Duncan und Courtney Club
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Bridgette watched every begin to drift away after the pow wow around the campfire. She saw this opportunity of vulnerability to try and make the girls of the two cabin. She turned around and saw Courtney arguing with Duncan, again. She smiled and walked over to the pair. ''Sorry to interrupt Du two lovebirds, but I need to borrow Courtney.'' Bridgette smiled. Courtney whipped her head and glared at the blonde.

''Yeah, I'm done bugging princess, she's all yours,'' Duncan snickered.

''Duncan, I don't need your permission to leave.'' she spat, turning her annoyance from Bridgette back to Duncan.

''C'mon court,'' Bridgette sagte pulling her arm avoiding another argument.

''Bye Duncan,'' Bridgette smiled. He gave Courtney another one of his devious smiles and she narrowed her eyes in response while Bridgette dragged her a few Mehr feet away. ''What was that all about.'' Courtney sagte as the two stopped.

''Chill court, breathe.'' Bridgette smiled and put her hands on Courtney's shoulders in an Attempt to calm her down. ''Okay, I have an idea, but I need your help, and cooperation.'' Bridgette began. Courtney stood up straight and shook the blonde's hands off her shoulders.

''What?'' Courtney responded bluntly.

''I wanna have a sleepover tonight.'' Bridgette replied.

''Um we all already sleep in the same cabin'' Courtney replied with a strange look.

''No I mean an all girls sleepover, with ALL the girls, ya'know to ease some of the tension.'' Bridgette explained. Courtney raised her eyebrow. ''C'mon court, a bunch of girls in a cabin, bonding, talking about guys'' Bridgette smiled and put an emphasis on guys.

Courtney rolled her eyes, ''um there's some girls I wouldn't expect at a slumber party,'' Courtney said.

''please, it will be fun.'' Bridgette begged and gave her a pouty face.

''Ugh fine, just stop that face.'' Courtney rolled her eyes and gave her a small smile.

''Yay, okay can Du tidy up the cabin, and me and Sadie will invite the girls,'' Bridgette squealed.

''Fine just don't be too long.'' Courtney said.

''Kay, meet Du at the kabine in ten minutes.'' Bridgette ran off to find Sadie.


''Sadie, let's go, Courtney sagte yes.'' Bridgette yelled to Sadie who was sitting on a stump. ''EEEEEEEEEE yay!'' Sadie squealed. She ran over to Bridgette.

''Okay what do we have to do?'' she asked.

''Well Courtney's tidying the cabin, so we need to go around and invite the other girls,'' Bridgette said.

''Kay but make sure not to let the boys know.'' Sadie responded.

''Yeah, okay Du do Lindsey and Beth, I'll do Gwen and Leshawna, then we'll both go do heather.'' Bridgette said.

''Aw do we have to invite heather, she's really bossy and mean.'' Sadie whined.

''yeah, we do. The point of this sleepover is to bring us together, and she's the worst.'' Bridgette said.

''Okay, meet Du in a few?'' she asked.

''cool, see ya,'' Bridgette waved to her larger teammate. She knew Lindsey and Beth would be easy, so she let Sadie take care of that. Bridgette walked towards Gwen and Leshawna. They smiled and waved when they saw her.

''Hey,'' Bridgette sagte while she approached the two.

''Sooooo us girls from the bass were wondering if Du two would like to come to an all girls sleepover in the bass cabin, girls side of course.'' the other looked at each other, then turned to Bridgette with eyebrows raised in disbelief.

''what do mean Von all girls exactly. ''Gwen asked suspiciously.

''Well...'' Bridgette explained. ''The plan is to have some real girl bonding time, no teams, no drama, just some fun time away from Chris and the guys. So that means ALL girls at camp, including heather.'' Bridgette finished, answering the obvious Frage about heather.

''No way, no how am I goin to a sleepover with that stuck up daddy's girl!'' Leshawna said. ''You already share a kabine with her, only difference is you'll have me, Courtney and Sadie,'' Bridgette said. Leshawna thought about it for a minute.

''Well I don't know about you, but I don't do sleepovers,'' Gwen added.

