski tried to Bewegen towards the others, but Skipper yanked him back.
    “Stay here,” he said. “It is suicide!”
    “I have to,” Kowalski replied loyally. “TJ is the Captain.”
    Then Kowalski was gone. Skipper stood back and watched the team kreis the dichtung who was trying to single out a penguin. Oh, he couldn’t believe this was happening. They would be torn to shreds in a matter of minutes.
    All of a sudden the leopard dichtung struck out at one of the soldiers, grabbed her, and tossed her aside like she was an old toy. She was tossed across the ice and quickly rose again. The others decided to attack. Captain TJ and Lieutenant Austin both sprang at the seal’s back while it lumbered after the others. They jumped away lightly while their leaders went in. Skipper just watched with amazement. They were using some fighting style he had never seen before and it was amazing. They weren’t has helpless as he thought.
    The dichtung flipped around suddenly and through off TJ and Austin. They landed swiftly on their feet and leaped nimbly away. They stayed together and a far distance from the others. They were not very strong with their attacks. They thought they could take on such a big enemy, but they couldn’t. It was way too big for a group of penguins. They would come in and do harmless attacks and then retreat, repeating over and over. All that effort was no good and it was still trying to get them. It kept trying to get Austin and TJ instead of the others. That didn’t work and the dichtung was not as dumb as it seemed. It squared up to the two of them and prepared to attack them again. They were as ready as anything until the dichtung whirled around and lunged right for the five penguins watching and being a distraction. They screamed with terror and tried to escape. One pinguin did not though. The dichtung lifted its head carrying a prize in its mouth: Kowalski. He dangled helplessly and tried to free himself. It was no use.
    “Kowalski!” Skipper wailed helplessly.
    Austin and TJ heard Skipper’s worthless wailing and saw the poor Kowalski dangling from the seal’s massive jaws. Before TJ could think, Austin quickly jumped to the rescue of his poor apprentice. The dichtung quickly lifted a fin and swatted him right out of the air like a useless fly. He landed on the ground roughly and staggered to get up. The dichtung was completely focused on them so they couldn’t rescue Kowalski. Skipper knew this was life and it happened all the time, but he never thought he would see a dichtung prey on a pinguin in his lifetime. Any Sekunde the dichtung would crunch down and break Kowalski’s back like an icicle. He would probably fail, but he really liked the young pinguin and had to do something.
    Kowalski, Du better Liebe me for this!
    Skipper mindlessly pounced on the seal’s head. It flinched with shock and tried to shake him off. He clung on as tight as he could. The dichtung tried hard to throw him off and he thought the tips of his wings would surely break off if he held on any tighter. He glanced down at Kowalski who was too stunned to do anything. He had to get the dichtung to let go, but how? HOW?
    Then Skipper’s left wing slipped off the seal’s head and the force made him let go. He was falling off. He desperately reached out to grab something…anything. He managed to find something and held on to it as tight as he could. It was Kowalski’s flipper. They both swung around wildly, wailing with terror. There was no help for them now. They were surely done when the thought to be heavy ice cracked. It was just a little crack at first, not enough to do anything. Then it burst from under them and they plunged into the water. Skipper was pulled under the water and the shock of the cold almost made him let Kowalski go. He couldn’t let go no matter what. If he did now, Kowalski would be done for.
    Luckily, the water also shocked the dichtung a little and its grip loosened on Kowalski. Skipper took advantage of that and yanked Kowalski free from the seal’s grasp. The stunned pinguin made no attempt to swim and began to go down. Skipper rolled his eyes, grabbed Kowalski, and swam for both of them to the surface. They leaped out of the water and landed safely on the ice. The rest of the team was already waiting for them. Skipper jumped up quickly, always ready for Mehr while Kowalski carefully got up.
    “It’s gone,” Skipper panted breathlessly. “No Mehr problem.”
    “Kowalski, Du okay?”
    The sweet female pinguin the dichtung tossed across the ice already followed her instinct of checking Kowalski over. Luckily, the dichtung didn’t even puncture his skin and he seemed fine and dandy. Kowalski smile shyly at her attention and then joined her to the team.
    Maybe all of them aren’t jerks after all, Skipper thought.
    “That was amazing,” TJ praised Skipper and sounded like he really meant it. “You rescued Kowalski when the rest of us couldn’t.”
    “It’s a seal,” he replied. “The most dangerous predator around here Weiter to the whales. Anyway, fighting it was kind of a dumb idea.”
    “You’re right, pipsqueak,” TJ replied. “I have never seen such heroism from such a little penguin. Du took action and knew what to do.”
    Skipper was so flattered. Apparently the leader of a pinguin military was praising him for what he did. It was incredible and he swelled with pride.
    “What’s your name, little recruit?” TJ asked.
    “Skipper,” he replied. “Why do Du need to know?”
    “Just to remember Du by. Thanks for the help. Come on, team. We really need to get back to base.”
    Well, that was it. All the penguins turned away from him like he didn’t matter anymore. When they wanted to know his name, Skipper expected them to say something totally different like “What’s your name, big strong heroic savior? We need Du to Mitmachen our military.” How stupid was he? He felt like wailing when they began to leave him behind. They were the most fascinating penguins he ever met and now they were abandoning him.
    When he thought all hope was lost, Kowalski sagte something to Austin he couldn’t hear. Austin nodded with approval and then Kowalski tobogganed back to Skipper who now felt a flicker of hope.
    “I know the odds of Du saving me were like…58.753 to one and I really appreciate your help,” Kowalski sagte generously. “I kind of felt like we were abandoning Du and I was just making sure we left with something, Du know.”
    “Sure,” Skipper agreed. “Even though you’re a nerd.”
    “Yeah, everyone says that,” Kowalski replied, taking some offense.
    “But I like you. Friends?”
    “Yeah. Friends.”
    Skipper raised a flipper and waited for a high five. Kowalski just stared blankly.
    “It’s a high five, brainy. You’re supposed to slap me back.”
    “Oh…I get it.”
    Kowalski and Skipper high fived to present their friendship. Then Kowalski left to catch up to his own kind. Skipper just stared after them with longing. They were just so…cool. Everyone one of them were like this military force and took on every problem head on. At first he thought they were invader jerkfaces, but they were so much Mehr than that. He wished that he could be Kowalski and see how they lived. They were much better than his own colony of cowards who met absolutely nothing to him. All they cared about was watching out for seals. Martin proved the point Von retreating and leaving Skipper to fend for himself. These penguins had a purpose in life and he wanted to seek that purpose Mehr than anything.
    What’s stopping you?
    Skipper couldn’t leave behind these penguins just yet. Staying far enough out of sight, he began to follow them. He wanted to see exactly what their Home base was.
 Skipper is up to something...
Skipper is up to something...
posted by Metallica1147
     Chapter 10: Saying thanks

