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 Renesmee ( Taylor )
Renesmee ( Taylor )
1 Jahr and 5 months later....

I was running away from my problems Von running from Forks. I didn't know where we were going. All I could think about was Jacob. I had told him everything, and even showed everything about the future I came from. Wird angezeigt him every thing made him realize that what Daniel and I was telling him the truth about every single thing. He might have already told the pack about what we told him. Every time I closed my eyes all I could see was Jacob. The expression he had after I told him my secret. He looked upset but also relived to finally know what was going on.

But one thing was for sure he was mad at what he saw in the begging of what I showed him. Because it was the part where Bella was all bloody and almost dying because of me. And the part where Bella looked like a corpse while becoming into a vampire. Jacob almost flipped out and almost turned into a werewolf when he saw that. I completely forgot that Daniel was here until he was trying to get my attention. "What are Du think about? I'm Lesen your mind. But Du are thinking about so many things at the same time. That makes it confusing. And I can't decide which one Du are really thinking about. Which means that I can't help Du figure out whatever it is that is bugging you. So will Du tell me what it is that is bothering you? oder I will start bugging Du till Du tell me. All your other thoughts are giving me headache. Du think too much." That made me laugh.

I was about to answer his Frage when he looked like he was about to explode into a werewolf. "Hold that thought." he said. And looked to the east. "What are Du guys doing here? I know that Sam, and dad didn't send Du here. They only sent one of Du here to check up on things. Even thought I told them not to send any one." he sagte to someone. But I couldn't see them. "What are Du talking about Daniel?" I asked in a confused tone. "It's Leah,Uncle Paul, and Seth. They are here. They came from the future." he grumbled. "Jeez did Du really have to ratte us out to Nessie? She would have found out it was us when we showed our shelves to her. Duh." It sounded like Seth talking.

"Will Du 3 come out from where ever the hell Du guys are hiding?" I asked, and trying to avoid Daniel's Frage about what I was really thinking about. If he knew I was really mostly thinking about Jacob I would be forced to talk to him. Even if I didn't want to talk to him. Finally they came out. But Leah was as always in wolf form. "Why are Du guys here? And which one of Du is actually supposed to be here?" I asked. "I'm supposed to be here Leah, and Seth just tagged along. Leah wanted to come because she knew I was coming here and knew that Daniel was here. She missed him. And Seth didn't want to miss the action that he thinks will go on while Du 2 are here. And both packs Jacob's and Sam's packs, plus the bloodsuckers were freaking out. We all thought are 2 were dead. Since we hadn't heard from Du in years. So we came to check up on Du guys." Paul said.

"Ok back to my question. What are thinking about?" Daniel insisted on the question. I took a deep breath and sighed Before I answered his question. Even thought I didn't want to. "Ok I was thinking about Jacob. That's all I can think about. The other stuff is just to try confuse you. And to make Du stop Lesen my mind. And Du don't help. Considering that Du look, and act just like Jacob. Which makes me think of Jacob more." I moaned, and started to wonder when Paul, Seth, and Leah came from the future. And where all were. How long were we away from Forks? I had totally Lost track of time. Thinking about Jacob. Since we ran away from Forks. "Wait when did Paul, Seth and Leah get here from the future? And how long have we been out of Forks? When did Du stop running? I'm totally clueless about everything everything that has happened." I asked.

The 4 of them Daniel, Leah, and Seth, Paul all laughed like I was missing a huge part in all this. "I just stopped running. It's been a year, and 5 months since we ran away. It's the 23th of November. And we are in Itlay. But don't worry the Volturi aren't here in Itlay. They decided to go hunting. So we all are safe, sicher from them. For now anyway. Till they catch us here. Then they might do something. Especially the Volturi from here the present Volturi. I don't know when Paul Leah, and Seth came from the future. They'll tell Du later, after I stop talking. Du were were so out of it in the last Jahr and months, and 5 months that we were here. All Du sagte was and I quote 'Jacob, Jacob, Jacob!!....'" he sagte as Schauspielen like me. That made me laugh. He continued on tell me everything. But Paul interrupted and continued telling everything. That happened when I wasn't myself.