''C'mon Du guys, please, I promise it'll be fun.'' Bridgette whined. The two looked at each other and sighed.

''Fine, but just stop the welpe dog face.'' Gwen said. Bridgette smiled,

''great, just come to our kabine in like ten Minuten with your pjs already on, oh yeah bring your kissen and sleeping back and anything else Du might wanna bring.'' Bridgette waved and ran off to find Sadie. ''Sadie!'' Bridgette yelled as she ran to the girl, ''hey, Du get Lindsey and Beth?''

''yeah, they're really excited; they even offered to bring heather,''

''great, that's one person less to convince, c'mon lets go help Courtney with the cabin.''


they opened the door and found Courtney finishing the cabin, ''hey,'' she said, ''okay I cleaned up everyone's stuff and just put it in their suitcases, and slid them under their bed. Oh also I set up all the mattresses from our beds on the floor so we all can sleep there.'' Courtney explained proudly.

''Sweet, here I'll go ask Geoff If the guys have some spare mattresses.'' Bridgette said, Courtney nodded her head and began fixing the ones already on the floor, making sure they were straight. Sadie went to go put her pj's on. Bridgette walked over to the other side of the kabine and knocked on the door. Luckily Geoff answered the with his usual flirty smile spread across his face.

''Heeey bridge,'' he sagte attempting to lean on the door frame, but accidentally fell on the floor. He quickly got up and regained his cool and smiled at her. She giggled and asked ''Geoff, I was wondering if Du guys have any extra mattresses we could use in the girls room?'' she asked innocently and looked at him in the eyes sweetly.

''Well of course we do, if Du want I could bring them in there,'' he smiled.

''Hold up Geoff,'' Duncan appeared Weiter to him at the door, ''what does blondie want with OUR mattresses.'' Duncan raised his eyebrow in suspicion at Bridgette. But before Bridgette could respond, Courtney appeared behind her and and replied

''well that's none of your business, is it?'' Bridgette turned and whispered to her

''do Du just appear at any chance to argue with Duncan?'' Courtney rolled her eyes at her blonde friend, then glared back at Duncan.

''Well princess, they do happen to belong to us, so it's only fair we find out what their being used for.'' Duncan replied.

''Sorry girls, let me just discuss something with my compadre,'' Geoff smiled back at Bridgette and grabbed Duncan back in the room. Moments later they reappeared, ''me and Duncan here will be glad to loan Du ladies a mattress, and we'll add delivery for free,'' Geoff sagte staring right at Bridgette with a smile. Both Duncan and Courtney rolled their eyes simultaneously. ''How many do Du guys need?'' Geoff asked.

''One, just one,'' Courtney answered. The two guys went back and got a mattress and followed the girls back to their cabin.

''Where should we put it, princess.'' Duncan asked sarcastically.

Courtney narrowed her eyes at him and replied, ''Just put it on the floor.''

the two guys dropped it on the floor, and Courtney began putting it into place making sure it was straight.

''Seriously what are Du guys doing in here.'' Duncan asked while watching Courtney fix the mattress.

''If Du two must know, we're having a sleepover with all the girls. The guys faces brightened and the looked at each other and smiled.

''What are Du two thinking?'' Bridgette asked suspiciously.

''Nothing, we're not thinking any thing, we're thoughtless.'' Geoff sagte quickly. Duncan rolled his eyes and smacked Geoff on the back of the head.

''Sorry to keep Du girls waiting, we better be going.'' Duncan sagte and pulled Geoff out of the room. The two girls watched them leave suspiciously, until Sadie finally came back from the bathrooms.

''Wow it looks amazing in here, this is gonna be so much fun.'' Sadie smiled.

''Yeah this is gonna be fun,'' Bridgette added with a smile.


Gwen, Leshawna, and Izzy walked in and found Sadie sitting on a mattress painting her nails. Courtney was setting up her sheets on a mattress.

''Un hi, were here,'' Gwen waved awkwardly to Sadie. Courtney got up and smiled,

''hey, Bridgette's just getting ready for bed, she should be back anytime. Courtney was wearing a white tank oben, nach oben and a pair of Team rosa sweatpants. Sadie was wearing a rosa lacy nightgown. As soon as Courtney sagte that Bridgette came back in a pair of Spongebob pajama pants and a blue tank top. Gwen and Leshawna were wearing their usual pj's, and Izzy was wearing her usual clothes.

