Dr. House The House MD Spot [PARTY!]

jameswilson posted on May 25, 2008 at 06:42AM
The last party - Welcome everyone! I hope to bring this party back for one more, final hurrah before the end of the series! When it came in to being we were still in season four - Amber was still alive, House and Cuddy had not yet kissed (well, on screen anyway), the new team was just starting to wiggle their way into our hearts - it was a simpler time. Now it's time to say goodbye! So let's party it up, raise our glasses to Amber and Kutner, and celebrate HOUSE M.D. and the awesome fans that populate this spot - the fans who come here to obsess with everyone else who shares an unyeilding passion for our favorite limping doctor (and his best friend Wilson cough)!

-jameswilson 5/17/12

P.S. I hope to see some of my old friends here as well as new ones! I know there have been many generations of Fanpop, I hope to meet you all here!

FYI This has become more than just a declaration of my love for this spot and the people on it! It's kind of a party now - everyone's welcome to come and chat and be silly. So come on in and join the fun!

This spot is definitely my all time favorite place to be on this website and, since I can't seem to sleep tonight, I thought I'd try to give you guys an idea of why I love it here so much.

I love all of the really interesting picks and soapbox articles here.
I love the wide array of talented icon and wallpaper makers we have.
I love the huge amount of fanvids that are here, and the fact that no one complains about them like on the Lost spot.
I love the fact that everyone here gets along and there aren't any fights like there can be elsewhere.
I love oldmovie's awesome picks and great Munchuasen's article.
I love misanthrope's ridiculous amount of awesome picture contributions and general niceness to all.
I love amberRocks' avid love for Amber.
I love that tubby2002 has been here longer than most of us can even remember.
I love EverybodyLies and Tuscaloosa ;]
I love cinders, ineedcoffee, misanthrope86, and obsessedwithmd for making me icons.
I also love mimika_s and Romster17 and PotterGal and every single other person who I failed to mention by name (because I'm tired) just because they're all so cool.
But mostly, I love the fact that we can all come here and be obsessed with House without anyone calling us weird or crazy.

We all know that we're the coolest spot around, so I thought I'd just share a little pride out loud ;]

Love, jameswilson

I'm changing this list a little because I've gotten to know some of you a lot better!

babybell, a really awesome member of the spot, you should really get to know her.
immunity, one of my favorite people to talk to around here, hopefully yours too!
Nifflehim, who's obviously a total sweetheart.
heeeresjoyce, who misdiagnosed me with Lupus ;]
Cuddles, who is totally coming to visit me this summer!
ElLoWmOnKeYaY, another new member to the spot!
pollyloveshouse, who we all know and love, and who is writing a really great story about us!
tatia, who we just found out is mimika_s's little sister!
caitlin_jayne, who's new to the party!
Huddyaddict12, who's new to the site!
Chandlerfan, who's new to the party!
cocacola, who's pretty awesome and just started partying with us!
I've really enjoyed talking about the Olympics with house_whatelse and HuddJenthro :]

Dances around and throws pretzel pieces at oldmovie

last edited on May 18, 2012 at 01:27AM

Dr. House 5633 Antworten

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Showing Replies 501-550 of 5633

Vor mehr als einem Jahr jameswilson said…
Aw, you're too cute!

Returns the hug would be the right one out of the things that you said :]

You could also just say, Hugs back
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Immunity said…
Thanks ^^ I really want to improve my english so you can always correct the mistakes I make ^^

then: *returns the hug*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr jameswilson said…
You're from Vienna, right?
That means you speak ... German.

I'd love to learn a bit of that.
How do I say Gives her a hug
In German?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Immunity said…
that´s right ^^

*umarmt sie*

or word-for-word:

*gibt ihr eine umarmung*

the second one is gramatically right, but it´s not said or written very often, the first one is the common one
Vor mehr als einem Jahr jameswilson said…
Umarmt sie

Cool! I'm gonna remember that so when I see you here I can say it.
How would I say Returns the hug?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Immunity said…
Great ^^

*erwidert die Umarmung*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr jameswilson said…
I'm guessing that "die" means "the".
And that "umarmung" means "hug".

