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posted by TwilytCraze247
chapter one. unlawful death

It had been a warm Tag for Rochester. But not warm enough for the sun to come out. I was in a happy and in an up right mood, but why wouldn’t I be, it was a couple days from marrying my fiancé Royce, he came from a wealthy, and respectable family my father had chosen for me. It was only right Royce and I was betrothed together. It was all about how the public viewed the family, I was told that from my mother at a very young age, I was also told that I would make the family very pleased when I was older as I would be the most beautiful girl in all of the world and I deserved to be around people who treated me like a queen. I never really believed my mother when she sagte that, I always thought that she had to say that because she was my mother, and I could never be Mehr beautiful than her, she had a flawless skin that always seemed to bring a slight glow to her face when ever she smiled, even in the darkest and stormiest times, her eyes were a bright blue, brighter than the skies deepest blue but never darker that the oceans seas –I was always slightly jealous that I didn’t have her eyes, god has giving me the same dark purple eyes as my father, my eyes always reminded me of violets but they never sparkled quite the same as my mothers did when she was truly happy- I was gegeben the same beautiful golden locks that sat perfectly no matter which hair style Du wore it in as my mothers, but she was also blessed with a beauty spot just off to the left of her chin right below the end of her mouth, this completed her herz shaped face and was the reason why I would never be as beautiful as my mother. She was the perfect wife and mother who stood right Von my father’s side even if she didn’t agree with the situation. Late one night I was hiding in my mother closet with my face covered in her make up, and wearing her Favorit pearl halskette my parents never saw me as my father barged into the room throwing my mother to floor beating her, once he was done he stormed out the room and my mother fled to the bathroom, I made my escape positive that the Weiter Tag me and my mother would be leaving without my father, but instead she got up as nothing had happened the night before and stood Von my fathers side again as he accepted a promotion from the bank where he worked, I realized than that she would never leave him because she thought it’s not what Du think about yourself, it’s how the public sees you, and that’s how life is, but I didn’t have the same Ansichten as my mother and would never be taken advantage of like that and still stand Von there side. When I was only 8 years old I figured out my mother was right, I was the most beautiful girl in the world, well I must have been the attention I got from the males proved it, they always wonted to do things for me, give me thing, I never had to lift a figure I was treated as a queen. Just like my mother sagte I deserved to be treated. That was when I started paying attention to my looks, making sure I always had the nicest clothes, the best hair, and the whitest teeth, smelled well. Looking the best out of all my peers. My parents were pleased Von the way guys looked at me and were every pleased Von how many parents wished for there son to be worthy enough in my fathers eyes to marry me. But my father had one guy in mind. Royce King the second. Royce didn’t have a problem with accepting the idea that we would be married, he had always had a keen eye for me and when the word got out that my father approved of him for me Rosen started turning up on my door steep with Liebe litters and poems. It was only right Royce and I was betrothed together, we would make the perfect couple from the “publics’” eye. And my mother was certain he would make me feel like a queen, and never treat me the way my father treated her. And for that I would accept his hand in marriage. We only had dated for a less than two months before he had asked for my hand in marriage, we had spent the past 5 months together, attending parties and other social events he was a gentleman and I could see my self falling in Liebe with him to an extent but I don’t think I could ever truly Liebe him like how my good friend Vera loved her husband. I had just finished visiting them and I was walking down the straße to my fathers house, it wasn’t to dark out, the sky was a turning a dark blue and the straße light hadn’t turned on yet so I didn’t bother calling my father to escort me Home I decided to enjoy the rest of the warm evening and walk the short distance. While I was walking I couldn’t stop thinking of how different my relationship with Royce was compared to Vera’s relationship was with her husband. Sure Royce sent me Rosen and violets after he had noticed what I had always thought, that my eye’s reminded me of them. And the way he treated and respected me I was positive that he would never hit me. But I could never get over the fact that Royce had never kissed me in public, when he had kissed me it never felt like he was doing it to declare to anyone that we were together oder that he wonted to KISS me but Mehr like he only kissed me because I wonted him to. Thinking like that only made me feel depressed, like that he didn’t even think of me like that, and we would never have the kind of relationship I thought we would, the kind of relationship I wonted. I wonted to have kids that were all beautiful and would have my good look, I wonted to teach my daughter all about make up and play dress up with her I wonted a son that would follow in Royce’s foot steps in society that was sporty, smart, hansom, and all the girls would fall in Liebe with like the guys fell in Liebe with me, I wonted to have family picnics in the park were the kids could run play together, I wonted to host the best birthday parties and give my children everything