''Hey Du guys! Glad Du could make it! Just put your stuff on any mattress.'' Bridgette smiled. Izzy hopped on a mattress Weiter to Sadie and Began jumping wildly

''woohoo yeah sleepover!'' she yelled.

''Izzy, chill, we don't wanna wake the guys.'' Sadie sagte while giggling at the wild girl. Izzy stopped and sat kreuz legged on the bed. Gwen and Leshawna dropped their stuff on some beds Weiter to Bridgette. Then heather knocked on the door, With Lindsey and Beth in tow.

''hello girls, we're here!'' she sagte snobbishly as Courtney opened the door.

''Hi, just put your stuff on any of the mattresses." Courtney replied. Heather walked in and dropped her kissen on a mattress, and Lindsey and Beth walked in with a bunch of stuff, and put it down Weiter to heather. Everyone set up their beds, and Von the fashion Courtney set up, everyone was in a circle.

''Okay now that everyone is set up, what should we do?'' Bridgette asked.

''Oh I know, we should play truth oder dare, that would be sooooo much fun.'' Lindsey sagte happily.

''Oh great idea, me and Katie Liebe truth oder dare, right...oh'' Sadie frowned.

''It's okay thadie,'' Beth smiled, ''tonight gonna be tons of fun.'' Sadie smiled at her.

''Okay then, I'll start,'' Bridgette smiled. ''Courtney!''

''why do Du have to start with me?'' Courtney frowned.

''Cause I have a good one. Courtney, truth oder dare.'' Bridgette smiled evilly. Courtney smiled, ''truth.''
''okay Courtney, what happened this morning at the campsite.'' Bridgette smiled. Courtney's eyes went wide, ''wha-what are Du talking about?!'' Courtney stammered. ''Yeah what are Du talking about,'' Gwen smiled.

''This morning, I heard Duncan talking to Geoff about something that happened between Courtney and Duncan when the woke up this morning.'' Bridgette explained. Everyone ooooed and shot back at Courtney.

''We-well whatever he said, he was lying,'' Courtney huffed.

''Actually, DJ sagte he saw the whole thing, and he doesn't lie.'' Bridgette replied.

''He certainly can't keep his mouth shut,'' Courtney mumbled.

''c'mon Courtney, spill,'' heather smiled. Courtney bit her lip in nervousness. All the girls smiled and stared at her.

''Trust me court, the dare is much worse.'' Bridgette added. Courtney sighed, discovering she had no other choice, better her tell the story rather than Duncan.

''okay, for the record, I wasn't conscious when this happened. After the whole drama from last night,'' she was glaring at Bridgette, I woke up to find myself,'' she shuddered ''cuddling with, Duncan'' she had a disgusted face. Bridgette's mouth dropped, Gwen and Leshawna began laughing. Izzy, smiled. Beth, Sadie, and Lindsey all ''awwwed'', and heather gave Courtney an evil grin.

''Oh my god, wow, that's, wow.'' Bridgette stammered. ''So, Du were for sure Du were asleep when this happened?''

''duh,'' Courtney, ''how else could it have happened, I mean eww, Duncan?'' Courtney said. ''I don't see the big deal, Duncan seems like a pretty cool guy.'' Gwen added.

'' y'know Courtney,'' heather added while filing her nails, ''when you're asleep, your subconscious takes over, like when Du talk in your sleep, it's like your deepest thoughts are coming through. So if Du were truly asleep when this happened, then its possible that subconsciously Du wanted to cuddle with Duncan,'' she sagte narrowing her eyes at the girl, ''of course, that's just what I heard.''

''well that makes sense Courtney,'' Bridgette said. Courtney glared at Bridgette.

''well Bridgette, what about all that stuff with Geoff and the banane Du say while you're asleep.'' Courtney said. Bridgette's eyes went wide.

''Ooo Bridgette, what's Geoff doing with a banana,'' Leshawna snickered.

