Die Pinguine aus Madagascar Club
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Skipper’s beak seemed to fall into the snow. Eve…was Alastair’s daughter? Why didn’t she say anything? How could she not tell him? The snow picked up again, blocking the view of Alastair and the chicks, rising high above the ground and swirling around them in another vortex of white. Once it settled again, Skipper and the owl were in a hut with a floor of snow. Alastair was sitting on a couch with a female pinguin Weiter to him; his flipper was around her in an affectionate, loving way. The two chicks were playing in the middle of the room; they now looked about a Jahr old, and Skipper could now see Eve in one of them. The other small chick, presumably Heather, chased young Eve around and Eve hopped into the couch with a laugh. “Dada! Heather chase me!” She cried. Skipper was curious to what happened to her British accent.

“You such a scardey, Evelyn!” Heather called after her. Alastair and the female laughed and Eve and Heather climbed into their laps. Skipper couldn’t believe what he was witnessing. Alastair was Eve’s father and she didn’t tell him for some reason. He was speechless. The snow lifted and swirled once again, and now they were in a large clearing of snow. Alastair was talking to another penguin.

“This time our target is that nosy pinguin who can’t keep his beak shut. He’s getting too close to figuring us out.” The other pinguin was saying.

“There’d be nothing to figure out if Du didn’t do what Du did, Damian.” Alastair sagte under his breath.

“Hey, we give Du a job, Du do it. No Fragen asked. Unless Du want to see your family suffer.” Damian threatened.

“Please, why can’t Du just leave my family out of this?” Alastair pleaded. “They have nothing to do with this!”

“Your family has nothing to do with this. And it will stay that way until Du decide to go against what we ask.”

“I didn’t sign up for this.”

“Oh, but Du did. You’d think you’d be sure to read contracts a little Mehr carefully before Du signed them.”

“No one ever told me I’d have to commit murder on several occasions! What if my family found out about this? They’d never look at me the same!”

“Well, that’s not my problem. Do your job. End of discussion.” With that, Damian left Alastair standing in the snow, defeated.

The snow lifted and swirled about them again, this time settling in another hut. Alastair stood over another pinguin with a dagger pointed at his throat. “No! Please! I won’t tell anyone! Spare me!” The pinguin pleaded.

“I’m sorry, but if Du live, my family pays the price.”

“What about my family?! Please! I-I’ll disappear! No one has to know!”

“And if my boss finds out?”

“He won’t! I’ll leave town! I’ll pack up and leave and never return! Please!”

Alastair looked into the eyes of his victim, and a moment later, he said: “Fine. But I’d better never see nor hear from Du again. Be gone Von morning.”

“Thank you! Du will never regret this!” The pinguin said.

Alastair stopped at the door and looked back at him out of the corner of his eye. “You’d better hope I don’t.” He then left.

The snow took Skipper and the owl back to Alastair’s home. Alastair was being held back Von two other penguins as one penguin, off in the corner, held Eve and Heather. Skipper watched in horror as he watched Alastair’s wife being beaten Von Damian. The sound of Alastair’s yelling barely cut through the sound of Eve and Heather’s deafening cry. Finally, they stopped pounding her into paste and they let Alastair go to her. Eve and Heather were placed on the ground and they ran to their mother. Alastair was at her side, crying, and holding her in his flippers. Just before he left, the pinguin that gave Alastair his last mission said: “And that was just a warning. Weiter time, finish the job.” And he left.

Eve and Heather held their mother’s flipper, weeping and calling for her softly. Alastair held his bleeding and bruised wife close, saying: “Lisa, oh, Lisa! Can Du hear me?! Please don’t leave me! I never meant for this to happen!”

Lisa gently touched Alastair’s face and said: “Don’t let them make Du do this. Run. Find somewhere to live where Du don’t have to take their orders. And take care of our children.” She took a deep breath as a small drop of blood trickled out of the corner of her beak.

“No, Lisa…you’re gonna be fine. Du can’t leave me.”

