Duncan und Courtney Club
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*I would like to dedicate this series to dlittleangel411, crazy-yanu, fly210, crystalpotato and DxCfanlover. thanks guys Du all have been great. XD*

Courtney's POV

Ow, ah, aw, oh, Labour hurts like hell. It hurts so much I wish I was dead. The nurse came in and said
"Mrs. Andrews, your 10cm now, your ready to give birth" Ah, Owie, Now I have to push, this is gonna be one long day, Owie, owie, owie, ow,.

"Come on honey Du can do it!" Duncan cheered, and he was right, I can do this I told myself in my head. I pulled myself together and pushed..........
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed.
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*At DxG's apartment* Gwen:Hey Juvie. Duncan:What? Oh,hey. Gwen:What's the matter? Duncan:It's just being with Du is kinda boring. Gwen:So,what are Du saying? Duncan:Its over I'm sorry. Gwen:Get out. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!!! Duncan:Fine,but I bought it anyway. *With Courtney* Lisa/me:Courtneyare Du okay,sweetie? Courtney:No I feel horrible. *They hear a.knock at the door* Courtney:I got it. *She Antwort it* Courtney:*gasps* Who's at.the door find out on DxC after Total Drama World Tour!
"tell me about yourself," ducan said. "well my birth was very irregular,"athena started. "what happened?" duncan asked. " well zeus didnt want a kid because he thought i could over throw him, but metis really wanted a daughter. so she turned into a fly and flew into zeus's head and laid me into his head. then zeus complained of a headache and hephaestus teilt, split open his head and there i was full grown.i was zeus's first child," athena said. "thats amazing," duncan said. " thanks," athena sagte and blushed.

" athena may i ask Du something" duncan said. "of course go ahead ," athena said. "...
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posted by lolibarbie
Okay! I will [hopefully] post the last part tomorrow!!


Kayla's Story. Kayla's POV:

No, I have not had a terrible life, but I know many people who have. I am Courtney's best friend.

I was at her house when it really happened, "Kayla, I can't believe he transferred here!" She said.

"Duncan? I really think Du should just get with him already. Du guys are great together!" It was true, they were.

"Kayla, Du don't understand. He's Duncan."

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

"It is!"

"Court, look, you're my best friend....
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posted by dxcfan
It's been two years since TDI/TDA was over. I still remember all the horrible times i had there. Eating chefs food, doing embarrassing challenges, and the annoying people. There was but one person I adored. The person he showed me a change in my life, Duncan. I miss him so much. I never stop thinking about him. On how he looked, at kissed, spoke to me, and touched me. He was the Liebe of my life. But I'm sure he's moved on, unlike me. I would do anything to once again say a 'Hello'. All I got was a 'Good bye'.

It was snowing lightly. I was walking in central park glancing at the beautiful sparkles...
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oh my god i Liebe that-gwen
its so pretty-bridgete
i absolutly Liebe it-katie
oh my gosh me too-sadie
yeeeey ye ye ye-katie and sadie
(back at courtney's house)
hi honey-courtney
heu, hay babe-duncan
goody goody-duncan
ok Du win-duncan
*they kiss*
i missed you-duncan
i was gone for an hour-courtney
yes really-courtney
*gwen runs into courtney's room*
well i was geting him ready for a nap and he sagte i wov wu moma
ok well are Du two finished with your baby fest-duncan
ok well bye-gwen
wanna rent a movie-duncan
(they go to blockbuster)
how about this-courtney
*shows duncan the movie*
yeah lets get that-duncan
(they rent "coroline")

added by PrincessVandal
Source: Giusy96 from Deviantart
added by Milorox18
Source: deviantart.com/ Von giu96
added by DxC-Skillet
Source: DxC-Skillet
added by zzElinzz
added by DxC-Skillet
Source: DxC -Skillet
posted by court7
Bridgette: So after the court tell him. I know it won’t be very easy but Du have to do it for the life inside of you.”
Courtney: “ok….ok…I will try.”
Courtney had won the court and Duncan was angry about losing it and he didn’t notice her unhappiness.
Courtney POV
“What? You’ve won so what do Du want else?”
“Can’t we talk a little? It is important.”
“D-Duncan… I am p-p….” I stuttered.
Duncan (cutting her): …proud of yourself because you’ve won. I know that!” He yelled.
“No! I am pregnant!” I whispered.
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My P.O.V
This takes place in New York City in New Years Eve. Courtney was fine living Von herself after TDWT! Util one Tag changed her whole life!

