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posted by SilverWings13
 Young Roxanne Weston (age 15)
Young Roxanne Weston (age 15)
Name: Roxanne "Roxy" Conners
Age: 37 (age when she died)
Status: deceased
Relations: husband- Riley Conners (deceased), son- Daemian Weston (deceased), son- Declan Conners, daughter- Aryess Weston
Physical Appearance: fair hair, sky-blue eyes, 5'8", slim build- slight muscle
Personality: stubborn, kind, strong willed
Titles: Mistress of Revenge, Angel – Jäger der Finsternis
History: Was born and raised in Venice, Italy as Roxanne Weston. Her parents tried to protect their only child from their family's secret: each generation of their ancestors had sent their lineage to the temple of the League of Shadows in hopes that...
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added by AislingYJ
Source: Meeeee
added by Robin_Love
posted by Robin_Love
 Devin Sera Adams
Devin Sera Adams
Full Name: Devin Sera Adams
Nickname: Dev
Reason oder meaning of name: Devin; kitz, rehkitz oder divine depending on the tongue. Sera means heavenly oder winged angel. Adams from my marriage
Eye Color: Bright blue
Hair Style/Color: Long and black, often straight
Height: 5’11”
Clothing Style: Modest, long dresses, usually white
Best Physical Feature: My face

Your Fears: Failing my family...
Your Guilty Pleasure: Foot rubs
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: Demons
Your Ambition for the Future: To keep my family safe

Your First Thoughts Waking Up: What should I make...
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added by SilverWings13
Source: Me
posted by SilverWings13
This totally messes with the ToF timeline, sowwz KFf~

Hailey paused in the doorway, her message dying on her lips. It was rude to spy on someone, but the way his shoulders slumped vorwärts-, nach vorn with the weight of the world, face hidden in his hand, rigid and still as stone, made her hesitate. "It's not your fault," she stated finally. As expected, he straightened with the emotions wiped from his face. He wouldn't let her see him weak, not now. Even with his shoulder in a sling, his leg mutilated, his neck heavily bandaged, discipline brought a sternest to his posture that made her hesitate to even...
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added by Robin_Love
added by SilverWings13
posted by Robin_Love
The darkness was pierced Von the light shining from the open door. A solitary figure stepped into the room, looking around for the object of their study. There was half a Sekunde of fright before they spotted it. A little black ball in the corner. With a soft sigh, he walked closer. The ball moved, weakly lifting it's head as the other approached. It hissed feebly, unable to do more. It had been days, almost a week since she'd been there. And almost a week since she'd had anything but the daily portion of water. She had become too weak to even hold her human form and had reverted to her cat form....
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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Devin Adams
Reason oder meaning of name: Divine
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Style/Color: Long and black (AND SILKY~!!)
Height: 5'11
Clothing Style: Modest
Best Physical Feature: I have none (Stop being humble. It's her eyes)

Your Fears: Losing everyone I love
Your Guilty Pleasure: My what? (Foot rubs)
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: I dislike those who devalue others (Bullies)
Your Ambition for the Future: I'm not thinking of the future

Your First Thoughts Waking Up: Checking on my loved ones
What Du Think About the Most: Humanity
What Du Think About...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Name: Shane Parker
Alias: Psio
Age: 19.
Appearance: Shaggy, yet straight blonde hair that hangs around his face. He has piercing green eyes and a lower lip piercing that he fools with constantly. He's 5'11 and lanky, with a bit of muscles around his arms. Shane wears clothing that isn't black, nor skin tight. Loose fitting shirts and jeans with converse.
Powers/skill: Shane has a very strong telepathic mind, and is able to locate people mentally, however only if he has made contact with them in the past 36 hours. He also possess psychometry, which is the ability to learn about that...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Trystan kept a close tab on the fox, watching as people began to clear the streets. Within a few Minuten he was greeted Von Alex and Chris. The oldest of the three looked up at the sky and then back at Scotty who had stopped in his tracks. The fuchs hybrid turned his head and stared down an alleyway, tilting his head back as bullets went whizzing Von his head. Alex's eyes widened and she ran forward, standing in front of Scotty, holding his her hands straight out and then jerking them back, pulling Pistolen from the perpetrators' hands. Chris and Trystan ran forward, looking down the alleyway. "That's...
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posted by Robin_Love
Name: Dylan Spade
Alias: Notte
Occupation: Hero
Powers: Flight, shadows, dark energy, telekinesis, hand-to-hand combat, scythe
History: Dylan was born a mutant; oder so he was told. He had white wings and as a neko. He lived in an orphanage and grew up there. Those times were not happy and he found ways to keep himself from harm. He was taught many things, one of those being how to defend himself. Dylan was an expert with a scythe, a master in hand-to-hand combat, an ace flier, and able to control his powers at all times. When he was ten, Dylan fled. There were so many against him and his kind that...
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posted by SilverWings13
The child clenched his jaw and pumped his arms to gain speed. He suddenly changed course so that he was running with the wind and snow at his back rather than against it. But the predator was gaining, closer and closer and closer and the boy had the wind knocked out of him as something lunged and collided with him from behind.
The two tumbled down a slope and came to a stop on the bank of a rushing river. The child tried to get up, but the one who had jumped at him was know pinning him face down. He was unable to Bewegen except to turn his head out of the snow to breath. He tried to cry out for...
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Name:Ari Niebanck Wayne Reyes (ugh! Too many surnames)

