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posted by johncenaw85oi
I could hear her talking to somebody on the phone.
I pressed my ear against her bedroom door.
"I seriously think Jess and Louis are telling the truth Niall". she said."Yes but we need to let them tell us what is really going on". she said."You WHAT! Du AND TRACY WHAT!!!" she shouted. "Ok Niall Du dont even no if Du and Jess are still together!".

After hearing that, Maryanne pushed open the door and i fell straight onto Eloise's bedroom floor, frightened of what Eloise ment by: Du and Tracy did what.

"Uhh i'll call Du back Niall" she said, putting the phone straight down.

"Hi as Du know im Jess's sister. She has been telling me that Du wont let her speak to Du about this and from what iv'e heard, your the bestest friend she's ever had and i dont want her to lose you! Could Du please just listen to what Jess and Louis have to say and if Du dont believe them thats fine, but give them the chance to speak to you. If Du wont let them tell Du what really happened, Du dont deserve my sister!" Maryanne shouted.

I was actually shocked that Maryanne came up with that on the spot. She was really good at sticking up for people, unlike me! I just stutter and forget what to say.

"Uhh..yes maryanne is right. Uhh... and i want Du to tell me what uh....Tracy and Niall have done!" i said.
"Erm.. what are Du on about! Tracy and niall have done nothing" Eloise sagte (she wasnt very good at lieing).

"SPILL IT!" Maryanne shouted.
"Ok dont hit me but TRACY AND NIALL HAVE SNOGGED!!" Eloise shouted.
"OMG YOUR TAKING THE PISS!" Maryanne shouted.
Tears filled my eyes and i just ran out of the house and didn't turn back.

Eloise's P.O.V

"Jess wait!" i shouted.
"Jess come back!" Maryanne called.
Jess literally sprinted out of my house. I didn't know what to do! Do i Run after her oder have the chance to speak to Maryanne?!?!

"Eloise whats going on?" Maryanne asked.
"I dont know" i said, bursting into tears.
I don't normally cry but i was just in a wierd mood.
I loved Jess loads, and it hurt me seeing her hurt.

"Come on Eloise! Du cant let it get to you! Be strong and help me through this!" Maryanne said.
"Ok what shall we do" i said, wiping away my tears.
"Lets go and talk to Niall!" Maryanne said.
"Are Du sure his parents will be ok with us knocking on his door at 8:45?" I asked.
"They'll have to be!" Maryanne sagte grabbing my hand.

When we got to Niall's house, he opened the door straight away.

"Oii who do Du think Du are Küssen Tracy when Du go out with my sister!" Maryanne shouted, grabbing Nialls top.
"WOW, calm down!" Nialls shouted!
I didn't know what to say. Seriously! I was shocked and embarresed.
"Eloise why did Du tell them?" Niall asked."I told Du i didnt mean it. If i couldnt have Jess and Tracy couldnt have Louis, it would have to be us!".
"Not my fault i missed Jess" Niall said. It looked like he was going to cry but Niall was REALLY strong at keeping tears back, so i doubt he would cry.

"Well even though im not taking sides, i seriously think that Du and Tracy shouldnt have done that!" i said.

"Eloise but out" Niall said.
"Ok calm down now" i said.

"OK MARYANNE JUST END IT NOW!" I said, talking a little louder.


"MARYANNE THATS IT!!!!!!!" I shouted, interuptting her.

I turned to Niall and he had tears in his eyes.
When he saw us looking at him, he looked the other way.

"Look Niall. Im sure Maryanne didnt mean to upset Du but calling Jess+Louis cheaters when your the one cheating on Jess is just wrong!" I said.

Von now Niall, had tears rolling down his cheeks.
He closed the door on us.