Now Lisa’s voice only came in whispers. “You’re gonna be fine. I’ll…I’ll always be with you. I…I Liebe you.” She pulled Alastair closer until her beak met his. Alastair felt the life drain out of her, and when he pulled away, she was gone.

Alastair held her closer and wept fiercely. “No, no, no, no, no…I Liebe you, too, Lisa! I’m so sorry!”

“Daddy?” Alastair picked up his head and turned to see Eve and Heather looking at him with tears in their eyes. “Is mommy dead?” Alastair looked from Eve, to Lisa, then he closed his eyes.

A moment later he said: “Yes. She’s dead.” He choked on his own words. Even Skipper felt sorry for him. The snow once again carried Skipper and the owl away, but this time, when it settled it melted into the soil that lay upon the ground. Skipper looked up at the abandoned building that Eve had led Skipper to. Alastair stood in the doorway holding Eve and Heather’s flippers. “Daddy, what are we doing here?” Eve asked.

“We’re going to live here, darling.”

“For how long?”

Alastair waited a moment before replying. “Forever.” He led his daughters in and Skipper followed. When they entered, Alastair called: “Temp! Templeton! Du in there?!”

A moment later a pinguin appeared at the end of the long hallway and approached them. “Brother! So good to see Du again. What brings Du here after all these years?”

“I need you, brother. Lisa was murdered.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry. And what would Du like me to do about it?”

“I want Du to make the ones responsible pay. Can Du do that for me, brother?”

“That I can. Anything else?”

“Yes, um…if Du don’t mind…we need a place to stay.”

“Of course, brother. Stay as long as Du need to. Mi casa es tu casa.”

“Thank you, Templeton. I owe you.” He looked down at Eve and Heather. “Say hello to your Uncle Temp.”

“Hi…” Eve sagte shyly. Heather just waved.

Templeton bent down to have a look at his niece’s. “Well, Hey there.” He sagte with a smile. “How come this one won’t say anything?”

“She hasn’t spoken since her mother died. I’m hoping it’ll pass soon.”

“I’m sure it will.”

The wind picked up and the snow reappeared through the floors and circled around them again. When it resettled, it once again disappeared into the floors. They were still at the same abandoned building. Alastair stood before about thirty guards; Eve and Heather were at his side. They seemed to be in their teens now. “As Du all know,” Alastair was saying. “Templeton did not survive after two long weeks of fighting pneumonia. He has left his fortunes, and his responsibilities to me. Du will all continue your normal duties as Du were previously instructed. Carry on.” The guards dispersed and Alastair was left alone with his daughters.

“Dad, we need to talk.” Eve said. Now Skipper could hear the British accent he was familiar with.

“About what, darling?”

“Dad, you’ve changed. Du used to spend every moment with us. Now, Du spend as much time as Du can abusing the power Du yield. Can’t Du just give it up? We need a father!”

“Evelyn, Du know I can’t. It’s the only way I can take care of Du and your sister.”

“No Dad, that’s just an excuse. Du took care of us just fine before we moved here. Has it even dawned on Du that I have a British accent and Du don’t? It’s because that Nanny has been the only one to raise me for the past fourteen years. Dad, if Du don’t give it up, then…then I’m going to take Heather and leave!” Eve threatened, standing taller.

“Excuse me, young lady? Du are to stay here! Du are not to leave the confines of this building without my say so!”

“Watch me!” Eve took Heather Von the flipper and started for the exit.

“Guards! Guards!” Two guards came into the room. “Take them to their room and put them behind lock and key!”

“Yes, sir!” The two guards did as told and grabbed Eve and Heather and started dragging them back. Eve went kicking and screaming.

“Dad! No! Du can’t do this! Dad!!” The heavy doors shut behind them with a resounding thud; Eve’s last scream echoed through the room.

