Duncan und Courtney Club
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Bridgette watched every begin to drift away after the pow wow around the campfire. She saw this opportunity of vulnerability to try and make the girls of the two cabin. She turned around and saw Courtney arguing with Duncan, again. She smiled and walked over to the pair. ''Sorry to interrupt Du two lovebirds, but I need to borrow Courtney.'' Bridgette smiled. Courtney whipped her head and glared at the blonde.

''Yeah, I'm done bugging princess, she's all yours,'' Duncan snickered.

''Duncan, I don't need your permission to leave.'' she spat, turning her annoyance from Bridgette back to Duncan.

''C'mon court,'' Bridgette sagte pulling her arm avoiding another argument.

''Bye Duncan,'' Bridgette smiled. He gave Courtney another one of his devious smiles and she narrowed her eyes in response while Bridgette dragged her a few Mehr feet away. ''What was that all about.'' Courtney sagte as the two stopped.

''Chill court, breathe.'' Bridgette smiled and put her hands on Courtney's shoulders in an Attempt to calm her down. ''Okay, I have an idea, but I need your help, and cooperation.'' Bridgette began. Courtney stood up straight and shook the blonde's hands off her shoulders.

''What?'' Courtney responded bluntly.

''I wanna have a sleepover tonight.'' Bridgette replied.

''Um we all already sleep in the same cabin'' Courtney replied with a strange look.

''No I mean an all girls sleepover, with ALL the girls, ya'know to ease some of the tension.'' Bridgette explained. Courtney raised her eyebrow. ''C'mon court, a bunch of girls in a cabin, bonding, talking about guys'' Bridgette smiled and put an emphasis on guys.

Courtney rolled her eyes, ''um there's some girls I wouldn't expect at a slumber party,'' Courtney said.

''please, it will be fun.'' Bridgette begged and gave her a pouty face.

''Ugh fine, just stop that face.'' Courtney rolled her eyes and gave her a small smile.

''Yay, okay can Du tidy up the cabin, and me and Sadie will invite the girls,'' Bridgette squealed.

''Fine just don't be too long.'' Courtney said.

''Kay, meet Du at the kabine in ten minutes.'' Bridgette ran off to find Sadie.


''Sadie, let's go, Courtney sagte yes.'' Bridgette yelled to Sadie who was sitting on a stump. ''EEEEEEEEEE yay!'' Sadie squealed. She ran over to Bridgette.

''Okay what do we have to do?'' she asked.

''Well Courtney's tidying the cabin, so we need to go around and invite the other girls,'' Bridgette said.

''Kay but make sure not to let the boys know.'' Sadie responded.

''Yeah, okay Du do Lindsey and Beth, I'll do Gwen and Leshawna, then we'll both go do heather.'' Bridgette said.

''Aw do we have to invite heather, she's really bossy and mean.'' Sadie whined.

''yeah, we do. The point of this sleepover is to bring us together, and she's the worst.'' Bridgette said.

''Okay, meet Du in a few?'' she asked.

''cool, see ya,'' Bridgette waved to her larger teammate. She knew Lindsey and Beth would be easy, so she let Sadie take care of that. Bridgette walked towards Gwen and Leshawna. They smiled and waved when they saw her.

''Hey,'' Bridgette sagte while she approached the two.

''Sooooo us girls from the bass were wondering if Du two would like to come to an all girls sleepover in the bass cabin, girls side of course.'' the other looked at each other, then turned to Bridgette with eyebrows raised in disbelief.

''what do mean Von all girls exactly. ''Gwen asked suspiciously.

''Well...'' Bridgette explained. ''The plan is to have some real girl bonding time, no teams, no drama, just some fun time away from Chris and the guys. So that means ALL girls at camp, including heather.'' Bridgette finished, answering the obvious Frage about heather.

''No way, no how am I goin to a sleepover with that stuck up daddy's girl!'' Leshawna said. ''You already share a kabine with her, only difference is you'll have me, Courtney and Sadie,'' Bridgette said. Leshawna thought about it for a minute.

''Well I don't know about you, but I don't do sleepovers,'' Gwen added.

''C'mon Du guys, please, I promise it'll be fun.'' Bridgette whined. The two looked at each other and sighed.