"You kept on saying that like crazy. Du wouldn't say anything else but Jacob. Daniel has been trying to get your attention since Du guys ran away from Forks. It was like Du were a zombie. It was like Du weren't even here. Well only body was here. But the rest of Du wasn't even here. Du were starting to freak us out. All 4 of us." Paul sagte in a serious, and creeped out at that memory tone. I wondered how he knew that happened. "How did Du know that happened? Even thought all of that is strangely true." Daniel asked Paul in a wondering. But Leah was the one that answered.

"We came from the future the Minute Du left to go hunting. And left Nessie in the forest. That's when Jacob came in, and almost killed her. We have been following Du guys this whole time. But we didn't get super close to Du because Du might have known that we were here Von Daniel Lesen our minds. We mean both in human, and wolf form. And we didn't want Du to know that we were here. We planned on not telling Du we were here until as Seth thought a fight began. But after Du 2 spilled Du guts about being from the future we decided to just step in this whole mess that Du 2 made. So we close got close enough that Daniel could read our minds. And we saw everything that happened in the last year, and 5 months. That's how we know everything." Leah mumbled. Daniel eyes were wide with shock, and his mouth hang open. I guess he was surprised at what he had heard, and was maybe wondering why did they hide oder as he would say spy on us.

"And Leah forgot to say that we've been reporting all of this to both Jacob, and Sam. And Sam tells the Cullens everything too. So they aren't left out in what's going on here. While they freak out, and wonder if we are still alive oder dead. Considering that Alice can't see anyone of us she can't tell what is going on. If we are dead oder alive." Seth grumbled it was almost a growl. Leah growled at Seth once he sagte that.And she was glaring at him too. "I didn't forget that. I just didn't want to tell them that. It's none of their business. Why we are here."Leah said. "Oh yes it. If we didn't know that Du were the Leah, Paul, and Seth from the future then we thought would have runaway again. Because we would have thought Du were the present ones." I pointed out.

"And considering that Dad and Sam even told them to tell us any way. And before I forget both of your cell phones have been ringing unstop. Since we ran away. Mostly it's dad calling. Sometimes it's Charlie, Bella, Renee, the wolf , oder the Cullens. But sometimes they would all call at the same time. But I only picked up when it was dad calling. And sometimes it be would be some else calling Du on dad's phone. So I just acted, and talked like you. OH and Charlie is furious. He sagte and I quote ' Taylor Elizabeth schwan where the hell are you? When Du come Home Du are soooo grounded! I mean forever grounded. For the rest of your life. Even when Du die you'll be grounded. Du are only allowed to leave the house for school with Bella driving you. So Du don't run away again. Come Home now! And I mean it.'" Daniel sagte Schauspielen and sounding like Charlie. Yikes Charlie was pissed of times 10. I was dead if I ever went back home. It would be like being in jail with the amount of trouble that I was in.

Daniel continued talking. But not like Charlie anymore. " Charlie also cussed at you. He's that pissed because Du didn't leave him any info, Du are gone a year, and 5 months, and for other reasons too. Du are going to be locked up in that house for years, and years. We are going back to Forks. Rather Du like it oder not. We are all still going back."he whispered. A lot had gone on when I wasn't myself. And I had apparently gotten into a lot Mehr trouble than I thought. But I couldn't go back to Forks there was way to much chaos that I already caused there. I couldn't bare to see Jacob's face when I told that I was never going back to forks. Even if Daniel sagte that we were going back. I would find a way out of it. No matter what.

Suddenly the phone rang. And this time I was fully aware of it. But Daniel was Mehr aware of who was calling. Maybe he saw them calling. Because he right knew away who was calling before looking at the phone. He laughed. "Speak of the devil. And the devil shall call." he sagte still laughing. I didn't get it. What did he mean Von "Speak of the devil. And the devil shall call." I had a feeling it was trouble, and had something to do with Jacob. Which I so didn't want to talk to him. "What are Du talking about?" I asked.

