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Chapter 3: Du Sound Familiar...

Vicki POV

    I wave goodbye to Christina, heading off to History-- Kealy, Monica, Divya, Christina, and I are in a group text, and I just caught up to what they were saying.

    Vicki: Yeah, no worries, Mon, we’re getting your texts-- Christina’s probably too busy carrying her books.

    Divya: Typical Chris (: Oh Hey guys, me & Keals gtg-- Chem class with Liam & Harry! Ah! (:

    Monica: Have fun girly :P Vicki, what class are Du going to? I just compared schedules with Louis, Niall, & Zayn

    Vicki: I’ve got History

    Christina: Incase anyone’s wondering, I’m here!

    Monica: Aww, Chris, Du just missed Kealy & Divya! What class do Du have next? Btw, Vicki, Du and Louis have the same class (: He’s hilarious, you’re gonna Liebe him!

    Christina: Awwww, Vickwad finally in love? Hey Vicki, can I be your maid of honor?

    Vicki: Shut up :P

    Monica: Chris, you’re with Niall; he’s Irish and cute! (: Really, I think this guy will work out for you...

    Christina: Yeah, uh, I gtg guys, Physics... bye

    Monica: Vicki, Du thinking what I’m thinking?

    I sigh. Unfortunately, I know EXACTLY what Monica is thinking-- Christina had the worst boyfriends ever, always abusing her...
    But then again, I have no experience in dating-- so how does Monica know that I’m going to ‘love’ this Louis guy? His name sounds familiar, but I have no clue where I’ve heard it before...
    I’m about to send a quick text, when someone snatches my phone away-- my herz skips a beat, wondering if it’s the professor, but when I look behind, I see a guy a few inches taller than me, with hair a little bit spiked, smiling mischievously.
    “You know,” He says, throwing my phone around with one hand. “I’ve only been here for, say, two hours? One? And even I know that you’re not supposed to text during class.”
    I try not to blush too hard, flipping my hair back. “I’m guessing you’re one of the new British guys?”
    He sighs, smiling slightly. “So is that what I’m known as now? ‘One of the new British guys’?”
    I smile too. “Guess Du are now. I’m guessing you’re Louis?”
    “Yep, that’s me-- Louis the ‘Tomo’ Tomlinson,” He answers, grinning-- his British accent is perfect, and reminds me of my mom’s side of the family, who are British.
    The name ‘Louis Tomlinson’ sounds so familiar, I can feel it on the tip of my tongue-- but how did I know him before now? Where had I heard his name before?
    I frown slightly. “I feel like I’ve heard of Du before. Care to explain?”
    Louis’s grin suddenly fades, and he falters for a second-- then laughs, but I can feel that he’s holding back something. “Probably not, it’s just a common name in England.”
    “Oh... It sounds really familiar to me, Du know. I guess it’s because my mom’s side of the family is from England.”
    Louis’ face lights up. “So you’ve been to England before?”
    I nod, smiling. “Yeah, I Liebe it there-- as soon as I’m out of this hellhole, I’m moving there for good.”
    He laughs. “I don’t know, America doesn’t seem too bad-- it’s not always raining.”
    I snort. “I don’t mind the rain-- I’ve lived here my whole life, and I’ve always wanted to live in England-- I’ve visited there a few times, so yeah.”
    “So you’ve got relatives there?”
    “Yeah, my cousin, Tammy. She lives in Doncaster.”
    “I live in Doncaster! I’m the gangsta from Doncasta!” Louis says, winking.
    I giggle-- Monica’s right, Louis is catching up to me. I’m so excited talking to him, I didn’t even notice our History professor opening the door, glaring at us.
    “Detention,” He growls. “Both of you, after you’re done with all your classes for the day. Be late to my class again, and you’ll be getting Mehr than a detention.”
    Louis stands up straight, his stance a mock salute. “Yessir.”
    The professor just glares at us, pushing us through the door, me and Louis taking our seats.
    I’m still trying to figure out where I have heard of him, when a note thumps on my desk.

    I’ve had detention before, but I’m glad to be having it with someone that I actually like ;)

    See Du then


    I quickly put the note away before the professor sees, taking a quick glance at Louis-- he winks at me, giving me a thumbs-up.
    I never had detention before, only for small cases-- but at least for this one, it’s with him.
Credits: One Direction
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