The snow reappeared, lifted, swirled, and settled once again, disappearing into the hard-wood floors. Skipper’s herz melted when he turned his attention to the young weeping Eve in the small bett Weiter to him. Heather sat Weiter to the weeping Eve, who had her face buried in her pillow. Heather gently stroked her back, trying to calm her. “How could he be so heartless!? I thought…I thought he loved us…” Heather looked at her sympathetically and leaned over her, wrapping her flipper around her, trying to ease her pain. Eve pushed herself into a sitting position and the two sisters embraced. “I’m so sorry, Heather.” Eve sagte over her shoulder. She pushed away and looked Heather in the eye, lowering her voice. “I’m going to get us out of this, no matter what. Whether it takes weeks, oder months, oder even years, I will get us away from him. I can promise Du that much.”

Skipper couldn’t believe any of this. Why didn’t Eve tell him any of this? His feelings for her would still have been the same… The snow reappeared and repeated its pattern, this time disappearing to Zeigen Alastair talking to one of his guards. Oh, how Skipper wished he could strangle him on the spot. He couldn’t believe anyone could be so heartless. What he was about to find out is that it didn’t stop there. “Sir, I have some news. Damian has come out of hiding. He was last seen north of the island heading inland.” The guard reported.

“I knew he wasn’t dead…” Alastair muttered to himself. “Do Du know his motives?”

“No, sir. But our suspicion is that he’s seeking his revenge. After Templeton sent us to wipe out his men fourteen years ago, who knows what he’ll try to do.”

Alastair thought for a moment. “He’ll go after my greatest vulnerability.” He concluded.

“Your daughters, sir? Would Du like us to increase security on their quarters, sir?” The guard asked.

Alastair went deep in thought, and a moment later his face fell in a way that suggested that he’d thought of something ingenious. “No. When he gets close, he’ll go after my daughters. Guards will be on standby. When he’s in sight, take him out. But use a silencer so my daughters won’t hear. This way I’ll be able to gain my daughters’ trust back and have my revenge on Damian.”

“Aye, sir. But…what if we spot him too late and he…does get his revenge?”

“Well, you’ll just have to be sure that he doesn’t. Because if he does,” He took a step closer to him intimidatingly. “the last thing you’ll ever see is the barrel of my 9mm aimed between your eyes. Understood?”

The guard gulped and said: “Y-Yes sir…”

“Good. Dismissed.” Alastair ordered. The guard nodded, turned, and left. Alastair pushed the button on his walkie-talkie. “Bring me my daughters.”

A voice answered back through. “Yes, sir.” About five Minuten later, two guards came in holding a struggling Eve Von her flippers. Heather showed discomfort in being brought in against her will, but showed no resistance.

“Let me go! Let me go, damn it!” Eve cried. “What do Du want!?” Eve screamed at Alastair.

“Evelyn, please. I want to talk, darling.” Eve winced upon being called ‘darling’ Von a man whom she thought was her father. She glared hard at him.

“What?” She asked sternly, no longer struggling. Her eyes seemed to bore into Alastair’s soul, burning with hatred. Alastair looked…hurt. Though Skipper questioned whether he was faking it oder not.

Alastair turned to the guards restraining her. “Let them be. Go wait outside. I’d like to speak to my daughters privately.” The guards nodded silently, gently released Eve and Heather, turned, and left. “Evelyn, I know you’re angry with me, but-”

“Just spit it out, Alastair.” Eve snapped.

Alastair was taken aback. “You…called me ‘Alastair’…” He said, his herz sinking.

“Yes, what of it?” Eve snapped back, Wird angezeigt no remorse. Alastair was about to say something, but Eve interrupted him before he got the chance. “I’m not calling Du ‘Dad’ because a real father would have spent Mehr time with his daughters. He would’ve been there when she’d broken her flipper falling down the steps to dry her tears and let her know that everything was going to be alright. He would’ve been there when she’d learned how to cook her first meal. He would’ve been there to tell her that there were no monsters under the bed. He would’ve been there instead of hunting down the man responsible for their mothers’ death.” Eve was now on the verge of tears. Alastair remained silent. Heather hung her head in the memory of her mother. Eve continued. “You don’t think it still hurts? Do Du know how many nights Heather and I spent thinking about her smile? The way she held us when we were upset? Do Du know how many nights we spent in tears because of the fact that we were never going to see her again? No, Du don’t, because you’re too busy seeking vengeance than to share your pain with us. The only reason Heather and I got through this is we believed in the fact that our mother would always be in our hearts. That’s what drove us on. Maybe if Du would’ve figured that out a long time ago, Du wouldn’t be in this mess right now. Maybe Du would’ve been our father like Mom would’ve wanted.”

