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posted by twilight-7
Here it is, Guys, Chapter 11. Tell me what Du think and if Du want anything to happen - don't hesitate to ask me!!

I was on the sofa with my arms around Edward. My head was on his chest and I had no intention of moving. He was trying to coax me to let go of him to wash the blood off my forehead but I didn’t relax my grip.
“Kayla, please,” he said, gently. “You need to wash the blood off before Charlie comes home. Do Du really want to tell him that Du were nearly eaten today?”
I shook my head.
“Not moving,” I said, stubbornly.
He tried to peel my arms off but I just shrugged his hands off and held tighter.
“Kayla,” Edward’s voice was stern, like he was talking to an uncooperative child. “I need to get rid of that blood before someone notices. They’ll think I’ve beaten Du oder something.”
“As if Du could try,” I scoffed.
“Is that a challenge?”
I laughed but didn’t speak oder move.
“Who was the wolf?” I asked him, changing the subject. “I got the feeling it wasn’t an actual animal. I recognised the eyes but I don’t know where from.”
Edward knew I deliberating changing the subject but he answered my Frage nevertheless.
“He wasn’t an actual wolf. It’s Jacob Black.”
“What?” I nearly screamed. “That can’t be Jacob Black.”
“You know him?”
“Yeah, I used to hang out with him when I came here during the summer. We were like best Friends but I stopped coming. I haven’t seen him since I moved here. I’ve been preoccupied.”
Edward knew what oder rather who was occupying my time.
“So he’s a wolf?” I asked. “Does he like transform into one?”
“Yes but they call it ‘phase’.”
I shrugged. “Same difference. So how did Du two find me?”
“Alice called me just after Du hung up. She had a vision of Du fighting a vampire in the forest. Jasper wanted to come back and help you. He feels guilty for trying to kill Du but I sagte that they had to finish their hunt. I then began to Suchen the forest for Du when I met the wolf. I told him what happened and we teamed up to help you.”
I nodded. So Jacob was a wolf. Well, I’m an Azdi and my boyfriend’s a vampire so I’m way past freaking out a weird stuff.
“Right,” he said, brusquely. “I am going to clean that blood of your head.”
I shook my head. I had nearly Lost him today and I wasn’t going to waste any time that could be spent with my arms around him.
“I understand. I nearly Lost Du too.” He spoke so softly. “But Du do have to let me go at some point. I won’t vanish into thin air. I will come back because I want to. Because I Liebe you.”
My head snapped up. I stared at him, my eyes wide.
“You what?”
“I Liebe you,” he said, tenderly, taking my face in his hands and Küssen me.
“That’s the first time you’ve sagte that to me,” I whispered.
“But you’ve known that I Liebe you.”
“It’s the first time you’ve sagte it aloud.”
“I guess it is,” he shrugged and he kissed my nose.
He unwound my arms and lifted me away from him. I began to protest but he looked at me his golden eyes daring me to argue. I shut my mouth and sat back with my arms folded. He was gone less than five Sekunden and returned with a damp cloth. He gently wiped the blood off my forehead. I sat there and let him. I wasn’t complaining because he was so close to me.
“That’s odd,” he murmured. I could feel the cloth being dabbed across my skin, very gently.
“What’s odd?” I asked.
“There’s nothing here,” he said. He stopped cleaning and touched my forehead.
“Nothing?” I stood up and ran upstairs to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror above the sink and gasped. My forehead was free of any injury. There was nothing there but my pale skin. I stared at my head trying to remember what had happened. I had definitely run into a branch and I had definitely seen blood on my fingers. I looked at my fingers now and I could see smears of red on my fingers.
Edward was behind me, his hands massaging my shoulders, trying to keep me from freaking out.
“It’s nothing to worry about.” He told me smoothly.
“Nothing to worry about?” It came out angrier than I had meant. “Edward, I ran into a baum and cut my head open and now there is nothing there. This is something to worry about.”
“It is nothing to worry about.” He repeated. “You can heal wounds, it’s a part of Du nature.”
