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posted by TakTheFox
Chapter three
(Sept 15th Monday)

A particularly rainy Tag at the school, The Inner-School courtyard was almost pool-like with how much water it contained. Its lack of drainage-ways caused the intake to be at least three-inches and slowly climbing. It started like this a Tag prior, and hadn’t shown any sign of stopping.

At first there were complaints, but a group of students decided that they enjoyed splashing about and thus the school let it stay for the time-being in that one spot only.

Most of the students had decided to stay in bed, pretending to be under the weather, as they did not want to attend their classes. Few students actually understood that the weather was controlled Von the school. These students were allowed to stay in bett however as a means to teach a lesson to those who choose to try and cheat the system.

However around thirty-percent of the rest of the students were huddled in the bibliothek that was not attached to the main school, but was actually located inside the courtyard. It supplied computers, televisions, naturally books, soda machines, furniture, music-lounges, and even a small gift-shop with coffee and hot-cocoa machines. The Beschreibung of the inside varied from light-colored to pale-brown. It seemed that the farther back Du got, the less light-grey you’d see, and the Mehr bland-brown Du would. The shelves were tall, and stretched out well. Too well unfortunately, as well as too multiple. If Du passed enough, one would either see a couple of students plotting little schemes, sleeping, oder in romantic actions.

A vast amount of the students inside this three-story building had stuffed their Computerspiele into their backpacks and rushed into there. They were currently paying for another Stunde of television-gaming-use.

Other students also packed certain items, mostly card and board games, as well as books, which they found a vast amount of entertainment from. Sadly though it was still a library, and when someone yelled out “UNO” oder “BINGO” oder “REDEMPTION”, not even the staff would have to shush them. There were so many “brainy” students there who despised such noise, that to make a loud sound would be to risk the horror of a weaponized-hard-cover book.

These students were ones who had no classes this Tag at all, oder had already finished. They were gegeben the privilege of spending their Tag in the bibliothek and deeply appreciated the reward. Of course however, there were also students who were working on school in the bibliothek also who were having a less enjoyable time.

Some students simply sat at the main entrance, which was directly aligned with the gift-shop. There were large blandly-colored couches, with backs leaning against the windowed-walls, and directly to their side, across the entrance-width, was a young male student attempting to almost place the dollar into the television-slot, have it scanned, then pull it out before it was sucked in.

The boy apparently succeeded, but unfortunately he did this with very little subtlety. The shop-lifting-alarm blared, sending a good amount of students into a terrified stampede for the exit. The very few, but still Mehr than five, librarians informed them that nothing was wrong, and only a portion disbelieved this notion, and left. Dark glares were sent to the student who sent off the alarm.

“Ugh! I was almost asleep!” A male student, whose name was Night, complained. He was a navy-blue hedgehog boy, with black hair, and white bits of pelz around his body and chest. A black jacke with white rolled up cuffs and black shoes with white spitze was his attire.

A female student, whose name was Trinity, also a blue-colored hedgehog, but much paler, with pale tan arms, black hair, a white tang-top and black rock for her attire, approached him with a non-amused look. “What if it was a fire?”

“I’m sure Du could carry me outside oder something.” Night smirked, though his tone was that of an annoyed variety.

“Well maybe Du could patrol her now.” Trinity suggested as she sat on the couch Weiter to him, looking out towards the rain.

Night yawned as he hoisted himself up to look through the window. “She’s still out there?” They were referring to a very soaked large-eared lynx who seemed to be enjoying catching the cold outdoors. Rynk was partially-well-known Von some students at this point, though mostly for strange situations such as this. She was not notably bothered Von the rain and seemed to be even Singen on occasion. The two teenagers found this partially entertaining as the lynx-girl had slipped on the wet ground an unhealthy amount of times and yet continued to disregard the weather’s danger.

After a while however Rynk had decided to stop playing outdoors and instead began casually walking around the center-tree.

“Yep. Still there.” Trinity answered. “She just keeps circling the tree, then stops, looks at the moon, then continues walking.” Trinity chuckled slightly. “Maybe she’s got lunar-powers oder something.”

“Well,” Night sagte as he propped himself up a bit more, “this is a school for supernatural-mobians after all.”

Trinity shrugged. “Yeah. Maybe we should let her i- never mind. Here she comes.”

Rynk was soaked and dripping wet upon entering the library, and promptly began to squeeze out the water from her hemd, shirt and hair. Her normal Persian/Indian-attire was replaced Von a pale-grey T-shirt, a dark-purple hoodie, and black jeans. She had her bare-feet, and blood-stained anklet on, which was another reason the other students found her a bit off, and her golden-colored earrings still hung from her almost rabbit-sized lynx-ears.

