Die Fanauswahl: Angel – Jäger der Finsternis – Jäger der Finsternis leaves, Spuffy and Cangel both happen
Die Fanauswahl: No, it couldn't be as perfect as we imagine it
Die Fanauswahl: No, Darla was the best for that role
Die Fanauswahl: Full Of Grace - Becoming Part 2
Die Fanauswahl: "I loved him Mehr than I will ever Liebe anything in this life"
Die Fanauswahl: No, the fear of what Angelus could do would interfere
Die Fanauswahl: No, in that scenario he wouldn't have perfect happiness
Die Fanauswahl: You're not alone!
Die Fanauswahl: I always thought that
Die Fanauswahl: NO!!!! Never crossed my mind
Die Fanauswahl: No. Something like possession would be a better example of mind rape.
Die Fanauswahl: The truth, that she was in heaven and had to crawl out of her grave
Die Fanauswahl: Yes, it's one of my favourites
Die Fanauswahl: Angel – Jäger der Finsternis – Jäger der Finsternis becomes human
Die Fanauswahl: Angel's death in Becoming Part 2
Die Fanauswahl: YES!!!!!!!!
Die Fanauswahl: Buffy and Angel – Jäger der Finsternis – Jäger der Finsternis get back together somewhere between S4 and S7
Die Fanauswahl: It just isn't Spuffy
Die Fanauswahl: I like him but not with Buffy
I like him but not with Buffy |
I like him only as an evil... |
Die Fanauswahl: No, I don't like versus Clubs
No, I don&# 39; t like versus Clubs |
Die Fanauswahl: No, I don't like versus spots
No, I don&# 39; t like versus spots |
Die Fanauswahl: Fantastic
&# 34; Forever. That&# 39; s the whole... |
&# 34; How&# 39; s forever? Does forever... |
Die Fanauswahl: "You still my girl?" "Always"
&# 34; Du still my girl?&# 34; &# 34; Always&# 34; |
The dedication on the book... |
Die Fanauswahl: Fred/Wesley
Die Fanauswahl: Hate both
Die Fanauswahl: Cordy/Doyle
I can&# 39; t decide between... |
Die Fanauswahl: Xander/Anya
Die Fanauswahl: YES!!! (Explain)
Die Fanauswahl: I Will Remember Du
Die Fanauswahl: Their KISS in "I Will Remember You"
Die Fanauswahl: Their "I Liebe You" Scene in "Surprise"
Die Fanauswahl: Their Slow Dance at The Prom
Die Fanauswahl: Angel – Jäger der Finsternis – Jäger der Finsternis tells Buffy he saw her being called as the Slayer and that he loved her
Die Fanauswahl: I wanted to, but was too busy.
Die Fanauswahl: Yes, I like this one, but we need a new one.
Die Fanauswahl: Yes, I really do. I loved them soooo much.
Die Fanauswahl: Absolutely! They had too much passion & chemistry... On fire. ♥
Die Fanauswahl: Yes, it's what I like about them. They're unique..
Die Fanauswahl: Forever. That's the whole point.
Die Fanauswahl: I don't read fanfiction
I don&# 39; t read fanfiction |
Die Fanauswahl: You're still the only thing he thinks about
Die Fanauswahl: I loved him Mehr than I will ever Liebe anything in this life
Die Fanauswahl: I Liebe Du I try not to but I can't stop
Die Fanauswahl: Forever, that's the whole point
Die Fanauswahl: I want my life to be with Du
Die Fanauswahl: their story
Die Fanauswahl: Du and I were different. We came from different worlds
Die Fanauswahl: In our time together, Du claimed a special place in my heart, one I'll carry
Die Fanauswahl: The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected
Die Fanauswahl: The best Liebe is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for Mehr
Die Fanauswahl: Sometimes Du have to be apart from people Du love, but that doesn't make Du
Die Fanauswahl: Both, equally
Die Fanauswahl: Both, equally
Die Fanauswahl: Both, equally
Die Fanauswahl: Season Three