they wonted. A tear slipped from the corner of my eye which broke me out of the deep thought, I quickly wiped away the tear and pulled out my compact and fixed my make up. Than I looked around where I was I noticed I had been walking for a while the sky was now black, clouds have covered the sky so I could not see the stars oder the moon, all the straße lights were on at this point and I could see that no one was on either side of the straße I was completely alone, this made me anxious I didn’t know who could out here and what there intensions they had at what ever time it was, I briefly remember passing a straße a few yards back I decided I would go back and re find my way home, I must have passed my straße ages Vor with out even realizing, I should be Home safe, sicher running of last Minute wedding plans with my mother right now but instead I’m Lost along the back streets of the neighborhood, I walk back towards were I came from, I was walking for about 5 Minuten before I passed the straße I thought would take me back into the safety of the middle of the town. But to my disappointed it was only a short side street, I could just make out that there were four people walking towards the straße I had been walking along for the last who knows how long. They were stumbling along, tripping over everything and nothing that got in their way of were they were headed towards, spilling their alcohol on their way. This couldn’t have been the straße I thought I saw. I was going to continue walking the way I came when I heard one of them call my name.
I stopped hesitantly, -I wouldn’t have stopped but only people I know personally and that are my good Friends know me Von “Rose” everyone else called me “Rosalie”- turning my head to see that one of the men was jogging toward me. I was going to continue walking –thinking whoever it was would be too drunk to comprehend my whole name- when I noticed that all the four men were dressed to nice to be from around this neighborhood and must come from a higher class.
“Ah here’s my Rose” the man called again coming to a walk a few yard away from me.
“Royce?” I gasped as I recognized the man walking toward me, my herz beat slowed as I knew I would be safe, sicher with him around.
“The one and only” he sagte raising his arms sounding please of himself that I had recognized that it as him. As he came close enough to touch me I could smell the scotch, vodka, and various other alcohols lingering off his breath. I suddenly had a thought in the back of my mind that I had never seen him drink anything heavier than champagne at parties when they toasted, but he never really liked it -he liked something a lot stronger than champagne- and that he was too drunk to think reasonably for himself. My first instinct was to get him Home so he could sleep it off, this was definitely not something he did a lot, and I would feel worse not knowing he was going to be ok tomorrow. As he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a hug, almost pushing us to the ground when he Lost he balance I steadied him and he moved his grasp on me so one of his arms was around my around my body tucking me into his side –giving me a half hug- he spun us around facing the other three men who had almost caught up to us now, he started to pull me along with him while he yelled out to the other men, “look who came Mitmachen us this time, my beautiful fiancé Rosalie”
“This time?” I sagte with out thinking, picking up on that he must do this quite often I suddenly felt anxious and scared of this side of Royce I never knew.
“Yes, this time, we do this every week, same time, same place, and same people” he replied, obviously not aware of what he was saying.
“Well sorry to inform Du dear, but I can’t stay this time I am supposed to be running over last Minute wedding plans with my mother, and I’m terribly late as it is, so if Du don’t mind I must be heading off” I sagte quickly realizing I was probably safer on my own and that Royce would be ok because he did this quite often. But something I sagte must have aggravated him he tightened his hold on me and started walking faster so I couldn’t escape from him.
“Well than we have a problem, my boys and I were hoping for a little fun tonight and if Du leave than we don’t get to have our fun” as he was saying this I started feeling really nervous and scared for my life. I wonted to run, and scream for help, but knowing that Royce was a public image he would have to chose a location were no one would be around until early the Weiter Tag oder later so he could act so unacceptable, “you don’t wont us to have no fun and make me angry do you?, now your late and were cold” he laughed to the end of his sentence, we had caught up to the others Von this time and he unleashed me from his tight hold spinning me so that I was in the middle of the four men. I could see the straße that I had come from and that it was to far away for anyone to hear me scream if there was anyone around. I knew I wouldn’t be able to escape the four men as they are all bigger than me, and I was in the wrong shoes to try and run.
“Didn’t I tell Du John” Royce crowed “isn’t she lovelier than your Georgia Peaches” he laughed
“It’s hard to tell, she’s all covered up” he replied laughing and the other three men joined along, Royce pulled my arm closer toward him and for a Sekunde I thought, hoping that he would leave it at that and he would take me Home to safety, but all the hoping in the world couldn’t save me from the torture I was about to experience. Instead Royce grabbed the jacke that he had giving me as a gift and ripped it of me. The brass buttons went flying as they popped off jacke and scattered along the straße almost missing the one called John.