''Fine, but just stop the welpe dog face.'' Gwen said. Bridgette smiled,

''great, just come to our kabine in like ten Minuten with your pjs already on, oh yeah bring your kissen and sleeping back and anything else Du might wanna bring.'' Bridgette waved and ran off to find Sadie. ''Sadie!'' Bridgette yelled as she ran to the girl, ''hey, Du get Lindsey and Beth?''

''yeah, they're really excited; they even offered to bring heather,''

''great, that's one person less to convince, c'mon lets go help Courtney with the cabin.''


they opened the door and found Courtney finishing the cabin, ''hey,'' she said, ''okay I cleaned up everyone's stuff and just put it in their suitcases, and slid them under their bed. Oh also I set up all the mattresses from our beds on the floor so we all can sleep there.'' Courtney explained proudly.

''Sweet, here I'll go ask Geoff If the guys have some spare mattresses.'' Bridgette said, Courtney nodded her head and began fixing the ones already on the floor, making sure they were straight. Sadie went to go put her pj's on. Bridgette walked over to the other side of the kabine and knocked on the door. Luckily Geoff answered the with his usual flirty smile spread across his face.

''Heeey bridge,'' he sagte attempting to lean on the door frame, but accidentally fell on the floor. He quickly got up and regained his cool and smiled at her. She giggled and asked ''Geoff, I was wondering if Du guys have any extra mattresses we could use in the girls room?'' she asked innocently and looked at him in the eyes sweetly.

''Well of course we do, if Du want I could bring them in there,'' he smiled.

''Hold up Geoff,'' Duncan appeared Weiter to him at the door, ''what does blondie want with OUR mattresses.'' Duncan raised his eyebrow in suspicion at Bridgette. But before Bridgette could respond, Courtney appeared behind her and and replied

''well that's none of your business, is it?'' Bridgette turned and whispered to her

''do Du just appear at any chance to argue with Duncan?'' Courtney rolled her eyes at her blonde friend, then glared back at Duncan.

''Well princess, they do happen to belong to us, so it's only fair we find out what their being used for.'' Duncan replied.

''Sorry girls, let me just discuss something with my compadre,'' Geoff smiled back at Bridgette and grabbed Duncan back in the room. Moments later they reappeared, ''me and Duncan here will be glad to loan Du ladies a mattress, and we'll add delivery for free,'' Geoff sagte staring right at Bridgette with a smile. Both Duncan and Courtney rolled their eyes simultaneously. ''How many do Du guys need?'' Geoff asked.

''One, just one,'' Courtney answered. The two guys went back and got a mattress and followed the girls back to their cabin.

''Where should we put it, princess.'' Duncan asked sarcastically.

Courtney narrowed her eyes at him and replied, ''Just put it on the floor.''

the two guys dropped it on the floor, and Courtney began putting it into place making sure it was straight.

''Seriously what are Du guys doing in here.'' Duncan asked while watching Courtney fix the mattress.

''If Du two must know, we're having a sleepover with all the girls. The guys faces brightened and the looked at each other and smiled.

''What are Du two thinking?'' Bridgette asked suspiciously.

''Nothing, we're not thinking any thing, we're thoughtless.'' Geoff sagte quickly. Duncan rolled his eyes and smacked Geoff on the back of the head.

''Sorry to keep Du girls waiting, we better be going.'' Duncan sagte and pulled Geoff out of the room. The two girls watched them leave suspiciously, until Sadie finally came back from the bathrooms.

''Wow it looks amazing in here, this is gonna be so much fun.'' Sadie smiled.

''Yeah this is gonna be fun,'' Bridgette added with a smile.


Gwen, Leshawna, and Izzy walked in and found Sadie sitting on a mattress painting her nails. Courtney was setting up her sheets on a mattress.

''Un hi, were here,'' Gwen waved awkwardly to Sadie. Courtney got up and smiled,

''hey, Bridgette's just getting ready for bed, she should be back anytime. Courtney was wearing a white tank oben, nach oben and a pair of Team rosa sweatpants. Sadie was wearing a rosa lacy nightgown. As soon as Courtney sagte that Bridgette came back in a pair of Spongebob pajama pants and a blue tank top. Gwen and Leshawna were wearing their usual pj's, and Izzy was wearing her usual clothes.

''Hey Du guys! Glad Du could make it! Just put your stuff on any mattress.'' Bridgette smiled. Izzy hopped on a mattress Weiter to Sadie and Began jumping wildly

''woohoo yeah sleepover!'' she yelled.

