Die Pinguine aus Madagascar Club
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A Sekunde later, he is out of my flippers in a dash. I glance down to my feet. He's gone. Fear bubbles inside my body, but soon ceases as I hear a jolly giggle.
"Wh-" I stare down to my left, bending over. Another cackle cuts off my sentence. Hiding behind my right leg, Private grins from earhole to earhole.
"I wonder where Private went. Hmmmm. Is he over … here?!" I play along, and quickly turn my head. He's not there.
"Huh?" I ponder, but once again his laughter makes me smile. I just know he's behind the other one.
I take a step vorwärts-, nach vorn and turn around, catching him off guard. I swing, schaukel down, and lift him into my arms. He contuines that memorable laugh.
"Oh no, the monster's got me!" Private toyed happily. I groan, and think to myself. This is going to be a long trip. It takes almost all my attention to keep the squirming pinguin in my flippers.
"Aw! Whatcha got there?!" Deliah races out staring at Private. She comes up, and takes him carefully into her fins. He clings to her like she's his mother.
"Hi," He weakly says.
"Hi, I'm Deliah! Come on, Skipper we better get him inside." She said. Swiftly, she spins on her toes like a ballerina. They lead to the house.
When we get inside, she stops and sits him on the counter. Her expression is quizical as she looks at me.
"I believe my first Frage would be where he can from?" She asks her tone edgy.
"It's not what it looks like, I promise."
"Are Du trying to say Du want to stay, and raise him with me?" She asks with false hope. That is a tough subject.
"I'm sorry. He has a family. I found him in a basket." I sigh. Ouch.
"Nevermind. That was stupid. I'm sorry."
"No, it wasn't." While we talk Private wanders around.
"So where do we take him?"
"To the boot going to England. His mother will be there."
"Okay, but Du still didn't quite answer my Frage about where he's from." She says. It'll be hard telling her, but I have to. The southern colony is liked Von no other rookery but its self. Our rookery dispises them the most. But all their hatred together doesn't even come close to Cain's.
"He's from the southern colony." I mumble hesitantly.
"What?!" She gasps.
"He's from the southern colony." I repeat.
"I'm sorry, but I'm not helping a southern brat! He can starve for all I care."
"We can't just abandone him!"
"Yes, we can and we should! We should hate them! Du should hate him. It'll be so much easier to just leave him." She makes a good point. I turn to him in anger, but then I see something that changes my mind completely.
He lays in my bett covered up to his cheeks in the blankets. His small head rests on the kissen as he murmurs in his sleep.
"But I don't. He's never done anything wrong. He's a chick. You're being as cruel and unjust as Jezebel."
"Don't Du ever say that! I'm nothing like her!"
"Exactly, but you're Schauspielen like her. Why do Du judge him just because he's different?"
"He's one of them, Skipper. Don't Du understand?"
"This is the most important thing I've ever tried to do. I can't pass it up."
"What about fighting for the throne?! What about restoring your honor?! Doesn't any of that matter to you?!"
"It means nothing if I don't help. I can save his life! I can make a huge difference for this small hatchling. Are Du in?" I say. She shakes her head in disgust.
"I'm sorry, Skipper, but no." She storms to her chair and plops down.
"That's too bad." I sigh. Bending over, I slowly pick him up into my arms.
"I don't know how you'll do it alone, but good luck." She says.
"Thank you. I'll never forget you." I promise.
"Just go,"
"I'm sorry, it's ending this way."
"Goodbye, Skipper." She gulps, fighting tears.
"Goodbye." I say, and carry him out the door.
Our journey begins on that harsh winter day. The gusts of wind pick up Von the hour. Then the snow begins to fall. It taps hard on my back as I hunch over Private, shielding him like my mother once did for me.
Each unruly flow of wind and snow feels like a slap. I stumble backwards, but keep on. Every muscle aches. My body yurns. My head tells me to give up, but my heart, just the opposite. I shiver. The blizard feels like it rages inside me as well as outside of me. I begin to form a cough. I recongnize it immediately as the one my mother had.