A tear trickled down Eve’s cheek. Heather stood a little straighter, sticking Von Eve’s side. For about the Weiter Minute there was silence, a dead, dead silence that burrowed deep into your soul and chewed its way out of your heart. Even Skipper could feel his eyes welling up with tears, as if he could feel Eve’s pain. Finally, Alastair broke the silence.

“You’re right. I haven’t been a father. Maybe I don’t even know the meaning of the word anymore. That’s…what I wanted to talk to Du about. I’ve missed so much of your lives in the past fourteen years. I remember when Du were a hatchling; Du were so happy. You’re a lot like your mother Du know. So confident and full of life. I wish I’d been there more. You’re turning sixteen in two months and it seems as though you’re turning twenty-one. Du and Heather have grown so fast. And…I know I don’t have much time left, but I want to spend what I can with the both of you. I know I can’t make up for what I’ve missed, but what Du sagte to me last week about leaving me, and the way you’re looking at me now has opened my eyes. If Du could just give me the chance that I know I don’t deserve, I would try my best to be the father I never was. Even though I haven’t done a good job of Wird angezeigt it, I really do Liebe Du both with all my heart.”

Eve looked down at the floor, taking in what Alastair told them. She turned to Heather, who too was contemplating the situation. She then turned back to Alastair. “How do we know Du really mean what you’re saying?” She asked. But Skipper could see it in her eyes. She already believed Alastair, oder at least wanted to so much that she eluded herself into believing Alastair’s apology. And maybe he did mean it, but even Skipper knew Alastair wasn’t one to keep his promises.

“If you’d give me the chance…I’d prove it to you.” Alastair sagte softly.

Eve looked again at Heather, who nodded slowly. She turned back to Alastair with a sigh. “Fine. But Du have to be there. Du can’t hurt us again. Because you’re not getting a third chance.”

Alastair smiled and nodded. “Thank you.”

It was obvious that this was something Heather had been wanting to hear for a long time. She smiled and ran crying into her fathers’ embrace. Alastair hugged her tightly; he too was on the verge of tears. Eve stayed put, flippers crossed. Alastair and Heather turned to look at her. “Come on, Heather. Nanny wanted us to help her with her hatchling.” She turned, opened the door, and left.

Heather looked at Alastair sympathetically. Alastair smiled. “Don’t worry. She’ll come around. Now run along. I’ll see Du at dinner.” Heather smiled and left to follow her sister.

Next, the snow took them to the backyard of the building. Alastair was seen walking with Eve and Heather. The girls seemed to be having a good time, but Skipper sensed that something was wrong. Alastair had a smile on his face, but his eyes sagte otherwise. He was worried about something. He looked around constantly, but the girls didn’t seem to notice.

“You know, I have to say, Du really have changed.” Eve was saying. “I’m sorry I was so discouraged, but-”

“I know, baby. Du had every right to be discouraged. But I’m glad now to see that we’re finally a family again.” Alastair sagte smiling.

Eve smiled back. “Me too…Dad.” Alastair smiled even more, filling with joy. He picked up his daughters and spun them through the air. Suddenly a guard ran up to them.

“Sir! He’s closing in! But he’s too fast! Du need to get inside!”

Eve looked at the guard in confusion, then asked her father: “Dad, what’s he talking about?”

“Nothing, darling. We need to get inside. Now-”

Gunfire was heard, and a spot of ground shot into the air just inches from Eve’s side. “Dad! What’s going on?!” Eve cried. Alastair didn’t answer; he just took his daughters Von the flipper and ran toward the building. Mehr gunfire was heard and Alastair hid behind the stone walls of the abandoned building with his daughters. Eve looked out of the window and watched as a pinguin bounded into the yard. “Dad…is that who I think it is?”