"Well done Maryanne!" I said.
"Well sorry for trying to defend my sister!" Maryanne replied. After hearing what they sagte i ran straight home, crying my eyes out!
I burst through my front door and darted up my stairs. I pulled my iphone out of my pocket and dialled Louis' number.
"Well hello der Jess" he said.
"Louis this is not funny" i sobbed. "Niall and Tracy haven been snogging".
There was silence for a while.
"I dont know what to say" he said.
That made me giggle inside but i was so upset that nothing could make me laugh.
I just cried through the phone.
"Jess who are Du with?" he asked.
"my mums working and maryanne is with eloise somewhere" i sobbed.
"can i come over and cheer Du up?" he asked.
"Yea stay the night if Du want" i replied.
"alright see Du in a bit" he said.
He then put the phone down.
I went into the bathroom and wiped all my makeup off. Louis had seen me LOADS of times without my makeup on anyway. I left my hollister oben, nach oben on and slipped into my pj bottoms.
About 10 Minuten later there was a knock at the door. It was Louis.
"Hey" i said.
"Hiya, Du ok now?" he sagte giving me a hug.
"Not really, what about you?" i asked.
"Cheaters arent worth it!" he said, trying to force a smile.
"So what happens now? Are me+niall and you+tracy over?" i asked.
"Hang on" Louis said.
He got his phone out of his pocket and rang someone.
"Hi Tracy, yes im just phoning to say i hope youve had a good snog with Niall and just to inform Du i dont want to be in a relationship with Du anymore! Ok glad Du dont care either. BYE!" he said.

Oh god.. he handled that well.

"Sooo... thats Du two over" i said.
"yepp" he replied.

We both ran upstairs into my bedroom.
We dived onto the bett and i opened my laptop screen.
My screensaver was a pic of me and Niall kissing.
As soon as i saw it i burst into tears.
"Awww Jess come on" Louis said.
He wrapped his arm around me and i cuddled into him.

There was a sudden knock at my bedroom door, then Eloise and Maryanne walked in.
They were already in a convosation of their own...
"I still cant believe Du dealt with it like that!" eloise shouted.
"well sorry but i like to stick up for...." Maryanne sagte but stopped.
"Oh sorry Jess, i didnt no Du had company" They both said.
"Its alright, Louis is staying the night. We both dont feel too good after what has happened and Louis just ended it with Tracy" i said.
"Oh god Lou, im sorry" Eloise said.
"Its alright, she aint worth it if shes going to go around snogging other boys" Louis replied.

"Well since Louis is sleeping around, why dont Eloise too and the 4 of us stay in this room together?" Maryanne smiled.
"Fine with me" Louis said.
"Yea that would be amazing" me and Eloise said.

Since that Tag Maryanne had sagte sorry to me, she had completely changed. Her personality AND looks. She used to be a cocky tart but now she dresses like every other average teenaged girl. She also isnt cocky anymore! Shes getting closer with my Friends and she is REALLY good at sticking up for everyone!

1 Stunde later....

Eloise had phoned her parents and they had sagte it was fine for her to stay the night. She didnt want to walk Home in the dark to get her suitcase so she just borrowed some of my pj's.

"Ok guys its 11 now and my mums Home at 12 so lets invade the fridge before shes home!" Maryanne shouted.
"woooooo!" we all cheered.
We all ran down the stairs laughing and had a look in the fridge.
Suprisingly, we had loads.
There were 5 galaxy bars so we took 4 since there was only 4 of us, there was a Schokolade cake my mum had made for me and maryanne, so we cut a slice each and also we took a few packs of Obst pastels up.

We all went back up stairs, carrying all the food.

"so guys, wanna watch a film oder play a game?" Eloise asked.
"Film" we all agreed.
Maryanne had a look through the piles of dvds, whilst me,eloise+louis stuffed our gobs with candy.

"how about this?" Maryanne sagte holiding a dvd up.
It was straße dance 3D. It was one of my favourite films because i loved straße dance so i loved straße dance films.
"YES!!" i shouted.
Everyone laughed.
"go on then" Eloise+Louis laughed.

Maryanne took the 3D glasses out of the dvd case and passed them around.
"COOL! they come with 3D glasses!" Louis grinned.
"well obviously Lou, its called straße Dance 3D!" i laughed.
"Ohhhhhh" he replied.
Ahh Louis makes me laugh so much!:')

"SHIT! louis shouted.
we all looked at louis and he had tipped all of his Schokolade cake onto my bett covers.
"Oh crap mums Home in soon and if she sees that she'll go mad!" maryanne said.
"Uhhh come downstairs and help me find some damp cloth and soap oder something" i sagte to louis.
"Alright!" he agreed.

It was 11:42 and my mum would be back at like 10 past 12. Me+Louis looked in my downstairs closet and found a old cloth to use.
Just as we were about to run back upstairs there was a knock at the door.
"Omg who is that at this time of night!" i sighed.
"shall i answer it?" louis asked.
"alright then" i replied.
Louis opened the door and Niall came in.
He had louis pushed against the Wand basically strangling him.
"NIALL GET OFF HIM!!" I cried. Omfg i felt like dying. No one would like to be in the persission i was in right now.
I was half way up my stairs, My sort of boyfriend attacking my best mate and the door wide open leading out into the scary black night.