''Izzy, chill, we don't wanna wake the guys.'' Sadie sagte while giggling at the wild girl. Izzy stopped and sat kreuz legged on the bed. Gwen and Leshawna dropped their stuff on some beds Weiter to Bridgette. Then heather knocked on the door, With Lindsey and Beth in tow.

''hello girls, we're here!'' she sagte snobbishly as Courtney opened the door.

''Hi, just put your stuff on any of the mattresses." Courtney replied. Heather walked in and dropped her kissen on a mattress, and Lindsey and Beth walked in with a bunch of stuff, and put it down Weiter to heather. Everyone set up their beds, and Von the fashion Courtney set up, everyone was in a circle.

''Okay now that everyone is set up, what should we do?'' Bridgette asked.

''Oh I know, we should play truth oder dare, that would be sooooo much fun.'' Lindsey sagte happily.

''Oh great idea, me and Katie Liebe truth oder dare, right...oh'' Sadie frowned.

''It's okay thadie,'' Beth smiled, ''tonight gonna be tons of fun.'' Sadie smiled at her.

''Okay then, I'll start,'' Bridgette smiled. ''Courtney!''

''why do Du have to start with me?'' Courtney frowned.

''Cause I have a good one. Courtney, truth oder dare.'' Bridgette smiled evilly. Courtney smiled, ''truth.''
''okay Courtney, what happened this morning at the campsite.'' Bridgette smiled. Courtney's eyes went wide, ''wha-what are Du talking about?!'' Courtney stammered. ''Yeah what are Du talking about,'' Gwen smiled.

''This morning, I heard Duncan talking to Geoff about something that happened between Courtney and Duncan when the woke up this morning.'' Bridgette explained. Everyone ooooed and shot back at Courtney.

''We-well whatever he said, he was lying,'' Courtney huffed.

''Actually, DJ sagte he saw the whole thing, and he doesn't lie.'' Bridgette replied.

''He certainly can't keep his mouth shut,'' Courtney mumbled.

''c'mon Courtney, spill,'' heather smiled. Courtney bit her lip in nervousness. All the girls smiled and stared at her.

''Trust me court, the dare is much worse.'' Bridgette added. Courtney sighed, discovering she had no other choice, better her tell the story rather than Duncan.

''okay, for the record, I wasn't conscious when this happened. After the whole drama from last night,'' she was glaring at Bridgette, I woke up to find myself,'' she shuddered ''cuddling with, Duncan'' she had a disgusted face. Bridgette's mouth dropped, Gwen and Leshawna began laughing. Izzy, smiled. Beth, Sadie, and Lindsey all ''awwwed'', and heather gave Courtney an evil grin.

''Oh my god, wow, that's, wow.'' Bridgette stammered. ''So, Du were for sure Du were asleep when this happened?''

''duh,'' Courtney, ''how else could it have happened, I mean eww, Duncan?'' Courtney said. ''I don't see the big deal, Duncan seems like a pretty cool guy.'' Gwen added.

'' y'know Courtney,'' heather added while filing her nails, ''when you're asleep, your subconscious takes over, like when Du talk in your sleep, it's like your deepest thoughts are coming through. So if Du were truly asleep when this happened, then its possible that subconsciously Du wanted to cuddle with Duncan,'' she sagte narrowing her eyes at the girl, ''of course, that's just what I heard.''

''well that makes sense Courtney,'' Bridgette said. Courtney glared at Bridgette.

''well Bridgette, what about all that stuff with Geoff and the banane Du say while you're asleep.'' Courtney said. Bridgette's eyes went wide.

''Ooo Bridgette, what's Geoff doing with a banana,'' Leshawna snickered.

''No it's not like that, ugh why'd Du have to say that,'' she glared back at Courtney.

''Well sorry Bridgette, it just slipped out,'' Courtney smiled. Lindsey was doing heathers nail when heather said,

''well as much fun this is, I have a better idea. Beth, get some paper and a pen.''

''what are Du doing?'' Gwen asked.

''Scavenger hunt, okay so us three will be one team,''

''oh, can Sadie be on our team?'' Lindsey asked.

''Oh that would be sooo much fun.'' Sadie squealed.

''Ugh whatever, back to what I was saying, all of Du guys can be the other team then,'' heather pointed to Gwen, Leshawna, Courtney, ''wait where's crazy girl,'' heather asked.