I washed my hands in the sink, getting rid of all the blood.
“What about the paper cut Du got this morning?” he asked. He spun me around and took my wet hands in his. He searched my fingers, occasionally moving my hands into the light.
“Nothing,” he said. “Absolutely nothing.”
“Great,” I said, sarcastically.
“But Du can still feel pain.” He pinched my arm and I winced.
Edward suddenly stiffened.
“What is it?” I asked him, nervous.
He smiled.
“It’s not what Du think,” he said, Küssen my nose. “It’s another complication.”
“What?” I asked, relaxing slightly that there wasn’t any danger.
I jumped at the sound of Charlie’s angry shout.
“Is it about the tabelle in the hall?” I asked Edward.
Edward shook his head.
“He found out.”
“Found out what?” I asked but I could already guess.
“We should go down.” He took my hand and pulled me to the stairs. We stood at the oben, nach oben and at the bottom stood Charlie, Billy Black and a really tall guy.
Jacob Black.
That’s Jacob Black? I stared at Jacob. That couldn’t be him. I used to play with him when I was younger and I was always the taller one. Right up until I was fourteen I was always the tallest even though we were the same age. I used to call him Little Jay. What happened?
They get bigger when they change.
“Kayla, get away from him!” Charlie called up the stairs. I could hear Charlie’s thoughts now I had sought out his mind. He knew that Edward was a vampire. It was shouting out at me.
“Dad,” I said. “He’s not going to hurt us.”
“Michaela, get away from him!” Charlie seemed to growl at Edward, his eyes burning with fury.
“Dad, come on.” I made the mistake of walking down the stairs. Charlie grabbed my arm and dragged me down the stairs and away from Edward. Even though it didn’t hurt me I was shocked at the strength he had used.
Edward snarled. He didn’t like the way Charlie had grabbed me. Now that it was out he was a vampire he didn’t have to hold back his emotions.
“Get out of my house!” Charlie bellowed at Edward.
Edward snarled and bared his teeth.
“Charlie!” I screamed. I tried to break his grip but he was stronger than me and that shouldn’t be. I was the Azdi and I was the one with strength. I should be able to shrug of his vice-like hand. “Let me go!”
“No!” he growled at me. “You are not to go near him, Du hear me?”
“NO!” I screamed even louder. “Let me go oder I will hurt you!”
Jacob stood watching all of this, his face was like a mask. It showed no emotion at all.
“CHARLIE!” I screamed so hard my throat hurt. “YOU’RE HURTING ME!”
I couldn’t believe it but he was actually hurting me. His fingers dug into my arm and were bruising me. He did not let go though.
Edward was at my side and his hand was on oben, nach oben of Charlie’s ready to pull his hand off me but Charlie suddenly growled and his other hand hit Edward in the face. Edward stumbled back and touched his cheek where Charlie had struck him. I looked at Charlie and then at Edward. How had Charlie done that without breaking his own hand? The only other person a part from me who could actually hit a vampire without injuring themselves was Jacob. Was Charlie like me then? Was he still an Azdi?
Jacob suddenly dropped his mask and was staring shocked at Charlie. Jacob’s was thinking about when Billy had told Charlie that Edward was a vampire how Charlie had suddenly changed. How he clenched his fists together and his appearance seemed to become stronger, his whole body seemed to become leaner and fitter. I looked at Charlie and saw this too but then I ignored Charlie and glared at Jacob. I wouldn’t say anything now but I would soon.
“You will not come near this house,” Charlie spoke low and threatening. “You are not going to come near her again. Du will not speak to her, look at her, even think about her.”
Edward was contemplating what Charlie had said, thinking of the consequences of trying to kidnap me.
“Now leave.” Charlie pointed to the door.
Edward nodded and ran out the door. He left the door opened deliberately so I could see where he ran to. He headed into the forest. I relaxed and Charlie thought that he could trust me not to run after Edward. But I proved him wrong. As soon as his grip weakened, I pulled myself away from him and ran out the door. I had only reached the edge of the forest before I felt strong, hot arms around me, pulling me back.
