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The Dark Pferde leader walked up and down the hallways of the Dark Pferde HQ, searching for a certain member in his group. He had gotten back from the Rasoul Dimension after capturing the Rasoul Seeker, and he had an idea in his mind for what he could do with the Seeker, but first he wanted to find and talk to the smartest member in the Dark Pferde group to see if he had any suggestions himself; Vice was looking for Azarika.

Upon getting back from the Rasoul Dimension, Vice had put the still knocked out Seeker in a very large cell, which was quite strong and would most likely hold the Seeker even if he used his most powerful moves to try to smash through the cell. Vice had also appointed Astra and Sniper to guard the cell, as he felt that they would be quite good guards. Since he entrusted the girls to watch over the Seeker, he himself had gone off in searching for Azarika. Like sagte before, he wanted to see if Azarika had any opinions oder suggestions on what exactly the Seeker oder the Seeker’s strong Rasoul energy could be used for. Upon a few Minuten of searching, he was able to find Azarika sitting outside on a balcony in the HQ, simply sitting completely still with his eyes closed.

“Azarika, pitch some ideas to me, will you? I need your assistance in coming up with ideas oder plans on what to do with the Rasoulin Seeker that I brought back from the Rasoul Dimension. I feel as though he could be very useful, but I don’t know the best plan to go about it,” Vice said, walking up behind the Dark Pferde member. Azarika didn’t say anything oder move, but he did release a sigh that sounded rather annoyed, indicating that he was annoyed to have his peaceful time interrupted.

“Yes, sir?” Azarika eventually spoke in a slightly flat tone, sitting completely still. He did, however, turn his head just slightly to look back at Vice. “You wish to speak with me on what to do?”

“Well, I was sure that Du would be able to come up with some useful ideas on what we could do involving the Rasoulin Seeker. Du do know that I brought back a Seeker from the Rasoul Dimension, correct?” Vice asked.

“Yes, I know that, plus Du just told me that Du did technically via what Du just said,” Azarika pointed out to his boss. “On a different note, yes, I might be able to think of a few ideas, though I don’t know what exactly Du could do at this current moment."

“You don’t have any suggestions for what I could do?” Vice asked, sounding quite surprised to what the fuchs had just said. “I thought Du were the smart one who came up with excellent plans in this group.”

“I am quite intelligent when it comes to plan making and strategies,” Azarika sagte with a nod. “I just simply can’t give Du an idea oder suggestion yet due to the fact that I do not know what skills oder abilities that certain Rasoulin Seeker has. Were Du able to see a sample of his oder her abilities? …I believe Du sagte the Rasoulin Seeker was a man, oder a ‘he’ to be exact.”

“I was able to capture him fairly easily, but that was because I used up quite a bit of my own Rasoul to speed myself up and blast myself forwards to keep up with the Seeker. He’s quite fast on his feet, and he was able to hit me once with his Rasoul energy, and let me tell you, I haven’t been hit with a blast of that power in quite some time now,” Vice said. “…Well, I have been hit Von power far from that in terms of how strong it was, but I haven’t seen a regular Nighless with that kind of power hit me in quite some time. So, if that tells Du a bit, he has some extreme power in Rasoul, especially while we were fighting during the time that the moon was out.”

“Obviously the Rasoul was increased during the moonlight. Rasoulin Seeker Rasoul and abilities are enhanced Von moonlight, after all,” Azarika said. “But, if Du think that he has that much regular strength and power as well, I may have a few suggestions for you.”

“I’m waiting,” Vice simply said, stating that he was waiting to hear Azarika’s suggestions oder plans.

“First of all, there are many different ways that Du can go about it. Du could use the Rasoulin Seeker himself, Du could use the Rasoulin Seeker’s Rasoul, oder Du could simply attempt to blackmail him into perhaps working with us oder working with your own plans,” Azarika began. “It would depend on what Du had planned. I’m assuming Du would want to do something Mehr along the lines of power oder Mehr power, but then again, I can’t read your mind and know what you’re thinking oder know what Du want.”

“Either using the Seeker himself oder using his Rasoul energy in some way seems like the most appealing idea to me,” Vice sagte after pausing for a moment to think over his response.

“I would suggest that perhaps Du could use the Rasoulin Seeker’s energy, as I have a few ideas on how Du could do that, if Du would like to hear them, that is,” Azarika said, finally turning his head and body around to face Vice as they spoke.