“Decided to not catch a cold?” Trinity asked with a confused look.

“Never caught one before. ‘Sides,” Rynk replied with a smile and a shrug, “It’s refreshing.”

“What you’ve got some kind of-“

Trinity’s reply was interrupted Von a very angry voice yelling out “I HATE RAIN!”, as Grace walked into the library, soaking wet.

“You okay, Grace?” Rynk asked as she rushed over to aid her. So far the friendship between Grace and Rynk had been mostly one-sided, but Grace had gotten to the point where Grace found Rynk to be a non-nuisance.

“Do I look ok- what happened to your voice? I thought Du were Persian.” Grace noticed. In actuality, Rynk’s voice did now sound farther from a Persian dialect and now much closer to that of an English one. The other students did not address this because they did not know her well enough to realize the change. When Grace asked the question, Rynk’s face made a sort of half-cringe.

“To be honest it’s hard to explain and I’m not really sure how it happened…You need a blanket oder something?”

“… No. I’ll be okay.” Grace sighed. She could feel another one of Rynk’s over-friendly moments coming on. Nothing particularly annoying ever happened because of these, but for some reason Grace felt some form of dread from them.

“What brought Du inside here?” Rynk asked.

Grace shivered a bit, rethinking the blanket-offer. “I needed to be outside, fresh air and all. When I walked out it I got drenched. I came in here to escape the boredom of the main building.”

“Oh… are Du looking for a book oder something?” The lynx-girl asked.

“… That’s… actually not a bad idea.” Grace walked past the main schreibtisch and looked around for a while with Rynk following closely behind, offering the warmth of her hoodie a Sekunde time, which Grace refused in a still-annoyed tone, but managed to without seeming rude.

“Interested in a specific kind of book?” Rynk asked as they went up some stairs.

Grace shrugged. “I feel… Noire-ish for some reason.”

“Right I Liebe that dessert.”

Grace halted for a split-second, and replied as she returned to her browsing “Not a word you’re familiar with?”

“Nnnnnnno-pah!” The lynx sagte with a shake of the head despite Grace’s back pointed towards her.

“It’s… a… er, I guess it depends on what you’re planet is like… there’s… mysteries and police involved, with a lot of narration.”

“Sounds cool enough. Wanna use one of the computers to find the book?”

“It’s a Genre, Rynk.” Grace corrected as they went between rows of bookshelves.

“Oh… Huh, well how are we gonna find that?” Rynk’s tone raised a bit. “I mean, there’s like, three-hundred dimensions connected to this thing.” She then mumbled to herself “Still having trouble wrapping my brain around how they keep all the students here.”

“Hm…Where ARE the computers?”

“Uh…” Rynk walked ahead, sticking her head out among the shelves left and right. “Oh there’s one!” She ran to the end of the room. Grace followed at a half-jogging pace.

The computer looked very much like an ATM-machine, though with a much Mehr complex key-pad. The keys were blank and upon being touched, a small light flickered, and the letters for the keys appeared.

Rynk looked over the keyboard with interest. “So… that’s how your language works?”

“Yeah, Du don’t know what English is?” Grace questioned rhetorically while searching through the database.

“Oh, that’s English? I didn’t learn much of that, Persian and all.” Rynk noted, still concealing her other mixed-nationalities.

“Persia stopped being a c- oh forget i- Hey look they do have it.” They both stared at the screen.

“Cool, which one Du want, ‘cause I can’t read any a’ that.” Rynk chuckled.

“I guess I’ll just pick one at random… This looks good.” Grace clicked on a story labeled ‘The Last Untarnished’. A Sekunde flash on the screen went off, followed Von a sign on the screen telling Grace to pick up her book at the front desk.

The two went to the front, and picked up the book. “Are Du going to stay here oder go outside or…” Rynk paused.

“Guess I’ll leave.” Grace replied with a final glance around the library. “Not really big on crowds.”

Grace started for the door, but felt a fuzzy-like-material go over her shoulder as she went. She looked over and saw Rynk put her jacke over her. “You might need it.” Rynk suggested, gesturing to the fact that because of being locked out improperly, Grace was wearing a tang-top and jeans, which did not give her much heat.

Grace nodded and walked out, with Rynk following.