“Now, Evelyn, I-”

“It is! That’s the man responsible for my mothers’ death! Du haven’t changed at all! How could you! No! Scratch that! How could I have been so stupid as to believe you’d actually changed?!”

“Evelyn, it’s not what Du think-”

“Wait a minute…you knew he was coming! Du were using us as bait! Du son of a leopard seal! We could have died! Do Du understand that?! How could you!!” Eve charged at Alastair and punched him in the stomach, though she wasn’t strong enough to do any damage. A pair of guards showed up and started pulling Eve and Heather away. At that moment, Eve saw a bullet go through Damian’s skull through the window and she cringed. She wanted to avenge her mothers’ death, but not this way. She yelled at Alastair as the guards dragged her away. “We could have died! Do Du hear me!? WE COULD HAVE DIED!!!” Finally she was taken far enough up the stairs to where her screams were mere echoes. Alastair hit the Wand in frustration and cursed under his breath.

The guard that had warned them came inside and stood before Alastair nervously. “S-Sir…um…Damian is dead. We have accomplished our task.” He sagte with a clear of his throat.

Alastair stared daggers into him. “Accomplished?” He growled. “My daughters were this close-” He pinched the end of his flipper together. “-to trusting me again. And Du ruined everything.” He snatched the pistol from the guard and pointed it at his head. “I warned you.”

He started to tighten on the trigger when Eve came bounding back down the stairs. When she saw them she screamed: “STOP IT!!” Alastair looked at her, though the gun was still pointed at the guard. Eve was now crying. “Haven’t Du taken enough lives?! Hasn’t there been enough bloodshed?! It wasn’t his fault Du Lost us for good! It’s your own! Du couldn’t just learn your lesson! Just let him go!” The guards came down the steps and took her again Von the flippers and brought her back upstairs. “Just let him go, Alastair! Let him go!” Eve screamed.

Alastair looked at the pinguin on the other side of the pistol, who was looking at him with pleading eyes. A moment later, he lowered the gun and muttered: “Get out.” The guard stood where he was for a moment, afraid to move. “Get out!” Alastair screamed. The guard stumbled his way to the door and out. Alastair stood idle in the doorway, then his infuriation got the better of him. He turned and shot the guard through the door. Eve, who was now about in the middle of the stairs, cringed at the dreadful, piercing sound. She cried harder, her herz breaking into a million pieces.

The snow seemed to take to the air slower this time, as if to exaggerate the tragic scene. It took them to the middle of the woods, where Eve and Heather were walking with an older female who was carrying a very small pinguin in a bundle of blankets. A feeling of recognition immediately hit Skipper like a ton of bricks. He knew this place, and he knew he knew this female. But where would he know her from? Eve and Heather were each carrying small baskets, which were about half full with berries and herbs. “Why can’t we just run away, Nanny?” Eve asked. She and Heather were definitely a little older now.

“Because, Evelyn, he’d find us. And who knows what he’d do then.” The Nanny answered in her British accent. Skipper racked his brain. He knew that face, and he knew that voice.

“I suppose you’re right.” Eve sagte with a sigh, picking up Mehr berries. The three of them turned their heads at a low growling sound. A wolf began creeping out of a bush, stalking the penguins.

“Evelyn…take your sister and run…” Nanny ordered.

“But Nan-”

“Go, Eve!” Eve grabbed Heather Von the flipper, both of them dropping their baskets, and ran into the woods. The wolf charged forward, but Nanny kicked up with her foot into its chest, sending it back a couple of feet. She then turned and ran with all of her might. The wolf chased after and Skipper followed. After a couple of minutes, Nanny tripped. The hatchling she was holding was crying now, and he oder she rolled vorwärts-, nach vorn Weiter to a bush. The wolf crept up on Nanny, who was holding her ankle in pain, staring in horror at the beast. The wolf raised its paw; his sharp claws extended out, and slashed her stomach, leaving a gaping wound. Skipper watched in horror as the wolf got ready to pounce on her, but before it got the chance, a gunshot resounded through the air and the wolf was thrown to its side, a bullet hole through its head.