''Oh Izzy, I think she left.'' Sadie said.

''Whatever, okay here's the list.'' heather handed Bridgette.

''Hold up, no way Du get to make a Liste for both of us,'' Leshawna said.

''Fine Du guys can make our list. What's gonna be the prize?''

''oo we can make matching thongs! That's what me and my sister Paula did at one of our slumber parties!'' Lindsey said.

''Um no, what about bathroom privileges?'' Gwen said.

''What do Du mean?'' Heather questioned.

"like the winning team gets first dibs at the bathrooms for the rest of the time at came." Gwen explained.

Heather thought for a minute, " Okay, that seems reasonable. Our Liste has four items, meaning yours must too."

"here, this is your list," Courtney finished and handed heather the paper. Gwen picked up the paper and began scanning through the Liste heather gave her, then she put her and over her mouth and began laughing. She pasted it to Leshawna, and she started laughing.

"Courtney sweetheart, you'd better take a look at this. Leshawna handed the paper to Courtney and her and Bridgette began Lesen though the list.

Bag of chips from Chefs kitchen

a "W" from the Wawanakwa sign

pair of Duncan's boxers (this one for Du Courtney)

bag of marshmallows.

Courtney's mouth dropped when she read number three. Bridgette also began laughing.

"no, no way, no how!" Courtney yelled "That's insane! I refuse to do that!''

''Courtney, you're just gonna suck it up, I'm not gonna give up those bathroom privileges. ''Courtney, chill, it'll be fun,'' Bridgette smiled. Courtney dropped her head in disappointment.

''Well it's not like our Liste is any easier,'' heather sniped, ''I mean Chris's hair gel, Geoff's hat, a strand chair?! How are we supposed to get those?''

''don't forget the bag of marshmallows.,'' Courtney added looking up.

''Well it looks like great minds think alike,'' heather narrowed her eyes. ''C'mon girls, we have work to do.'' she smiled with the four girls following.

''Okay now that there gone, lets strategize.'' Gwen sagte rubbing her hands together.

''I say we go to the kitchen, that way we can get the chips and look for the marshmallows, then we can hit the guys kabine so Courtney can get Duncan's drawers then we'll all can go get the ''w'' from the sign.'' Bridgette sagte and Gwen and Leshawna nodded in agreement. ''So Du guys are seriously gonna make me get Duncan's boxers?''

''well she did put them on the Liste because of you, so yeah we are.'' Gwen smiled.

''Okay y'all let's get this on, I'm not letting queenie win.'' Leshawna said.

''Okay then lets go,'' Bridgette smiled. They grabbed the Liste and headed out the door. They walked out to find Trent, Harold, Geoff, DJ and Duncan piled up trying to look through the window.

''Um what are Du guys doing?'' Gwen asked glaring at them all.

''Seriously Du guys should learn how to talk a little louder,'' Geoff grumbled. Duncan rolled his eyes and smacked him on the back of the head.

''Uh, hehe guys I think I found my hat here on the ground,'' DJ sagte nervously.

''Right, so it looks like our job here done,'' Duncan said.

''C'mon guys lets go, somewhere else.'' Trent added, and the guys bolted from the kabine window.

''God they are sooo stupid,'' Courtney sagte as they walked down the cabin. They walked to the küche and saw Beth run out with a bag of marshmallows. Heather gave the group a smug wave, as her and her clones left them at the kitchen.

''C'mon me and Gwen will get the küche stuff,'' Leshawna said, ''you two go get the boxers. We'll meet at the dock.''

Courtney was dreading this, and Bridgette dragged her arm as they headed back to the guys cabin. The arrived and looked into the room.

''Kay court, doesn't look like they're in there. Du go in and get the boxers and I'll keep watch.'' Bridgette sagte looking in the window. Courtney groaned and trudged up the stairs. She gingerly opened the door.

''Eww, oh god it stinks in here'' Courtney whined.

''Courtney, the quicker Du do it the quicker we can leave.,'' Bridgette said.