Eloise and Maryanne came running out to see what i was screaming about.

"WHAT ARE Du DOING!!!!"Maryanne screamed, running down the stairs.

Lately maryanne has turned into a bit of a tomboy. Well not tomboy but she could stop a fight.

"Are Du sure shes still your girlfriend!" Maryanne said, pulling Niall off Louis.
"God mate whats wrong with you" Louis said.
"You mate! your the problem" Niall shouted.
"Niall! Why are Du Schauspielen like this. Du go snog Louis girlfriend then Du assume me and Du are still together" i said.
"well tracy and louis still are!" Niall said.
"No he ended it because he has a brain and he knows when cheating goes too far!" i shouted.
"What so your saying we are over!" Niall shouted.

Tears started filling in my eyes.

"Im afraid so Niall" i cried.
Niall looked like he was gonna cry and poor Louis was just stood there, not noing what to say. He nearly just got strangled to death and now he was in the middle of a relationship crisis.

"Can i have my final hug?" Niall said.
He had welpe dog eyes and i just fell for him. But i knew that cheating is wrong and i just hadnt got the trust for him anymore.
I hugged Niall and cried into his jumper.
I was going to miss the gorgeous irish lad.
But i knew it was for the right reasons.
"Bye Niall" i said.
"Enjoy your night!" Niall said, looking VERY depressed.
He closed the front door behind him and me,louis,eloise+maryanne were just stood there speachless on the stairs.
"what just happened" Eloise asked, gobsmacked.
I burst out crying and ran upstairs, balling my eyes out.
i jumped onto my double bett and cried into my pillow.
I was quickly followed Von everyone.

"Jess come on, atleast Du wont feel guilty when Du have a cuddle with Louis" Eloise said, trying to comfort me.
"But i keep picturing Niall in my head" i sobbed.
"You can always go back to being his girlfriend" Louis said.
I sat up and wiped my eyes.
I was here with my two best Friends and my twin sister. I wasn't going to let a boy mess up my night.

"Dont worry. We have teilt, split up for all the right reasons" i said.
"Come on then Jess, lets watch your favourite film!" Maryanne smiled.

the film was absoloutely amazing. I LOVEEE it!!
My mum had came in and sagte goodnight to us.

The film ended at 2:30 and we all decided to go to sleep.
Maryanne and Eloise slept on the floor in sleeping bags, whilst me and Louis slept in my double bed. Well it werent as if Niall was still my boyfriend, so i shouldnt feel guilty with sharing a bett with Louis.

Just as i was falling asleep, my phone buzzed under my pillow.
It didnt wake anyone else up, only me.
I read the text. It was from Niall.
It read:
Night Jess, hope Du had a good night. Even though we aren't together, i promise Du that you'll always be my beautiful princess. Liebe Du with all my herz xoxoxoxoxx.

I seriously felt like crying after Lesen that message! I couldn't believe i had just ended it with Niall when really, deep down inside, im still in Liebe with him.

I slipped my phone back under my kissen and finally fell asleep, dreaming about me and Niall. The good times we shared together....



"Jess Niall is at the door" someone said.
I slowly opened my eyes and peered around the room.
Louis was right infront of me and eloise+maryanne were sitting on the floor chatting.
"what?" i yawned.
"Nialls at the door" he repeated.
"OMG" i said, shooting out of bed.
"Uhh how is my hair" i said, staring into the mirror.
"Calm down, i thought Du werent together" Louis laughed.
Everytime i remembered/heard that me and Niall werent together, it brought back alot of guilt to me.

I ignored Louis and ran down the stairs.
Niall knew i had slept in late when there was no school, so why was he around so early?!?!

When i got to the front door, i opened it and stared at Niall.

"Jess we need to talk as soon as possible" he said, grabbing my arm.
"Niall ive just woken up. Cant we wait till later?" i asked.
"But Jess, i cant stop thinking about you!" he said.

Yepp! that was it. I was DEFINATLY falling for him again, and this time i couldn't stop myself.

"Ummm Niall is it private?" i asked.
"Yes" he replied.
"Ok ill give Du a ring when Eloise+Louis are gone" i said.
Niall walked away and i closed the door.

I still didnt feel safe, sicher talking to him though,after what he had done to Louis. I felt like i was gonna pee myself when i saw that Niall was strangling Louis.

