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This is my first Fanfic I hope Du like it. Before I begin I would like to give the following disclaimer:

I own NOTHING of this story. The Characters setting plot and anything else I forget to mention I hereby give fully to Stephanie Meyer. I do this with the intent to not interfere with her ability to continue the stories I love. If I in any way come up with something she was going to use in any way then i differ to her as the original artist and creator. I am fully willing to put this in Schreiben apon request. I do take responsability for creating the story but she can have it, in part oder whole.
I once read a review that stated Major writers were having to rework their plot lines because Fans were Schreiben stories that got to close to their intentions and unfortunatley since the fan(s) in Frage published first it was the original Autor who had to change.

All that being sagte Stephanie Meyers Owns everything. What she did before me what I do now and whatever she does after.

The only other thing I would like to mention is where I got the idea for the story from.
I read Midnight Sun and thought it would be interesting if it was used intermittantly throughout another story Von Edward. He would be explaining how he got through the first Jahr with her to make her feel better after an "accident" caused Von Renesmee. I would explain further but that would give away the story.
I'll explain Mehr once the cat's out of the bag and there's nothing Mehr to hide (done as little side naratives Von the author/me).
Now that thats out of the way lets get on with the story.


Part 1 Jasper:

It happened quickly one moment Bella was standing there her daughter smiling with her head tilted sideways snuggled into the side of bellas neck Von her chin. Then it happened, I could feel it first, the sense of Liebe mixed with joy. She reached over with her hand touching her mothers chin. Bella got that distant look one gets when listening to something intently. She looked down at her daughter smiling. No amount of magic was needed to recognise the Liebe that was there. Bella mumbled something, soft and warm then closed her eyes and pursed her lips like she expected a kiss. The cuteness of the situation would have been over the oben, nach oben if I didn't Liebe them both.
My expectation was that Nessie wanted to give her a kiss. I asked the others later (Edward and Alice) if they didn't understand what was to come. Edward sagte she wasn't thinking specificly enough for him to figure it out. Alice with a look of absolute horror on her face sagte "I don't think she planned it, the idea must have come to her so quick....there was no time, no warning".

Sadly it was not a KISS that went to her lips but the Sippy cup. Filled with a nice warm batch of type O Blood. For the first moment oder two I saw recognition in her eyes felt the sadness mixed with fear. Then felt it blown away Von a joyous exhiliration. This was the real stuff. Warm Juicy fresh and tasty BLOOD, in all its salty yummieness. I too was losing it.

It gets worse from here, much worse. Sippy cups are meant to not spill but they also keep the amount that flows out to a trickle. Du sip from a sippy cup. Vampire don't think logicly when hunting oder drinking. So one moment Bella was standing there Frozen with the container upturned in front of her face, and the next...

and the Weiter she let go of her daughter. She didn't exactly dump her of her side it was Mehr lik shaking your arm away from something that was impeding a Mehr important movement. In this case her desire to rip the lid off the sippy cup so she could gulp down the contents quicker. It should be obvious that in a house full of Vampire there was no way the baby ever hit the floor.There ws nothing intelegent behind her eyes just raw animal hunger. There was no Bella, there was only the thirst. A feeling I knew well. One that had me now.

Even after decades of practice it is almost impossible for a vampire to simply not hunt humans. a newborn had no chance at all. Secretly I thought her ability to control her thirst was a byproduct of changing so soon after pregnancy. That somehow the need to connect with her young might have changed the way her brain assesed priorities. That couldn't possibly matter now. I couldn't believe she would just stop again. Not when she knew from experience what Human blood did compared to our usual Vegetarian diet. Bella was now....I didn't want to think through that yet. I loved my new sister part of me had to shut down, not see the hunter that sat there chugging the red warm Bloo......

We all regrouped hiding the child behind us while watching Bella slurp down what she had. She fell to her knees and then flat on her butt while making yummy noises. Soon, all to soon the cup was empty. She looked up and sagte "MORE". There was no recognition in her eyes only an increased intensity of red. When no one sagte anything she started looking around wildly while sniffing.

"MORE....NOW" Bella sagte in a stangely pleading yet manic sounding tone.

Suddenly I heard alice say "Jasper, no"

Without warning there was preasure all around me. My brothers and sisters all piled on oben, nach oben of me.