"He mean that it's Jacob on the phone. And I'm just guessing here but I think he wants to talk to you." Leah said. I knew it was trouble. What was I going to say oder do? How was I going to get out of this? "Don't Du dare answer that phone Jacob Daniel Cullen Black the second! Du know I don't want to talk to your dad." I was pissed off at him. "Ya I know Du that Du don't want to talk to him. That's why Du are going to talk to him. Rather Du like it oder not. Mom Du and dad will talk one way oder another. To late now talk to dad." he opened up the phone, and held it out to me. He was beginning to be pushy, and Schauspielen like the parent. I was sure that I didn't want to talk to Jacob. Daniel starting talking on the phone with Jacob. Was he nuts oder something? What part of I don't want to talk to Jacob didn't Daniel get?

"Hello? Ya she here." Daniel told Jacob, and laughed at something that Jacob said, then was was serious again. And he continued talking. "No she's not a zombie anymore. If she were still a zombie I would told Du that she wasn't here." I wondered what he meant Von the zombie part. So I asked Seth. "What does the zombie talk mean? I'm Lost again." Seth, Paul, and Leah looked at me like I was missing a obvious part. "Ummm... isn't it obvious he is talking about how Du were, and looked after Du guys ran away. Duh. Remember we told Du that Du looked like a zombie." They pointed out. We continued to listen to Daniel's chat on the phone. "Dad I think that she is avoiding you. No I actually know that she is avoiding you. She has been trying to get out of speaking to you." There was a short pause. "Ummm... she will probably kill you, oder run off to some where Du if came here." There was another pause. Daniel was dead on about me probably running if Jacob came here. That gave me a idea and I started to leave without telling them. Then he started talking again. "Ok. But Du have been warned about her. Hang on she is at it again. She is trying to run away. She really doesn't want to talk to you." he said.

Shoot I was so close to getting away with it. I guess Daniel told Leah to get me before I did something crazy. Like get myself into Mehr trouble than I was already in. Because she grabbed me with her mouth, and flung me on her back. Then took me back to Daniel. Damn it. "Time to talk to dad. And I'm not going to stop bugging Du about it till Du resolve whatever it is going with Du two." he said, and Von his tone I knew hew meant what he said. I might as well get it over with. Daniel held out the phone. I finally gave up, and took the phone. And started to talk to Jacob. But before I talked to him. I decided to warn Daniel that Jacob might have spilled his guts to the pack.

"I don't want to talk to him Daniel. He probably told already told the pack about us. About the future." I told him. But Daniel kept on insisting for me to talk to Jacob. Even though he already knew that I was giving up on trying to avoid Jacob. So I against my own will and took the phone from Daniel. He smile like victoriously knowing that yet again he got it his way. "Hello Jacob?" I asked in case it was someone else. "Taylor!" he sounded relief to hear my voice. And he continued talking. "Come back to Forks please. I swear I didn't tell anyone that Du are from the future. I didn't even think about it. Again I swear." I hated when he begged me to do something that I didn't want to do. Ugh. I sighed, and stated talking. "Jacob I wish I could but I can't. Specially since Du know, and saw everything about the future. If I did go back to Forks I would be locked up in my room like if I were in a jail cell. Because Charlie is insanely furious with my running away. Because he doesn't know anything, and he is worried sick about me. So I'm doomed if I go back. And I' doomed if I stay here too. So what's the point if I'm still doomed anyway?" I pointed out. Jacob started laughing.