“show them what Du look like, Rose!” ha laughed than tore off my hat pulling the hair pins so rough that they pulled some of my hair out Von the roots, I screamed in pain as my hair fell to the side of face, -I knew exactly what my hair would look like, I liked to watch my self in the mirror at Home when I got ready for bett and I knew I looked hot when I just pulled my hair out of a bun like Royce did and the look on the guys faces’ conformed my assumption- the look that was in Royce’s eyes I had never seen him look at me like that before, for a teilt, split Sekunde I thought it was the look that I had always hoped would be in the eyes of my husband the night of our honey moon, but this look that Royce had was a much Mehr evil look and I knew what was coming next.
As he grabbed me I struggled to free my self but that just excited him even more, he started to push me towards the dark forest that were on the outside of the town, when I heard one of the guys behind us called “she got Mehr of a fight in her than the other girls” other girls? He’s done this before? This was not the Royce I knew how someone so kind and so thoughtful could have this evil side to him that I never knew about. As soon as we got into the dark edge of the forest Royce ripped the rest of the clothes of my back –leaving me exposed for every one to see- the other men laughed, -I never realized they had followed us into the forest until they laughed- at how scared I looked most likely, I could feel the expression on my face but I couldn’t chance it, my face was Frozen like that. All of a sudden Royce picked up one of the empty alcohol bottles from the ground and was holding it like a weapon. The Weiter thing I saw he was plunging the bottle towards my head. I felt the bottle hit my head with such force that it sent me flying towards the ground. I heard the sharp loud crack from the bottle as it broke on the side of my head from the impact of the blow. My body hit the cold hard surface of the forest ground and I felt the little shards of the broken bottle fall on to my face. All the guys laughed hysterically. I tried to open my eye, but my sight was all blurry. I couldn’t make out anything. I reached for the side of my head, it was throbbing from the impact of the bottle and I felt the sticky moisture leaking from Quelle of the pain. I tried to roll over onto my back when I heard someone say “she trying to get up, hasn’t she learnt anything?” all the four men laughed. Then Royce grabbed my arm with his right arm holding me to the ground. I could barely make out that he was couched down on one knee over me and with his left hand he was trying to take off his belt. I leaned my head back shutting my eyes swallowing. I didn’t realize but Royce had moved his head Weiter to mine his mouth Von my ear and whispered “Don’t be nervous Rose I’ve done this many times before. You’ll be out cold for the worst of it” than chuckled softly I felt another blow to my head and I was out cold like he promised.
I was only out cold for a short time I have never imagined my first time would be like this. I tried to pretend that I was still out cold when I awoke but my emotions failed me and a tear ran down my face. I heard one of the guys say
“Ah she’s awake I was hoping she wouldn’t still be out when it’s my turn” I opened my eyes to see who sagte that and to my surprise Royce wasn’t on oben, nach oben of me like I thought. He was over Von one of the trees with another bottle of booze in his hands laughing along with the other guys at my shocked expression. I was being past around like a piece of meat. I swallowed again knowing I wouldn’t be able to stop this even if I tried they would just knock me out cold before I even got to my feet and continue doing what they pleased to me so I just lay there taking everything they gave me. I started to think of the other girls that had been victims to this unlawful act. And not know how they could not speak up and say anything to anyone. I thought about how they must feel violated, assumed, embarrassed, and unloved I knew I felt like that right now along with wonting to die, angry, upset, confused, used, and many other emotions that only last a few Sekunden than changes to anger. I must have passed out again because the Weiter thing I knew was I was waking up from the cold wind, and I could see the four dark figures walking away from me and the closest one throw a rock towards my head, just clipping me enough to shut my eye, my eyes felt heavier than the first night I stayed up till dawn -marveling at the diamond ring on my left hand Royce had gegeben me the Tag before. I was so happy that night my mother even sagte my eyes sparkled like hers- even though I couldn’t see anything I could hear what the four “strangers” were saying while they retreaded away from my cold body which was left to die.
“That should do it”
“She will be dead before anyone finds her anyway”
“She was fun at first”
“Royce, Du definitely pick the feisty ones”
“It’s not a challenge if they allow Du to do it”
I heard them stumble and fall over something on the side of the straße were they came from. I tried not to listen to the Kommentare they had made oder try to let them effect me but it didn’t work once the first tear slipped from the side of my eye I couldn’t stop. I just lay there waiting for death to come.
posted by groovychicklisa
."I've been wanting to ask Du out all week, and Alice being Alice, of course figured that out. Disadvantage of having a twin." A smile twitched on his lips. "And then she pulled this. I'm sorry that she ambushed you."I had to contemplate what he had just sagte for a moment before I could say anything."You wanted to ask me out?" I eventually managed to get out."Well, yeah." He finally looked at me again. "I thought that was obvious.""Definitely not.""It was to Alice." He chuckled. "But then again, she knows me better than anyone." He looked down the straße in the direction that Alice and Jasper...
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posted by JBDisneyDemi
10. Tell him he looks like a creepy stalker rapist.