Spouse:Jaime Reyes
Current Occupation:being pregnant
Past powers:Astral projection, sorcery, preminitions, levitating, empathy, healing/selfhealing, and transforming into her wolf demon half

Current powers(includes her past powers):She can now use the powers of the Greek Gods and Goddesses, can tell fortunes,and her levitation power has promoted to being able to fly.

Family: Payton(mom), Minion (Birthfather), Bruce Wayne (foster father), Dick Grayson (foster brother), Klei (younger half sister), and will soon have a son oder daughter.

Story so far:Ari has recently got married, found out the truth about her mother and Minion, and become pregnant.She and a few others were in a war recently against Ashton's nemesis Matrix which is currently on break.
Name: Azelia kran (goes Von Dark Mistress oder Miss Crane)

Gender: Female

Species: Dark Angel

Age: Unknown, but looks about 18-21

Sexuality: Omnisexual

Hair: Long wavy curly brown, usually worn down with a braid somewhere

Eyes: dark brown, like baum bark

Skin Tone: Slightly tanned, but not enough to say she is

Height: About 5 foot 6

Other: Small purple blume tattoo a bit under her right breast, first piercing and cartilage

Personality: Kind-of a bitch, is very mean to people who get in her way; but she can be nice when she wants to be.

Civvies: Anything black, from hemd, shirt and shorts to nice dresses; but...
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posted by Kurls_Basd
Name: Alanna
Alias: Queen Beetle
Powers: Telepathic; controls a beetle-like animal (which is called beetle) once implanted into someone whether person oder animal she can control then. (she is a beetle just like Jaivus).
Appearance: Black hair, red eyes oder somethings black eyes.
Age: 46 yrs looks 23 yrs.
Abilities: combat fighter
Weapon: Sai and Shurikens.
History&Past: Alanna was the key to peace in Ashley's world. At first she was just an ordinary farm girl, who was kind and shy. But like all Beetles she too was shone for being who she was. The Ultra Guardians of her time was trying to mended...
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posted by GlitterPuff
Name: Terpsichore Morison

Sex: Female

Age: 15

Appearance: Long rosa hair, blue eyes, fair skin, tall, skinny, wears Lesen glasses when needed

Personality: Sweet as candy, very paranoid about people (cause she thinks they’ll kill her), a little spacey, and shy around new people

Civvies: A blue tank top, gray sweater, jeggings, sport sneakers, small backpack, and an assortment of bracelets and earrings

Weapons: A handheld gun (usually in bra oder her bag)

Skills: None

Powers: None

Past: Terpsichore lived in a very harsh crime filled neighborhood in New York City. Everywhere she turned, there were guns,...
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posted by Kurls_Basd
Ashley felt at peace, she wasn't hurting any more. Her body left restful and refreshed. She was relaxed. It felt as if she hadn't felt this may in a long time. For a moment she's dreaming, a cold sensation trickled down her spin, and all she hears is the laughter of a little girl.
"You're gonna make her dizzy."
"No i'm not."
Ashley feeling of happiness grew ever Mehr when she realized that the little girl is herself and she's with Akash and Kaya in the Ice lotus garden, their land of snow and ice. She hears the laughter but soon it begins to fade.
She slowly opens her eyes to a bark room. She...
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posted by SilverWings13

The stars were visible through the skylight above the hammock. There was rarely any rain in the South American city, and while the weather was warm, it was comforting and made one drowsy, bringing sleep easier. The maps of constellations twinkled as she watched, a dazzling light show. In Gotham, the stars hadn’t been able to shine past the bright city lights, and those lights became her stars. Almost as if they were tyrants, stealing the roles of the natural illuminators of the night skies.
    Aryess unconsciously fingered the Angel – Jäger der Finsternis charm around her neck and shifted...
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