"Please, help me. I can't do this alone. I'm not strong enough." I pray in hopes my mother will answer. As if she did, I see a cave in the distance.
With all my energy left, I race as fast as I can. I finally make it, and lay Private, who's still asleep, down on the ground. I fall on my back, and collapse.
"Thank you," I say softly.
I wake up to something poking my face. Wearily, I open my eyes. Private stands in front of me worried.
"Where's Deliah?" He whimpers.
"She's not coming." I moan.
"I'm sorry."
"I heard Du two arguing."
"Oh, don't worry. She's just ..." I trailed, and sighed. Private climbs up on my belly. He starts hopping up and down.
"You can't be serious!" I scold. He shrinks at my yelling. His giant blue watery eyes dread me with remorse. I sigh.
"All right, let's get some sleep."
"Sleep? I'm barely tired! I slept the whole way!
"Sleeping is the last thing I wanna do."
"Well, it's the first thing I want to do."
"You're no fun."
"I really don't care." I remark, and close my eyes. I feel his cold feet Bewegen up on my chest. His petite body drops down. He squirms until he's under my flipper.
"Goodnight, I guess."
"What are we having for breakfast?"
"Fish oder squid. What else would we have?" I mumble sarcastically.
"I Liebe squid! I like herring, too. Do Du like herring? It's really good! But I like squid more."
"Goodnight, Private."
"I've always wanted a dad." He yawns, and nuzzles my feathers. I am just shocked, but strangely happy. What if I mess up, though? I've never had a real father.
"Don't Du have a father?"
"No, he died before I was hatched."
"Oh I'm sorry."
"I still have my mom."
"It's hard losing a father."
"Do Du have one?"
"What?" I answered Mehr calm than before.
"I have to go potty." He says. I groan. All night he wants something sometimes it would be water. When he gets water, it just made him have to "go" more. He runs around as I wearily chase him.
Finally we get to sleep. Only Minuten later I realize the sun is about to come up. At dawn I was going to fish, but it seems like all my energy is flushed out of me. Private sleeping soundly.
Of course, the time when I need him up he's asleep, but when I'm trying to sleep he's wide awake. Let's just say tonight's not going to be a replay of last night.
I use one of my mother tactics to get him up. I gently stroke his head, and call his name.
"Private? Private?" I invite. He gradually raises his head, and rubs his temples.
"Time to get up." I smile.
"But I don't wanna."
"Get up, Private!" I say sternly. He gives up, and jumps to the ground. I do the same, once he's off.
"You stay in this cave. I'm going to fishing." I say. He nods sleepily.
"Be careful!" I warn. Not listening, he stares out into space.
"Private, listen!" I yell. He glares at me and folds his flippers saulking.
"Goodbye," I wave. He ignores me with his back facing toward me. When I reach a yard from the cave, Private scurries behind me.
"I thought, I told you-" I start complaining. But Private hushes me with a hug around my leg. His grip is firm. It is clear he is sorry, and doesn't want to let go.
"Be careful, Dad." He whimpers.
"If Du do too." I say rubbing the back of his head.
"I will," He promises.
"Now, get back in the cave where it's safe, okay." I say calmly. He nods, and finally he releases my leg. I watch as he waddles to the cave.
My eyes meet a lone dichtung in the distance. How strange, oder should I say forunate for me. They almost never travel Von themselves on land.
An icicle dangles from the ledge of a nearby glacier. It's way too high to reach. I turn around, but then I remember the first time I picked up an icicle. It was underneath snowballs.
I quickly get to my knees. With the thick snow around me I form a snowball and toss it with all my might. The sword like object falls to the ground, penetrating the snow.
I take my time to pull it out. I strain and tug to get it unstuck. Suprising me, it pops out of the ground. I fall to the ice. I get up angrily.
I glare at the seal. It clumsily lays on its back unable to get up. It sees the weapon, and realizes what I'm about to do. It just stays there helpless. An evil grin widens on my face.