9. Inform him, as politely as possible, that he has grizzly in his teeth.

8. Ask who wears the pants in his relationship.

7. Try to stab him through the herz with a stake.

6. Tell him brawn is out, scrawn is in.

5. Inquires as to how he feels to be the least-liked Cullen male.

4. When he is around, wonder aloud what Rosalie calls him in bed.

3. Ask if he is overcompensating for something with that Jeep.

2. Ask if he is overcompensating for something with those muscles..

And the Number One way to annoy Emmett Cullen?

1. When he denies the above two claims, respond with “That’s not what Rosalie saaaaaid!”
posted by DestinyGirl
Well, here Du go, Edward's P.O.V!!!:D

4. First Sight

*Edward's P.O.V

It was the first Tag of school. Again. Hopefully this year——our last Jahr in Forks High School——will be just a little Mehr interesting than our last two years, but why hope? Nothing interesting was going to happen here——high school of all places.

I heard that there were at least three new students this year. Alice thought nonchalantly as she stared out the window.

I rolled my eyes——more than half of the school population were thinking about the new 'hot kids.' I was slightly surprised to find them thinking of them...
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posted by Tatti
Hi guys, sorry that I haven’t post anything in a while, but I hope you’ll forgive me:D I’ve got some unexpected things popped to myself too so I’ve decided to end this story sooner than I planned. Thanks to all who followed and Kommentiert it, I really really appreciate that.


