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posted by jamboni
 Bangel's First KISS (from the episode Angel)
Bangel's First Kiss (from the episode Angel)
Welcome to the Hellmouth (EP01)
Angel: Ah, heh. Is there a problem, ma'am?

Buffy: Yeah, there's a problem. Why are Du following me?

Angel: I know what you're thinking. Don't worry, I don't bite.

Angel: Truth is, I thought you'd be taller, oder bigger muscles and all that. You're pretty spry, though.

Buffy: What do Du want?

Angel: The same thing Du do.

Buffy: Okay. What do I want?

Angel: To kill them. To kill them all.

Buffy: Sorry, that's incorrect. But Du do get this lovely watch and a year's supply of schildkröte Wax. What I *want* is to be left alone!

Angel: Do Du really think that's an option anymore? You're standing at the Mouth of Hell. And it's about to open.

Angel: Don't turn your back on this. You've gotta be ready.

Buffy: What for?

Angel: For the Harvest.

Buffy: Who are you?

Angel: Let's just say... I'm a friend.

Buffy: Yeah, well, maybe I don't want a friend.

Angel: I didn't say I was yours.
Giles: W-who told Du this?

Buffy: This... guy. Dark, gorgeous in an annoying sort of way. I figured Du two were buds.

Giles: No. The Harvest. Did he say anything else?

Buffy: Something about the Mouth of Hell. I *really* didn't like him!

The Harvest (EP02)
Buffy: I don't suppose you've got a key on you?

Angel: They really don't like me dropping in.

Buffy: Why not?

Angel: They really don't like me.

Buffy: How could that possibly be?

Angel: I knew you'd figure out this entryway sooner oder later. Actually, I thought it was gonna be a *little* sooner.

Buffy: Sorry Du had to wait. Okay. Look, if you're gonna be popping up with this Cryptic Wise Man act on a regular basis, can Du at least tell me your name?

Angel: Angel.

Buffy: Angel. It's a pretty name.

Angel: Don't... go down there.

Buffy: Deal with my going.

Angel: Du shouldn't be putting yourself at risk. Tonight is the Harvest. Unless Du can prevent it, the Master walks.

Buffy: Well, if this Harvest thing is such a suckfest, why don't *you* stop it?

Angel: 'Cause I'm afraid.

Angel: They'll be expecting you.

Buffy: I've got a friend down there. oder at least a potential friend. Do Du know what it's like to have a friend?

Buffy: That wasn't supposed to be a stumper.

Angel: When Du hit the tunnels head east towards the school. That's where you're likely to find them.

Buffy: Du gonna wish me luck?

Angel: Good luck.
Angel: She did it! I'll be damned.

Teacher's Pet (EP04)
Buffy: Well! Look who's here!

Angel: Hi.

Buffy: I'd say it's nice to see you, but then we both know that's a big fib.

Angel: I won't be long.

Buffy: No, you'll just give me a cryptic warning about some exciting new catastrophe, and then disappear into the night. Right?

Angel: You're cold.

Buffy: Du can take it.

Angel: I mean, Du look cold.

Buffy: A little big on me. What happened?

Angel: I didn't pay attention.

Buffy: To somebody with a big fork?

Angel: He's coming.

Buffy: The Fork Guy?

Angel: Don't let him corner you. Don't give him a moment's mercy. He'll rip your throat out.

Buffy: Okay, I'll give Du improved marks for that one. Ripping a throat out, it's a strong visual, it's not cryptic!

Angel: I have to go.

Buffy: Sweet dreams to you, too.
Angel: I heard a rumor there was, uh, one less vampire walking around making a nuisance of himself.

Buffy: There is. Guess I should thank Du for the tip.

Angel: Pleasure's mine.

Buffy: Course, it would make things easier if I knew how to get in touch with you.

Angel: I'll be around.

Buffy: oder who Du were?

Buffy: Well... Anyway, Du can have your jacke back.

Angel: It looks better on you.

Never Kill a Boy On the First datum (EP05)
Angel: Buffy.

Buffy: Angel.

Angel: I was hoping I'd find Du here.

Buffy: Du were?

Angel: Some serious stuff happening tonight. Du need to be out there.

Buffy: No, not you, too.

Angel: What do Du know?

Buffy: Prophecy, Anointed One, yada, yada, yada...