"please" alice sagte "not now we cant protect the baby if Du do..." I could feel the fear and sorrow echo in her voice and in my head. Later she would explain that there wasn't enough blood for both of us and that when it was gone we would both hunt. Not a vegetarian hunt but a real one. They had no chance of catching and stopping us both.

No part of me wanted the little one, I just wanted my share. I was struggling but with so many people on me there was no chance of escape.

"Kitchen....Refrigerator....bottom shelf"!!! I screamed "let me go I want my share"

Bella was gone. There was a loud crash and the sound of things being dumped around the kitchen. Then it got quiet, to quiet. All my attention was focused between getting free and trying to calculate how much could possibly be left of the sippy cups goodness.

Time passed, I continued to struggle. Eventually I could hear the sound of someone Singen quietly while a baby cried. I wasn't coherent enough yet to understand. It was Rose trying to quiet down the baby while everyone else except for Bella continued to pin me to the floor.

Eventually Jacob showed up. I still have no idea how much time had passed. He looked around made a snide Kommentar to rosalee, who then told him....everything.

His heartbreak was what finally snapped me out of it. Neither time, the futility of trying to escape oder the obvious lack of anything left to drink had been enough. It was Jakes absolute sorrow flowing like waves of cold heat over me that did it.

Finally both Alice and Edward gave the all clear. they started to get up but I wasn't so sure. As I got up I could feel them again (emotionally in my head). First Alice trying to race ahead as usual hoping to see a positive future. Desperate to hide in her gift from the sadness. As if keeping busy would somehow be enough to hide her from the dark reality and the emotions that would resonate because of it. Emmett frustration and self anger. I knew he cared about our new sister but still the intensity suprised me. All the joking and bets of how many she would kill her first year, suddenly a reality.
Not good,not good at all. From Edward, I got a mixture of solemn resolve mixed with love. I could see the emptyness on his face though and perhaps he too was hiding. Both Carlile and Esme were calm but sad. I got the feeling they knew we would deal with this badly.

Until alice asked where I was going I hadn't realised I was headed for the door. Where was I going? I knew from experience I couldn't run oder somehow hide from how they felt and understood myself well enough to know the difference between what came from them and what was me.
without intending to part of me had chosen to go find my own Quelle of blood. I hadn't even gotten to the door and already I was hunting. Not with my eyes oder Von running but my nose had....something.

Just then a hand, small warm with a pulse that seemed too fast touched my arm. Suddenly I could see the room the people in it concern in their eyes. Stay the vision seemed to say. where are Du going? I couldn't move, Where was I going was a good question. It occured to me that if I went I wasn't coming back. No Mehr peace, no Alice nothing but the hunt.
It was enough, knowing I had a family my Liebe and this small child who cared. Renesmee saved my life. Without her I wouldn't have known it needed saving until it was far to late. I wasn't going anywhere because they needed me as I needed them. I would be strong for them, for her and her mother. I would see this through because I must. it would be enough. It was enough. Suddenly I understood how Edward had gone so long without killing Bella.

I turned back towards the middle of the room and found Carlile looking at me. As I looked in his eyes I knew and could feel the pride he felt as he recognised the choice I made. I Jasper Hale vegetarian. And it would be enough. Others needed me Mehr than I needed IT.

"yay, oh yay jasper my love...its going to be ok" Alice sagte dancing around.

I couldn't celebrate, not yet. There was still Bella and the thirst that would dominate her first year. What were we supposed to do now. Charlie knew enough, what about the treaty what now do we do about the unreliable crafty thirstmonger that was our friend. This was Tag one and already I felt lost. It's not that I hadn't dealt with newborn Vampire before. This time was different. This time I cared about her. there were so many things I couldn't do to her that would have made this easy.

With others all Du have to do is set a firm example. step out of line and I rip your legs off. When you've calmed down I'll give them back. I could never do that to Bella. God please make it so I never have to. All I could feel was dispair but then Alice slid her arms around me and said

"your not listening, I sagte it would be all right. We just have to be dillegent and smarter than her for a while. In the end I'm mostly sure we can get through this without anyone dying."

I wanted to believe, truly I did. Then I felt another pair of arms wrapping around me. Esme this time, with words of congratulations. They were so sure of me and all I could think of was that I needed to stay focused. My family needed me. If I slipped now oder let my attention wander Bella might do something she could never forgive herself for.