''No it's not like that, ugh why'd Du have to say that,'' she glared back at Courtney.

''Well sorry Bridgette, it just slipped out,'' Courtney smiled. Lindsey was doing heathers nail when heather said,

''well as much fun this is, I have a better idea. Beth, get some paper and a pen.''

''what are Du doing?'' Gwen asked.

''Scavenger hunt, okay so us three will be one team,''

''oh, can Sadie be on our team?'' Lindsey asked.

''Oh that would be sooo much fun.'' Sadie squealed.

''Ugh whatever, back to what I was saying, all of Du guys can be the other team then,'' heather pointed to Gwen, Leshawna, Courtney, ''wait where's crazy girl,'' heather asked.

''Oh Izzy, I think she left.'' Sadie said.

''Whatever, okay here's the list.'' heather handed Bridgette.

''Hold up, no way Du get to make a Liste for both of us,'' Leshawna said.

''Fine Du guys can make our list. What's gonna be the prize?''

''oo we can make matching thongs! That's what me and my sister Paula did at one of our slumber parties!'' Lindsey said.

''Um no, what about bathroom privileges?'' Gwen said.

''What do Du mean?'' Heather questioned.

"like the winning team gets first dibs at the bathrooms for the rest of the time at came." Gwen explained.

Heather thought for a minute, " Okay, that seems reasonable. Our Liste has four items, meaning yours must too."

"here, this is your list," Courtney finished and handed heather the paper. Gwen picked up the paper and began scanning through the Liste heather gave her, then she put her and over her mouth and began laughing. She pasted it to Leshawna, and she started laughing.

"Courtney sweetheart, you'd better take a look at this. Leshawna handed the paper to Courtney and her and Bridgette began Lesen though the list.

Bag of chips from Chefs kitchen

a "W" from the Wawanakwa sign

pair of Duncan's boxers (this one for Du Courtney)

bag of marshmallows.

Courtney's mouth dropped when she read number three. Bridgette also began laughing.

"no, no way, no how!" Courtney yelled "That's insane! I refuse to do that!''

''Courtney, you're just gonna suck it up, I'm not gonna give up those bathroom privileges. ''Courtney, chill, it'll be fun,'' Bridgette smiled. Courtney dropped her head in disappointment.

''Well it's not like our Liste is any easier,'' heather sniped, ''I mean Chris's hair gel, Geoff's hat, a strand chair?! How are we supposed to get those?''

''don't forget the bag of marshmallows.,'' Courtney added looking up.

''Well it looks like great minds think alike,'' heather narrowed her eyes. ''C'mon girls, we have work to do.'' she smiled with the four girls following.

''Okay now that there gone, lets strategize.'' Gwen sagte rubbing her hands together.

''I say we go to the kitchen, that way we can get the chips and look for the marshmallows, then we can hit the guys kabine so Courtney can get Duncan's drawers then we'll all can go get the ''w'' from the sign.'' Bridgette sagte and Gwen and Leshawna nodded in agreement. ''So Du guys are seriously gonna make me get Duncan's boxers?''

''well she did put them on the Liste because of you, so yeah we are.'' Gwen smiled.

''Okay y'all let's get this on, I'm not letting queenie win.'' Leshawna said.

''Okay then lets go,'' Bridgette smiled. They grabbed the Liste and headed out the door. They walked out to find Trent, Harold, Geoff, DJ and Duncan piled up trying to look through the window.

''Um what are Du guys doing?'' Gwen asked glaring at them all.

''Seriously Du guys should learn how to talk a little louder,'' Geoff grumbled. Duncan rolled his eyes and smacked him on the back of the head.

''Uh, hehe guys I think I found my hat here on the ground,'' DJ sagte nervously.

''Right, so it looks like our job here done,'' Duncan said.

''C'mon guys lets go, somewhere else.'' Trent added, and the guys bolted from the kabine window.

''God they are sooo stupid,'' Courtney sagte as they walked down the cabin. They walked to the küche and saw Beth run out with a bag of marshmallows. Heather gave the group a smug wave, as her and her clones left them at the kitchen.