"Ok. How did Du know that Charlie is furious times 10, and that is worried sick about? Even thought that is totally true. And Von the way he isn't the only the one that is worried sick about you. Like Bella, Renee, the blood sucking leeches, and the pack, and even I are worried sick about you. Sam is pretty pissed at Du and me. He totally doesn't trust you. And he think I'm hiding something from him but don't worry he doesn't know anything. I swear. Where are Du guys exactly? And what did Du when Du sagte that Du are doomed if Du come back to Forks. And that Du still doomed if Du stay where ever Du are. Du know that Du don't necessarily need to go back to Forks. Du can come here to LaPush instead. Don't worry about telling the bloodsuckers, oder Bella that Du are here instead. I'll tell them that when and if Du come. Unless Du want me to lie to them and say that Du are here even though Du aren't. Then if they come over to see Du I'll tell Leah to pretend to be you."

"No way!! Not going to happen. Over my dead body." Leah said. They must have been listening to the conversation all this time. But I ignored that, and kept listening to Jacob on the phone. "Plus if Du come back to Forks Du can sneak out like Du do when Du go hunting. oder I can kidnap you. There are other ways to sneak out of the house so no one knows Du did." he sounded so convening, and confident. But there was still a major problem,and Jacob only knew part of it. Jacob only knew about Daniel. But he had no idea that Leah, Paul, and Seth from the future were here too. How were they going to hide? "Umm... Charlie called on your phone. And Daniel pretended to be me on the phone. Then told me everything. We are in Itlay. I sagte I was still doomed if I stay here, and if I go back to Forks because of the Volturi. They can find us anywhere. And Du are forgetting one major problem." I pointed out. "No there isn't Taylor. My plan is solid. If there is a problem we'll find a way to get out it. One way oder another."he sagte sounded like he knew his plan would out.

"Jacob your are forgetting about Daniel. And now Leah, Paul, and Seth are here. From the future. How are we going to hide all of them? They look just like the Leah, Paul, and Seth from the here the present. Remember the no aging part about being wolves. And Daniel looks like you. That is the problem I was talking about." I said. "Whoa back it up a bit your Leah, Paul, and Seth are there. Yikes that is a problem. Why didn't I know about this when Du told me what was going on? he asked but I wasn't listening much. My eyes were on Daniel, and Leah they were talking about something that was getting Daniel mad. I wondered what it was. But I could tell it was something serious, and Mehr trouble. So I had to ask Paul, and Seth about what it was. I bet they knew. "What's going on over there with Leah, and Daniel he looks pissed, and so does she. And I know it's not good when either of them is pissed off. What happened back Home before Du guys came here?" I asked wondering like crazy.

Paul, and Seth looked at each other and then shook the heads. "Umm... Because she just gave him some bad news. About those bloodsuckers that Du 2 are trying avoid. The Volturi?" Paul sagte "Ya what about the Volturi? What's the news that Leah gave him? That's got him so upset." I asked "Don't tell her. She'll just runaway to somewhere else. And then we'll have to chase her down. We are going back to Forks. Rather she likes it of not." Daniel sagte "Oh no we are not. Du guys can go back if u want but I'm not going back to Forks. Over my dead body. Unless I know what is going on I'm not going back to Forks oder to La Push." I told them. "You don't have a choice mom Du are coming. Rather Du like it oder not." Daniel said. "What's going on Seth? I'm out of the loop here. And I hate not knowing what is going on. What's up with the Volturi? Come on please tell me." I begged "Sorry Ness I can't tell you. I wish I could but I can't. Let's just say that it's better to get out of here. Because of Daniel's scent." Seth sagte "Fine. Don't tell me I'll find out one way oder another." I told him. "I'm counting on that. Then you'll get why we have to go back home." Seth mumbled

I had totally forgotten that Jacob was on the phone until he somehow got a stier, bull horn and blew it in my ear. "Taylor what's going on? What's wrong" Jacob asked in a serous tone. "Umm... nothing's wrong Jacob. Du didn't know about Leah, Seth and Paul being here they just told us that they were here. Neither Daniel oder I knew about them. Du and Sam only sent Paul to check on us. See if we were still alive but Leah, and Seth tagged along. Daniel and I just found out that they are here a few Minuten ago. Ok so what are we going to do about them and Daniel? What's your plan about that problem?" I asked