11th chapter Ending


“So there are Mehr like Du with Volturi?” Edward asked in shock, I guess my face was a bit shocked too. Jalley just nodded.
“There are six of us. The bad news that the rest of them, differently from us, are very satisfied with their lives in Volterra.”
“But why it should be a problem,...
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posted by daja625
I'm so sorry it took me so long I had a little trouble with my thoughts. Please Kommentar and tell me what Du think. Enjoy

Chapter 4
“You will have to Mehr to love” I sagte looking down and robbing my stomach. He was confused at first then he realized what I meat and sagte “your pregnant” whispered with a soft KISS and I nodded. Then Rosalie stepped out with a horrid facial Ablaufdatum “but how”? She asked then I unwound my fingers from Edward and smiled. “Be cause I’m half human for the time being like Jasper wanes was” I sagte they all looked at Jasper. Jasper was mad know “Bella”...
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posted by DestinyGirl
Thx for all of the awesome comments! I hope I don't let Du down on this one, it's one of my Favorit chapters because it really starts things! And now... Starlight!:D

Disclaimer: Twilight does not belong to me! But I do own Kyle and Annie!XD

3. The Connection

met up with my brother and sister at the lunchroom doors after classes.

"Finally! Now we won't be able to get a tabelle of our own!" Annie complained as she led us into the heavy populated lunch gathering for humans.

"Sorry," I mumbled as we each picked up a tray of food. It was pizza——something I've eaten only one time before.

"Hmm . ....
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posted by basketballstar
Another short story, written from Edward's point of view. It's based mainly on Twilight, the first book of the saga. In comparison to "Alice" (previously posted), it's not quite as good. It's different, as the Edward - Emmett 'relationship' is difficult to explain. Please Kommentar and tell me what Du think!!

Emmett had never been, exactly, a tactful person. So my “love life”, as he referred to it, was a difficult subject for him to talk about without seeming a jerk.

I was sitting in my room, reading, when Emmett wandered in, a pained expression on his face. His thoughts were...
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posted by 1TeamEdwardFan
Hey guys sorry its been awhile since I have written its finally the holidays for me! Yay, 2 weeks off but of course its the first Tag of the holidays and I'm sick :( Anyway Please tell me if there is anything I can help to make my story better. Because its been so long i tried to make this one longer, but i'm not sure if I did though. Hope Du everyone enjoy's and Please comment!

Tash's POV

Bella seemed kind of embarrassed that I knew her whole life since she moved to Forks, and to me she also seemed annoyed too. But who wouldn't be annoyed in a situation like this? I mean being taken from you're...
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posted by Tatti
Thanks to all of guys, I hope you're gonna like this and the rest of chapters cause I'm already planning the end :D

10th chapter Meeting


"It's good to see Du too, Aro" Carlisle stepped in front of us and I wished so much that we could just take our kids and run far far away from this place.
"Well, isn't it wonderful that there is no threat this time?" Aro was joyful and Carlisle smiled too, though I knew it was an artificial smile. How are we going to hide our secret from him if he decides to touch one of us? "Oh Alice, I'm so happy to have a chance to see Du again. I guess Du didn't...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Six
    "Come on!" I said, and we sprinted up after Jerek, Tabra and I.
    We got into the car just as Jerek slammed on the pedal. We slammed the doors, buckeled up and we went over to Verona's.
    When we got there, the window was broken, and the door was kicked open.
    "Oh no." I said, and we all got out, running to the spiral stairs we used to go into her data-base center. Tabra and Jerek went down, I didn't. I stopped at what I saw.
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Jacobs pov

Sure living with the cullens would be fun if they offered but leaving the volturie after everything they have done for me that’s just wow. I couldn’t think of what it would be like. If nessie wanted me to sure I would leave and come here but that thing wasn’t nessie what was something I have never seen before she has Lost her memory and her sense for that matter but she was still the girl I fell in Liebe with.

Bella and Edward well the whole of them were pacing across the room trying to tink of what to do. Would she remember them? Would she destroy them? Does she even want to...
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 Alena .
Alena .
Chapter Two <3