''C'mon me and Gwen will get the küche stuff,'' Leshawna said, ''you two go get the boxers. We'll meet at the dock.''

Courtney was dreading this, and Bridgette dragged her arm as they headed back to the guys cabin. The arrived and looked into the room.

''Kay court, doesn't look like they're in there. Du go in and get the boxers and I'll keep watch.'' Bridgette sagte looking in the window. Courtney groaned and trudged up the stairs. She gingerly opened the door.

''Eww, oh god it stinks in here'' Courtney whined.

''Courtney, the quicker Du do it the quicker we can leave.,'' Bridgette said.

Courtney walked into the room. She saw Duncan's duffle bag on the floor. She began to dig when she found a pair of his boxers. She held them up and examined them ''hmm, basic white, nice,'' she stopped when she saw Bridgette mouthing for her to hide. She dropped and crawled under a bed. Of course it was Duncan who Came into the cabin. He began searching through his bag,

''damnit, where's my other pair of boxers.'' Courtney's eyes went to the boxers in her hand. ''Ah found them,'' Duncan said. He began to peel his shirt, and Courtney bit her lip and closed her eyes as she guessed what he was gonna do, but curiosity got the better of her, and she silently watched him change into just his boxers. Finally he finished, and kicked his clothes in a pile Weiter to his bag, and walked out of the kabine in his fresh pair of boxers. As soon as Courtney was sure he was gone, she scurried out from under the bed. She brushed the dust and dirt from off her clothes. She shuddered at the thought of sitting under there, and she began to walk out. Then, she spotted one of Geoff's hats sitting on his bett post. She smiled and grabbed it and ran out of the cabin.

''Oh my god I'm sooooo sorry, I didn't even see him coming. Are Du okay?'' Bridgette sagte with a worried face. Courtney smiled and held up the boxers, And placed the hat on Bridgette's head. ''Um Courtney, we don't have to get the hat.'' Bridgette sagte raising her eyebrow.

''Yea I know, but Du wanna win don't you?'' Courtney gave her an evil smirk. Bridgette smiled

''nice, c'mon lets go find Gwen and Leshawna.'' the two girls began giggling and ran to the dock. They saw Gwen prying off the ''w''.

''nice hat, Du get the boxers?'' Leshawna asked. Courtney waved them in the air like a flag. Gwen smiled when she climbed down from the sign. ''C'mon, we have to still beat them back to the cabin.'' Courtney sagte and the group began to run back to the cabin


''oh my gawd, look there getting to the kabine first,'' Lindsey squealed.

''God! C'mon, we can't let them win!'' heather yelled and they all ran to the cabin. They burst into the kabine to find Gwen, Leshawna, Bridgette, and Courtney standing there smiling. ''No! Damnit we lost!'' heather fumed.

''Sorry girls, guess Du guys didn't have the edge we had.'' Gwen smiled.

''Wait do Du have Everything?'' heather asked suspiciously. Gwen held the ''w'', Leshawna had the chips, Bridgette held the marshmallows, and Courtney held the boxers. Heather rolled her eyes,

''whatever, Du guys get bathroom privileges, so what. C'mon Lindsey, Beth, lets go, these people bug me.'' heather fumed. Courtney rolled her eyes.

''Wow somebody's pissed.'' Gwen smiled.

''Bye Lindsey, bye Beth,'' Sadie waved.

''Sorry your plan for unity didn't work bridge,'' Courtney giggled as they watched the trio leave.

''Whatever, we've had fun,'' Bridgette replied. ''Well we better To sleep, we have a challenge tomorrow,'' Bridgette added.

''She's right, we do need some sleep.'' Courtney said.

''Kay then, night guys,'' Sadie sagte as everyone started getting into their sleeping bags. Bridgette turned off the light

''night everyone.''


Courtney woke up and heard a gentle giggling.

''Shhhh I think she's waking up.''

Courtney blinked her eyes. Then she screamed in horror when she realized what was sitting Weiter to her. Gwen and Leshawna burst out in laughing. Bridgette shot up

''oh my god, what happened?'' Bridgette asked looking at Courtney.