I ran back upstairs into my bedroom.
"what did he want?" eloise asked.
"he wants to speak to me when Du guys go home" i replied.
"Oooooo i better go then and leave Du to it" Eloise sagte getting up.
"But Du havent had breakfast yet and your still in your pjs" i laughed.
"Dont worry, i only live around the corner so ill just put a hoody on and leave my pj bottoms on oh and Du know i dont have breakfast" she said.
"Alright" i smiled.
"Yea i better leave too. I bet what Niall has to say is important and i dont want to get in the way of anything"Louis said.
"Thanks guys" i smiled, hugging them both.
"GROUP HUG!" louis screamed.
"LOUIS MY MUMS IN BED!" i shouted.
"omg im so sorry!" he whispered.
"dont worry she normally gets up at about this time anyway" maryanne laughed.

Louis and Eloise gathered their stuff up and left.

"Jess Du better go get ready and go and see Niall" Maryanne said.
"But what about all this mess" i said, peering around my bedroom.
"leave it to me" Maryanne smiled.
"Awww thank youu!" i smiled, giving her a big hug.

I ran into my bathroom and slipped into a pair of jeggins and a hollister top. I had a quick wash, brushed my teeth and brushed my hair.

I ran back out of the bathroom and looked through my wardrobe.
"Wheres my uggs?" i asked.
"Oh sorry Jess, they are in my room. I forgot to tell Du i borrowed them yesterday" maryane laughed.
"Hehe dont worry" i replied.

I quickly went into Maryanne's room, slipped into my ugg boots and ran outside.
I was petrified to knock on Niall's door because i didnt know what he wanted to talk about.
I knew it was something to do with our relationship.

I finally had the courage to knock on the door.
The door opened and Niall stood there.
"umm hi" i smiled.
"Hey Jess come in" he said, holding the door open for me.
posted by DiamondYJ
Niall's POV:

"C'mon Niall, get up!" sagte a voice, shoving me off the bett I was resting comfortabley on. I open my blue eyes slowly and stared at Zayn Malik. "Why can't I just sleep forever?" I asked sadly.
"Niall, cheer up lad." Zayn says. Even though all the boys in our band are best friends, I consider Zayn and myself the closest friends. "I know Du miss this girl Du fell for, but that was over a Jahr Vor Niall." I frowned. "Only 11 months." I sagte miserabley.

"Same difference." Zayn exasperated. "Point being, Du need to Bewegen on." I look at him. "Zayn. I can't." He looks away and rolls his...
continue reading...
posted by DiamondYJ
Skylar's POV-

Highschool. My least Favorit place. The good news. It was the last Tag of school. That made me extremely happy. Last Tag of hell. Then looking for a job would begin. I was only 15, but I needed to get money so I could pay my mom's hopsital bills.

"Skylar West." I look up to my teacher. "You're wanted in the main office." I feel my stomach twist into a knot. "Sure thing Mr. Benton." I got up, grabbing my bag, ignoring the snickering kids in my homeroom. I slowly walked down the hallway. My thoughts drifted back to last summer. I met the most incredible boy... and I'd admit it,...
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posted by nevaeh3171
Flash back

It was the first Tag of school I remember it like it was yesterday.We made a new stop then a boy got on he had curly hair and smaragd green eyes he asked if he could sit with me I sagte yes he asked me my name I sagte Lexi and then he sagte Harry Harry styles. I will never forget that Tag of the Tag Harry made it on the x-factor I was proud of him but also afraid I wouldn't see him as much over time I started to have feelings for him I think he returned them but he left in a week so we promise to stay in touch as much as possible

If u want a boy (except Harry) post ur Beschreibung any the boy
I was very confused on what I just did. Why would I leave Louis? Why would I leave my friends? Why did I care so much that Zayn quit? Did I have feelings for Zayn that I didn't realize until now?

I was so Lost in my own mental interrogation that I had walked directly into someone. "Oh I'm so... Zayn!" I exclaimed, feeling mixed emotions as I see him smile lightly. "Hey babe." I get Lost in those beautiful eyes until I remember, Zayn abandoned his friends. I took a step back.
"Zayn, we need to talk." He gestured to a nearby bench and we sat.