For some reason, I stop. The wind blows softly. I hear a soft sound like my mother's voice.
"Please, Skipper. Turn back. This isn't you. Please, have mercy." I growl.
"If Du cared then why did Du leave me?!" I snarl.
"No do it! Be a man! You're a disgrace! You're nothing but a banished prince. Do this to at least gain some honor!" A voice like my father's yells.
"Please, Skipper." My mother gently pleads. I close my eyes. This isn't right. It won't bring my thron back. And it won't bring my mother back. My mother. It's all my fault she's dead. Rage and anger boils inside of me. I stare at the dichtung in hatred.
"It's all my fault!" I slam down the weapon. The dying beast lays gasping for its final breath. A pitiful whimpering sound catching my attenion.
I look back swiftly. A tiny pup nuzzles its mother, crying.
My herz breaks. I just did what I had to to get my honor. In doing so, I killed a dichtung that did nothing to me. I killed the pup's mother.
How could I do that? I'm just as bad as Cain, Jezebel, and Deliah combined. Tears drizzle down my face.
"I'm so sorry!" I cry out. "I don't deserve to live! I didn't gain honor! I turned into a killer. A mindless killer!"
"No, Skipper, you're better than that! Pick up your sword, clean it, and go. I'll Zeigen Du how to help the pup. But in the meantime, get home." My mother says. I do as she says. When I lift the sword, the pup flinches.
"Where is your pack?" I wonder, so I can help.
"You, penguins, already caged them all!"
"Stay away! oder I'll kill you!" He warns, and bares his teeth. I run to the cave. What did he mean? Cain must have put the seals in captivity.
Back at the kingdom, Cain sits on the throne. Jezebel sits Von his side. Servants carry trays with banquets of freshly-caught fish. The general barges in.
"Your highness, I need to speak to Du in private about your newest proclaimation." He explains out of breath.
"How dare Du enter my thron room without permission!" The king snarls.
"It's important news! Not only about the seals, but King Ahaz's death!"
He rolls his eyes, and uses his flipper to shoo off his servants.
"Come, general." He says and finally gets up.
"Where are we going?" He trembles. Cain doesn't answer. His fins are folded behind his back as he walks to the window.
"What do Du see out there?" He asks the military leader. On the ground below, little penguins play in the distance. Right near the castle, is a cheering crowd.
"Happy penguins."
"Happy and safe penguins."
"I see,"
"Without the seals, the waters will be safe."
"Yes, nice touch on your part." The noble nodded.
"Do Du know what that means?"
"Uh, them catching Mehr fish?"
"Yes, and that's a good thing. Because I'm raising taxes to ninety percent of their fish. And if they don't pay, oder if they don't pay enough, feed them to the seals."
"But, sir. We need the seals. If we're oben, nach oben of the Essen chain, the fisch will go instinct! We'll starve!" The guard stammers.
"Was that insubordination? Cause those seals are getting pretty hungry! Besides, there are still orcas."
"Dear, Du can't do that." Jezebel reasoned.
"Enough! I've had enough of your barging in to every proclaimation I've made, mother! Feed her to the seals!"
"If is is your wish, your majesty." He commander bows. Soldiers grab his mother, and drag her out.
"You can't do this! I'm your mother! Du wouldn't even be here without me!" She yells.
"Much better." He smiles.
"Now, about Skipper's father." He gulps.
"This is your last warning! Du mention Skipper one Mehr time, and you'll be where my mother is!" Cain warns.
"A thousand pardons, your highness. There is treasion among your kingdom. Some know of your order to 'take care of' King Ahaz."
"Just do what I told Du to do. If anyone gets in my way, even the smallest chick, they'll be eaten." Cain explains. He sets his flipper on a pinguin toy. His troops found it during their raid on the southern colony. It was Private's. He grasps it, and tears it in two.
Private sits in the cave with his three new "friends": Predator, Cat, and Skull. The three are skuas. They stare at Private with hunger in their eyes.
I waddle in with my head hung low. I don't notice the danger my hatchling friend is in.