Courtney walked into the room. She saw Duncan's duffle bag on the floor. She began to dig when she found a pair of his boxers. She held them up and examined them ''hmm, basic white, nice,'' she stopped when she saw Bridgette mouthing for her to hide. She dropped and crawled under a bed. Of course it was Duncan who Came into the cabin. He began searching through his bag,

''damnit, where's my other pair of boxers.'' Courtney's eyes went to the boxers in her hand. ''Ah found them,'' Duncan said. He began to peel his shirt, and Courtney bit her lip and closed her eyes as she guessed what he was gonna do, but curiosity got the better of her, and she silently watched him change into just his boxers. Finally he finished, and kicked his clothes in a pile Weiter to his bag, and walked out of the kabine in his fresh pair of boxers. As soon as Courtney was sure he was gone, she scurried out from under the bed. She brushed the dust and dirt from off her clothes. She shuddered at the thought of sitting under there, and she began to walk out. Then, she spotted one of Geoff's hats sitting on his bett post. She smiled and grabbed it and ran out of the cabin.

''Oh my god I'm sooooo sorry, I didn't even see him coming. Are Du okay?'' Bridgette sagte with a worried face. Courtney smiled and held up the boxers, And placed the hat on Bridgette's head. ''Um Courtney, we don't have to get the hat.'' Bridgette sagte raising her eyebrow.

''Yea I know, but Du wanna win don't you?'' Courtney gave her an evil smirk. Bridgette smiled

''nice, c'mon lets go find Gwen and Leshawna.'' the two girls began giggling and ran to the dock. They saw Gwen prying off the ''w''.

''nice hat, Du get the boxers?'' Leshawna asked. Courtney waved them in the air like a flag. Gwen smiled when she climbed down from the sign. ''C'mon, we have to still beat them back to the cabin.'' Courtney sagte and the group began to run back to the cabin


''oh my gawd, look there getting to the kabine first,'' Lindsey squealed.

''God! C'mon, we can't let them win!'' heather yelled and they all ran to the cabin. They burst into the kabine to find Gwen, Leshawna, Bridgette, and Courtney standing there smiling. ''No! Damnit we lost!'' heather fumed.

''Sorry girls, guess Du guys didn't have the edge we had.'' Gwen smiled.

''Wait do Du have Everything?'' heather asked suspiciously. Gwen held the ''w'', Leshawna had the chips, Bridgette held the marshmallows, and Courtney held the boxers. Heather rolled her eyes,

''whatever, Du guys get bathroom privileges, so what. C'mon Lindsey, Beth, lets go, these people bug me.'' heather fumed. Courtney rolled her eyes.

''Wow somebody's pissed.'' Gwen smiled.

''Bye Lindsey, bye Beth,'' Sadie waved.

''Sorry your plan for unity didn't work bridge,'' Courtney giggled as they watched the trio leave.

''Whatever, we've had fun,'' Bridgette replied. ''Well we better To sleep, we have a challenge tomorrow,'' Bridgette added.

''She's right, we do need some sleep.'' Courtney said.

''Kay then, night guys,'' Sadie sagte as everyone started getting into their sleeping bags. Bridgette turned off the light

''night everyone.''


Courtney woke up and heard a gentle giggling.

''Shhhh I think she's waking up.''

Courtney blinked her eyes. Then she screamed in horror when she realized what was sitting Weiter to her. Gwen and Leshawna burst out in laughing. Bridgette shot up

''oh my god, what happened?'' Bridgette asked looking at Courtney.

''They-they put Duncan's boxers Weiter to my face while I was sleeping!'' Courtney shrieked. Bridgette covered her face to muffle her laughter. Courtney stood up and put her hands on her hips, ''stop it! That's sooo not funny!'' Courtney frowned.

''Looks like Courtney's a penisaphobe!'' Gwen chuckled.

''What! I am not! That's just gross!'' Courtney protested.

''Are Du sure?'' Gwen gave her an evil smile. Gwen picked up The boxers and began chasing Courtney around the room with them. Courtney squealed as Gwen chased her out the door. Leshawna and Bridgette were rolling on the floor, laughing, and even Sadie had the giggles. Gwen was still chasing Courtney outside when suddenly Courtney ran straight into Duncan, and fell on the ground.

''Owww,'' she whined rubbing her head. Gwen ran up panting

''Courtney *breath* Du okay?'' Duncan helped Courtney up when she replied

''yeah, I'm good.''

Duncan smirked ''nice jamies princess.'' Courtney rolled her eyes. ''What were Du two doing?'' Duncan raised his eyebrow.