This was Tag one. For me the end of one life and for both Bella and me the beginning of another.

I got this idea when I first read Blog posts where people kept saying they hated the happily ever after ending of Breaking Dawn. Hopefully after Lesen this Stephanies original ending might be Mehr preferable.
As I sagte at the beginning SM can have this story (and yes I know thats not how it really works but I can try).

If your interested the Weiter installment is about the Nomads organising together to form a coalition. Their intent is to stand together against the Volturi. They ask Carlile to lead them. The Frage is, can they hold things together while keeping Bella from drinking half the population of forks dry.


This is my first Fanfic I hope Du like it. Before I begin I would like to give the following disclaimer:

I own NOTHING of this story. The Characters setting plot and anything else I forget to mention I hereby give fully to Stephanie Meyer. I do this with the intent to not interfere with her ability to continue the stories I love. If I in any way come up with something she was going to use in any way then i differ to her as the original artist and creator. I am fully willing to put this in Schreiben apon request. I do take responsability for creating the story but she can have it, in part oder whole.
I once read a review that stated Major writers were having to rework their plot lines because Fans were Schreiben stories that got to close to their intentions and unfortunatley since the fan(s) in Frage published first it was the original Autor who had to change.

All that being sagte Stephanie Meyers Owns everything. What she did before me what I do now and whatever she does after.

The only other thing I would like to mention is where I got the idea for the story from.
I read Midnight Sun and thought it would be interesting if it was used intermittantly throughout another story Von Edward. He would be explaining how he got through the first Jahr with her to make her feel better after an "accident" caused Von Renesmee. I would explain further but that would give away the story.
I'll explain Mehr once the cat's out of the bag and there's nothing Mehr to hide (done as little side naratives Von the author/me).
Now that thats out of the way lets get on with the story.


Part 1 Jasper:

It happened quickly one moment Bella was standing there her daughter smiling with her head tilted sideways snuggled into the side of bellas neck Von her chin. Then it happened, I could feel it first, the sense of Liebe mixed with joy. She reached over with her hand touching her mothers chin. Bella got that distant look one gets when listening to something intently. She looked down at her daughter smiling. No amount of magic was needed to recognise the Liebe that was there. Bella mumbled something, soft and warm then closed her eyes and pursed her lips like she expected a kiss. The cuteness of the situation would have been over the oben, nach oben if I didn't Liebe them both.
My expectation was that Nessie wanted to give her a kiss. I asked the others later (Edward and Alice) if they didn't understand what was to come. Edward sagte she wasn't thinking specificly enough for him to figure it out. Alice with a look of absolute horror on her face sagte "I don't think she planned it, the idea must have come to her so quick....there was no time, no warning".

Sadly it was not a KISS that went to her lips but the Sippy cup. Filled with a nice warm batch of type O Blood. For the first moment oder two I saw recognition in her eyes felt the sadness mixed with fear. Then felt it blown away Von a joyous exhiliration. This was the real stuff. Warm Juicy fresh and tasty BLOOD, in all its salty yummieness. I too was losing it.

It gets worse from here, much worse. Sippy cups are meant to not spill but they also keep the amount that flows out to a trickle. Du sip from a sippy cup. Vampire don't think logicly when hunting oder drinking. So one moment Bella was standing there Frozen with the container upturned in front of her face, and the next...

and the Weiter she let go of her daughter. She didn't exactly dump her of her side it was Mehr lik shaking your arm away from something that was impeding a Mehr important movement. In this case her desire to rip the lid off the sippy cup so she could gulp down the contents quicker. It should be obvious that in a house full of Vampire there was no way the baby ever hit the floor.There ws nothing intelegent behind her eyes just raw animal hunger. There was no Bella, there was only the thirst. A feeling I knew well. One that had me now.

Even after decades of practice it is almost impossible for a vampire to simply not hunt humans. a newborn had no chance at all. Secretly I thought her ability to control her thirst was a byproduct of changing so soon after pregnancy. That somehow the need to connect with her young might have changed the way her brain assesed priorities. That couldn't possibly matter now. I couldn't believe she would just stop again. Not when she knew from experience what Human blood did compared to our usual Vegetarian diet. Bella was now....I didn't want to think through that yet. I loved my new sister part of me had to shut down, not see the hunter that sat there chugging the red warm Bloo......