There was a long pause. Jacob was probably trying to figure that part out. Like I was. But Daniel was the one that figured it out. He was probably eavesdropping like always. "Umm... That's easy when one of us is around the other and we sense that someone is coming one of us hides. And about Leah, Paul, and Seth well they will just hide. Even if it bugs them to hide. What other choice do we have but hiding? I can't pretend to be someone else because of my smell. But maybe Paul, Leah, and Seth could pretend to be someone else. If they rather prefer that. Instead of hiding." Daniel murmured "That sounds like good enough plan. I say we go for it. So are Du 2 coming back? The whole pack, all the Cullens, Bella, Charlie, and Renee have been all wondering, and asking me about where Du are Nessie. It's driving me nuts. And your runaway act has been the oben, nach oben story here. Du are in all the headlines. Don't worry Bella, the pack oder anyone else coming to check on Du when I tell them that you're back. Because I'm not going to tell them until Du give the ok to tell them that Du are here." Jacob assured me.

"Ok. Hey can Du do me a favor?" I asked "Ya sure. What is it?" Jacob asked I that what I was going to ask was going to be a task for him to do. Because Leah was involved in what I wanted Jacob to do for me. But I still asked him. "Lie and tell the family that I'm there. This is going to be the hard part because I need Du to ask Leah to pretend to be me only when the Cullens, Bella, the pack oder anyone comes over to check on me. But if Leah says no which I'm betting she will say no Du know how she is. Then I'll come up with something else." I told him. "Hell no. Leah from this time hates you. What makes Du think that she'll say yes to you? She'll flat out say no, and maybe cuss." Paul said. Jeez do they have to eaves drop on my conversions always. That was starting to get on my last nerves. I hate when they eaves drop on my conversions. It's back enough that I have 2 mind readers in the family. I don't need eaves droppers too.

"Ok I'll try to convince Leah. But it'll be hard to. Du know how Leah is both future Leah, and present Tag Leah. So does that mean that Du 2 are coming back to Forks oder to La push? With Leah, Paul, and Seth too." Jacob asked. He was begging actually. "No!" "Yes!" Daniel and I shouted out at the same time. I shouted No, and Daniel shouted yes. "I'll let Du guys figure it out. But please come back Nessie, and Daniel." he begged. "Umm... Jacob hang on.I think that there somethings wrong with Daniel." I said.

I noticed that Daniel had a Frozen look on his face, and his eyes were blank. "What's wrong? Taylor what's going on? Tell me now." Jacob asked. But I wasn't quite sure what was going on. Jacob sounded like he was ready to come out here. "I don't know Jacob. But there is something wrong with Daniel. I can see it in his eyes. He is seeing something. And it's freaking him out. I see can it." I told Jacob. Daniel was starting to creep me out. "We have to go back to Forks. oder go to La Push. Now lets go mom." Daniel said. "No. Why? What did Du see? I'm not going anywhere. Until I find out what is going on. And maybe I might go. It depends on whether oder not I think we should leave." I told them.

I didn't want to go back. I wanted to stay here where there was no chaos, no problems, no nothing. "Jacob I'll call Du back later. When I have Mehr information. Ok?" I asked "Ok. Hey can Du do me a favor and keep me gepostet on things?" Jacob asked "Ya sure." I replied. "Thanks. Be safe, sicher all of Du guys. Ok. And please please come back. Liebe Du Nessie." Jacob said. I giggled after he sagte the last part. And the eavesdropping Wölfe aka Leah, Daniel, Paul, and Seth starting howling like crazy. They were laughing oder something because the howling didn't sound like bad news. It sounded like they were making funny Kommentare and laughing at what Jacob had just said. "I know Du do. We are married in the future.So I already knew Du Liebe me. And Liebe Du too Jacob. Bye." I hanged up.