    “Oh, crap. This isn’t good.”
    Leah Clearwater sagte to her little brother, Seth. He flinched nervously.
    “What am I going to do?” He said, fearfully. His eyes grew large, and worry filled, but he couldn’t keep them off of Alena. “Damn, she’s beautiful,” he thought out-loud.
    “Hey, watch it, they’re coming back,” Leah whispered, staring straight ahead at the other cars.
    “Seth? Leah? Oh my God, I’ve missed Du guys!” Alena screamed, stepping...
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"renesme ? nessie sweety ?" a deep voice woke me. he flet some shaking me.
my head hurt. what had happened to me? i tried to look back on what had just happened but my mind was blank.
"wh what happened to me?" i asked the man sttod over me i didnt know him but all i knew was that he was the one calling me so i must know him.
"your in italy darling Du were just atacked Von two very strong vampires. do Du not remember?" i shook me head.
"do Du remember me?" he asked
i shook my head again.
"oh my Du must of Lost your memorie" oh i thought he was about to say mind.
"im sorry but who are Du and...
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posted by CoolMandyz43
Hi everyone just had to write this because I am so hyped from just seeing Eclipse. I work at a movie thearter in Michigan and got to go see it with 2 family members. Let me say I was scared when I heard about David Slade directing it at first. Now this man is a twilight god! He took this movie and really stayed as true as he could! I thought Chris did alright with NM but David killed IT! From one Twi-hard to another, there are not many things to worry about. There are no huge scense taken out that needed to be in there. Only things really are no Bella getting stuck at with Alice and having...
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posted by jacob_lover5253
Sorry I haven't typed for a while. I've been busy...really busy. I had many graduation parties to go to...Lol I haven't realized how many Friends and cousins I had...haha! Enjoy reading!! :)

End of Chapter 7. (Bella)
His shorts were shreaded all over the place. "You exploded your shorts?" Again he shook his head up and down. "Go Home and get shorts on. Then I'll talk to Du later." Jacob nodded his big wolf head. I petted him. I put my clothes on and drove home. Charlie left for work already so it was good for me. At least I don't need to explain why I am wet. I dried my hair and pack my...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Five
    "Huh!?!" We all sagte in unison.
    "Yes. Cydnee does. And only her." Shropee was serious. And then she began laughing. "I'm just kidding, Du all do."
    "Oh. Wait...huh!?" We all said, once more.
    "When Tabra was in the hospital, what happened?" She asked.
    "I found out Haus was alive, and then when I was telling Tabra a killer doctor walked in and tried to kill me but Jerek tackled him and tied...
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Five
    Once we reached the bottom, I saw a HUUUUUUGE labratory of weapons and Bücher and chemicals and a little computer base with like seven to ten computer screens mounted on a Wand with one keyboard and one mouse, with one girl behind it all that was the same height as me.
    "Jerek!" She squealed after noticing our appearance. She jumped up and ran over to him, gave him a huge hug and stepped back to look at us. "So nice to see Du again!"
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Hello, My Name Is: Death
Volume Five
    Gasping for breath, I jolted awake, bolting up-right into a sitting position on the bed. Jerek was Weiter to me, I could feel him. My hand was on his stomach. But still, I looked at him to make sure it wasn't someone else. I sighed in relief as I saw Jerek's face, his chest, his muscles....CYD! Haha...umm...anyways, I laid back down, holding onto Jerek, and clinging onto him as much, and as best, as I could. And when I got setteled at the right spot, I fell back asleep. Even if it...
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posted by Tatti
Well, I must admit I really enjoy Schreiben this story so I really hope you'll be able to enjoy it even a bit as I did. Thanks for all great Kommentare Du leave.


2nd chapter Playing


I was really concerned. How in the world is it possible for three couples, who would do anything to have children, to find three Babys on their doorstep? Moreover, what is the possibility when these couples are vampires? And finally, these Babys appear to be half-vampires?
While everybody was busy taking care and playing with little ones I kept waiting for something unexpected to happen. I waited and... Nothing....
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posted by Summer_Leanne
Here's an update to all my wonderful readers! Thankies so so much for commenting, and I hope Du like this one too! Much Liebe to each of you, and enjoy!! :]
Summer quietly stood to her feet and tiptoed into the hallway. She detected Carlisle’s scent in the study, but the door was closed. She knocked, “Come in, Summer.” She opened up the study door and peered into the room. Carlisle was smiling in her direction, “No, you’re not interrupting anything.” She giggled, “Sometimes I forget that Du know me so well.” He pulled...
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