''Uhhh,'' the two replied, Gwen still holding his boxers.

''Bye!'' Gwen shoved the boxers in Courtney's hands and ran.

''Nice, real nice Gwen!'' Courtney yelled.

''Um, are those my boxers?'' Duncan asked pointing to the white fabric Courtney was holding. Her eyes widened as she began to stammer

''um, well uh Du see...bye!'' Courtney threw the boxers in the air and ran like her life depended on it. The boxers floated gently to the ground. Duncan picked them up and looked at the girl's kabine suspiciously, then shrugged.

''Don't ask Duncan, just don't.'' he mumbled as her walked back to his cabin.

added by Chibi-Chipette
Source: popo-less on Tumblr
posted by AngelPrincess10
In all stars we realized that there was no way that we should be apart cause we are like ying and yang , i bring out the good in him and brings out the bad in me which ke ".......YESSS!" I jump into his arms and KISS him.ps our Liebe for eachother strong. all stars season is done me and duncan are back, we decided to Bewegen into a mansion together. We go to the mansion Im with duncan and turn to him and ask "wow duncan how did u get the money for this place?""All the money i got from total drama i saved it plus i got a job and save the cash from that too." "Also i want to take Du to abendessen to...
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posted by -Mack_Malfoy-
The two girls sat together in silence,reading the two Bücher in their hands. They were so preoccupied that they almost missed the shouting from downstairs. They gave each other one look before rolling their eyes. Why is it THEY'RE always the normal people?

As Courtney dashed down the stairs,Percy Weasley poked his head out of his room,stopping her in her tracks. He gave her a stern look and sneered,"Could you,by any chance,stop running up and down the stairs? It's not a playground."

"Since when have I goofed off?" Courtney shot back in a snotty way. She let out a 'hmmph!' and continued down...
continue reading...
I was only fifteen when I met him, but It changed my life. He changed everything. The way I looked at life. And how it's not as easy as it what I thought. I grew up in the perfect home, how could I NOT think the world was easy? I almost had everything handed to me.
I went to the perfect school, I lived in the perfect neighborhood, and had the perfect house, with the perfect family.
But he.. He didn't. Sure his family had
money, he lived in a nice. House and a decent school. But his father.. His father was nothing but a... A asshole. Who treated him like shit. And was never proud of him....
continue reading...
posted by 123KittyCat
This one's for Du pixicracker.

Duncan's pov

Princess was taking a dusche when I went into the bathroom, I went in even though the occupied sign was on the door, I really needed the bathroom. Princess's body is even better up close and without that bikini in the way. I was still drooling when she turned aruond.

Courtney's pov

I screamed bloody murder when I saw that pervert Duncan watching me in the shower, his grey blue eyes were practically popping out of his head. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body, then I stepped out of the dusche and slapped Duncan in the face, HARD.

Geoff's pov...
continue reading...
I'm cuting the seris short A.K.A I'm skipping to the final six witch are Duncan, Courtney, Bridgett, Geoff, Heather and Alejandro, If you're wondering why I'm cuting the seris short, well its beause I have new idea for a story and I can't write two stories t the same time 'cause my mind gets mixed up. back to the story.

Courtney's p.o.v

I woke up to the sound of my cell phone ringng, it was Chloe.

Me: Hello

Chloe: Courtney?

Me: Yes?

Chloe: Dad's...

Me: Dad's what?

Chloe: Dead.

Me: Really.

Chloe: Yes.

Me: Is there a bright side?

Chloe: Yes.

Me: What is it?

Chloe: Mom had a baby.

Me: Really?!

Chloe: Yes, her...
continue reading...
posted by dxcbabe10
Courtney was sobbing so loud her whole neighborhood
could hear her. Duncan had just broken up with her.

You left me spinning like a disco
I'm trying but I don't know
If I can stand straight
You took me left when
You knew I was right
and now I gotta fight
Just to make it through the day

He had just came over to her house and told her they were
done. She almost fainted there right on the spot. Then
her senses came back to her as she start screaming and
Shouting for him to get out of the house and to never
talk to her again. That's how she ended up this way.