Nanny looked at the beast in confusion, but then turned her attention to her crying hatchling. She half-limped, half-crawled over to him. Skipper now knew who she was…and who the hatchling was. His eyes widened in shock and realization as he watched himself emerge from the woods. “Hey, are Du alright?”

Skipper had been here when he was in the army a long time Vor on a mission. He’d heard the growling and went to investigate. He watched himself crouch over the wounded pinguin holding the hatchling. Nanny spoke to him in gasps. “Please, take…my son.”

“No, ma’am. You’re going to be alright. We just need to get Du to the doctor.”

“No. Please, I don’t have much time. He’ll be better off with you.”

Skipper watched himself take the hatchling from Nanny’s flippers. “But…I don’t know if I’d be able to care for him. I know nothing about being a father.”

“That’s fine. You’d certainly be a better…father than some people I know. Promise me you’ll take care of him.” She gasped, barely hanging on to life. Skipper began crying at the memory, especially now knowing the deep connection.

“I promise.”

“Than…Thank you.” Nanny smiled, and passed on.

The young Skipper got to his feet and looked at the pinguin in his arms. “Hey there, little fella. I’m gonna good care of you, don’t Du worry.” The hatchling started to cry. “Oh no…no, don’t cry! It’s okay! Sh…” He started bouncing the young hatchling. Slowly, he stopped crying. The young Skipper smiled and turned when he heard a voice behind him.

“I think he likes you.” Skipper watched as Hans came up Weiter to the young him. “What happened here?”

“A wolf killed his mother. She asked me to take care of him…but I don’t know if I can.”

“I’m sure you’ll do fine. It’s a sad Tag when such a young thing loses its mother. What will Du name him?”

The young Skipper looked down into the hatchlings’ eyes. “Private. Young Private.”
posted by kivamarie
it all started when i was with Skipper and his team doing stuff when somehow i got a letter.

Skipper: Hey Kiva, Du got a letter.

Me: thanks Skipper.

Skipper gave me the letter and so i open the letter.

Private: what does the letter say Kiva?

Rico: yeah yeah.

Me: hmm it says: Dear Kiva, I the Empress want Du to be the bodyguard for me and my daughter Emily at Dunwall Tower signed Empress Jessomine. oh my gosh did Du hear that guys I'm going to be the bodyguard for the Empress and her daughter at the Dunwall Tower.

Private: that's great.

Rico: Wow.

Kowalski: that's good.

Skipper: I'm quite pleased that...
continue reading...
Von request of link


Thievery Control: Take 1

Brick: *moves crates around with forklift*

Cecil: *directs him*

Cop: *pulls up and sees Cecil* T_T

Cecil: O.O.....*pretends he's stretching* *falls over* OW! I pulled my muscle!

Brick: What muscle?

Cecil: Brick! Shut up and help me up!

Brick: *gets out of gabelstapler and helps Cecil up* ...Dude are Du crying?

Cecil: NO! I most certainly am not!

Brick: Then why are your eyes so wet?

Cecil: Shut up Brick! *kicks him* OW!!! My leg again!

Director: Will someone please help him so we can Bewegen on!

Thievery Control: Take 2

Brick: *moves...
continue reading...
It was about an Stunde later. Skipper and Eve were still sitting at the back of the cell, leaning on each other, not sure what to do. All of the sudden they heard something.


"What was that?" Whispered Eve. Skipper got up cautiously and walked to the front of the cell. Most of the other Tiere were sleeping. "Psst! Over here!" He looked at where the sound was coming from; it was a dachs across the aisle. He was looking into their cell. He couldn't help but think of Private at the sight of him. "What do Du want?" He whispered back.