''They-they put Duncan's boxers Weiter to my face while I was sleeping!'' Courtney shrieked. Bridgette covered her face to muffle her laughter. Courtney stood up and put her hands on her hips, ''stop it! That's sooo not funny!'' Courtney frowned.

''Looks like Courtney's a penisaphobe!'' Gwen chuckled.

''What! I am not! That's just gross!'' Courtney protested.

''Are Du sure?'' Gwen gave her an evil smile. Gwen picked up The boxers and began chasing Courtney around the room with them. Courtney squealed as Gwen chased her out the door. Leshawna and Bridgette were rolling on the floor, laughing, and even Sadie had the giggles. Gwen was still chasing Courtney outside when suddenly Courtney ran straight into Duncan, and fell on the ground.

''Owww,'' she whined rubbing her head. Gwen ran up panting

''Courtney *breath* Du okay?'' Duncan helped Courtney up when she replied

''yeah, I'm good.''

Duncan smirked ''nice jamies princess.'' Courtney rolled her eyes. ''What were Du two doing?'' Duncan raised his eyebrow.

''Uhhh,'' the two replied, Gwen still holding his boxers.

''Bye!'' Gwen shoved the boxers in Courtney's hands and ran.

''Nice, real nice Gwen!'' Courtney yelled.

''Um, are those my boxers?'' Duncan asked pointing to the white fabric Courtney was holding. Her eyes widened as she began to stammer

''um, well uh Du see...bye!'' Courtney threw the boxers in the air and ran like her life depended on it. The boxers floated gently to the ground. Duncan picked them up and looked at the girl's kabine suspiciously, then shrugged.

''Don't ask Duncan, just don't.'' he mumbled as her walked back to his cabin.


"Where IS he?!" I sagte impatiently.

It was only 7:30pm, but it was autumn so it was very chilly.

Plus, I was only wearing a LBD (Little Black Dress), so I was shivering and Gänsehaut covered my tan arms.

"I should've bought my cardigan, atleast" I looked up at the night sky, noticing the stars that were twinkiling, were scattered across the blue-velvet coloured sky in an unorganised manner.

"Hmm..." I muttered.

7:35pm came and I decided to just start walking to the restaurant, Von myself.

About ten Minuten passed, and I arrived at 'The Guilded Truffle'.

Wait! I haven't got any money! How...
continue reading...
We break away from the KISS and gaze into each others eyes. "Duncan never leave me, i dont want to raise a child on my own." She says as a tear trickles down her cheak. "You wont have to cause ill be here everyday right Von your side." I say. She looks up at me and nods. Then she hugs me tight.


*1 1/2 weeks later*

"Duncan what should we do? My parents are coming Home in Less than 4 days!" Courtney says. "We
should just run away from here and live somewhere else." I suggest. "Okay but where?" She asks. "Somewhere were we can take care of a child." I say. "I'll pack my stuff." She says. "Okay and ill start my car when your all packed up, okay?" I say. "Okay." She says. Then i KISS her on the cheak. Then she walks up the stairs to her room to get her stuff. I sit on the bottom stair waiting for courtney. A smile forms across my face. "Im going to be a father." I whisper to myself.
posted by Ashyroxsox
Duncan's POV

I slid into the backseat of the man's car, although I could run at any moment. But what he told me I could never run away from.

The man looked about in his 30's had dark brown hair, was fit, and spoke with a faint English accent.

He man broke the awkward silence between us "Duncan I'm Ryan and I have something very important to tell your aunt, Allison." Ryan told Duncan. "Kay" Was all I said, I mean what can be so serious? She robbed a bank before she was killed?

"Your aunt didn't die of a herz attack during work, she was shot." Ryan stated Duncan sensed that Ryan was telling the...
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Okay this part is for James55 and Courtneyfan101! Thank Du guys for the insparation and everything!

Okay, back our story.

Duncan's POV

I walked a little bit around, trying not to think that Courtney might be. . . Dead.

I jumped across the river, and landed perfectly on the other side, and walked a little more, when i relized, that i should'nt walk away like a chicken. If Courtney relly would die, then i would be there for her, even if she noticed me oder not.

I slowly walked back to Bridgette and Geoff, who tryed to save her life.