Angel: So Du know. Fine. I just thought I'd warn you.

Buffy: Warn me? Du see that guy over there at the bar? He came here to be with me.

Angel: You're here on a date?

Buffy: Yes! Why is it such a shock to everyone?

Owen: Here Du go.

Buffy: Oh. Um, Owen, this is Angel. Angel, this is Owen. Who is my date.

Angel: Hey.

Owen: Hey! So. Where do Du know Buffy from?

Angel: Work.

The Pack (EP06)
Willow: Not even for a dangerous and mysterious older man whose leather
jacke you're wearing right now?

Buffy: Goes with the shoes!

Willow: Come on, Angel – Jäger der Finsternis pushes your buttons. Du know he does.

Angel (EP07)
Willow: What about Angel?

Buffy: Angel? I can just see him in a relationship. 'Hi, honey, you're in grave danger. I'll see Du Weiter month.'

Willow: He's not around much, it's true.

Buffy: When he is around... it's like the lights dim
everywhere else.
Buffy: Get in! C'mon!

Angel: It's alright. A vampire can't come in unless it's invited.

Buffy: I've heard that before, but I've never put it to the test. Oh... I'll go get some bandages,
just... take your jacke and your hemd, shirt off.

Buffy: Nice tattoo. I was lucky Du came along. How did Du happen to come along?

Angel: I live nearby. I was just out walking.

Buffy: So, Du weren't following me? I just had this feeling Du were.

Angel: Why would I do that?

Buffy: Du tell me. You're the Mystery Guy that appears out of nowhere. I'm not saying I'm not happy about it tonight, but... if Du are hanging
around I'd like to know why.

Angel: Maybe I like you.

Buffy: Maybe...
Buffy: Oh! Okay... Um... Angel, uh, this is my mom. Mom, this is Angel. Uh, we ran into each other on the way home.

Angel: Nice to meet you.

Joyce: What do Du do, Angel?

Buffy: He's a student. Uh, first Jahr community college. Angel's been helping me with my history,
Du know I've been toiling there.
Angel: Look, I don't wanna get Du in any Mehr trouble...

Buffy: And I don't wanna get Du dead. They could still be out there. So, uh, oh... two of us,
one bed. That doesn't work. (Um, why don't Du take the bed? Y'know, you're wounded...

Angel: I'll take the floor.

Buffy: Uh, no, that's not...

Angel: Oh, believe me, I've had worse.

Buffy: Okay. Um, then why don't Du check and see if the Fang Gang is still loitering and, um, keep your back turned while I change?

Angel: I don't see them.

Buffy: Y'know, I'm the Chosen One, it's my job to fight guys like that. What's your excuse?

Angel: Somebody has to.

Buffy: Well, what does your family think of your career choice?

Angel: They're dead.

Buffy: Was it vampires?

Angel: I-it was.

Buffy: I'm sorry.

Angel: It was a long while ago.

Buffy: So, this is a vengeance gig, konzert for you.

Angel: Y-you even look pretty when Du go to sleep.

Buffy: Well, when I wake up it's an entirely different story.

Buffy: Here. Sleep tight. Angel?

Angel: Hmm?

Buffy: Do Du snore?

Angel: I don't know. It's been a long time since anybody's been in a position to let me know.
Xander: He spent the night? In your room? In your bed?

Buffy: Not *in* my bed, *by* my bed.

Willow: That is so romantic! Did you, uh... I mean, did he, uh...

Buffy: Perfect gentleman.

Xander: Buffy, c'mon, wake up and smell the seduction. It's the oldest trick in the book.

Buffy: What? Saving my life? Getting slashed in the ribs?
Buffy: Angel?

Angel: Hey.

Buffy: Brought Du some dinner. It's a little plateless, sorry.

Buffy: So! What'd Du do all day?

Angel: Uh, I read a little.

Angel: And just thought about a lot of things. Buffy, I...

Buffy: My diary? Du read my diary? That
is *not* okay! A diary is like a person's most private place! I... Du don't even know what I was Schreiben about! 'Hunk' can mean a lot of things, bad things. And, and when it says that your eyes are 'penetrating', I meant to write 'bulging'.

Angel: Buffy...

Buffy: And 'A' doesn't even stand for 'Angel' for that matter, it stands for... 'Achmed', a charming foreign exchange student, so that whole Fantasy part has nothing to even do with Du at all...

