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posted by twilight-7
Before I could walk over to my door Alice burst in, always full of too much enthusiasm.
“You will not believe what Edward told me.” She immediately launched into a conversation without so much as a ‘hello’. I was right to say it was about the wedding. “I was just on the internet browsing for Blumen when he walks in a little earlier than usual. I knew he was going hunting with Emmett and Jasper so it didn’t throw me.”
I nodded and smiled as she spoke. It was best not to say anything when Alice was speaking oder Du got an evil glare Du never thought someone as innocent looking as Alice was capable of.
“But then he walks over to me and asks what I’m doing, so I reply ‘I’m looking for Blumen to match the dresses’. He asks what dresses and I say ‘the wedding and bridesmaid dresses’ and he says ‘Oh I bought Kayla’s wedding dress yesterday, will Du tell her for me?’ and then just wanders away to find Jasper as if he hadn’t sagte anything at all distressing oder life-ruining.”
Distressing – yes. Life-ruining – not so much.
“He bought my dress?” I asked. “But how does he know what I want. I haven’t even mentioned anything, hell I haven’t even looked myself. We were supposed to go dress hunting tomorrow.”
“I know!” Alice threw herself on my bed, burying her head in my pillow. “This is a disaster, Kayla. The dress won’t arrive for eight weeks and I don’t even know the style oder colour oder what make oder where he bought it.”
“Um, Alice?” Was she honestly this stupid?
“If I only I could have just a little peek at it, a one Sekunde glance is enough-”
“How dare he go and buy a dress! This is my wedding-” She sat up fast and looked at me. “Our wedding,” she added hastily.
“Alice!” I said, exasperatedly. “Are Du thick? Du are a bloody psychic!”
Realisation dawned on her face and she smiled. She zoned out for all of two Sekunden and was back looking confused.
“What’s wrong?” I asked. “There was a dress, right? I mean, it wasn’t something like a mini-dress oder a suit oder something?”
She shook her head and she seemed to have Lost all enthusiasm.
“There was no wedding.”