    Later that night Brandon and Marlene where at their habitat just enjoying the rest of their night. Then Brandon began to speak.

“Hey Marlene I just want to say thanks for being such a good friend to me.”

“No problem Brandon and thanks for being such a good friend to, and for being the best roommate I could ask for.”

“You’re welcome.”

Both of them just smiled knowing that they where now best friends, but then Brandon sagte this.

“You know I see why Skipper likes you. Du really know how to make some one happy,...
continue reading...
posted by Metallica1147
Autor note: All right for all of Du Julian Fans I put him in this chapter. But theirs bad news at the same time if you’re a Julian Fan and the Titel speaks for it’s self.
        Chapter 5: Where’s your crown King Nothing!

    The Weiter Tag Brandon and Marlene deiced to spend the Tag with the penguins so Brandon can get to know them a little better. Private and Marlene where watching a soap opera on T.V, Kowalski is working on a new invention, Rico is brushing his...
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posted by littlebirdy05
How would one describe the Tag to Tag activities of a pinguin team? Many, including myself, have tried and failed. The main problem is... well it's never really the SAME Tag to day. Sure, you'd think we had a routine, and we did. But they way we went about it was always different. Admittedly we've baffled many zoologists, and even sent some of them gibbering to a mental hospital.

There's no doubt we're different. The Frage is, why? What sets us apart from the rest? Were there not others in the world- no, in ZOOS like us? Were there zoos without a team to defend them all? I suppose those questions...
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“Liam, where are we?” Katherine asked her lieutenant. She and her 10-penguins team (including her) were in a ventilation tunnel of Blowhole’s lair, hidden on an island.
A tall pinguin with brown eyes and spiky feathers on his head looked down through a crate. Then he started Schreiben something in his notebook.
“According to my calculations, we’re over Blowhole’s warehouse” he stated.
“Okay, here’s our destination. Heather, give me a rope” Katherine ordered.
“Wait a second…” Heather, the weapons specialist who was a pinguin with green-blue eyes and curly dark brown hair,...
continue reading...
added by Bluepenguin
Source: YTV Website
added by TeddyGlitter
added by Bitt3rman
Source: me
added by centurion64
added by Bluepenguin
Source: Invention Intervention
added by Icicle1penguin
Source: The Red eichhörnchen (Spanish) XD
added by Metallica1147
added by Icicle1penguin
added by PenguinXXX
posted by KowalSkip9
I Wanna Control Du - Neil Patrick Harris, A.K.A Dr Blowhole

Only I, Dr. Blowhole know
How to tame this beast, and so
Won't Du listen to my power ballad solo, my SOLO

In a world with mediocre minds
Where geniuses dissed Von ignoramus mankind
Prepare to be pleasantly astounded, ASTOUNDED

Oh, I wanna control you
(Wanna control you)
I wanna make Du mine

I wanna control you
(Wanna control you)
An offer that I hope Du shan't decline
I've got a motion of devotion that you're the one for me

A mutant disaster
But I'll be your master
And together we'll be
In a full wicked harmony

Like a beautiful evil destiny
Livin' large, in absolute charge
A metropolitan NYC

I've got a motion of devotion that you're the one for me
You're the one for me


If anyone spots any wrong lyrics, PLEASE let me know. I guessed some of the words, so I'd be glad if Du spot anything Du know is a mistake.
added by Icicle1penguin
added by Skipperlovah258
Source: Me/High Moltage
added by Kinomiya
added by Featherson
Source: Die Pinguine aus Madagascar