Angel: Your mother moved your diary when she came in to straighten up. I watched from the closet. I didn't read it, I swear.

Buffy: Oh! Oh...

Angel: I did a lot of thinking today. I really can't be around you. Because when I am...

Buffy: Hey, no big. Water... over the bridge, under the bridge...

Angel: When I am all I can ever think about is how badly I want to KISS you.

Buffy: ...over the dam... KISS me?

Angel: I'm older than you, and this can't ever... I better go.

Buffy: H-how much older?

Angel: I should...

Buffy: ...go... Du said... What? What is it? What's wrong?
Willow: Angel's a vampire?

Buffy: I can't believe this is happening. One Minute we were kissing, and the Weiter minute... Can a vampire ever be a good person? Couldn't it happen?

Giles: A vampire isn't a person at all. It may have
the movements, the, the memories, even the personality of the person that it took over, but i-it's still a demon at the core, there is no halfway.

Willow: So that'd be a no, huh?

Buffy: Well, then what was he doing? Why was he good to me? Was it all some part of the Master's plan? It doesn't make sense!
Giles: There's mention some two hundred years Vor in Ireland of, of Angelus, the one with the angelic face.

Buffy: They got that right...
Buffy: Right. Civil War. During which Angel – Jäger der Finsternis was already, like, a hundred and change...

Buffy: I know you're there. And I know what Du are.

Angel: Do you? I'm just an animal, right?

Buffy: You're not an animal. Tiere I like.

Angel: Let's get it done! C'mon! Don't go soft on me now!

Angel: Little wide.

Buffy: Why? Why didn't Du just attack me when Du had the chance? Was it a joke? To make me feel for Du and then... I've killed a lot of vampires. I've never hated one before.

Angel: Feels good, doesn't it? Feels simple.

Buffy: I invited Du into my Home and then Du attacked my family!

Angel: Why not? I killed mine. I killed their friends... and their friend's children... For a hundred years I offered ugly death to everyone I met, and I did it with a song in my heart.

Buffy: What changed?

Angel: Fed on a girl about your age... beautiful... dumb as a post... but a Favorit among her clan.

Buffy: Her clan?

Angel: Romany. Gypsies. The elders conjured the perfect punishment for me. They restored my soul.

Buffy: What, they were all out of boils and blinding torment?

Angel: When Du become a vampire the demon takes your body, but it doesn't get your soul. That's gone! No conscience, no remorse... It's an easy way to live. Du have no idea what it's like to have done the
things I've done... and to care. I haven't fed on a living human being since that day.

Buffy: So Du started with my mom?

Angel: I didn't bite her.

Buffy: Then why didn't Du say something?

Angel: But I wanted to. I can walk like a man, but I'm not one. I wanted to kill Du tonight.
Willow: So, no word from Angel?

Buffy: Nah. It's weird, though. In his way I feel like he's still watching me.

Willow: Well, in a way he sort of is. In the way of that he's right over there.

Angel: I just wanted to see if Du were okay. And your mother.

Buffy: We're both good. You?

Angel: If I can go a little while without getting shot oder stabbed I'll be alright. Look, this can't...

Buffy: ...ever be anything. I know. For one thing, you're, like, two hundred and twenty-four years older than I am.

Angel: I just gotta... I gotta walk away from this.

Buffy: I know. Me, too. One of us has to go here.

Angel: I know.

Buffy: Du okay?

Angel: It's just...

Buffy: ...painful. I know. See Du around? Go ahead.

Out of Mind, Out of Sight (EP11)
Giles: Buffy told me Du don't feed from humans anymore.

Angel: Not for a long while.

Giles: Is that why you're here? To see her?

Angel: I can't. It's, uh... It's too hard for me to be around her.

Giles: A vampire in Liebe with a Slayer! It's rather poetic- in a maudlin sort of way.

Prophecy Girl (EP12)
Angel: I know this is hard.

Buffy: What do Du know about this? You're never gonna die!

Angel: Du think I want anything to happen to you? Do Du think I could stand it? We just gotta figure out a way...
Angel: You're in Liebe with her.

Xander: Aren't you?
Buffy: Angel, better put on your game face.

Angel: I'm ready.
Angel: Von the way, I really like your dress.

Buffy: Yeah, yeah. Big hit with everyone.
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Angel – Jäger der Finsternis
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