They both looked up for a moment and noticed that it was still very dark. It was like the night just stopped, and the clouds reflected the blackness of it. They could only see the moon shining through the clouds, then Grace looked over and…

“Why are your stripes glowing??” She asked with widened eyes. Rynk looked at her own hands and saw that the moon-shaped cups of her black stripes were in fact glowing bright-blue.

“Uh… I ate a flash-light?” Rynk fibbed. “I dunno. Been that way for as long as I can remember. Doesn’t do anything as far as I can tell. … Hey, who’s that?”

Rynk pointed to a male figure sitting on the bench under the tear-tree that kept the area below it ever so dry and untouched. It was a fuchs she assumed, though she would need a better view.

“Why not sit down there to read?” Rynk suggested.

“Aka, why not hook me up with some stranger??” Grace guessed with a slight glare.

“Wh- No! Well… I guess that’s an option but the point is it’s away from most people and its outside away from the rain. Look they’ve even got those little mini-light things around it.” Rynk gestured to a surrounding group of black-colored light-holders with yellow rays radiating from them and on to the bench.

“No way.“

“You can at least ask if he’d be willing to give Du his spot… all… gentleman-like. C’mon, won’t hurt.” Rynk rushed over towards the male fox, with Grace grumbling as she slowly followed.

“Mind if we sit down for a bit?” Rynk asked as she and her hostage neared the bench.

“I beg of Du to mind.” Grace groaned.

The fuchs shrugged. “Fine Von me.” He answered in a very nice Australian accent. Rynk seemed to be enjoying this, while Grace was near gagging.

‘Oh of all the things, there’s some Zufällig buff-fox dude, with an Australian accent.’ She gagged in her mind. “All we need now is some monster for him to fight, and a boomerang.’ Grace refused to admit it, but some part of her was happily caught off-guard Von the speech of this fellow student.

“You’re Australian…” Grace murmured mindlessly.

“… Uh… You’re Mobotropian... I think?” The fuchs replied, attempting not to say the wrong thing.

“And I’m Persian with a British accent.” Rynk chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

The fuchs chuckled with her a bit. “Can’t tell if we’re all racist oder confused.”

“What no ‘G’day Mate’ oder ‘Sheela’ oder ‘croikey’” Grace quipped with rolled eyes as she sat down with her hands under her chin.

“G’day mate, Sheela, and croikey.” The fuchs sagte with a smirk. Grace gave him a glare. He just smirked more.

“Well then, what are Du two ‘Sheelas’ doin out heah?” The fuchs continued to tease.

“Locked out.” Rynk replied. “I’m Rynk.”

“I’m Craiger. Nice to meet you,” He sagte to Rynk, “and nice to annoy Du apparently.” He sagte to Grace. “Not that I’m trying really. So I’m guessing you’re not going to tell me your name.”

“Foxlock Holmes strikes again.” Grace insulted without making eye-contact.

Craiger just shrugged. “Alright then. Guess I’ll have ta make one up for ya. Let’s see… Grumpy… Dop-“

“Grace!” She spoke it so quick it was almost a fatal strike. “G-R-A-C-E. Don’t go mis-spelling it.” The flustered fuchs glared with her eyes fixed with annoyance.

“Alright then. Not my place to ask what kicked your rump this morning, but I suppose this weather’s prone to do that.” He sagte calmly.

“So which dimension are Du from?” Rynk asked, hoping to lighten the mood.

“Mobocan.” Craiger answered casually.

“No kidding! Me too!” Rynk informed energetically.

“Really? Which country? I’m from Gei Si Heir.”

“Supreta. Guess that makes up arch-nemesis’s oder something.” Rynk chuckled.

“Only if the feds find out.” Craiger chuckled back. “Wait, Du sagte Du were Persian.”


“But… you’re Supretan.”

“Oh… r-right, yeah. Mixed… nation…”

The füchsin, vixen was slightly startled Von this mixed-nationality statement, but it did not hold her curiosity. Grace rose up from the sitz and sagte “Well I’m sure I’ll be there at your marriage. G’bye.” She snapped as she quickly walked off. “G’bye” was on emphasis that she meant the least amount of good in the bye of it. As she started to come out of ear-shot Craiger called out “Nice to make your acquaintance, G-R-A-C-E.”

Even Rynk knew that he had just pushed it far. Grace stormed back and snarled “Knock it off, oder that tongue’s gonna end up in-“

“Alright, alright.” Craiger agreed, gesturing for her to keep things G-rated. “Sorry for upsetting you.” Grace simply acknowledged his reply then turned and continued off. Rynk waved good-bye to Craiger then followed.

“You didn’t need to get ticked at him.” Rynk complained. “What did he do?”

“He looked pretty. And I’m guessing all he wanted was to look at some other pretty things. And I thought” She turned to Rynk for a moment, still glaring “that we were just going to ask for a seat.”

“Doesn’t mean we couldn’t socialize at the same time.” Rynk defended.

“Not with him, not with any of the.” Grace answered sternly. While Rynk did not agree that this friendly and witty student was meaning those intentions, she did detect the hint of personal-past coming from Grace’s tone. She sagte nothing in reply to the vixen.

Grace decided that she wanted to read alone, to which Rynk reluctantly agreed to. The large-eared-lynx left, and Grace found herself back inside her dorm, trying to concentrate on her book, and trying not to think about the males of her past.
Hello everybody, Toot here, oder Toootie; whatever. I'm here to bring Du my oben, nach oben 5 Favorit sonic Fan characters Liste because my opinion apparently matters! Alright, a little ground rules first of all. One, no characters that are owned Von me shall appear on this list, the reason for this is obvious. Two, if Mehr then one character is owned Von the same person on this list, they will appear as a tie. We don't want the entire Liste flooded with Azurique's and Hiddenlight's characters. Three, I will go off of what I know of the character alone, so characters that I know a lot about will have an advantage...
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Have Du ever looked at a character in a franchise, and just thought “What are they wearing? HOW WILL THAT PROTECT THEM!?”? Well that’s what this about. The skin tight suits, the bikini “armor”, the dresses and tuxedos that never seem to get torn.

~It’s fiction/TV/A Video Game, It doesn’t have to be realistic!
All of these have tried, and continue to try to be realistic in the past and present, and strive to be so in the future. They take time to make sure that the lens on a gun reflects light perfectly, oder that people’s breathing looks normal, oder that hair sways correctly,...
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Note: This is not a countdown. This is a list.

1.    Super-form receptiveness
I think Du know what I mean. If I have my math right here, we’ve seen ONE other type of Super form in Sonic 3 & Knuckles, ONE in Sonic and the Secret Rings, ONE in Sonic and the Black Knight, and ONE (EXTREMELY BRIEF) “super” form in Sonic X. These were of course, the HYPER-forms (or Super Forms if Tails), Darkspine Sonic (super-Dark Sonic in other words), Excalibur Sonic, and Dark-Sonic (NO I do NOT call him DARK SUPER SONIC oder SUPER DARK SONIC. Why? No Chaos Emeralds, not SUPER.) Now...
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I then stood up and looked around. I was expecting the worst, but nothing seemed to be around at that time. I took a step forward, then heard a voice.
"Who are you, and why are Du here?" it had asked me. I turned to face where the voice had come from, seeing a human in a golden outfit, unlike anything I'd ever seen here on Mobius... "Well? Are Du gonna answer me?" he had asked again. "I...I am Cyber the Echidna of Green hügel Zone, and I'm here looking for a blue fuchs named Alpha and a small infant, a yellow echidna like myself, named Topaz." I replied to him. "Green hügel Zone...? As in, Green...
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Years later when they are finally married...

"Sara" Cam sagte one randome Tag "We've been married for a year. Why don't we buy childern?



"...Babies don't come from 'Babies 'R' Us' Cam. Didn't anyone ever tell Du where Babys come from?" Sara sighed and rolled her eyes.

Cam scoffed "I'm not an idiot. It's logical Babys come from 'Babies 'R' US'. I Zeigen Du now 8D" Cam dragged Sara out and stuffed her in the kofferraum, stamm of his car.

"CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM!" Sara started kick till she gave up.

Cam drove all the way to 'Babies 'R' Us' He opened...
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seriously why everyone has a crush on recolors ? I mean ... um ... okey first how can they learn to draw? even if Du Suchen on Google Du won't find ... * sees video tutorials on Youtube *

... well Youtube doesn't open everwhere ! * also on daily motion ! *

hey! it doesn't open ! * same on vimeo , etc .. *


well it needs flash player ! * sees Adobe site , flash available for free *


um ... the site doesn't open every where besides there are always errors in it ! * sees Artikel about drawing *


some sites are blocked! the others are hard to open! ! I...
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 Lero_3ternal The Scarlet Rose
Lero_3ternal The Scarlet Rose

Name: Millenia Leroux
Age: 18yrs old
Eyes: Smokey Grey
Hair: Jet Black
Height: 3"0 Ft Tall
Weight: N/A
Date Of Birth: December 23rd
Mobian Type: Wolf-Cat
Single oder Taken: Single
Born: Tokyo Japan
Raised At: Mobius City

Opposite Character Of: Amy
Arch-Enemy: Eggman Nega
Nicknames:Mar,"Deadly Beauty" And Millenia The Scarlet Rose..

Favorite Quote:"Everybody Scream Your herz Out!"

Personality: Quiet, Crazy, Fun, Very Intelligent, Sneaky, Mischievous,Shy, Soft Spoken and Have Manners To Who Ever She Pleases.

Can Be: Annoyed Easily, Rude, Sarcastic, Mild-Tempered...
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Hey guys so i did start to write a story called Lost hope but when Schreiben the story i never noticed it would hurt my Friends so i decided to write this story about my Friends still but a Mehr nicer story
hope Du like it and enjoy

it was goolmy evening in mobius as it began to thunder and lightning, the weather forcast told everyone to stay inside as there were a red alert for tornado warnings everywhere but that didn't bother many people since in this part of mobius it was always bad weather so most people had no choice but...
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posted by AceRider
First Name: Maxodante (Max-o-don-ta) (Maxo)

Name Origin: Max - o - Dante

Middle Name: Lance (Lan-s)

Last Name: Castor (Cast-or)

~Family Relations~

Connax (Father) (deceased)

Unknown Mother (presumably deceased)

Yvette (Daughter)

~Friend/Foe Relations~

Zip (Enemy)

Drakero (Arch Enemy)

Hex ( Liebe Interest)

Vile (True Rival)

Sombre (Former Alliance)

Devil Red Wyvern (Former Alliance)


Type: Balance

Fighting Styles: Kumite

Powers: Astrokinesis of the Dark Nebula, Super Physical Strength, Umbrakinesis

Moves and techniques: Absorb

Dark star, sterne Attack

Violent Pulse

Almighty Quake

Maximum schlagen, punsch

Astro Breech

Darkness Unleash

Forms: Nega Maxo

Supreme Darkness Maxo
added by TimidDesire
Source: Hornets-N-Tribes, TimidDesire
added by CrescentHedgie
Source: Cylent-Nite on deviantART
(October 5th Sunday)

The dream was going for a strange turn. This one began as a simple non-logical wacky adventure, but now order was finding its way in. The area became a place that she recognized, her home-city. It seemed cleaner than when she lived in the area, but definitely the same one. She was travelling somewhere, towards someone. It was a white cat… Banshee was the name of the species—Moon-curved stripes, beautiful eyes, large hands and feet—she could not tell who this was, oder why she was seeing this person.

The dream turn a dark turn now. A fight, it felt painful. Attackers...
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Name: Zania (First Name; Sounds like Z-A-nia) Malin (Last Name; Sounds like MA-len)

Age: Nineteen (19)

Species: Vibra Banshee

Home: Supreta


Sound Energy

~Due to being a Vibra Banshee, she has the strongest sound powers out of the three Banshee types. Also due to her species and the fact that she has a quite large sound energy range, she has made sound energy her most used skill and ability. This is the ability and skill that she hands-down has the most experience in and uses the most. Sound energy is also the easiest for her to use out of the three energies that Banshees...
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Straightaway, she noticed two smiles with eyes laced with concern. Out of the crowd, they reassured her the most. Grace nodded, though her expression was a bit glazed, as if the information was having difficulty reaching her brain. There was a nagging feeling she couldn't pinpoint. It wasn’t until the ceasing of the clapping that the self-pity returned.

By tradition, the curtain closed so the stage would be prepared for the Weiter performance. Geisel’s voice rung over the overhead speakers as if Von schedule, and the horde of volunteers overpowered the set once again. Grace felt that Geisel...
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(October 3rd Friday)

That Night…

Spyro was sleeping well in his part of the dorm when he heard a large amount of stomping and banging sounds coming from the other room. It made his spines stand up with the annoyance it brought, and the lack of sleep it would mean.

“Ugh…OOF!” He hit his head on the bunk’s roof while he got out, and grumbled as he sored his way to the door. He knocked on it a bit saying “Rynk! What’s going on in there?”

A small yelp followed Von a large thud went off before a weak-sounding voice called out “Nothiiiiiing.”

“Yeah right.” Spyro sagte to himself...
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Click Here To See Number 6! link
added by LazyHead
Source: Me.
added by stacycam
Source: me
added by mephiles97
Source: Me
added by Azurrique
Source: Me