"You two are lucky. You're getting out of this place....
continue reading...
posted by Skiparah
The court room was so..so hostile. The whole place echoed around me. I could feel the tension as the judge spoke. His words pounded like a mallet on my chest threatening to kill me right then and there. My fate lay in the balance. Crowds in bleachers behind were all fixed on one thing and one thing only. Me. I could feel their eyes on my back. The judge was saying, "Alexander Fahlcon, is hereby prosecuted for the following charge: Murder against his country, and his superior officer," I swallowed a lump in my throat, a cold sweat broke out on my forehead. The judge went on, "For sagte crime...
continue reading...
a tribute to pinguin of Madagascar

please Kommentar it my first artical

What us Fans have joined together let no writer rip asunder

pinguin of Madagascar Fans of all age, gender, race, beliefs ect…

Mitmachen together to celebrate a great show

They made us laugh

They made us cry

They even made us smile

Thought-out the years of villains summit

The prize of know them all

Even the annoying king

I hope that my voice has been heard

Cause I Liebe them all with all my heart

And distressed that it ending

With all us depending

Penguins will last forever

In our hearts

Long live pinguin of Madagascar

Du will never be forgotten
posted by queenpalm
Here is part three of my Fan fiction. I hope Du like it!

I landed on the floor in the HQ. Since it was about midnight, all the penguins were in bed. Then, I looked at the beds again, to make sure they were all there. There were five beds. Hm, they must've removed mine.
One bett was empty, though. Manfridi nor Private was there. I started getting worried.
A door creaked. I wanted to run and hide, but I knew that's not what a Merida - Legende der Highlands soldier like me would do. I braced myself and expected the worst.
"Ahhh!" I screamed. Then, I realized it was just Private. "Who, who are you!?" sagte Private. Then...
continue reading...
posted by queenpalm
This is my first Fan fiction. Hope Du enjoy it! Oh, and if Du were wondering, this story is told from Johnson's point of view.

"Yes!" I cried."I found it!"
I had been searching for over four years now, but it had totally paid off. I still wonder why I ran off in the first place. The vet could've totally healed my broken wing.
As I wandered through Central Park, I wondered how my Home could've changed in the last six years. Surely most things would be the same!
Still, what would I have to lose if everything was different? I lived in the streets and felt like a tray mut. I scrounged for most of my meals. The only time I have real dinners was when I break into a restraunt oder a grocery store. Still, the only good Essen I ever got from doing that was a stale fish-stick and a melted snow cone.
I was so deep in thought, I bumped into a wall. When I looked up at the wall, I almost screamed with happiness. The Wand belonged to the Central Park Zoo!
Chapter 13: The unknown
Before they left for the great Ga’Hoole tree, Pat had something to say. “Alright, I try to short and sweet. It all started about 10 years ago, and I was searching for my long Lost brother.” “Ramon, where are you?” “So what you’re saying is…” Mumble didn’t have time to finish his thought. “You and I are brothers! But how?” “You left a season before I was born, and our parents told me all about you. It took me ten years to find Du and Du are my brother!” “Okay, everybody, I know this is a practical joke, so stop teasing me.” “Ramon,...
continue reading...
posted by Tori0524
I made up 2 characters, here they are:
& Jo

Rookie's P.O.V

Cadet: Jo! Status report! Where are we?!?!
Jo: It appears we're in a kiste of some sort.
Blake: Uh-huh!
Me: I'm scared! where are we going Cadet?
Everyone else: *Shrug*
Jo: Wait! I hear something!
Male voice 1: Sooo, where are we taking them?
Male voice 2: Central Park Zoo.
Female voice: Ok, let's go.
Me: Where's Central Park Zoo @?
Jo: New York.
Cadet: NEW-YORK?!?!
Blake: Uh-huh!
Me: Sweet! we're hit'in the "Big Apple"!
Jo: Yup.