We all regrouped hiding the child behind us while watching Bella slurp down what she had. She fell to her knees and then flat on her butt while making yummy noises. Soon, all to soon the cup was empty. She looked up and sagte "MORE". There was no recognition in her eyes only an increased intensity of red. When no one sagte anything she started looking around wildly while sniffing.

"MORE....NOW" Bella sagte in a stangely pleading yet manic sounding tone.

Suddenly I heard alice say "Jasper, no"

Without warning there was preasure all around me. My brothers and sisters all piled on oben, nach oben of me.

"please" alice sagte "not now we cant protect the baby if Du do..." I could feel the fear and sorrow echo in her voice and in my head. Later she would explain that there wasn't enough blood for both of us and that when it was gone we would both hunt. Not a vegetarian hunt but a real one. They had no chance of catching and stopping us both.

No part of me wanted the little one, I just wanted my share. I was struggling but with so many people on me there was no chance of escape.

"Kitchen....Refrigerator....bottom shelf"!!! I screamed "let me go I want my share"

Bella was gone. There was a loud crash and the sound of things being dumped around the kitchen. Then it got quiet, to quiet. All my attention was focused between getting free and trying to calculate how much could possibly be left of the sippy cups goodness.

Time passed, I continued to struggle. Eventually I could hear the sound of someone Singen quietly while a baby cried. I wasn't coherent enough yet to understand. It was Rose trying to quiet down the baby while everyone else except for Bella continued to pin me to the floor.

Eventually Jacob showed up. I still have no idea how much time had passed. He looked around made a snide Kommentar to rosalee, who then told him....everything.

His heartbreak was what finally snapped me out of it. Neither time, the futility of trying to escape oder the obvious lack of anything left to drink had been enough. It was Jakes absolute sorrow flowing like waves of cold heat over me that did it.

Finally both Alice and Edward gave the all clear. they started to get up but I wasn't so sure. As I got up I could feel them again (emotionally in my head). First Alice trying to race ahead as usual hoping to see a positive future. Desperate to hide in her gift from the sadness. As if keeping busy would somehow be enough to hide her from the dark reality and the emotions that would resonate because of it. Emmett frustration and self anger. I knew he cared about our new sister but still the intensity suprised me. All the joking and bets of how many she would kill her first year, suddenly a reality.
Not good,not good at all. From Edward, I got a mixture of solemn resolve mixed with love. I could see the emptyness on his face though and perhaps he too was hiding. Both Carlile and Esme were calm but sad. I got the feeling they knew we would deal with this badly.

Until alice asked where I was going I hadn't realised I was headed for the door. Where was I going? I knew from experience I couldn't run oder somehow hide from how they felt and understood myself well enough to know the difference between what came from them and what was me.
without intending to part of me had chosen to go find my own Quelle of blood. I hadn't even gotten to the door and already I was hunting. Not with my eyes oder Von running but my nose had....something.

Just then a hand, small warm with a pulse that seemed too fast touched my arm. Suddenly I could see the room the people in it concern in their eyes. Stay the vision seemed to say. where are Du going? I couldn't move, Where was I going was a good question. It occured to me that if I went I wasn't coming back. No Mehr peace, no Alice nothing but the hunt.
It was enough, knowing I had a family my Liebe and this small child who cared. Renesmee saved my life. Without her I wouldn't have known it needed saving until it was far to late. I wasn't going anywhere because they needed me as I needed them. I would be strong for them, for her and her mother. I would see this through because I must. it would be enough. It was enough. Suddenly I understood how Edward had gone so long without killing Bella.

I turned back towards the middle of the room and found Carlile looking at me. As I looked in his eyes I knew and could feel the pride he felt as he recognised the choice I made. I Jasper Hale vegetarian. And it would be enough. Others needed me Mehr than I needed IT.

"yay, oh yay jasper my love...its going to be ok" Alice sagte dancing around.

I couldn't celebrate, not yet. There was still Bella and the thirst that would dominate her first year. What were we supposed to do now. Charlie knew enough, what about the treaty what now do we do about the unreliable crafty thirstmonger that was our friend. This was Tag one and already I felt lost. It's not that I hadn't dealt with newborn Vampire before. This time was different. This time I cared about her. there were so many things I couldn't do to her that would have made this easy.