Alice was pacing up and down Edward’s bedroom. As soon as we had arrived in the Cullen’s home, about ten Minuten ago, she had ran up here and ransacked Edward’s room and then put it all back together again. She had made quite a mess. Why did she ransack his room? For clues to an investigation she was launching into why she saw no wedding. Edward was the prime suspect.
“Just because he bought me a wedding dress does not make him responsible for the wedding being non-existent in the future,” I sagte for the eightieth time. “Alice, you’re getting too obsessive about this.”
“I am not obsessive,” she snarled at me. She covered her mouth with her hand and looked at me apologetically. “I guess I’m a tad obsessive.”
A tad? I think it’s a little Mehr than a tad obsessive.
“Just calm down,” I said, sitting on Edward’s couch. “Maybe I’m ill oder I had an accident. oder someone else was ill oder had an accident.”
“No, I would have seen that.”
Alice was right. She scoured the entire future for any illnesses oder broken limbs oder anything that would mean the wedding would be cancelled.
“What did Du see exactly?” I asked. I hadn’t pried into her mind to see my wedding dress. I wanted it to be a surprise.
“I tried to see your wedding on the Tag it was supposed to be and there was just blankness. Well not blankness but just like as if nothing had been decided.”
Alice was really slow today. I waited for her to pick up on what she had just said.
I had to wait a while.
“Oh!” she said, jumping up and down. “You, Edward oder I probably had to Bewegen the wedding to another Tag because of something. I get it.”
She cheered up considerably and started to discuss Blumen with me. She wanted Blumen that matched the colours of the dresses but was having difficulty picking the right flowers. I thought that I was going to pick the Blumen for my bouquet but...
“Now I was thinking maybe if it was just a bouquet of one type of flower,” Alice was saying. “Because I found this blume and it matches your dress and the bridesmaid dresses. It’s a-”
I cut her off here. I needed to ask something.
“Is Rosalie going to be a bridesmaid?”
Alice looked down. I was hoping to hear something positive and didn’t hear anything at all. She stared at her hands for a while before looking up and changing the subject entirely.
I leaned back on Edward’s couch and closed my eyes. Rosalie still hadn’t changed her mind then. Ever since Edward and I had announced our engagement properly, Rosalie had been cold and distant.
“You’re going to marry a human?” She’d scorned as soon as the words were out of his mouth. “Marrying someone who it pains Du to be near? Someone who is constantly in danger every time we turn around.”
“I would go through infinite pain if it meant her life was spared, Rosalie,” Edward had sagte in reply. “And it’s a good thing I’m here oder else she’d be dead now. As Du said, she’s in danger all the time. She needs me to protect her.”
When all her arguments failed with Edward she turned her golden blonde head to me.
“Why are Du wasting your life with someone who can’t do the same for you?”
I stuttered at this.
“You’ll continue to grow old and he’ll forever look like a teenager. Do Du want to be mistaken for his grandmother?”
“The venom!” I sagte in triumph. “The venom will make me immortal.”
“Are Du sure? Carlisle doesn’t know for certain. The way I see it Du have two options. Remain human oder become a vampire. You’ll die either way. The only difference is; with one Du have longer to live.”
So after Rosalie’s little pep talk I hadn’t been too sure about the whole venom thing. I worried about what was going to happen to me. At that point I was still seventeen so I was bit concerned about what to expect on my eighteenth birthday. Carlisle took some samples from me. Blood, tissue, skin cells, anything where he could find any vampish quality. He did the same on my eighteenth birthday and again a few days ago. He wasn’t giving me the results until he was satisfied he had an answer.
And so, Rosalie had refused to be a part of the wedding. Even though Alice and Esme had pleaded with her and Emmett had tried to. She remained stubborn.
“Didn’t think so,” I said, opening my eyes and sitting forward. “So what happens in twelve weeks when I get married? Is she just going to stay inside while the ceremony takes place outside?”
“I don’t know,” Alice replied. She looked ashamed. Ashamed that her sister would act like this.
“Emmett’s going though?”
“Yes, Emmett’s still going,” Alice smiled slightly. “He thinks he’s going to marry Du and Edward. He says he will download a pastor license from the internet.”
Alice and I burst into laughter and. Emmett marry me and Edward? That would be hilarious. Can Du imagine the vows he would think of? He would make a joke of the whole ceremony.
“What’s so funny?”
Alice and I shut up fast. Standing elegantly in the doorway was Rosalie. She watched us with cold topaz eyes, her golden hair framing her beautiful face. She wore a simple ivory silk dress and it hugged the curves of her body emphasising her beauty. So really, it looked Mehr than simple on Rosalie.
“Hello Rosalie,” Alice said, regarding her sister with a cold stare. Alice wasn’t such a big Fan of Rosalie since she refused to take part in the wedding. She was one bridesmaid down and it was Rosalie’s fault.
I didn’t know what to say so I sagte nothing. I just looked up at Rosalie and politely smiled. Maybe if I didn’t say much and smiled a lot she’d be nice to me.
“I have some eye drops,” Rosalie sagte to me, ignoring Alice. “I know you’re visions hurt your eyes so I thought they might help.”
Wow. I guess the shutting up and smiling thing worked.
“Thanks,” I said. “It’s nice of Du to think of me.”
The coldness in her eyes thawed a little and she even smiled.
“If you’d like Du could put some in now? You’re eyes look a little sore.”
I looked at Alice who looked confused. It was rare for Rosalie to think of anyone but herself and I was having trouble figuring out why she would think of me. I was just some human who her brother had a thing for according to what she’d sagte not too long ago.
Alice nodded and I stood up. Should I be scared?
Rosalie smiled wider but it didn’t help. She stepped back into the hallway and began walking ahead of me and I followed her downstairs to the living room.
“Carlisle says they’ll be okay for your eyes,” she said, picking up a white handbag that sat on the sofa. “I checked with him first. I didn’t want to pick anything that would hurt your eyes.”