"Hi, Skippah, do Du want to mean my new friends?" Private asks excitedly. The birds of prey panic. I roll my eyes, and smile, still oblivious to them, thinking they're imaginary.
"All right, Private." I chuckle, and turn my head. But my light mood erases, when I see a skua with their beak about to bite down on Private's head.
I jump, and slap the monster off.
"Hey! What was that for?!" Private whimpers.
"He was just about to bite your head off!" I explain.
"Why would Du do that, Predator?" Private whines.
"Forgive him. He's just stupid." Says the only female, Cat.
"Come on, Private. Play time's over." I say, picking him up.
"We were just getting started." Skull snickers. I tighten me flippers around Private. They cover over him completely, leaving only a small hole from him to breathe out of.
"Listen, we might have an understanding here. We can take that little suculent moursel off your wings - well, flippers." Skull tries to persuade me.
"Never," I defend Private. Who would do that? Oh, yeah, my father would. I guess, I didn't mess up on that so far.
"It's almost always the hard way. Well, except with the ex-prince. His father wanted us to eat him." Skull sighed. I flinch. The memory almost seems like only a bitter dream. I'm a new penguin.
"Oh, can we eat him now?! How about now?! Is now okay?! Can we eat now, Skull?! Huh?" Predator asks enthusiastically.
"We maybe able to have both of them, if we could kill the fat one." Predator sneered.
"Hey!" I yell. "Fat? This is muscle!" they burst out laughing. Even Private giggles.
"Oh, whatever!" I sigh, and begin running.
"After 'em!" Skull commands.
They begin flying after us. A glacier blocks our path. We meet a dead end.
"Love you, Daddy." Private says.
"Love you, too. No matter what happens, stay down. Run as fast as Du can if they somehow manage to get to you." I say.
They land in front of us. Skull looks to his team of hunters.
"Predator, Du get the juicy flank. Cat, Du know what to do." Skull leads.
"Aye, aye." Cat winks.
Predator digs his talons into my leg. Like a woodpecker, he drills into my ribs. I know, exactly what they're doing. They think, I'll try to hit him, which would take my flipper away from shielding Private.
That's when Cat tries to steal Private. I Peck down on her head. She retreats.
"I promise, I won't let them hurt you!" I promise Private. I fall to the ground, careful not to squash Private, which is greatly appreciated.
They peck and dig into my back. I shriek in pain. The attacking ceases on my back, and I relax. Then, they besiege the back of my neck. My body aches. It's clear that I can't take much more.
A saving sound blares from the water. It's the boat! The boot to New York. The sound causing the birds to flee. I get up and stare in awe.
"Thank you, Skippah." Private whispers. I had forgotten he was there in my daze.
"Ship's leaving in a minute!" The captain calls out. I'll never make it to the British boot and back in time. It's a hard choice, but I make it.
I race forward.
"Skippah, where are we going?" He asks. I make a turn at the end of the glacier, passing the ship. His ship's already leaving his mother is on board searching for him frantically.
"Goodbye, Private."
"Will I ever see Du again?"
"Maybe some day. Du come and visit me in New York, maybe."
"I will," He promises and hugs me.
"Now, Du be good."
"I promise." He smiles. "Mommy!"
She sees him.
"My baby!" She calls out.
"Hold on," I instruct. He grabs my flipper, and we jump into the water. I help him up onto the boot from the water. He leaps into his mother's arms.
"Bye-bye, Skippah." He waves. I wave back.
I swim as fast as I can to the other boat.
"Hey! Can some one help me up?" I call. A fin reaches for mine, and pulls me on.
"Thanks," I say.
"No problem," He answers.
"So, Du going to New York, too?"
"New York? Oh, Du must have gotten on the wrong ship. This is going to Denmark. My name's Hans." The papageientaucher, puffin smiles.
Many years into the future, Private shuts my mission file.
"Private, what are Du doing in there?" I ask.
"Nothing," He answers, shuts the file, and runs into the main room of the HQ, where I stand.
"Thank you! Thank Du for everything you've done!" Private says and hugs Skipper.