With others all Du have to do is set a firm example. step out of line and I rip your legs off. When you've calmed down I'll give them back. I could never do that to Bella. God please make it so I never have to. All I could feel was dispair but then Alice slid her arms around me and said

"your not listening, I sagte it would be all right. We just have to be dillegent and smarter than her for a while. In the end I'm mostly sure we can get through this without anyone dying."

I wanted to believe, truly I did. Then I felt another pair of arms wrapping around me. Esme this time, with words of congratulations. They were so sure of me and all I could think of was that I needed to stay focused. My family needed me. If I slipped now oder let my attention wander Bella might do something she could never forgive herself for.

This was Tag one. For me the end of one life and for both Bella and me the beginning of another.

I got this idea when I first read Blog posts where people kept saying they hated the happily ever after ending of Breaking Dawn. Hopefully after Lesen this Stephanies original ending might be Mehr preferable.
As I sagte at the beginning SM can have this story (and yes I know thats not how it really works but I can try).

If your interested the Weiter installment is about the Nomads organising together to form a coalition. Their intent is to stand together against the Volturi. They ask Carlile to lead them. The Frage is, can they hold things together while keeping Bella from drinking half the population of forks dry.
posted by werewolves4ever
Hey guys I wrote these awhile Vor and gepostet them on a different part of fanpop.... But please Kommentar if Du like it- thanks :)

The glass was cold against my palms, as I pressed them to the window. Rain poured down outside, running like a waterfall across the outside glass. It was cold, but I didn’t want cold. The house was empty, of course they were out playing baseball. Even my mother had went, though I knew she would only be umpire. She still had no interest in sports.
But they had left me here, all alone, to shiver in the cold Cullen house. I was supposed to be sleeping. It was a school...
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posted by xxtwilightx
hiya im renesmee carle cullen black, well everyone calls me ness oder nessie it was something that jake made up when i was little so it just stuck but my full name is a mix of my grandma's names: esme and renee, my middle name is a mix of my grandads, carslile and charlie also my official last name is cullen but i like to add black on the end for jakey (but dont tell mummy oder daddy cos they will get mad) jakey's my little wolf boy and i Liebe him soo much. alots happening at the moment, mummy, daddy, auntie alice and uncle jasper are figuring out what i have to pretend to be when i start high...
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Thankies to each of Du sweethearts for Lesen and commenting on each of my posts! This chapter is one I cried over. It's kinda sad :( I hope Du still enjoy it though :) Much Liebe to each of y'all, from me. <333
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Paying the Price
The battle continued to rage on before Summer’s eyes. She forced herself not to concentrate on her draining energy. Her family and Friends needed her strength in order to live. She regretted not being able to use the offensive part of her shield, for fear of wasting her vigor. They were obviously outnumbered by...
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posted by groovychicklisa


"There's someone we'd like Du to meet." Edward said, and I knew that this was it.

I went to get Lily, who was waiting in the hallway with Alice. My herz thudded violently, and I tried not to let how nervous I actually was show.

"Come on, sweetie." I took Lily's hand in mine and followed Alice back into the living room.

Everybody stared at us, immobile and silent. Du could have heard a pin drop, the room was so quiet. Edward came over to stand on Lily's other side, and I was grateful for his silent support. I really wanted to reach out and take his hand, to make sure that he was...
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posted by a-jforever
Ok so I finally got round to Schreiben it. Well the beginning of it anyway. So here is Unhappy Love!

Chloe's POV:

I didn’t want to Bewegen but then again I was seventeen and had no choice really. We had just got settled into our new house and today was the first Tag of school. Uh, I hate school I can’t wait to finish it. I climbed out of my Green mini, yes I had a mini, and anyone who had a problem with that could just say it to my face. I wasn’t usually so pissed off, but I left behind everyone I loved and cared about including my ex boyfriend,Ben,because we were moving I decided long distance...
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posted by xxtwilightx
Dear diary, 4th may 2010)
as this is my first entry i am going to tell Du about our family. obiously we are Vampire and there are nine of us all together. bella and edward with there half vampire daughter, renesmee, emmet and rosalie (about to get married! again) carslile and esme, who are our adopted parents and me and jasper. renesmee just celebrated her 6th birthday (to my delight) and i gave her a diary. as she was filling it in she suggested that i got one two. well.. me, her and reluctant bella went shopping and renesmee ran off. of corse i wasnt that worried, shes half vampire. anyway...
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posted by LexisFaith
I woke up the Weiter morning, groggy. The sun beat down on the through a glass Wand but within Sekunden disapeard behind the clouds. I closed my eyes again gripping my empty sheets Weiter to me, shooting upright when I found them empty.
I heard the door close on my left. I turned my head to see Edward standing with a towel around his waist and rubbing his dripping hair with another.
"Sorry." He smiled crookedly.
I snapped my mouth closed and blinked a few times. His body was perfectly scuplted. From his abs to his pecks. His biscep bulged as he towel dried his hair.
I shook my head and finally found...
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posted by Damon_Rocks
She’s diabolical.
Emmett Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 18, p.387

I have to step out for a second. Don’t do anything funny while I’m gone.
Emmett Cullen, New Moon, Chapter 1, p.26

I’m really glad Edward didn’t kill you. Everything’s so much Mehr fun with Du around.
Emmett Cullen, Eclipse, Chapter 4, p.93

You’re monopolizing the bride. Let me dance with my little sister. This could be my last chance to make her blush.
Emmett Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 4, p.69

Nice to have toddlers guarding the fort.
Emmett Cullen, Breaking Dawn, Chapter 11, p.221

Aw, what a waste. And here you’re probably...
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posted by basketballstar
This short story is based mainly on Twilight. It's mainly about the enjoyment that I thought Jasper and Emmett would have got out of Edward falling for a human. The three of them always seemed to be close in my mind, so I figured that Jasper and Emmett would tease Edward after he fell in love. Please Kommentar and tell me what Du think!!

Jasper and Emmett got way too much enjoyment out of the fact that I was in Liebe with a human. They would look at me across the sitting room when I would be Lesen there and start snickering, nudging each other and thinking of how hilarious it was that...
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posted by rubytuesday101
1 Monat later
It is two months till Renesmee is born and i look like i am 9 months pregnant.Me and edward are moving into the house in two weeks and i actually cant wait it will be nice not being cramped in this house.I am packing things up for edward to bring to the house alice is here too to decide what stays and goes.
i like them,and i will be the one wearing the clothes not you"i sagte to her as she looked at my jeans.
"I know but Du will have to have nice clothes to go with your new face"she moaned,what did she mean my new face i looked at edward he was looking at alice as if he could kill...
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*episode six*
Emmett’s P.O.V:
I wasn’t 100% sure that Rosalie would forgive me
I wasn’t sure about anything except video games and…
*done thinking*
Emmett: *playing video games*
Rosalie: *walks in* Hey, baby.
Emmett *smiles and pauses game* Hi, Rosa.
Rosalie: *sits on his lap* Hi.
Emmett: *pulls her on his lap* so am I forgiven?
Rosalie: Yes, babe.
Emmett: *happy* Yay!
Rosalie: *kisses him* I hear Jazz gave Du a speech.
Emmett: Yes, he did-he sagte that Ali was sick.
Rosalie: *frowns* She is-we don’t know what’s wrong with her.
Emmett: where is she?
Rosalie: Carlisle is...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*

NEW MOON - chapter 2 - STITCHES

“How does your arm feel?”
“Just fine.” Actually, it was starting to blaze under the bandage. I wanted ice. I would have settled for his hand, but that would have gegeben me away.
“I’ll get Du some Tylenol.”
“I don’t need anything,” I protested, but he slid me off his lap and headed for the door.
“Charlie,” I hissed. Charlie wasn’t exactly aware that Edward stayed over. In fact, he would have a stroke if the fact were brought to his attention. But I didn’t feel too guilty for deceiving him. It wasn’t as if we were...
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posted by rubytuesday101
1 Monat later:

I have 3 months to go untill Renesmee is born,i look like i am 7 months pregnant but i dont mind.I have been spending nearly everyday with jacob we have become even closer than before but i dont see him Mehr than a friend i think he knows that.Today is Friday and it is the end of school today is graduation,alice got me something to wear and i went to my graduation.The ceremony only took about and Stunde and a half then it was over i went to a restraunte with charlie then alice brought me up to her house because she sagte she had stuff for me and renesmee.We drove up there and went...
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posted by twilight_luv3