"Uhm, how's it going?"...
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D's POV:

now that courtney was all better i finnaly decided what i wanted to do all i wanted at the moment was to marry her so we can start our life the right way married and then have children maybe later on in the future i already got the ring and im taking her out to abendessen tonight way to go duncan!! weird that im talking to my self .... all i thought about is how princess was the best in the world her beautiful brown hair and her amazing sparkling eyes and that gorgous body that keeps me wanting Mehr and Mehr she is the most amazing i Liebe the way she looks hot when we fight and also when...
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Courtney POV

And there he stood. . . . That ogre!

Like there is somone who is'nt afraid of anything! Actualy i'm afraid of somthing too, but i wont tell anybody. . .

"Uhm, i'm just gonna find Geoff. . ." Bridgette said.

"No Bridgette wa-" but she was already gone. Damn those suers was fast!

I turned around, and looked coldly at Duncan.

"Why are Du here?" i asked.

"I just wanted to say i'm sorry, and i hope Du can forgive me."

"Too bad, cuz i wont! Du wont admit that Du where afraid, and i wont forgive you! That sounds fair to my ears!"

"Courtney please. . ."

continue reading...
Courtney's POV

"I've been looking vorwärts-, nach vorn for this Tag for so long!" my best friend Bridgette said, jumping up and down, and she looked like an idiot. But i knew that se was relly happy, cuz i where too!
Why i did that? Cuz i've never been in Egypt before! I've heard the pyramides are so beautiful! Our spanish class had been planing this trip for so long, and we where working so hard to earn the money, because the tickets to Egypt cosed a lot!

"Yeah i know. Du hae sagte that about 2967 times!"
i said.

"You counted them?"

"Yeah, do'nt ask me why."


"I sagte Du should'nt!"


We took our luggage,...
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"Are Du kidding me!?" I moaned. I wasn't the only one. Many of my criminal buddies were slouching in their seats and trying to manipulate the bus driver to turn around - it didn't work. "At least it wasn't as bad as prison". That is what my rival, Spencer, said. As much as I wanted to sucker schlagen, punsch him in the face, he was right. Despite the prissy little girls on Horses, and the smell of you-know-what, it was a lot better than having to eat slop everyday and have to deal with an obnoxious roomate chatting about conspiracies (I am glad that I do not have to face that). What are conspiracies...
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It was Friday night and I went to where Duncan's gig, konzert was, no I'm not a stalker, Bridgette dragged me there since her boyfriend was in the band.

We walked in and we saw Courtney so we sat in the booth with her, she was sitting in the front right Von the stage.

"Hey, Court." my sister said.

"Hey, Bridge, Lauren." she was still looking down with a half smile on her face.

I smiled and Bridgette said, "I didn't think Du would come."

"I told Duncan I would come and I keep my word."

We nodded and the Musik started so we turned to face the stage, Duncan said, "Thank Du all for coming, now I wouldn't regularly...
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Sidney just stood there kind of confuse."What! I'm not going to them."Sidney disapprove."I JUST WANT TO SEE THEM!"

Animal control backed off. Cassy than nodded her head."OK than, Let's have them. Come out Courtney and Duncan."Cassy called to them.

Duncan and Courtney came out waving and than sat on the other side of Cassy. Away from Sidney. Sidney was smiling from ear to ear. Cassy notice her continued smiling and frowned."Uh, Sidney are Du okay."

Sidney notice her self, and fixed her self."Yeah, I'm good, I'm good. Just overly excited. HI DUNCAN, HI COURTNEY!"She than called.

Courtney leaned...
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Courtney's POV: I didn't want to answer the door. I knew for sure that it was not Bridgette- The voice was too masculine. It couldn't be Geoff- Why would he come here anyway? It most certainly couldn't be a Fan because no one knows my first name except Bridgette and ... DUNCAN!!! I knew it!
"What do Du want!?" I shouted through the door.