THE END ....... OF PART 1!
To Be Contuined

And thank you for reading! ;)
posted by PenguinCrazy14
(Just so Du know, this is still me, PenguinCrazy14, it's just that my Fanfiction.net name is different.)
….Yes, it is I, the awesome RavenFeathersOfDarkness, who has just bounced back from a brief spot of depression after my last story got erased because of this stupid computer. Well, there's a chance the file was backed up, I'm not sure. But, in the meantime, this idea has been poking me in the back of my head for a while, so I might as well write it.

Yeah, so, this is gonna be a self-insert. I know, I know, everyone's gotta have one, right? But everytime I think about a situation like...
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posted by beastialmoon
Buck Rockgut is back, with a few surprises in store for the Central Park team. What does he know, and will Private find a way to tell Skipper about Hans? Will I find a way to work this in with my homework time? Why am I rambling? Why are Du Lesen my rambling?! Read the STORY!!

The penguins gasped. How could he be back? They sent him away! He was a loony, mad, not swimming on all flippers. In short, they didn’t trust him.

“What do Du want, Buck? Last time Du were here, Du caused chaos and mass panic.” Skipper demanded

“Uh, Skipper, that was us too.” Reminded Private

“Hush, Private,...
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What a nice Tag to start off the morning with a bunch of kids scermeing and camra flashes. Well thats how Ming woke up. Alot of familys looking at him in fright,amazement,and tired.Ming wasent use to it at all he was Mehr like a person to stay inside and be alone all day.

"mommy mommy look!a lion!" all the little boys and girls will say
"its a tiger sweety"there perents will tell them
Ming tryed crawling into a corner,that didnt work. He just wanted to be alone.The penguins were Schauspielen as cute and cuddly as ever becuse scine there is a tiger alot of peopel came.
by now the crowd...
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posted by beastialmoon
Rico was enthralled at the idea of having an egg. It shown in his actions and in his eyes as well. He picked up the egg at Kam's feet while Private and Skipper watched. He stuck it in between his feet to keep it warm. This was the happiest Tag of his life. Nothing could change it.

Kam, meanwhile, lay in her bunk, unmoving. She wasn't sleeping, and she wasn't dead. She was merely contemplating. She obviously needed Rico to help her take care of the eggs. Now, they couldn't live without each other – literally. She thought about her past choices, male to female, and how it got her to where she...
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"Everybody in the HQ for a meeting!" Skipper shouted at the others, breaking the silence, "Except for Du two." He pointed to the new arrivals.

Skipper, Kowalski, Rico, Private, and Marlene leaped through the foodbowl enterance, leaving the other two behind. They sat around the table.

"I like them," Private piped up, "Well, maybe not Nameless. But I like Camille!" an unsual dreamy expression crossed the youngest penguin's face.

Skipper frowned. "Private...?"

Private snapped himself out of it. "What?" He asked innocently.

Skipper dropped it.
"So what should we do about the new arrivals? oder should...
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posted by kowalski99
After that Kowalski was so shock that Macy sagte that. 3 hours later. At the Hq. Kowalski went inside. "Skipper here Private?" sagte Kowalski. "No he not here Kowalski." sagte Private. "Good!" sagte Kowalski. "What's wrong Kowalski?" sagte Private. "You don't want to know!" sagte Kowalski. "Where's Macy?" sagte Private. "Thats a problem!" sagte Kowalski. "What did Macy do?" sagte Private. "Umm nothing." sagte Kowalski. Try not to tell Private about Macy sagte that to him. "And what's wrong!?!" sagte Private. "Okay! Macy loves me!" sagte Kowalski. "She loves you?" Private shock. "Yes! What am I going say...
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         Chapter 3

    The Weiter night Skipper and Marlene finally had their date. They went to a new restaurant that just opened in the zoo. (A/N: Yes I put a restaurant in the zoo so what?) As Skipper and Marlene entered the restaurant they took their set and began to talk.