I haven't really ever been exposed to a lot of German.
I watched the movie "Lola Rennt" (otherwise known as "Run, Lola, Run") the other day with English subtitles.
That was interesting.
And I was in "The Sound of Music", which has no German in it, but takes place in Austria.

And that's about the extent of it.
last edited Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Immunity said…
You guessed right ^^

I have to learn english for my future, cause I´ll need it... and of course I need it now for watching TV series on the internet.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr jameswilson said…
It's really awesome that you speak so well too - or at least write.
And it's definitely harder to write a second language than to speak it.
For the most part, I wouldn't even guess that English is a second language for a lot of you guys.

What do you study in school?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Immunity said…
Ha, it would be sooo embarassing if anyone heard me speak english xD I never practised that...

I finished school last year and I´m now at University and study Biology cause I really like it, especially microbiology and genetics^^

The profs keep telling us that we have to understand english because it´s the language of science today..(or something like that xD, you know what I mean, don´t you? ^^°)
Vor mehr als einem Jahr jameswilson said…
Yea, that's definitely understandable.
And whew, that sounds hard.
Of all the sciences I've taken in high school, I was best at Bio. But overall, I'm not very good at math and science.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Immunity said…
I totally suck at physics and chemistry.. that´s why I didn´t do very well at the chemistry exam today...

I would really like to continue writing to you but I have to go to bed... The sun has risen, it is 5:22
and I´m yawning all the time..

Today I´ll go to hospital, that will be very funny, cause I´m such a weirdo that I always look around if I see House, Wilson or one of the others xD stupid
Vor mehr als einem Jahr jameswilson said…
Have fun, if you see them - tell them I say hello ;]

umarmt sie

Makes herself a Cosmo and hopes someone else wanders by soon

Vor mehr als einem Jahr Immunity said…
Night ;]
*erwidert die umarmung*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr jameswilson said…
Is anyone around?

Wanders around, setting up some tables with snacks and drinks
Vor mehr als einem Jahr jameswilson said…
Guess not.
Well, night night.

And good morning to everyone who wakes up while I'm sleeping!
Finishes her drink

Vor mehr als einem Jahr pollyloveshouse said…
im around now if anyone else is.

im guessing jameswilson is gone...
Vor mehr als einem Jahr caitlin-jayne said…
hey polly.
i'm here too
Vor mehr als einem Jahr pollyloveshouse said…
hi ;]

so whats on your agenda today??
Vor mehr als einem Jahr caitlin-jayne said…
nothing much. i'm gonna hang out here for a while and then i'll see.

how about you?
Vor mehr als einem Jahr pollyloveshouse said…
i'm still in bed (with a laptop), but i should really get up soon cos i hav a wh0le l0ad 0f revisi0n t0 d0. (i am using 0 because my actual letter 0f that br0ke ;] )

but im c0mf0rtable because its warm in bed ;]
Vor mehr als einem Jahr caitlin-jayne said…
i feel for you. having loads of work to do is not fun. unfortunately some things just have to be done.
sometimes it's best to just get it over with. and then you have time for things that are more fun.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr babybell said…
i in bed leaning over the side and typing on my computer.... oh and im back....
Vor mehr als einem Jahr pollyloveshouse said…
*turns on the music and dances round throwing pretzles at babybell as a welcome back gift ;]*

( i fised the o on my keyboard )

your cat is really cute babybell, what is it called??
Vor mehr als einem Jahr caitlin-jayne said…
welcome babybell
Vor mehr als einem Jahr babybell said…
thank you, that one is called bertie, i have another one called bellamy, there is a picture of both in a pick of the cats spot....
* catches one of the pretzels in mid air, and eats *
Vor mehr als einem Jahr pollyloveshouse said…
i have 3 cats, who i completely adore!!

i have marble, who is half blind and i think everyone on our 58 house long street knows who he is.

i have skye, who is either a terrified bundle of fur you hardly ever see, or sitting on whatever lap is closest.

and i have cream who is my little baby. he is the most adorable cat cos he is cream covered with loads of fur and follows me around the house all day.