“Go ahead and say what they are, that’s why I came to speak to Du in the first place. I was thinking that surely Du would be able to give me some ideas oder suggest some things for me to do,” Vice said. Azarika nodded his head before deciding to speak again.

“Perhaps Du could use the Rasoulin Seeker’s Rasoul to power a weapon of some sort, oder perhaps maybe Du would even want to use the Rasoul to power yourself up, oder to channel Mehr power for a temporary moment. It could give Du an edge against the ones Du are fighting against if needed,” Azarika said.

“Do Du think it would be possible to channel the energy for the purpose of making Mehr power? I think that could be quite useful,” Vice sagte as he began thinking over some ideas in his own head. “Don’t Du think that could prove to be quite useful considering how strong Seeker Rasoul energy is?”

“Yes, Rasoulin Seeker Rasoul could be quite useful in certain situations depending on how it is used,” Azarika agreed with a small nod of his head. “Is that what Du would like to do? If Du would like to channel the energy to generate Mehr power, I can most likely come up with an idea oder two for that.”

“Well, I certainly do think that could be useful. I’m all ears to what Du have to suggest and say,” Vice said, looking at Azarika with expecting eyes, curious as to what he was going to say. The fuchs looked as if he was about to speak, but then he suddenly tensed up and fell quiet, glancing to the left and right just slightly with a blank look on his face. “What just happened, Azarika? Did Du hear something?” Vice asked in confusion, confused as to why the Dark Pferde fuchs had suddenly stopped and looked around.

Azarika continued looking around for a short moment before turning his head to look back at Vice. “…What… were we just talking about? I… feel like I just forgot oder Lost my train of thought,” He said, his voice sounding quite confused as if he had honestly forgotten what they were just speaking about.

“You just forgot what we were speaking of?” Vice asked in slight disbelief, rather shocked that Azarika seemed to have actually forgotten what they had just been talking about moments before. “We were speaking of what we could do to channel the Rasoulin Seeker’s energy and increase power, do Du remember that now?”

Azarika stayed quiet for a short few moments, as if thinking over what Vice had sagte with a slight look of confusion on his face, until his face suddenly shifted back to the black expression that it had before. “Yes, I remember now. I suppose I did just lose my train of thought for a few moments. My apologies, Vice.”

“I was just a bit confused and surprised to see that Du had forgotten what we were speaking of that quickly,” Vice said. “Anyway, what do Du have to suggest? I’m still asking for suggestions on what we can do with channeling that Seeker’s energy.”

“Yes, I understand that. Now, perhaps a machine oder device of some kind could channel the Rasoulin Seeker’s Rasoul about and into Du oder someone else, which would probably be the quickest way, unless Du can do something else on your own, oder if Du have your own ideas,” Azarika said. He honestly didn’t have any idea why he had Lost his train of thought like that, and it… bothered him just slightly, since he couldn’t think of explanation of why that happened.

“A machine, Du say? Would that be the only way to channel the Seeker’s Rasoul energy around?” Vice asked before crossing his arms. He closed his eyes slightly, attempting to go off in thought on what else he might be able to do. He kept his eyes closed in thought for a short while, before tensing up just slightly like Azarika had done before. The Dark Pferde leader blinked his eyes a few times, remaining completely quiet, until he also spoke with confusion like Azarika had sagte before. “We’re talking about Rasoul energy, right, Azarika?”

“Yes, that’s what we were talking about, sir,” Azarika said, noting Vice’s confusion and the fact that he tensed up; he decided not to say anything, however, as he figured that Vice had Lost his train of thought as well. As he thought about that, however, it put a bit of confusion in him, as he didn’t know why Vice would be hit Von the confusion as well.

Vice remained quiet for a bit, before relaxing from his tense state while looking back at Azarika. “If I’m not mistaken, I feel like I just Lost my thoughts like Du just did a few moments ago.”

“Yes, yes Du did,” Azarika sagte before going back to waiting to see what Vice was going to suggest oder say. “And, unless Du have a different idea on what could be possible with the Rasoul energy, the machine idea is the quickest one I have come up with, but I have other ideas as well.”

“Hm… I might have an idea myself,” Vice said, turning his head to look at Azarika once more. “Yes, I might have an idea forming. Obviously I don’t know if it would work, and I don’t know what Du think of it, but I do have maybe a small idea if Du want to hear it.”

“What is it? I can most likely tell Du if the idea would work oder not,” Azarika sagte with a small nod of his head.