“Thanks for taking me on this datum Skipper.”

“Not a problem at all Marlene and I guess Brandon was right we where meant to go on a date.”

“Yeah I guess he was right.”

Both Skipper and Marlene were having a good time already with their date. A few minutes...
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"Where are we suppose to go?" Athena sniffled "We're just kids. We can't just go and save our little sister!"

I thought for a little bit, My answer which was lame "Go and find mom and dad?"

"What?! Are Du crazy?! They're in Florida! way too far from New York!"

"Did someone say crazy?" A voice from who knows where asked.

Athena and I clunged to eachother.
"Who sagte that?" I yelled.
"Shush!" Athena scolded.
We looked around to try and find the noise. and then. We saw it.
Skipper had warned us about this guy. He says he is 'da king of da zoo' and is a complete idiot. and his wife isn't too far behind...
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posted by Metallica1147
     Chapter 7: An Idea

    A few hours pasted after Brandon played his song for Marlene, and she still had her idea. Now she just had to tell him, and see what he thinks. Marlene then walks up to Brandon.

“Hey Brandon can I talk to Du for a minute?”

“Sure what’s up?”

“Well I was thinking about how Du wanted the Tiere in the zoo to understand your kind of music, and I think I have an idea.”

“Okay what’s your idea?”

“Well I was thinking maybe Du play a song for the zoo.”

“You mean like a performance for the whole zoo?”

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posted by thespikedturtle
    "Nice shot Rico!" Private was skating around, watching Rico's target practice on the ninja pins. Rico beamed, and fired another shot, knocking the head clean off the pin. When Private applauded again, Rico smiled, but then frowned and held a flipper to his lips.
    "What is it, Rico? Do Du hear something?" Private whispered. Rico started nodding, and looked around, as to see where the noise was coming from. They started following it, but their Suchen was immediately interrupted Von a shout. CRASH!!
    "Rico, what do Du think that...
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posted by JediPenguin16
!!!Ignore the DOTS. They are there to hold the poem together in the shape I wanted. Just look at the words!!!

...............p ...........................f
............e..................................t ...............................Swing
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posted by Annacrombie
Hello wonderfuly Zufällig PoM Fans i have some good news about A new start-I have come up for a name of the person who is Schreiben the story, i cant reveal her name but she is one of my OC's along wiv my other OC's:Lily, Twitter and Seattle (Seattle is on fanfic in one of my stories).
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A new start chapter 6

I didnt know why he did this but Skipper decided to make up a squad, one Von one we joined ~ i joined first! and became Sekunde in charge ~, Skipper sagte we had to do some training, we started doing some basic moves simple stuff, i was quite good...
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CHAPTER 3: Snowcones

A family of ginger squirrels was gazing in shock at a group of penguins, sitting in the middle of the sandbox. They were leaning against something which looked like a plastic box, wriggling, bantering with each other, bursts of loud laughter echoing all over the park. There were lots of empty Schokolade bags wallowing around them.
"Private, how come Skipper didn't notice Du sneaking out with a pack of Maggie Smaggie Schokolade bars?" asked Kowalski.
"Well, it was just a decoy, Kowalski" explained Private, giggling nervously. "I used to keep those Schokolade bars in a Diet Cookies...
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posted by ThatDamnLlama
The moonlight casted shawdows throughout the zoo. Puddles lay still on the concrete, almost wanting to be stepped in. The cool air swept over the exhibits.