Courtneys P.O.V
I can't believe I let my bfffl Bella tlak me into this!(Bella is me!)Bella is almost just like me but way less uptight, smart, beautiful,and everything Du could ask for in a girl! I loved her because she always speaks her mind! One time in third grade when I was getting picked on she stood up for me! So....anyways! As we dashed threw the HUGE crowd of millions in Times Square! We would stop until we got to the front of the stage to see...
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Alright. I goy into the car and COURTNEY WAS IN THERE alng with two dorks. "Hi, Im Beth!" the short girl said. "And Im Brady!" The Less-dorky Boy said. "And this is Courtney" He continued. "I didn't want to see Du again."she sagte "Ohh Du two already know eachother! Beth said. She is waaaaaaay too perky, it seems like something is wrong with her. "We are aguainted." Courntey said. She has to maske everything sound boring. "Lets sing some Zeigen tunes Brady!" Please no! But they sang anyway. Well not me oder Courtney. Something we have in common.
This is what I heard the whole time
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posted by sugarsweet076
(warning: this story starts off as a DxG story but trust me it gets better as it goes on)

Total drama world tour is over.I'm dating the most beauitful gilr on this game.Gwen (This whole story is going to be in duncan's p.o.v so)

I'm holding her.

"Duncan did courtney ever like doing this?"

"No she really uptight i have no idea why i liked her"

"Me either.."She kissed me.

She fell asleep 15 Minuten later.I kissed her head.

In the morning.

"Morning pastey!"


Ske kissed me.We got up and went to her küche and got breakfast.Her mom isn't Home she had a buniness trip.I picked her up and put her on...
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posted by Courtneyfan101
Courtney`s POV:I got to the limo as Mehr and Mehr Fans came towards Joe and I trying to get to me.The door to the limo was now shut and Joe started driving.Fans cheered,screamed,chanted my name,took pictures,and sang the songs from my CDs.When Joe first started to driving,I stood up and put from my waist and up over the limo.Los Angeles is beautiful at night.I sat back down and caught my breath."Joe,you gotta try that sometime."I sagte smiling.Joe turned around to face me laughing."Maybe I will."Joe said.We got back to the hotel after a meeting with Jason Derulo about Musik albums oder something.I...
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"Why does this happen?" Courtney asked.

"I do not know, but hey, this might be good." Bridgette said.

"Oh yeah, how?" Gwen asked.

They heard footsteps so they stopped talking. The three guys were standing there.

"What do Du want?" Courtney asked.

The one with the mohawk smirked then said, "We wanted to introduce ourselves. I'm Duncan. This is Geoff," he pointed to the blonde one, who Bridgette could NOT keep her eyes off of. "And the other one is Trent." The one Gwen could not keep her eyes off of.

Courtney said, "I'm Courtney. This is Bridgette," she then pointed to Bridgette, "and Gwen." she pointed...
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Courtney's P.O.V.
Once we finally got to the temple I only had one thing to tell him:"You can put me down now."I assured him."You need to find your girlfriend Katie and get out of here."I whispered.
Duncan's P.O.V.
"First of all Katie isn't my girlfriend she's my donkey."I scolded."Second of all I'm not going anywhere until I find out what's going on!"I said.
"Fine!"she raged.We came across what seemed to be a castle,but Von the looks of how she wants me to stay away it seems to be much more.
We had to open the door to get inside.We saw a big metal ring so we pulled it down.While we walked through...
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It was the last box I could carry. Everything else, wasn't worth another trip back. I mean I filled up the entire truck.

This seemed like a good neighborhood, lots of nice houses. So I thought I could Bewegen here. I went inside my house and realized how empty it looked. My tiny stuff in a giant house. It looked like I lived alone...because I did. I think I'm gonna have to go furniture shopping.

I clasped on my coach and took a heavy breath, from carrying all those stuff. I stretched Von body, and sat back up. I got up and started to pace around my house.

My house had a huge kitchen, which lead...
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 Tamara and Bree
Tamara and Bree
***You probably noticed on my last update it was called 'The finale - oder is it?'. Yes, there is more. That was just 1 episode. This story is gunna take me a long time....***

Duncan's P.O.V.

Everything was perfect again. Courtney was there with her head on my shoulder falling asleep with the added bonus that she was back to the way I loved her. I didn't have to pretend to Liebe Heather anymore, I didn't have to worry about Gwen and all jealousy would be gone. For a while anyway.
Courtney stirred. I gazed down into her perfect face, illuminated in the moonlight. Yes, everything was perfect.
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