I never knew what
You were capable of
Baby I would...
continue reading...
posted by TDILover101
Courtney’s POV: “But I don’t want to be this monster!”I yelled at my sister, Jamie. “Well I don’t care what Du think! You’re a vampire; I’m a vampire, deal with it!”Jamie yelled back. I rolled my eyes, grabbed my black sweatshirt, and stormed out of the house. I looked up at the sky and saw that it was night as I kept walking down the straße with my hands in my pockets. I’ve been a vampire for about 10 years. Jamie was the one who turned me into this thing. I was 17 years old and Jamie was 18. (Jamie’s ‘boyfriend’ turned her.) Jamie came up in my room with her fangs...
continue reading...
posted by DandC4evacute
Ana: i'm back from the show!
Courtney: i'm still super mad at you.
Ana: awwwwwwwww.....aren't Du cute. *sets her stuff on the table*
Courtney: *shaking her head* i don't know HOW Du did this......
Ana: because i have a brain.(Ana looks like courtney, 'cept she has a lot of makeup, piercings, a rosa streak in her hair, no freckles, and different clothing)
*the doorbell rings*
Ana and Courtney: I'LL GET IT! we HAVE to stop doing this! URGH! *opens door*
Duncan: *steps through* i'm just here to return some....OH MY GOD TWO COURTNEYS!
Courtney: Duncan......i need to talk to Du for a moment...
Duncan: what is it?
Courtney: *explains everything*
Duncan: wait, WHAT!?
posted by JacobDXCfan4eva
Chapter 3: Wow
     Me and Destiny were walking back to the house when I looked up at the stars funny thing about these stars they grew brighter every time I saw them Duncan had a soft spot for stars Destiny waited on me she knew how much the stars meant to me I stared up and whispered real soft “Duncan.”
    Me and Duncan walked to his house when we got there I sat on the couch he handed me a Carmello (candy bar) he hopped over the couch and took the DVD remote form off the coffee tabelle he knew me so well he picked out my all time Favorit movie The...
continue reading...
 Courtney gets a surprise phone call
Courtney gets a surprise phone call
when i woke up Destiny had left a sticky note on my forehead it read Dear Court,I"m going out of town for all this week left Du some money for stuff on the dresser will call Du later Liebe ya Destiny<3
i sighed i was going to be alone all this week i frowned i slumped over to the fridge to find something to eat ther was absouloutly nothing i groaned i heard my phone ring not bothering to look at the caller ID i picked up "Hello." i sagte dully "Courtney Du picked up!" i heard the voice say "Who's this?" "It's Duncan." my emotions turned completley upside down "Oh hi how are you?" i could...
continue reading...
~~~~~~~~~~~at spa~~~~~~~~~~~
Lindsay: ahhhhhhhhh did i mention that i Liebe spas?
Bridgette: Du might've sagte it once oder twice.
Courtney: oder 30 times.
Hadar: but who can blame her?
Courtney: true..
~~~~~~~~~~~~a few hours later with all girls~~~~~
Bridgette: *gasps* Courtney...you look amazing!
Gwen: Duncan's going to faint harder than in TDA.
Courtney: seriously?
Lindsay and Hadar: totally!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~at prom~~~~~~~~~~~
Courtney: *comes in*
Duncan: Du look....wow.
Gwen: i think he likes it. oder forgot how to talk.
Courtney: thank you.
Calvin: Courtney....you look beautiful.
Duncan: *to Courtney* Du really are a princess!
Courtney: let's just dance.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~to be continued~~~~~~~~~~~~
"What dad?" I sagte quietly comeing down the steps. "Chris called, and he sagte that he wants Du and that DUNCAN kid to sign autographs becasue Du guys were the most beliebt couple on TV! EXPLAIN IT!" Uuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmm What am I gonna say to my dad? "It's just for the show? It won't mean anything...." I sagte so nerveously. "You can't go!" He shouts. RULE 96 of hiding from your parents......make them belive Du don't want to do things like that. I put on a relived look on my face and sagte "THANK Du DADDY!" I hugged him and ran back upstairs. My phone ringed It was Duncan.