Vor mehr als einem Jahr babybell said…
lol, bertie follows e round the house all day and bell ( bellamy ) just sits in the room im in for hours at a time
Vor mehr als einem Jahr jameswilson said…
Hey guys - just thought I would stop in and say hello :]
Vor mehr als einem Jahr babybell said…

Vor mehr als einem Jahr Immunity said…
Hii ^^
Vor mehr als einem Jahr jameswilson said…
Someone once asked me when the party ends.
I think it's ending now.

But that's ok - on to the next!
(Unless it's revived)

Toasts Amber and picks up trash
Vor mehr als einem Jahr pollyloveshouse said…
NO!!!! the show must go on!!! well its a party, but same thing!!

it will liven up again when more people come online...

dont give in people!!!

*turns the music up to max to wake everyone up and re-ignite the party!!*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr jameswilson said…

Thanks, pollyloveshouse :]

If anything else - at least the party brought everyone closer together :]

Vor mehr als einem Jahr babybell said…
Vor mehr als einem Jahr pollyloveshouse said…
you know jameswilson ^^ that is SO true!!

thanks to this party and the roleplay i really feel i got to know everyone round here a lot better !!!! (well not everyone cos thats nearly 5000 people, but lots more people) but i now feel like part of a community, which is really cool...

so thanks for starting it all :) <3

*dances with jameswilson*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr babybell said…
*dances around randomly *
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Immunity said…
I know what you mean, pollyloveshouse ^^
It´s cool to have some people here you know and who you can write to ^^ That´s so great ;)
And the party mustn´t end! NEVER xD

*dances too*
Vor mehr als einem Jahr babybell said…
hey immuntity... catch up on the RP, its amazing..
Vor mehr als einem Jahr jameswilson said…
Just dropping in to say hi :]
Thanks for being so great!

And to Immunity : Umarmt sie
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Immunity said…
I can´t I just came home from a wedding, which lasted the whole day and I´m soo tired right now..
I go to bed now...

to jameswilson ^^
*umarmt sie auch*

Lol, how about a new german phrase every day? XDD
So for today:
I love ....
= Ich liebe....

byee ;)
Vor mehr als einem Jahr babybell said…
i know that one! I am okay at german i guess.... du liebst ( you love )
ich liebe
du liebst
er/sie/es/man liebt

( um, if i had been studying german recently i would get the plural right, but i dont want to embrass myself anymore than i already have... it may be irregular..

Vor mehr als einem Jahr jameswilson said…
You guys are the best :]
Vor mehr als einem Jahr pollyloveshouse said…
lol ^^ i might start writing down these german phrases... i dont learn german, and i dont see who i would need to give a hug in germany, but you never know....
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Immunity said…
yeah babybell, there was no mistake! ;)
That´s fun, anyone teach me some english idioms? (don´t know if that´s the right word...^^°)

*gets a drink and continues to dance*

(I` ll be back later for the role play)
Vor mehr als einem Jahr babybell said…
thats good. it would have embrassing i had mucked up after three years of learning german.
Vor mehr als einem Jahr pollyloveshouse said…
your english seem very good!! i dont know what you might not know...
Vor mehr als einem Jahr Immunity said…
I guess there are many things I don`t know xD
I think I always use the same words... :[
Vor mehr als einem Jahr jameswilson said…
Hey guys, how's it going?

Makes drinks and throws pretzels
Vor mehr als einem Jahr babybell said…
good thank you...i would ask you to read to RP, but its 56 pages long with 25 comment a page, so it might take you a while...