She handed me a small bottle of clear liquid.
“Rosalie, this is very nice of you.” I held up the little bottle. “But I don’t understand.”
“What don’t Du understand?”
Her beautiful face looked mystified.
“You haven’t spoken to me since Du ridiculed my engagement to Edward,” I told her. “You mocked our decision to marry, Du insulted both of us and Du stalked off and rejected my offer for Du to my bridesmaid.”
Rosalie had the courtesy to look down.
“Do Du know how I felt about that?” I asked her. “I want Du be at the wedding, not only because you’re Edward’s sister and a part of his family but because I feel that you’re my sister too and I do not want my sister to miss my wedding.”
“I’m sorry,” she said, looking at me. Her eyes were surprisingly full of regret. “I didn’t stop to think about you’re feelings. I just want Du to stop and take a look at what you’re heading in to. Du diving into this with your eyes closed.”
“Talk to me,” I said, sitting down on the sofa. “I’m a big girl, I can handle it.”
I wanted to know what was wrong with Rosalie. Had she had some sort of epiphany and realised she was a bit of a hündin and decided to mend her ways?
“Okay,” she said, sitting Weiter to me. “Where do I begin?”
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Four
    I yelped and jerked. I then screamed and I woke up. Jerek was sitting up Weiter to me, holding my hands down so I didn't lash out. He looked at me once I opened my eyes.
    "Are Du okay?" Jerek asked me, looking worried.
    "Yea, I'm fine. I just had a nightmare." I said.
    "We'll try to go back to sleep okay? It's only six a.m." Jerek sagte and I laid back down Weiter to him.
    "Do Du think the others heard...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    THE Weiter DAY: Jerek and I woke up, ate breakfast, showered seperately, and got ready to train. I was ready for the training, but I didn't quite know what we were going to use to train with since the basement is already full with the bunkers, the kitchen, Shropee's hospital room, the little meeting room, and Jerek's room. Upstairs is full too, unless there is a HUGE room that lets us all train.
    "Jerek, where is the training room?" I asked and he told me...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    We picked out our weapons, just in case we needed to use them, and we went up the steps, through Jerek's house, and went to his car.
    "Let's motovate!" Jerek jumped into his car, along with Tabra and I, and we drove off to Haus's headquarters.
    I don't have a good feeling about this. But, we have to be fine...right?
    When we got back later that night, we figured out that Haus was menless, and...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    "Alright, let's begin." Jerek sagte and started the topic of discussion for the meeting. "You all remember Haus, and his grip of terror over us all. But here we are today, The Alliance, forming against him, for one Tag he shall fall, and we shall win. That day, is sneaking up on us fast. We need to be ready. We need to be quick, agile, ready to kill at will. I don't know how much of an army, oder how many people Haus has under his Death Clan of the Fallen, but I will tell Du that...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Three
    "Seriously?" I asked him.
    "Well, seeing how I still need to heal, yea."
    "Oh yea," I wondered what would happen if we were running from the cops and I thought that we would be caught. For one thing, having a wounded man named Tabra, would probably be hard to run from cops in. I could probably make it, but Tabra probably couldn't. And I can't, I won't, let this happen to us, oder him.
    "So, how long do Du think it'll take...
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I didn’t know what was happening, who was this guy I got the feel that I know him for a long time. I started walking to the door when the glocke rang, and as I was crossing the door Julius passed Von me real quick.
“I don’t know nothing about this guy, but I have to find out as soon is possible” I sagte to my self. I started walking to my Weiter class, and for my surprise he was there too, so I sitz Weiter to him again and………….
“Hello my name is Rennesme Cullen” I sagte to him, very polite
“Hi I’m Julius” he sagte as he turn around to my direction and meet with my eyes, he was...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Two
    And then she dropped to the floor. I heard a gunshot and saw Tabra standing behind her lifeless body.
    That's when the others marched in. I grabbed my gun, and we started shooting at the people that came in.
    Finally, in the end, they were all gone.
    "You really think Du can kill me!?" A voice said, and we turned to see Haus holding a sword from the wall. He was drooling blood, and he looked . "You can't kill me!" He then thrusted...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Two
    I jumped up and whipped out my gun, aimed it for Haus' chest and fired twice. Haus went down in a second.
    "Let's go!" I sagte and Rick jumped into the room, brandishing his knives.
    Tabra grabbed his arm, twisted it around and snapped it. Clean break, sounded like, if not, good! He deserved the suffering. Rick went down on one knee, and I shot at him, the bullet entered his skull. He's a goner.
    A chick walked in then, carrying a whip and slung it at Tabra. It wrapped around his neck and she started to pull.
    "Let him go!" I shouted and shot at her, she got hit in the leg.
    "You bitch!" She said, released Tabra and slashed her whip at me.
    It knocked the gun out of my hand.
    "Let's do this," She dropped her whip and walked towards me.
    "First class whore!" I spat and she gasped.
    "I'll kill Du for that."
posted by BuffyFaithFan1
Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume One
"So, are we clear on what to do?" Tabra asked.
"Yes I am," I was pretty sure I was anyways.
"Alright, we infiltrate there facility grounds, and once we are inside we pretend I'm the bad guy. I'll have a gun in the back of my pants, hidden Von the jacket, and so will you. Once they buy my fake statement of being one of them again, I whip out the gun, release Du while Du pull out your gun, and we start shooting them until they are dead. Make sure you, and only you, kill the man Du saw in the store. Will Du know him...
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posted by a-jforever
Ok heres Heidi's Past part 5. Please comment.XXX