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posted by maaaax99
I got help from shellgirl54 she writes great stories

Once upon a time not so long ago,
There lived a boy and girl who's families hated
each other.The families were the Smiths and the
Fahls. The reasons they hate each other are
unknown. The reasons were Lost about 6 months ago.
(At a market in torento)Geoff-Dude Du should geta girlfreind.Duncan-Why?They just drag Du down.Geoff-No They Don't.Duncan-Yes they do.(someone pits right in front of Duncan)Duncan-what are Du doing spiting infront of me.Christian- Ohh sorry about that i meant to hit you.Duncan-OHH REALLY BUB!Christian-yea really but what are Du going to do about it?Duncan-This!
What will Duncan do to Christian?
When will Courtney come into the story?
What happened to Geoff?
When will I stop asking pointless Questions?
I will stop right now.Come back Weiter week for another part of DxC Romeo and Juliet!
Courtney's POV

Duncan and I waited for a long time but then 2 girls, 2 boys and Harold (I don't think of Harold as humen.) came from a path. At first the girls were shoked to see me but then duncan sagte I was a frind and all of then needed to talk over a idea he had. "Gwen!" duncan said. A girl with black and deep blue hair looked at him. "You got the water?" duncan finished "Yup!" sagte the girl named Gwen. "Ok" duncan went on "Briget!" Duncan yelled "Briget?" Duncan sagte looking around " yuck! Briget stop Küssen jeff!" I looked down to see a girl with blond hair who's name must be Briget kissing...
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this iis the monent Du all have been waiting for my story P.S sorry it took so long but here it is.

Courtney's p.o.v

My alarm started to ring.I answered it.It beeped in my ear.I opened one of my eyes to see my cell ringing and about to fall of the table.

"Hello....Lookout my window what for"

I got up and opened the window to see duncan.

"Hey babe"

"Hey...not that i'm not happy to see Du but what are Du doing here?"

He kissed me before answering.

"I missed me princess..and i'm hanging out with my brother"

I looked out my window to see his twin brother sitting on his motorcyle.

"My mom is going to kill...
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posted by shellgirl54
COURTNEYS POV ok we made out then took a walk it was ok ... who was i kidding it was asowme but i cant let duncan know that it would reval my identity but i feel bad about not going out with mason but where goin tomorwow hes Wird angezeigt me his secret hideout and with duncan we diceded to be Friends im also learning how to play the electric gutar even though i can all ready play this is the best trick i ever played DUNCANS POV ok so we made out and took a walk i got to know her shes a pretty punky girl .... and a HOT ONE but im dating gwen and shes going out with mason what does she see in that...
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posted by abyale
This is the only one in this thing so no more.
Courtney POV:
Duncan what are Du doing laying arowned our yard needs cut down we Lost our dog in there.
Duncans POV:
Courtney we don't even have a dog.
Courtneys POV:
Its a figuer of speech Duncan now Bewegen it. NOW!!!
He sagte fine and went on his way.God I swear I'm the only grown up in this house.
Narrators POV:
Courtney turns on the tv and plops down on the sofa and watches law and order SVU. About 30 min later Duncan comes in and he is coverd in gras, grass form head to toe.
Courtneys POV:
Du are not coming to my house looking like that go out side and wash off.
Narrators POV:
5 hours past and Duncan still hasn't come in yet and Courtney gets worred so she gose out side and screams.There Duncan is life less he has stabbed him self.
Courtneys POV: Duncan quit messing around i know that thats a fake knife......... Duncan? Duncan?! Duncan!!
Narrators POV:
Courtney runs inside and calls the cops and Duncan was no more.
posted by XxKurusakitoXx
"TRENT?" Duncan and Gwen's mouth dropped.
"Mmhm" Courtney nodded her head as Trent placed a arm around her waist and kissed her slightly on the lips.
"I've kinda had feelings for him since the Zeigen was over" Courtney blushed brightly.
"Well It's just that...I didn't think that he was your type" Gwen sagte with a bit of jealousy in her voice.

"Da-Da!" Lilli got up and ran toward Trent embracing his leg, "There's my little angel" He bent down and picked her up giving her a Eskimo kiss.

"Well I have made abendessen so lets go eat" Courtney grinned as she walked into the kitchen, the others followed behind...
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posted by Courtneyfan101
Courtney`s POV:I kept looking down for a Minute then reconized who it was.My father.I turned away and started to cry.Duncan`s arm was around me but I pushed it away. I started to run with tears in my eyes.I didn`t know where I was going but I didn`t care as long as it was away from there.

Duncan`s POV:"Courtney!"I called but I didn`t see her anymore.I started to run after her but the man held me back and said,"Let her go.She needs to get away for a while."He let me go and I just stood there.

Courtney`s POV:I was running through the pitch,black woods not knowing where I was going then I felt a...
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