“NO!” I screamed, hitting at the arms. “NO! LET ME GO!”
“Kayla.” Jacob spoke softly in my ear. “Let him go.”
“NO!” I screamed again. “I WANT TO GO WITH HIM! LET ME!”
“EDWARD!” I was screaming so loud I knew the whole straße could hear me. “EDWARD!”
But I knew Edward wouldn’t come back. He wouldn’t risk starting a war with the Wölfe who would definitely be on Charlie’s side.
“Kayla.” I could tell in Jacob’s voice that he hated doing this to me. We had been like best Friends since we were in nappies and now he was holding me back from someone that I obviously loved.
“Jacob, just let me go,” I whispered, tears falling from my eyes.
“I can’t,” he said. His arms twitched. He wanted to let me go. He didn’t care that the person I would be running after was a vampire but he couldn’t. Someone called Sam had ordered him not to let me near the vampire.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered, his voice breaking. “I don’t want to do this to you, Kayla. I don’t want to hurt Du but I can’t disobey the Alpha.”
Sam must be the leader of his pack and Du cannot disobey direct orders from him. I struggled, trying to break free but his arms just wound tighter.
“You did this to me!” I shouted at him. “You did this!”
“I didn’t do anything.”
“Billy did! Why?”
Jacob hesitated.
“Tell me!” I screamed at him. I stomped my foot to enforce that he should tell me now oder I would seriously kick his ass.
“He wants Du to stop hanging around with the Cullens,” Jacob sagte quickly. “He knew that Charlie would stop Du from seeing him and that it would bring back Charlie’s abilities.”
I swore very loudly about Billy.
“That’s my dad!” Jacob shouted. “Don’t speak about him like that!”
“He shouldn’t interfere!” I shouted at Jacob. “I can do what I want!”
“He’s looking out for you!” Jacob shouted back. “It’s Mehr than what your own father’s doing!”
“Charlie has nothing to do with this!”
“He has everything to do with this, Kayla! Because of Du he is in danger!”
“He isn’t in any danger and if he was I would protect him!”
“You can’t even protect yourself!” Jacob snorted. “I had to save you!”
“That was a newborn,” I reminded him. “I can’t take on a newborn Von myself they’re too strong!”
“How can Du protect Charlie if Du can’t fight a newborn?”
“They’re stronger than Emmett, Jacob!”
Jacob didn’t say anything but I could feel his arms shaking.
“You know what?” I said. I was beyond angry, I was furious. I couldn’t believe that his father had done this. Billy had been like a Sekunde dad and this is what he does to me? I was finding it difficult that he would actually try to teilt, split me and Edward up. Hasn’t Charlie told him that me and Edward seemed serious with the amount of time we were spending together? “You are just a stupid dog! An idiotic pup!”
I had gotten these insults from Edward’s thoughts. When he was telling me about Jacob being a wolf I could hear these insults shouting in his head. He obviously doesn’t like Jacob.
Jacob’s whole body was shaking, like he was having a fit. I managed to get his arms off me. I turned to face him and gasped. Tremors were going down Jacob’s body, one after the other. His hands were balled into fists, he was trying to regain control. I had angered him. He didn’t understand how I could be so infuriated. He thought everyone was trying to help and I was just rying to be difficult. He thought that I was idiotic for going about with vampires. And what had enraged him most was that I had insulted him. We were like family and here I was, calling him a dog. But I didn’t care. It was his father that had done this.
Suddenly Jacob exploded. Russet brown pelz blew out from him and joined together to make a shape that was five times his size. I looked up into the black eyes of a wolf and knew that things had gone too far. The wolf’s muzzle was pulled back over his teeth and a growl rolled through his gigantic chest. He was crouched, ready to attack. I stepped back from the wolf my hands outstretched and palm up. I didn’t know what to do. Could I possibly fight Jacob? oder do I run into the house and have Charlie defend me? Can I fight Little Jay?
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