When I got the invitation to Bella and Cullen's… uh erm…wedding, I honestly thought someone had put me on the Zeigen Punk'd. I mean, what could Bella possibly see in that freak! Well, that was probably a stupid thought because he has the money, the perfect looks (Jessica's words not mine! I'm definitely not gay!), perfect grades, the perfect family, the perfect car, the perfect body (again, not my words!), and now the perfect wife. Great. But I'm willing to bet they'll get a divorce within the first Jahr of … marriage. Ew. Then she'll come running into my arms and I can gladly undress...
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posted by LexisFaith
After Sarah's party, she had layed down on the couch beside Dad and fell asleep with her head on his lap. Mom was sitting on the other side of her and Jake and I gathered up all her presents and put them in the back of the Audi.
Jasper and Alice had gotten her Mehr clothes and shoes, and a couple of dresses. She sagte they were for her to dress up in, but they looked like they were at least three hundred dollars a peice.
Emmet and Rosalie got her a pimped out power wheels. It was rosa and went fifteen miles an hour. Good thing they got her a helm to go with it.
Mom and Dad gave her a Foto albam...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*

NEW MOON - chapter 2 - STITCHES

“You know my father was a clergyman,” he mused as he cleaned the tabelle carefully, rubbing everything down with we gauze, and then doing it again. The smell of the alcohol burned my nose. “He had a rather harsh view of the world, which I was already beginning to Frage before the time that I changed.” Carlisle put all the dirty gauze and the glass slivers into an empty crystal bowl. I didn’t understand what he was doing, even when he lit the match. Then he threw it onto the alcohol-soaked fibers, and the sudden blaze made me jump....
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posted by decullen
I walked out and sat down on the couch. Edward came and sat Weiter to me.I couldn't look him in the eyes.Everyone was asleep except me and Edward.They were all snoring.Emmett and Rose were propped up against the sofa like they were still awake and watching t.v., I stood up and crepts past Alice, jasper and Emmett, when I stepped across rose she sniffled and I jumped , I giggled and Edward ran up behind me "where Du going?"

"well I'm going in your room I'm not sleeping down here with them snoring all night."I sagte and pointed at them.

I walked up the stairs and went to Edwards room.I started to...
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"seth doesnt think sam will atack now not with us forwarned and lacking two memebers of the pack" i told them
"what does jacob think of this?" carlisle asked.
"he`s not as optimistic"
we all just stood the quite there minds ranging from sipathy to descust and the only noise was our breathing and bellas louder Mehr ragged then them all, also the dripping noise from the tubes atached to bellas arm. to help her breath. sigh.

"dont touch her u`ll wake her up!" rosalie growled i snapped my head back up to see carlisile trying to get close to her. he sighed.
"rosalie" he muttered
"dont start with...
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Domestic Territories
Canada: June 30 2010
United States: June 30 2010

Europe & Middle East
Benelux – Belgium: June 30 2010
Benelux – Netherland: June 30 2010
France: July 7 2010
Germany: July 15 2010
Austria: July 16 2010 Greece: June 30 2010
Iceland: June 30 2010
Israel: July 1 2010
Italy: June 30 2010
Middle East – Egypt: TBA
Middle East – Lebanon: July 8 2010
Middle East – UAE: July 8 2010
Portugal: June 30 2010
Scandinavia – Denmark: June 30 2010
Scandinavia – Finland: June 30 2010
Scandinavia – Norway: June 30 2010
Scandinavia – Sweden: June 30 2010
Spain: June 30 2010
Switzerland, French:...
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 While Rose ditched the girls...
While Rose ditched the girls...
Rosalie’s P.O.V:
Riding in silence I heard Bella open her cell phone in the back and type in numbers. “Who are Du calling?” I asked looking at the back Wird angezeigt mirror. “You don’t need to know.” She snapped back like a rubber band. I snorted, “You know you’re an ungrateful snobby bitch.” She gaped at me, “Oh yeah, well at least I don’t have to stuff toilet paper down my shirt. I have real ones.” I screamed madly, “Oh please, if Du had real ones Du would have had sex with Edward already.” “At least I have a shot at having a kid, ass.” That’s where I got mad...
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