kjersti rosalind telnes

Bei Fanpop seit July 2011

  • Female, 26 years old
  • camelot, Norway
  • Favorite TV Show: merlin,robin hood,the tudors,legend of the seeker,the borgias,the vampire diaries and ..eh...ugly bettyXD
    Favorite Movie: pirates of the caribbean,lord of the rings,harry potter,let the right one in,merlin,prince arthur and princess of thieves
    Favorite Musician: brand x music,lady gaga,two steps from hell,evanescence,soundtracks from movies, and porzellan black/and the tramps
    Favorite Book or Author: Der Hobbit
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diademrocks sagte …
Yay! Another Merlin fan! Welcome to Fanpop :) gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr