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posted by PonygirlCurtis7
My breath came out in a white, Frozen wolke before me and smelled heavily of my mint gum. My footsteps’ sounds were wet on the sidewalk. It had rained just before I left the bookstore and, just Von my luck, someone stahl, stola my car (boy, was my dad going to have a cow when he hears that…), so I had to walk all the way Home in the wet night, all Von myself. I prayed silently that I would be able to find my way because I was new in town and barely knew where everything was. I had to use a crappy GPS to find the bookstore. I was just lucky I found it.
    The town was Cassidy. Very small—I guess that’s how I found my destination alright—and very dark. I moved here to live with my dad and brother because my mom died three weeks Vor in a car accident. I didn’t even see it coming. I was sitting Home alone, waiting for her to come back with the Essen for dinner. She was very late and I began to pace back and forth in the kitchen. I jumped two feet in the air when the phone rang. It was the police, telling me they had found my mother. I went hysterical. I threw the phone into the sink and took all the glass objects in my reach and smashed them against the floor and walls. I kicked one of the walls so many times I left dirt marks and holes. I screamed and cried. I had never acted like that. I felt ashamed afterward. After the funeral I became Mehr quiet and withdrawn. I sulked. I became sullen. But what can I say? My mother died.
    I shuddered as a gust of wind blew past my face. It forced me to turn my head away from the direction it was blowing from and spot another Quelle of life. On the opposite side of the straße I noticed another person—possibly a teenage boy—walking, which I thought was odd, considering it was nearly midnight and not a lot of people were out. I continued to stare at him, my intrigue getting the best of me. I can’t explain it, but something was forcing me to gaze at this stranger; something was urging me to.
    His body twisted backwards and suddenly I was staring into his eyes. I quickly looked away, but when I began to kreuz the straße I snuck another glance. He had stopped walking and was watching me. His face hid a look of curiosity. Once he was done being curious his expression turned both angry and shocked, and frustrated. Without thinking, I stopped too. I didn’t even hear the tires screeching across the street, oder see the lights. I was too mystified. In the Weiter few Sekunden I saw the lights bright in my eyes. I was tumbling onto the straße but someone caught me Von the waist before I hit the ground. They became a shield over me, arching over my small body. I heard metal bending, tires shrieking, and then I was sitting Weiter to the automobile slanted on the road, completely dumbfounded. I panted and looked around wildly for my savior. The driver franticly hopped out of his car and rushed over to me.
“Oh, my goodness, miss, are Du alright?” he asked. But I ignored him.
    “Who…who did that?” I stuttered, still searching the streets for my hero, my head twisting all around me, my hair flowing erratically in the biting wind.
    “Who did what, miss?”
    “Who saved me?” I was still panting, except a little harder now because I was becoming extremely confused. I stared at the man, waiting for my answer, but then my eyes wandered again and stopped on the man’s car. There was a dent in his driver’s side door, in almost the shape of a hand, it looked like. I remembered vaguely that I had heard metal bend and crease during all the commotion…
    “I don’t know, miss,” he admitted. “I didn’t see…anyone. It was just a blur. Du were there, then a blurring object came, and Du were gone, over here.” He pointed at my spot on the ground and I stared at it.
“I’m so sorry,” he blurted. “I didn’t see Du at first and my wheel was going outta control. You’re lucky something pulled Du outta the way.” I nodded in agreement.
“I was.”
“Again, I’m really sorry. I didn’t”—
I held up a hand to stop him in between his rushed words. “It’s fine. I’m fine. Du don’t need to apologize anymore.” I carefully stood up and brushed off the wet gravel on the back of my jeans, searching the streets again, but not for my savior this time; for a way to get home. I still wasn’t sure.
“How am I going to get home?” I muttered to myself.
“You should get to a hospital first, miss…uh, miss…um”—
“Carlton. My name is Esmeree Carlton.”
“Esmeree?” he mumbled to himself. “Wow, what a name. Well, Esmeree, I think Du should get to a hospital.”
I shook my head nervously. “No, I’m fine. I didn’t get hurt, since I was pulled out of the way and all. I don’t need to go there. But where I do need to go is home.”
“I could drive Du there,” he volunteered. “It’s the least I could do.”
I stared at him apprehensively. A free ride was hard to turn down, but I barely knew the stranger. He could be a pedophile oder something. That’s just what I needed to oben, nach oben off a perfect night.
“Uh…n-no, that’s fine. This town is small, I’m sure it’s not that far of a walk. And it’s not that cold.” I hoped he couldn’t see through my lie.
“But I don’t think”—
“Thanks, but no thanks. Goodbye.” And I turned on my heels quickly, but swiftly, and headed down my original direction, walking a little faster than I had before. The chill in the air was biting and made my cheeks and nose freeze. I kept my arms and hands close to my chest, tucking one under another. February always sucked in this town.
Further into my walk I came close to a neighborhood with small ranch and two-story houses. I ran over to the straße sign to read the name. I did that with every one until I found my street. Then I looked for my house number in the black, silent night. I felt a rush of relief at the sight of it, at the sight of my house, and sprinted up to it, ignoring the chilling wind that pushed me back in protest. I snatched my key out of my pocket and jammed it into the lock.
Geez, people were screaming my name before I had the door all the way open. I was too exhausted to respond, so I sat on the bench in the front hallway, slowly untying my black Converse and unbuttoning my black coat. I panted as I rested my head back against the wall, warmth encasing every inch of my body. My father and brother were in the front hallway, their faces painted with the very signs of pure anger and worry.
“Esmeree, where the hell have Du been? It’s almost one in the morning!” Dad boomed. Once I had collected myself I stood up and sighed.
“I’m sorry, Dad. I Lost track of time at the bookstore—you know how I am with books. Anyway, when I got outside afterwards I spent twenty Minuten looking for my car. Once I realized it was nowhere to be found I came to the conclusion that it had been stolen. Lovely, right? I know.” I spared them both the details of almost getting run over. “It took me, I think, about forty-five Minuten to walk back here.”
“You walked?” my brother Ben questioned. “All the way here?”
“Yes, I did.”
I looked over at Dad, who was leaning against the wall, his face ashen, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Your car was stolen?” he asked in barely a whisper. I nodded, though I knew he couldn’t see me since he was looking down. “And Du walked? Oh, goodness.” He looked up, his eyes closed, and sighed. “Alright, alright. We’ll take care of this tomorrow.” I nodded again.
“Okay, Dad. Tomorrow.” I got on my tiptoes and kissed his forehead, near his dark, curly hair. “I’m going to go take a dusche real quick. Goodnight. Goodnight, Ben.”
Ben didn’t even look at me when he said, “Goodnight, troublemaker.”
“Shut up, Benjamin,” I sagte over my shoulder as I quickly climbed the stairs to the bathroom. I slowly undressed and stared at my naked self in the square, cracked-in-the-top-corner mirror. I was very pale, almost as white as paper in the bright light of the new light bulbs in the bathroom. Of course, it didn’t help that I had long, dark brown/bronze-colored hair that fell in a graceful, straight cascade down from the oben, nach oben of my head to almost the middle of my back. The color just made my face look whiter. My eyes didn’t make it worse, though. They were a crystal, watery blue that easily sparkled whenever touched Von the rays of light. And they were shielded Tag after Tag Von long, dark eyelashes. My looks weren’t plain, but I didn’t exactly think of myself as gorgeous, oder even beautiful.
I spit out my gum into the waste basket, realizing it was still in my mouth and starting to taste disgusting, and stepped into the bathtub to take my shower. The water was hot as it ran down my body and burned my skin. I started to feel some sort of throbbing, stinging pain around my waist, over my stomach. “What the hell…?” I asked myself before looking down. And there, clear as day, was a black and purple and blue bruise in the shape of a hand and part of a lower arm. “Oh—oh my gosh.” How did that get there?
The hot rinse went on for what felt like hours, but when I got out I found I had only been in for fifty minutes. I stood in front of the mirror again, but this time I wasn’t looking at myself. I was glaring at the big, deformed bruise draped across my stomach and around my waist. The hand shadowed my bellybutton, and the mark of the lower arm snaked around my waist. I took my right hand and laid it over the spot. The hand was a lot bigger than mine. It looked masculine, too, nothing that fit my dainty, girly hands. I furrowed my eyebrows. I hadn’t felt pain there before. Why was I now suddenly aware of the warm throbbing and the aching of the large mark?
I quickly combed through my Rapunzel – Neu verföhnt damp hair and dried my body, then I crossed through the hallway to my room in my bathrobe. Dad and Ben were now in their rooms, probably asleep. It was almost two in the morning. I got dressed in a T-shirt and sweats and curled into a ball on my bed, being careful not to have anything come in contact with my bruise. I closed my eyes and tried to drift into sleep, but I couldn’t, even though I was exhausted. I tossed and turned in my bett and suddenly the face of the stranger on the other side of the straße popped into my head. The stranger who had directed my attention away from where it needed to be and almost made me die. I hadn’t thought of him for hours and now his face was abruptly in my mind.
I shuddered.
His face brought unexpected and unnecessary tremors to me.
It was odd. I could still remember it clearly. Even if it was dark, I had still gotten a good look at him. His jaw was square, his face carefully sculpted to something that made gorgeous look dull. His nose was straight and perfect, his lips curved and full and, just like the rest of him, perfect. Flawless. And his eyes—oh, his eyes—had to be the most flawless part of all. I know I hadn’t seen that detail of him as clearly as the rest of them but they were. I know they were. His eyes were big and round and…green, I think. A beautiful green, like the crystal-clear water of a pale jade lake oder pond. Around his eyes, but darker under them, were purple and black spots, the color of bruises almost, as if he hadn’t slept in years. The smooth, creamy canvas that all those features occupied was skin paler than mine. Way paler, way whiter. His skin was so white it glowed in the dark night. It looked silky and smooth, and colder than anything I’ve ever felt. His Schokolade brown hair fell from the oben, nach oben of his head and stopped at almost the end of his neck in the back, some strands oder tufts flying off in different directions.
Gosh, I hadn’t known how much I’d paid attention to his features till now.
Well, now I know there’s one thing to be certain: I’m Verzaubert Von a person I’ve never spoken to, only seen from a distance.

The rest of my weekend went Von in a blur. Before I knew it, it was time to start my first week of school. Great. The first Tag went Von slowly; all the faces I first met became distorted in my mind, soon leaving my memory. I arrived to all my classes late—the map was no help—and all my teachers sagte my name wrong.
“Ez-mer-ee Carlton?” they would guess.
“Ez-mer-ay,” I would have to correct.
One girl, named Julia, that had been Merida - Legende der Highlands enough to confront me, the frightening, but at the same time interesting, new girl, was in my gym class, and she pointed out something that I hoped nobody would’ve noticed.
I was changing into my gym uniform at the locker Julia offered me, and she was babbling on about all the available and unavailable guys in the school—I wasn’t paying much attention, though—when she suddenly let out a sharp gasp. I turned to her, frightened, my eyes wide. She was staring at my stomach and then she looked up at me. I quickly slipped on my gym shirt, tied my hair back into a ponytail, and ran out of the locker room. “Esmeree!” she shouted after me.
She stared at me all throughout the period, a look of pity and horror masking her startled face. I hoped silently that she wouldn’t say a word to anyone. That’s all I needed: to be known as the weird new girl with the large bruises on her body.
It wasn’t my fault! I didn’t put it there! I had no clue who did, actually. It eluded even me.
Well, now I knew that I would have to wear a tank oben, nach oben under my shirts until the damned thing went away, which probably wouldn’t be for another month, if my calculations were correct.
When school ended I stood Von the picnic tables near the parking lot, making sure I had all my things, when suddenly my bruise started to throb. I furrowed my eyebrows in frustration and lifted up my hemd, shirt a little to sneak a schnell, swift peak at it. It looked the same: big, black, frightening. I sighed and pulled down my shirt. When I looked up I caught the familiar eyes of someone standing Von their car in the parking lot.
I froze.
Those eyes were familiar. Very familiar. And so were the purple and black shadows around those familiar eyes. And so was the mad, brown hair. And so were the curved, full lips that now, at this moment, pull together in a hard, bitter line. And so was the startlingly pale skin.
It was the boy from the straße the other night. I realized that he had noticed my bruise too.
He looked at me for a long time. His round eyes were frustrated, yet again, but also pained, and critical. That expression seemed to apply only to himself, in my imaginative mind. He shook his head in disapproval and turned away from me. My face reddened in hurt, and I looked down.
I slung my bag over my shoulder and started to head to my car when someone stopped me. It was Julia. She seemed to be ignoring our incident in gym, so I went along. “Damian Gregory was staring at you.” I could hear the wide smile in her voice.
“I saw that,” I replied.
“That’s pretty odd. He doesn’t usually notice any of the girls around here.” She sighed and her voice became bitter. “Apparently none of us are good enough for him.” She snickered. “So, I warn Du not to get your hopes up.” I turned red again, and quickly glanced in his direction. To my dismay, he was looking my way again. And there was a smug grin on his pale face. Had he heard what Julia said? No, he couldn’t have. That’s impossible. He was at least thirty feet away.
I squinted and sneered. His grin was annoying…and contagious. I turned away, back to Julia. She was watching me, haughty, and looking back and forth between me and Damian. “He seems to like looking at you, Ez,” she giggled—she had come up with a ridiculous nickname for me, that way she wouldn’t have to pronounce my whole name, though I didn’t much mind the silly name “Ez,” strangely.
Again, Damian responded to what Julia had said: his grin faded into a scowl and he looked down at his feet. Someone placed themselves Weiter to him, clamping their strong hand on his shoulder.
It was another pale-faced boy, incredibly handsome like Damian, and mysterious-seeming. But he seemed Mehr open than Damian; less secretive. Damian muttered a couple quick words to the other boy, and then the boy looked up to meet my gaze.
Hazel eyes; green and brown and big. They gazed at me in a straight and perfect face. He smiled openly. Julia scared me Von speaking: “That’s Wesley, Damian’s brother.”
“They don’t look like brothers,” I responded, still watching Wesley, who was watching me too.
“Oh, they’re not really. Wesley is adopted, as are the other kids that live the two boys.”
I looked at her questioningly. “There’s more?” She seemed startled Von my question.
“Uh, yeah. Why?”
“Oh, uh, no reason.” I turned to look back at the two boys, but they were now gone.
There were Mehr beautiful, pale-faced teenagers at this school. Lovely. I didn’t do well with attractive, intimidating people. They can lower my self-esteem.
“C’mon, Ez,” Julia started. I rolled my eyes at the name. She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the parking lot.
The Weiter Tag I walked into my classes with caution. When I walked into my first class, English, I nearly died from an erratically sputtering heart. My palms became sweaty and I felt dizzy. There was Damian, sitting in the back of the classroom with an empty sitz Weiter to him, and a girl sitting in my seat. How had I not noticed him before? Before I had the chance to walk over to the girl in my sitz and ask he why she was sitting there, the teacher, Mr. Lubbers, pulled me over to his desk.
“I’m sorry, Ez”—was everybody calling me that now? I guess the name sagte Von Julia and her friends, who were starting to accept me now as her friend, and theirs, had reached some of the teachers—“I forgot that Laura wasn’t here yesterday, and I gave Du her seat. I’m going to have to Bewegen you.” He looked around the classroom and stopped in the one place I would rather die than sit in. “You can sit Weiter to Damian. He can assist Du if Du need any help.” I turned to Damian. He was staring at me with intense, fiery eyes. I gulped and sauntered over to my new seat. As I set my bag and Bücher down I could feel his eyes on me. I tried to concentrate that hour, but it was so hard. He watched me. He didn’t take his eyes off of me once. That made me insanely self-conscious. Why was he staring at me? What did I do?
That Tag I found out I had four out of seven classes with the infamous Damian Gregory—I sat Weiter to him in all of them; what luck!—and two with his brother Wesley. And each period I could feel Damian’s intense green eyes on me. I wish I could escape them, but they were always glued to me. Every time I snuck a glance at him I’d have to quickly turn away because there his eyes were: on me. I couldn’t even escape his eyes at night, where I knew he wasn’t, because they leaked into my dreams, haunting me. I couldn’t escape.
posted by Problematic129
~Genre:realistic fiction, humor~
Chapter 16
    Awkward, it’s not the first time
    It was very unpleasant to be kicked out of our special bakery do to our girl fight. Now, it wasn’t that bad, we were just pulling each other’s hair, though I did get a good kick on my side, and Ali’s going to have an ugly bruise on her cheek from my fist, but hey.
    No damage done to the love.
    We immediately went to the mall buying ourselves ice cream, and saying sorry over and over again, with a few nice shopping trips....
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posted by Problematic129
Yay! A part 3, because of your encouragement and all, I have decided to continue on my Inpsried series. This one is called beautiful truth :), first of all I don't own any of these pictures, I've found them on various tumblr's. Some pictures in particaulr is from the little reasons to smile tumblr and the learnlovelivelife tumblr, so Du should check them out, it's really nice. I own non of these pictures, this is just for inspiring my lovely people out there. Kommentar what Du think! And Fans appreciated ;) Again I own none of these pictures :) I don't know if I'm supposed to post a genre, and what genre this is, so sorry.
I own nothing!
posted by hippy-hoppy

5 years ago

As I crouch in the wardrobe, trembling with fear, I hear shouts coming from down the stairs, I don't know who it is but I know that there's 2 men and 1 woman. No rewards for me guessing who one of the men and women are, my mum and dad, but the other one, who seems to be shouting the most vile and mean things I've ever heard, I have no idea of who it is. As I'm trembling I think to myself," whats going to happen to my mum and dad?" and other Fragen like," why did my dad hide me in here?" and "why are they shouting at the man so violently?" I keep thinking about...
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June 18
Today was the first time I saw her. It was the annual festivals for them. It began today and ended June 25. I happen to be hiking today. I had heard myths and legends about how they fall from the skies to dance and celebrate among the humans,

Back to the girl. She had light blue eyes and a thick head of hair. The part of her that really caught my eyes were her Angel – Jäger der Finsternis wings.

They had a noticeable sparkle to them. I was certainly Verliebt in eine Hexe Von her beauty the moment I saw her.. It was hard to get her image out of my head.

Eventually, I had to leave. Those Engel would pick up on my scent and...
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Garren struggled for breath as he woke up. Why Du ask? No reason, only that he found himself underwater.

Swimming up as fast as he could, he tried as hard as possible to not let go of his breath. Finally, he reached the surface.

As he broke the water's surface and gasped for air, he looked around his surroundings, nearly sighing with relief as he saw the simplicity of it.

It was a simple room. The walls and floor were made of stone, and nothing else was in the room other than 2 portals. A red one and a blue one.

Climbing out of the water onto the cold stone floor, Garren realized that nothing...
continue reading... head. What the hell happened?

Garren slowly opens his eyes, but there wasn't much to see. The room was dim, and the only light coming into the room was from a small candle. The light didn't go far, and many spots in the room were still darkened to a great extent. It looked like a medieval dungeon. He tries to move, only to realize his wrists and ankles are chained to the wall.

"What's going on?" Garren demands, speaking to no one in particular. Has he failed a test, and is now dying for it? He's about to repeat himself, when he sees something lying on the ground not too far from him...
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Chapter Two- Setting My Sights

If ghost could pass out from shock then that was actually what I was about to do. It isn't the greatest feeling in the world to realize that you're dead, that no one on Earth will be able to hear Du say anything ever again. Everyone thinks Du are dead. There was a silver lining in this tale of misfortune. Everyone thinks I'm dead which meant, most likely, everyone would be gossiping about my death. I might just get some Antwort on this untimely tragedy. I longed to know what happened to me. Why was I like this? I surely don't want to be a ghost forever although,...
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Chapter 16
    Code furnace
    “Pam, how many times have I told Du to not fake injuries to the nurse and sleep through the whole Tag of school?”
    I scrunched my brow. “Over twenty times.”
    Adam scowled. “You missed a whole Tag of school, and! Du made Beth too!”
    “Hey! Beth agreed with me!” I said, “her life, her choices.”
    Adam rolled his eyes. “You’ve been doing this since ninth grade Pam, just endure the pain of school with the rest of your...
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Chapter 14
    Football games and gym days
    “GO! GO! GO! GO!”
    I groaned. “Oh, come on guys, it’s just a stupid game!”
    “A stupid game!” Adam yelled, and Ryler nodded his head enthusiastically. “It’s football!”
    I roll my eyes. “So?”
    “So?” Adam mimicked. “This game is sacred! Awesome! It’s football!”
    “It’s also too long,” I whine. “I mean like, I Liebe it, I really do. But sitting around is torture,...
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As doctors rushed in and Mariah and Tiffany ran Weiter to Kyle, James sat there, looking at his brother, remembering all that they'd gone through, fighting evil monsters that don't exist, fighting bad guys, everything, they survived it all. Except the human race, their own species. He was about to cry but looked up and saw Mariah and Tiffany, crying. He hugged them tight, like Kyle used to. "It'll be ok" he said. "But what are we going to do?" sobbed Mariah. "Live on." sagte James and hugged them tighter. Later that evening James went to Kyle's house and looked under his bett and found a box. He...
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posted by Problematic129
Chapter 3
    The interview
    Approximately two days and we were off. Ashlynn was excitedly working on the script and Sasha was helping with the budget that the teacher just wouldn’t help with. Even with Fern’s influence she still didn’t trust us, maybe a little bit more, but still not that much. We were still undecided about the whole interviewing thing-y so we’ve just been searching on the internet and getting some old released police records.
    “Okay, so the horror Stunde is looking pretty good,” Sasha mutters as she...
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Would Du ask a writer about what their Schreiben means? First, hear (or read) what I have to say. If Du ask a poet what their work is about, what sorts of Fragen do Du think they hear all the time? 'Whats this mean? What's this about?' The artists get sick of it. Schreiben is a form of art. Art is meant to be not the same for everyone. Most artists want their work to be left to the viewers interpretation. Quoth one of my favourite writers:
"Does it mean this, does it mean that, that's all anybody wants to know. Fuck them darling. I say what any decent poet would say if Du dared ask him to...
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posted by Problematic129
    It seemed as if everything went quieter when Alex and Iris sat down, I could see we were all tensed and hopeful. Although it didn’t seem Iris had gotten over her anger of us how she never sagte a word and just frowned at her tray unless Alex was saying something to her.
    What irked me was that when Alex would talk to Iris, Du could tell it was really important Von the way they looked, but the geniuses had the conversations between the two in different languages. One Minute there speaking what...
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Chapter Ten: I Always Lose At The Game of Chance

      "Who would be dumb enough to follow us?" demanded Courtney who was already forgetting that Darrell almost kidnapped us. "Don't they know who they are messing with." Courtney sagte it a bit playful but playful was not the kind of mood we were looking for.
      "You might be trained, but they are experienced and probably know 40 different ways to kill someone. It is best if we go hide out somewhere." Darrell kept his eyes on the road, those sky blue eyes.
      "You're right," I said. "But where are Charles and Raven? We can't just...
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre: Fiction, fantasy~
    Lunchtime! Finally! It felt like ages before it came. Lunchtime has become a Favorit event for me lately, because now the gang and I can get to hang out together and just be ourselves.
    Marie wasn’t too happy about it when I told her the first time though, she glared at my Friends almost every time, and she’s been trying to push Brooklyn over the edge. But she doesn’t ruin our lunch, she doesn’t even come close.
    I know I’m not the only one with friend troubles,...
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre:realistic fiction, humor~
Chapter 27
    It takes a miracle
    Wednesday’s, one of my Favorit days, because on the Tag I was first born, I was born on Wednesday. The funny thing was my parents wanted to name me Wednesday, but Adam and Melanie kept on howling and yelling, so my mom picked Pamela, so my middle name is Wednesday.
    Why the name Pamela?
    I’ll tell Du why, I’m a miracle baby, Du know how some baby’s don’t come out perfect and the hospital has to hold them, well that’s what happened....
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posted by Dhampires
She looked at me throw narrow eyes droping her hostage to the floor she took a step toward me. She'd started to mouth off at me but I wasn't paying attention the only thing I had my eyes on was the man behind her.

He slowly drew a gun from his chest pocket before angling it at Camila's head he smiled at me and mouthed 'thanks'. I couldn't speak, I was speechless.

It was her words that brought me to life as of where I could run. "Duck he's going to kill you?"
"What?!" she sheirked turning to her attacker. He held a tight grin on his face. "Sweet dreams Princess." I could hear a faint Itialian...
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre:realistic fiction, humor~
Chapter 26
    Here my roar!
    I couldn’t stop gushing over the fact that Ryler kissed me! He kissed me! Best Tag ever! And I just couldn’t wait for our date, and Ryler wouldn’t be telling me anything, but it was pretty clear Adam knew. He’d always give me this secret smile, and wink.
    I wonder if I was obvious with my crush with Ryler, oder if Ryler told Adam from the beginning, oder just told him. All in all, I’m relieved there’s no ‘touch my sister and die’, everything seems normal....
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posted by Problematic129
~Genre:realistic fiction, humor~
Chapter 24
    Maternal instinct
    “Oh! My lovely baby’s growing up!” My mom squeals while I hold a groan.
    “Mom please!” I whine. “Were here for shopping not gushing.”
    Mom rolled her eyes. “It’s clothes shopping, stupid. Gushing is mandatory. And Du in that dress! Oh the tears!”
    I smile as she clutches herself dramatically. “Whatever.”
    After that little get together, which wasn’t that bad when I look back...
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I stared in horror at what was in Blake’s computer I didn’t see this coming. What have I done? I felt like I was going to throw up. I can’t believe what I just gave him I am so stupid! I sighed me beating myself up is not going to change anything. All I can do now is find my brother find out what is going on and stop Blake before it is to late. What are Du waiting for it is time to come up with a plan to escape this nut house.

I took a flash drive and copied everything on Blake’s computer. I made sure there was no tracking device on the laptop double-checking found it clean than I packed...
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