I had been in pain for so long. Let it be over soon I thought to myself. The coldness has disappeared almost as soon as it had arrived. I could feel the feuer racing nothingness towards me heart, my body was failing to it. This wasn’t right. This couldn’t be death, so what was it. It got to the point where the feuer got to my herz and it felt like my herz was taking off, then nothing. I couldn’t even hear my own heartbeat anymore, oder even feel my heart. My senses were sharper; my instincts told me I was alone. I didn’t like to be alone....
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posted by twilight-7
Kayla’s POV

“Cheat!” Emmett shouted, throwing the controller down. He was careful not to throw it so hard that it might break.
“No I didn’t!” I shouted back. “You’re a sore loser!”
He stood up and I stood up. We narrowed our eyes.
“Let’s settle this,” he said. “One on one. Outside.”
“You’re on.”
“I don’t think so,” Rosalie, who had been watching us play the game, stood up and squeezed herself between us.
“Rose, don’t get involved,” Emmett said, trying to push her away.
“She’s pregnant, Du idiot,” she smacked him across the head. “Sit down.”...
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 Nessie Black
Nessie Black
I sat at the computer, typing an E-Mail to my worried parents. Ever since I moved Micah and I to Colorado four years ago, they have been going crazy. They come down and visit whenever they can, but since the sun is out all the time, that is rare.

"Mommy," I hear Micah's little voice from the kitchen. He has grown so much in the past few years. Since he was premature, I thought he would be pretty tiny, but he has grown big like Jacob.

"What Micah?" I look at the door frame and see him sanding there with his thumb in his mouth.

He sighs and looks up sadly at me.

I stand and walk over to him....
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Thanks to all of Du who are reading. This is the first part of Chapter 10. Scent in Eclipse. I wrote it in Jake's pov. TAHNKS AGAIN :)
Bella doubting my mad skills kind of stung. I took down Laurent with ease. I was just comming to sniff her house out. Geez.
I left the Rabbit at Home and decided to run. It was not only easier, but also faster. And I wanted to see Bella for as long as the leech would let me.
As I neared her house I could smell the overly sweet scent of Edward. Ugh. I scrunched my nose and listened.
"It's not that I feel any personal...
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posted by WritenOnTheSand
I have to get us out, away from Forks. The memory of Jacob is still here, hurting me to the core. His funeral was short, sad, and a memory I will try so hard to forget.

