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Remember when Du joined Fanpop and joined the Twilight Series Spot, and Du saw [and continue to see] the question, "Which team are Du on? Edward oder Jacob?"

Let's see if Du can remember this one: "Vampires are so hot! I wanna be a vampire! Wouldn't you?!"

The Frage may not have been phrased like this, but something to this nature. And this got me thinking and inspired me to write this article. This Artikel is a question, but I don't want a simple yes oder no. This is also my first Artikel in a long time, so please, bare with me :)

There are a couple ways to analyze this question:
1) If you had a chance to turn, would you?
2) If a Twilight vampire bit you, would Du want to be a vampire?

Let's look at all the facts very closely. Then chose your answer.

The vampire mythology has taken many turns in the past decade oder so. And most traditional vampire Fans frown upon the Twilight vampires. (Note: Von traditional, I mean fangs, blood, burn in the sunlight, stake through the heart, and gore.) It's true. Traditional Vampire and Stephenie Meyer's Vampire are different. However, they have one thing in common. And that is their humanity.

1) We see a lot of Vampire that have no remorse about what they do. They give in to their instincts and they can spread chaos and carnage throughout city to city and not even blink. (Example- Traditional: Dracula, Lestat; Twilight: Victoria)

2) However, we also see Vampire that have killed but hate themselves for being a monster. We see them come to terms with what they are and what they have done and try to change and are usually successful. (Example- Traditional: Josh Whedon's Angel, Vampire Diaries Stefan; Twilight: Edward, The Cullens.

3) And then, we have Vampire that are torn. We see Vampire that try to come to terms with what they are; they try to do good but they fall off the wagon somewhere along the road. (Example-Traditional: Josh Whedon's Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Vampire Diaries Damon)

Now, back to talking about humanity. The examples I have for #1: Traditional vampires, they erased their humanity. They didn't want to feel; they became too much of a vampire that it buried any humanity they had. They embraced what was put upon them; though, not in the right way. A Vampire life, like number 1's examples, would be the easiest. However, it's not the most responsible.

The examples for #2: they struggled with what they were. Angel – Jäger der Finsternis and Stefan were blood-lustful at the beginning of their vampire life. However, they were strong enough to overcome their vampire instincts and change; to maintain what they had left of their humanity. The Cullens knew what Vampire were capable of, and because of that, they took the extra mile to keep themselves human-blood free.

The examples for #3, they aren't strong enough. At least, not yet. Why do Du think they kill people? When we see those characters, we catch glimpses of their vulnerability. They put on a strong front, but really, maybe they are vulnerable, and they miss their humanity. They don't want to feel remorse. So they try and cover it up with killing because that's all their instincts tell them. And they're not strong enough to overcome that. With these characters, there is usually someone that comes in and helps them and guides to be better.

What most Vampire have in common, whether they are traditional, oder non traditional, is that they were turned without a choice. When Du have vampires, pain follows. Even though Vampire are fascinating, we see a lot of Vampire who struggle with what they are... not only because of their instincts, but because of their humanity that was stolen from them. This got me thinking, maybe being a vampire isn't as cracked up as it seems to be. Why do Du think Edward oder the Cullens drink animal blood? Why do Du think Angel – Jäger der Finsternis and Stefan do the same? Because they know being a vampire is somewhat of a curse. Frozen and forever trapped in a blood-filled world. They keep away from human blood because, not only is it the right thing to do, but because they try and hold on to what is left of their human life.

Even the Vampire that do drink human blood, Du can see traces of their humanity. In Eclipse, Victoria holds on to her Liebe for James and tries to avenge his death. Vampire are non-living creatures. These creatures normally do not feel. Why would Victoria hold on to her Liebe for James if she wasn't at least, a little human? Why would Spike stop from killing Buffy if he wasn't the slightest human? Why would Damon be torn from killing an innocent person after 200+ years of chaos? Because, since they had been surrounded Von humans for so long, those same humans slowly bring out their humanity. They never realized they missed being human until real humans helped them realize that.

So now, let me ask Du again. Would Du want to be turned into a vampire? Any vampire. Traditional oder non-traditional? Some people don't really think about the consequences. Nor do they take the time to realize what the vampire characters are trying to tell us through their stories.

Hypothetically, Du have a choice. And here are the facts: if Du choose to become a vampire, your humanity is not stolen from you. Du are giving it up. Du know the saying, "You don't really know what Du had until it's gone."

Angel[us] was turned Von Darla and he killed many people. However, he killed the wrong person: a gypsy. He was then cursed with a soul. Angel, now with a soul, had spent over 100 years trying to atone for all he did as a reckless vampire.

While Angel – Jäger der Finsternis was soulless, he turned Spike. Spike ended up killing many people. The people Spike killed, that's blood on Angel's hands.

Stefan was turned Von Katherine. He turned his brother Damon. Before Stefan became a good vampire, he was a ripper. He tore people apart and drank their blood. However, a witch told him that his herz was pure. And that helped him change.

Damon still has issues to work out. He misses being human, but he needs human blood so he can turn off that emotion: that longing to be human again. He's taking the easy way out. And those people that he kills, is on Stefan's hands.

These traditional Vampire have all suffered through something. They have all killed innocent people. And even though some have changed their ways, that blood will be forever on their hands. And all of these vampires, once throughout their vampire lives, have wanted to die. Because they were tired of either trying to atone for their sins, oder because they were tired of trying to be good.

Even though Twilight vampires, such as the Cullen's, haven't had quite the past as the traditional vampires, they have still thought about how they shouldn't exist.

If Du read between the lines, these characters might be trying to tell us something. Being a vampire isn't too great of a thing. Du have to constantly hold yourself back from killing someone. Du have to fight your instincts for as long as Du live; which is forever.

So really think about it. Is being super fast oder strong, oder to some Fans "super hot" worth it? Worth years of atoning? Du might say that you'll be a good vampire. But, like Edward sagte in Twilight, even the strongest of us fall off the wagon.

What do Du think now? Would Du want to give up your humanity to be a vampire even though the Vampire we all Liebe have tried to maintain their humanity?

Thanks for answering the Frage oder any Kommentare :) Like I said, it's been a really long time since I wrote an article, so I apologize if this Artikel was patchy haha ;)
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