The howling got louder after what I said. "Looks like someone has been bitten Von the Liebe bug." Seth Kommentiert and howled more. "I was afraid that you'd say and I quote 'No. Why? What did Du see? I'm not going anywhere. Until I find out what is going on. And maybe I might go. It depends on whether oder not I think we should leave.'" Daniel said, and continued talking. "I'll explain on the way back to Forks oder La push." Daniel finished. "Why can't Du tell me now?" I asked. I had bad feeling about this. "Because we don't have time. And unless Du want them aka the Volturi to go after the family which I doubt Du do. So we better hurry up. We don't have time to loss." Once Daniel sagte that I was ready to go. Even if I didn't want to go. But how was he going to tell what was going on while he was in wolf form, and running.

"How are Du going to explain what is going on, and what Du saw when Du are in Du wolf form." I asked. "I won't be in wolf form." he replied. That confused me if he wasn't to be his wolf form then how were we going to get back to Forks? "What do Du mean aren't going to be in Du wolf form?" I asked. "Oh you'll see. Wait here. I'll be back in a minutes.Ok?" Daniel asked "Ya. And what about Seth, Leah, and Paul?" I asked "They stay oder go." Daniel replied. Then he was gone. Leah and Paul followed him.
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 Granite Elle Black
Granite Elle Black
~Granite's POV~
Sighing,I threw my head back onto my pillow. Today was it. The Tag I would be taken my family. Yes,I knew everything. Figured it out when I was just ten years old.
Anyway,anger ran through that exact moment. WHY COULDN'T PEACE BE BROUGHT BETWEEN Werwölfe AND VAMPIRES?! No! Look at the Blacks and Cullens! They made up easily apart from Aunty Leah. But she adored me anyway.
I felt heat run over my arms;a burning sensation caused my legs to droop over my bed. I was getting over angered. Quickly and quietly,I ran down the stairs and out the back. I finally transformed into...
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It was almost 10 years Vor that Stephenie Meyer had a dream about a boy and a girl who fall in love.But this wasn't your normal,boy and girl meet and fall in Liebe story,because the boy in the story was a vampire.She had a dream about them in a meadow and they were talking,and that was how the world of Twilight was created.At the encouragement of one of her sisters,she started Schreiben the story of the boy and girl in the meadow,who became known as Edward Cullen and Isabella schwan and took it to some publishing companies.Little Brown Bücher took an interest in the Bücher and a phenomenon was created...
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Im just going to get right to the point: I loved this movie. In fact, I am already looking vorwärts-, nach vorn to the dvd coming out so that I can watch it over and over.
The movie stuck very close to the book, though of course there were some changes and some stuff that had to be left out. A few of the changes include Edward telling Bella about his past of killing killers (in the Bücher this happened in an earlier book), Edward and Bella being alone when he first hears Renesmee's thoughts, Edward laughing when Bella wears a ightgown to seduce him ( in the book he just tries to ignore it),and the omission...
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This is the Sekunde book to my first short story "As the sun sets" This is a story about the life of Renesmee Carlie Cullen ( In her POV with some exceptions) now that she is a teenager!

I suggest Lesen my first book (as the sun sets), so Du can better understand this one (Daylight) This will take place just where we left off in the first novel!

Please Enjoy, and thank-you! I hope Du enjoy this book as much (if not more) as Du did the last! Again any comments, questions, suggestions please leave a Kommentar oder message me! I will always respond to fanmail ASAP!

Chapter 5: Nothing To Miss.

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This is the Sekunde book to my first short story "As the sun sets" This is a story about the life of Renesmee Carlie Cullen ( In her POV with some exceptions) now that she is a teenager!

I suggest Lesen my first book (as the sun sets), so Du can better understand this one (Daylight) This will take place just where we left off in the first novel! Please Enjoy, and thank-you!

I hope Du enjoy this book as much (if not more) as Du did the last! Again any comments, questions, suggestions please leave a Kommentar oder message me! I will always respond to fanmail ASAP!

Chapter 3: Elisabeth

I woke up...
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