I stood Von the ditch, dug in the reservation grave yard, clutching the tiny little baby in my arms. Jake's coffin was unusually big because he died in wolf form. His broken body a reminder of his death. There was no way to cover up the scars, no way to hide his tragic death. His warm body looked so unusually cold.

The whole time, Micha's green eyes gazed up at me, his warm ruddy skin presses against my chest. He looks so much...
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posted by Andressa_Weld
Nikki’s POV
After he kissed me, I looked at him for a minute, a long minute. He looked into my eyes and we stood there looking for each other in a peaceful silent.
I looked at his amazing body and I thought he could be an underwear model.
-I’m so lucky! – I sagte and passed my hands in his abdomen and he laughed – you’re probably the hottest man in the whole world!
-Nikki, you’re beautiful too, dear! – He whispered in my ear and ran his hands in my hair.
-Thank you! – I sagte and he smacked me – but there’s a problem.
-What’s wrong, dear?
-I can’t remember...
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*by Stephenie Meyer*

NEW MOON - chapter 1 - PARTY

Edward drive north through Forks, visibly chafing at the speed enforced Von my prehistoric Chevy. The engine groaned even louder than usual as he pushed it over fifty.
"Take it easy," I warned him.
"You know what Du would love? A nice little Audi coupe. Very quiet, lots of power..."
"There's nothing wrong with my truck. And speaking of expensive nonessentials, if Du know what's good for you, Du didn't spend any money on birthday presents."
"Not a dime," he sagte virtuously.
"Can Du do me a favor?"
"That depends on what it is."...
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posted by AnonymousXXX
Chapter 7! Hope Du like it. Please comment!

The darkness surrounding me made me feel defenseless. I was still able to hear and feel the rain but defenseless all the same.
I heard sniffing than hot breath on my skin. The Weiter thing I heard surprised me the most. It was a soft gentle wine. Than it disappeared altogether I know I should be feeling scarred out of my wits right but I wasn’t. I felt calm oddly and … safe.
Next I heard footsteps great now that scares me.
“Alana can Du hear me? You’re okay you’re safe, sicher now I’m going to get Du out of here.” I was thankful to hear Ethan’s...
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posted by WritenOnTheSand
 Nessie Black
Nessie Black
Jake and I haven't been really speaking today. He thinks I messed up big time yesterday Von telling the truth. I think he messed up big time Von being rude. Sometimes girls just get moody, and he should know that Von now.

The problem with being upset is that it brings all the negative things in your life to attention. Jake and I are not doing so well money wise. His repair Shop is okay but not making enough money to support us. I haven't been to work since the wedding. I thought that once I was married, I wouldn't have to worry about working. Wrong idea.

I kinda feel like I am just useless, and...
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Alice’s P.O.V:
When I called Bella’s cell it rang and rang. Finally she picked up, “Hello?” “Bella. It’s Ali, what’s taking so long?” “Remember Jessica Stanley? Well she’s in here.” “Cool. What’s taking so long?” “I just told you, ‘m talking to Jessica.” I snarled, “Well hurry up, we have to get Home before the guys….” I grinned. “Remember?” “Yeah, I remember. I’ll be right out, Alice.” She hung up and Rosalie looked over at me, “What?” I shrugged.
Bella’s P.O.V:
“Well, Jess, It was nice talking to you, thanks for talking to me, I have...
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posted by rubytuesday101
I went to bett that night at 11 o'clock i was thinking about mum and dad.I fell asleep with jakes warm arms around me.A couple of hours jake woke up.
"Whats wrong jake?"i asked him
"I heard something down stairs,i'm going down to check okay"he sagte quitly to me all i did was nod.
He got up and went down stairs i looked at the clock it was 3 i the morning.After about 10 Minuten i went into my mums room.
"Mum jake went down stairs because he heard something but he hasnt came back up yet".i sagte to her.
"Come on we will go down and check okay"i nodded and we both went down stairs.
We got down and the...
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