5 Hours later, Private's P.O.V

We all heard a big THUD!!! Then we went outside to investigate.
continue reading...
posted by Saracuda
The Weiter Tag Skipper slid Von Marlene's habitat. Liberty watched from her den's mouth, her deep amber eyes intent on what Skipper would do if..
..Marlene waved. Liberty heard the sweet call, "Hi Skipper!"
Liberty kept watching. Skipper stopped, waved and went on. It was a simple wave. Hardly even a wave but Mehr of a simple gesture. Marlene seemed confused. She was. "I wonder what's got him in a rush today." she thought. Usually Skipper would drop Von in spite of a tight schedule and talk. He hardly payed attention to her. Then her eye caught Liberty from across the zoo. She could see the lioness...
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King Julian: Hey bet Du can't bet Du can't do it like this. Bet Du can't bet Du can't do it like this.Bet Du can't bet Du can't rock it like this.
Bet Du can't bet Du can't rock it like this

Marlene: 1 2 3 to the 4, coming to your haube like a sky missile. Fergie Rock The beat down to the gristle. I spit it clean just like Listerine!

Skipper: I'm so official. That's why i'm rocking this rocking this whistle, i'm in the disco
ain't messing with no kiddo. When i DJ i turn the base off the tickle.

King Julian: The girls with the big big booties. I'm straight chilling cooling out wit cuties....
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Hello, reader. In this story I (Skipper) am the narator oder also known as the story teller. So enjoy, soldier! I keep adding the Skipper name because Du might think that I am "not" the real Skipper even if I am the real Skipper. I know Du soldiers think that I am not been Schreiben a story. Well, think again. Phil and Masen taught me of Schreiben and reading. Leave your Kommentar if Du have some opinions and such thingies. Thanks for reading! Enjoy!

The Penguins of Madagascar - Providing Pro-vider
Chapter I - The Creation of Happines
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posted by beastialmoon
Skipper vs Smith

In a sudden turn of events, Skipper has been Court Marshaled! Will he and his Friends be able to defend his Titel in their most inexperienced area – the Court Room? Not without a little help! Part Two to Battle of the Boroughs.

Skipper looked to his family. Kowalski, Private, Rico. He folded the letter and put it away. He couldn’t bring himself to tell them, not just yet. He put on a smile, hoping they would get it and the tension in the air would dissipate.

“What’s the letter say, skippah?” Private asked cheerfully “Uh, nothing. It’s nothing Private. Go on, keep...
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posted by skipperfan5431
Lilly looked at the three girls, lined up in a row in front of her. She had to tell them what was going on, eventhough it broke her heart. " Du ladies have been permenantly relieved from duty. Get on the helicopter, and head to the Antarctic Embassy, where Du will have your commando licenses revoked. Du were a great team, and Du always made me proud." She lectured, with tears welling in her eyes. " No! Du can't break the team up Lilly! Du can't! Our families are on opposite terretories! We'll never see eachother again! THIS IS ALL KAM'S FAULT!!" Joan cried. She didn't want to leave the...
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After war pinguin finish his story the penguins was talking to him and asking quetions about his adeventuer."What happen to the escape pod?"Private asked."achilly I don't know what happen to it."war pinguin reply."I think we know what happen to it."skipper said.Just when skipper is about to tell his story on what happen to him,kowaski,and rico king julean Musik started."Whare is that Musik comeing frome?"asked war penguin.Private sagte "It's comeing frome the leamers habitat."They whent to the leamers habitat and when they get there skipper shouted 'ring tail can Du put that Musik down."Julean...
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Cowtails answered her phone, "Hello?"

"Oh Hey Cowtails! Its Sweet Pripper, and me and Private were wondering, If Du have joined the dark side? You'd still be our friend no matter what but would Du still be Friends with us? And the friendship on the other penguins is so busted..." Sp sagte from the other line.

"well it's not like I'm going completely evil...I wouldn't do anything to hurt any of Du guys but of course I'll be Friends with Du still...I don't know how Blowhole would feel about that, but I know the chances with the others are over...you two are the nicest ones anyway, of course...
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added by Redpenguin
Source: Madagascar
added by FanOfStuff97
Source: Penguins of Madagascar trailer 2 (MSN UK)
added by Iroto122
added by Icicle1penguin
Source: Pixie-Van-Winkle on Deviantart.com