"Well... what do we need to talk about?" he asks. "Us."...
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posted by fiestagirl12345
:authors note: okay yeah i know drama anyways this chapter end in a good ending.:

Riley's P.O.V

i ran off the stage crying. i turn and see Harry flushed with sadness. i ignore it and run off. i get all my things and burst out the flat.
_____________4 hours later__________________

i arrived at the air-port in the sitz waitng for the announcer to say my destination. i was listenig ot titanium when little things pop on. " and i wont let these little things slip out of my mind"i turn and see harry Singen it. niall playing the guitar. link harry started from the beginning. I sat their crying. In my...
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posted by fiestagirl12345
Authors note: thanks to Madison Fondenot 1Ddirectionluv and everyone else who Kommentare on my fanfics yes i check and i like thie ideas and spell checkes and everything thanks for the support and might go on X-FACTOR Weiter year:

Riley's P.O.V

i was nervouse when i saw harry Von the door. what do i say what do i do. i just cant close the door. and walk off down-stairs then he wont leave me alone . so i decided to just go of and tell him. "Harry Du know i need the money"i say chocking back tears. "for what?"says harry coming closer. "my mom..when she ....died from breast cancer i was planning a fund-raiser...
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Erica's P.O.V
Today is the day. The Tag that we have all been waiting for, for 6 years. Jahr 7-12. The grade 12 dance. Well we did have a leaver abendessen in Jahr 10 but that was for the people leaving to go to University. I went with Jack, but we stayed on to do college.

I'm so happy that I'm dating Niall. He is so hot! I'm just saying.
I arrived at school early. Suddenly I got a text from Niall, a smile grew on my face.

N: meet me a the secret place. I need 2 talk 2 to you.

What was he talking about? Was he going to break up with me?
Too many thoughts swam through my head. I found Niall at our...
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posted by aanikamerchant

Tess'sPOv: we all were in a club drinking when Niall and linda joined us 
Louis: let's dance 
Tess: oh k we all began to dance.
I was dancing vth Louis tomilson . Bt 
There was still confusion in my mind. 
Louis and we all left the club. The paps were asking questions. The boys wanted to answer them so we stood Weiter to them. 
Paps: one direction who is your girlfriend.
Louis pulled me closer to him and sagte " this one" Liam and the rest did the same.
Louis: u scared
Tess: no I have a habit of this 
Louis: how
Tess: dad and luke are famous so whenever i go out alone people...
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One Direction has been nominated in 4 categories in the People Choice Awards!

Help them stay in these 4 categories Von voting for them everyday

And on November 15 , They will announce the oben, nach oben nominees (Top 5). Hopefully One Direction will still be nominated :D

They have been nominated at :


FAVORITE SONG : What Makes Du Beautiful


FAVORITE Musik Fan FOLLOWING : Directioners ?


here is the link for voting :

The People Choice Awards will take place in January 2013
posted by fiestagirl12345
Riley’s P.O.V

I left the set and went back home. I was at Home and sitting listening to Gangman Style my jam. I hopped in the dusche Singen the lyics. I was super excited I was going to a konzert with the lads with the lad’s. I got out and changed in my out-fit link . The boys all got in the limbo I hopped in and their mouths dropped. “what aren’t we going for a drive?” I say “pertending” not to know. “yeah today was the concert” says Liam looking angry. “WHAT! Im soo sorry I forgot here I will go get my things” I say trying to open the door. Niall stopped me and told...
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One Direction has been nominated in 4 categories in the People Choice Awards!

Help them stay in these 4 categories Von voting for them everyday

And on November 15 , They will announce the oben, nach oben nominees (Top 5). Hopefully One Direction will still be nominated :D

They have been nominated at :


FAVORITE SONG : What Makes Du Beautiful


FAVORITE Musik Fan FOLLOWING : Directioners ♥


here is the link for voting :

The People Choice Awards will take place in January 2013
One Direction has been nominated in 4 categories in the People Choice Awards!

Help them stay in these 4 categories Von voting for them everyday

And on November 15 , They will announce the oben, nach oben nominees (Top 5). Hopefully One Direction will still be nominated :D

They have been nominated at :


FAVORITE SONG : What Makes Du Beautiful


FAVORITE Musik Fan FOLLOWING : Directioners ♥


here is the link for voting :

The People Choice Awards will take place in January 2013
posted by fiestagirl12345
Riley’s P.O.V

I woke up the Weiter Tag smiling. I got up changed out of my pj’s link. And changed in my out-fit which was comfy link and a good choice it was burning out-side. I hopped in the car and I was off I was driving when I got out Harry texted me link

Harry: Hey bestieJ

Me: waz up bro

Harry: nothing just finished one of the songs though louis and the lads sagte hi and zayn of course sagte VAS HAPPENIN!