Duncan's POV: How did she know it was me? I didn't have any time to think. I banged on the door.
"Just let me in! I have something to say!" I shouted.
"You don't have to! And don't think for a teilt, split Sekunde that Du will start to datum miley cyrus just to win me...
continue reading...
posted by rubberduck23
Courtney's POV:

My phone rang and I had to leave Duncan for a second. I held up one finger, left the room and picked up my phone.
"Hello?" I asked. The voice seemed very angry. It was the president of Covergirl Mascara.
"Miss Phillips! Du didn't pick up my call! Du were supposed to be at the studios an Stunde ago!"
"I never got your call!"
"You didn't pick up! Du better be here in ten Minuten oder we'll have to find a new covergirl to sponsor our cosmetics!"
"I'll be there. Bye!" what was I going to say to Duncan? I walked towards him slowly.
"How did it go?" He asked. I couldn't lie to those gorgeous...
continue reading...
posted by rubberduck23
 Courtney's Dress
Courtney's Dress
Courtney's POV: I Put on a purple dress and put on dark make up to match the club theme. I got a phone call from a Zufällig person but I just left it to go to answering machine. I grabbed my geldbörse and walked to Time Square. Right Von the M&m's sign was him standing in a black hemd, shirt and baggy shorts.
"I am sorry that I didn't dress to caual!" I apologized.
"No need to apologize." He smiled. "You look great anyway."

Duncan's POV: I was acctally surprised she even sagte yes to me! Ha! Geoff is going DOWN!! We arrived at a loud, but awesome club. The song "Waking up in Vegas" was playing from the...
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Duncan barged into the living room and yelled "BOARDING SCHOOL?! Du CANT MAKE ME GO THERE!", his mum sagte "Your going whether Du like it oder not. We've already paid for it so your going", "but thats not fair!" Duncan exclaimed, exasperated, "life's not fair Duncan. And the sooner Du figure that out, the better", "but what about Courtney? I cant just leave" Duncans bottom lip threatened to quiver and then he might start to cry, boy then he'd be seen as soft, "you'll have to tell her soon" his mum said
posted by tdilovestories
Duncan's point of view:

I was back stage at the play. everyone was there, including the vultir of a man known as Thomas Burnning.

How I hated that man. He was at least 30 and completly crazy. He had an inapropreate opesstion with Courtney, and as much as it killed me, I couldnt kill him. Unfortionatly, he was the one giving us all the money for the play. The play that Courtney had the leading role in. The play that was making the Liebe of my life a star.

Little to Burnning's knowing, Courtney and i were in love. We snuck away with eachother as many times as we could, and when we did...... it...
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posted by minaj_fan
Duncan's p.o.v
I woke up to the smell of pancakes, sausage, and what's that. I sniffed. Eggs. I got up out of the bett and put something on before walking downstairs. I'm surprised that I found the kitchen. There stood the Liebe of my life, at the stove, making breakfast, for ME.
"Morning princess," I smiled walking over and Küssen her.
"Morning," she cheesed as she took the eggs out of the pan and placed them on the plate. "Here's ya breakfast," she sat it on the table.
"Thanks princess."
"Anything for you," she smiled and made me melt.
We ate then took us a shower.
"So I have to go to work tonight...
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Hi honey *crying*-courtney
no one-courtney
than whats wronge-duncan
my horemones-courtney
oh its ok princess come here-duncan
*goes bye duncan*-courtney
*hugs and holds on to courtney*-duncan
thank you-courtney
for what?-duncan
for being supportive-courtney
Hay! wanna go out tonight-duncan
sure but what about lauren?-courtney
We will leave her with the crazy woman-duncan
i was talking about your mother-duncan
wanna go to dinner-duncan
(At the restouraunt)
Thanks for taking me here-courtney
no prob princess-duncan
i Liebe you-courtney
i Liebe Du too but after abendessen wanna go to a movie-duncan
ok what do Du wanna see-duncan
idk you-courtney
well definetly not a chick flick-both of them

posted by SAMANTHA1102
Courtney's Point of View:

I was hoping to figure it out. I cried and creid and cried. It was so dangerous do cry and drive. And I payed the price. But then as I was driving a car in front of me was switching lanes so i slowed down. Yet the person behind for some reason started to speed up. I got scraed but the tried to swich lanes. But then it hit me! A CAR HIT ME!!!

posted by SAMANTHA1102