The faint sound of footsteps grew louder and louder, and then he was revealed in the light.

Skipper waddled past Marlene's exhibit and towards the gift shop. The door automatically opened for him, and he wondered inside, as if he knew he had to come here.

The door slammed shut behind Skipper, trapping him in the darkness.

He spoke loudly and clearly towards the opposite side of the room.

"Show yourself."


Skipper spoke again with equal...
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posted by KowalskiGirl345
( they all went in bett that night, with Private at home, but the Weiter morning he was missing again!)

S: Kowalski, Kowalski get up!
K: Leave me alone, im trying to sleep!
S: Kowalski, its 12:00 in the afternoon!
K: So?!!
S: Firt of all, its past the time when Du normaly get up, and secound Private is missing again!
K: WHAT?!..OW! ( kowalski hitted his head on oben, nach oben of his bunck were he sleeps)
S: Hes missing again! Cant Du hear me?!
K: Duh! I can hear you, but how can he be missing again?!
S: How im soppost to know?!
K: I dont know, I was thinking Du would!
R: HUSH!!!
S: Ok, ok! We will, and why Du have...
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posted by woowie
It was a nice day, and Kat was running outside of the Zoo, when she felt a sharp pain in her leg. She didn't know what it was, so she kept running. She fell. Suddenly, she was at the animal hospital in a cage. She overheard a doctor saying something, "This one here only has 3 days to live, but we're letting her go so she can see her Friends obe last time." Kat was- dying!?

She was back at home. Private noticed something strange about her. "Kat? What's wrong?" He asked. "This might sound crazy, but... I'M DYING IN THREE DAYS!" she answered. Everyone stopped what they were doing- shocked. Why Kat?
“Okay, so now you’d have to Bewegen this little guy over here. Du see?” Marlene smiled as she repositioned one of the pieces on the chess board.

Rico, who sat on the opposite side of the board that rested on a small boulder, rubbed his head in confusion. He wasn’t quite getting the hang of this new game. He had witnessed Kowalski and Skipper playing it many times before, but never did he make an attempt to participate.

“Okay, so it’s my turn, and…I think I’ll move…” she paused as her hand hovered over the board, searching for the perfect piece to use, “…this one!” Marlene...
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"Are we there yet?" asked Leroy for the hundredth time.

It had been a while since they set off from the harbor. The penguins groaned. Private looked over at Leroy, his eyes pleading. "Can Du pleeease find something else to do?"

Leroy shook his head, grinning. "Nope. It's fun to annoy Du guys –especially Skipper."

Skipper looked ready to blow a fuse. Kowalski stahl, stola a look at his leader before widening his eyes. "Um, Leroy, it would be the best interest for your health if Du stopped."

"Why?" Leroy caught Kowalski's eye. "Oh."

Kowalski checked their fuel gauge. "We need to make a pit stop soon....
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As I dodged a frantic grab from X, I glanced at the other penguins. We had certainly come far from our starting point. There was no doubt that we would beat X and get out of here. I launched a kick at X, but was batted away. He really was as good as they had sagte he was. As I flipped to break my fall, I skidded around. "Any ideas?"

They all shook their heads. I turned to Skipper. "You sagte that we needed some prayers, right?"

"It was a figure of speech!"

"It's the only thing we have!"

"Oh don't worry; I'm sure we've all sagte Mehr than enough prayers to last us for a lifetime."

"So the only things...
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Here's the link for chapter 1: link

Two years later…

Skipper opened his eyes. It was early in the morning and his teammates were still asleep. He sat on the edge of his bunk and looked at the clock. 5 am. He quietly got out of his bunk and decided not to wake the others up yet. He took his coffee mug and climbed up a ladder. The new Tag greeted him with bright sunbeams of the rising sun, fresh morning breeze and sough of a pond in Central Park.

Seemed to be a Weiter normal day… but it wasn’t so ordinary.

It was Tag of the Fallen. The Tag created Von military...
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