Me: oh… well I got to go movie practicing

Harry: WOW!! Congrat’s text me the details when u are done.

I walked in and took a big breath I walked in nervously. They smiled and pulled me...
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This is a about 5 girls who meet 5 guys at the beach

Zaras POV
We had just came of the coach form the airport for the 3 week summer vacation to LA ! Me, Ana and Naina were so shatterd ! We got off an went to the 4**** Hotel. It was called: LA Palace ! And it was a palace. Well not really just an beauitful amazing hotel LOL ! "Lets go to our room then sahll we" sagte Naina and mine and Annas parents -(mum n dad)!"
"Ok" sagte Naina. So we went into the lift. But them our parents had to check-in.So me and Naina and Ana went into the lift.

Anas POV
As we got into the lift there were 3 boys there. They...
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posted by aanikamerchant
Chap 14: the wrong start of the Tag ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<<~~

Kia'sPOV: I woke up and saw Harry and all were up. 
Harry: good morning. 
Niall: did Aaliya wake up 
Kia:yeah  her room was open she wasn't there . 
Liam: wat Bt he didn't come down. 
Louis: and Tess 
Kia: she isn't there either 
Shenali: they both might have gone out. 
Linda: try their cells 
Zayn: I vl do that 
Zayn tried their cells and we could hear them . 
Giana: they left it in the house 
Linda: we wait oder an Stunde then if they dont come back we can Suchen them 
Niall: Bt y and hour 
Linda: they might have gone for shopping ...
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posted by aanikamerchant
Chap13 : at the one direction strand house~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tess'sPoV: we all entered the house. 
Louis: so girls did Du like it 
Aaliya: it's amazing. 
Shenali: it's big 
Tess: it's great 
Linda: it's jst perfect. 
Liam: good to know u liked it 
Niall: everyone here has its own room. 
Louis: u can select one for ur selves. 
Aaliya and Tess made a run and went up and selected a room Weiter to each other. Niall selected the room in front of Aaliya. And Linda Weiter to him. I selected a room in front  of tess. Liam was in the Weiter room and Harry and Kia zayn and Shenali were in the rooms of...
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Hey read and Kommentar thxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Zaras POV

"uh I feel sick today " I sagte to my BFF Naina. " Really ok oh no calm down shall we take her to the doctors" Naina sagte to Anna. "Yah lets go" sagte Ana worriedly.

On thy way there I felt better when I brought a coffe on the way. " Listen I'm fine I wont be sick, evn if I try besties" I said. " Ok well I could sure use a walk though, I think we have got a blankie in the boot. We could sit and talk about Ana's birthday in 2 days OMG cant wait" Naina sqeauld excitdley. " Defo" I said. "Cant wait LOL" Ana said.
We sat down and talked about the outfits...
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posted by aanikamerchant
Chap 8: the project~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Aaliya'sPOV: Niall tried to KISS me. How dare he. He made me the bad girl so I can Zeigen him wat he deserves . Plus some stranger is saying that he is my boyfriend. Gross y on earth I was born . I picked zee up and called Liam and sagte " tell Niall to come at the Süßigkeiten Shop " 
Niall did come . I changed my dress . And went there . Today I was alone working here. N plus today evn Niall was going to be here.  I opned the Shop some costumers came buyed and went then I went An did the project then again someone came I served then and again went an started the project...
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posted by MadisonFontenot
Lilah POV:

The guys are letting me stay at there house for awhile. The doctor sagte I shouldn't be alone.
"This is your room.." link

Harry walked in and put down one of my bags.
"Thank you," I sagte putting down some of the bags.
"If Du need anything, Du know where to find me." He walked out the door. For days Zayn has been ignoring me, and every time we are in the same room he doesn't even look at me.

As I walked down stairs I heard a door shut. Niall was in the küche making tea, "He's pissed." I heard someone say. As I walked closer and hide behind a Wand I heard, "Why is he?" The voice...
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A/N: This story is about your first datum with your 1D Boyfriend.

Tonight was the night that your Boyfriend, Harry, was taking Du out on your first ever date. Du ahd no idea where he was taking Du so of course Du were suspicious.
"Y/N, Are Du ready?" Harry asked from down stairs.
"Almost Harry, just give me a minute" Du said.
You got into this dress:

And wore these shoes:

You then put your hair into a tidy bun and a put on some lite make-up.
"Y/N" Harry yelled.
"I'm coming" Du yelled back as Du walked down the stairs.
"Wow, Du look amazing" He sagte taking your hand.
He took you...
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