“Alright, well, it involved a bit of using my own powers. I’m sure you’ve seen me manipulate Rasoul energy that wasn’t my own before, correct?” Vice asked, to which Azarika slightly nodded his head to. “Alright then, well, do Du think that attempting to use my own powers would channel the energy on their own?”

“Perhaps it could,” Azarika sagte with a slight nod of his head. “While I am not completely aware of what your own Rasoul powers and abilities are capable of due to the fact that I have not seen Du in a lot of action like the other members here in the group have, I do know a small amount of what Du can do, and perhaps it would work.”

“I have channeled Rasoul energy around many times before, even Rasoul that isn’t my own, like I just previously stated,” Vice said. “I just don’t know if I could power myself up with that Rasoul energy. I can Bewegen Rasoul around and even pact it tightly into spheres and other things to Bewegen about oder carry around with me, but like I said, I don’t know if I can power myself…” The Dark Pferde leader paused in his sentence, almost as if spacing out a bit. “…up. What was I just-“ Vice blinked his eyes a few times before shaking his head slightly. “Oh, right, the Rasoul thing.”

“Did Du forget what we were speaking of yet again?” Azarika asked, noticing that Vice seemed to Weltraum out for a bit. “I noticed that Du spaced out before now.”

“It’s not exactly my fault. I can’t really help the fact that I’m losing what I was thinking of oder saying, oder at least I feel like I can’t help it,” Vice said. “Sometimes I just forgot things. Anyway, yes, I can channel Rasoul energy about, and perhaps I may try that just to see what might happen. If I can’t power myself up with it, then I’ll go with any ideas oder things that Du have to suggest.”

“Do Du honestly think that Du will be able to channel the energy into yourself and power yourself?” Azarika questioned before standing up from where he was sitting. He turned his body to face Vice, looking at the Dark Pferde leader with glowing white neon eyes.

“I can’t say for sure, but I can attempt,” Vice replied simply. “A lot of things Du never know unless Du try them first. Well, I suppose if Du could predict the future Du would know, but since neither one of us can, I’m left with giving it a try.” Vice thought over what he had just sagte before deciding to speak again. “You can’t see the future, can you?”

Azarika stayed silent with a look on his face; Vice couldn’t tell if this look was a blank one oder one of annoyance as he had asked the fuchs a very dumb question, oder so he felt like he had just asked a dumb question. “No, I can’t. I can’t see the future, and I don’t have any type of psychic power, at least not that I’m aware of.”

“Yes, I understand that it was probably a rather dumb idea for me to ask such a question. I’m sure Du would have showed me oder told me before now if Du had some kind of psychic power oder something along those lines, oder at least along the lines of seeing visions and telling the future, oder seeing the past,” Vice said. “Now, before we go too far off on track, I would say that we need to get back on the subject of the Rasoul energy and the Seeker.”

“Did we not finish what we were saying? I simply thought that Du sagte that Du were going to give it a try, and that Du were going to speak to me about what to do if it did not work,” Azarika said. “Is that not all that Du needed to say? Did Du have Mehr than Du needed to…” He started talking, but then he found himself spacing out just a bit without realizing it at first. This time seemed a bit different than when he spaced out before, however, as he felt a… pressure almost on his head, almost like a headache, but feeling Mehr like something was pressing down on his head. He tensed up for a moment before twisting his face slightly into a look of pain.

Vice noticed Azarika’s expression had changed, and raised his eyebrow slightly in confusion at the Dark Pferde fox’s face. “Is something the matter? The look on your face right now reminds me of one of pain. Is something hurting you?”

“Just a headache. Perhaps I haven’t eaten enough today,” Azarika said, rubbing the side of his head just slightly. “Not that it makes any difference to you, sir. Du most likely wouldn’t be bothered Von my own problems, so I’m just a bit confused as to why Du asked.” His face twisted a bit Mehr as he felt the headache slowly beginning to hurt worse as the pressure felt like it was getting worse.

“Azarika, do Du honestly think I’m that heartless?” Vice asked, tilting his head to the side just slightly as if confused. “I care for my team members here. As your boss, I feel responsible for you. Well, I mean, I’m not exactly your guardian oder your dad, but I feel like I should at least ask if you’re alright oder try to help Du if you’re not feeling well oder if you’re hurting. I do care for your wellbeing.”

“Well, if it really does matter to you, all I am feeling is a simple headache. Surely it’s not conversation worthy,” Azarika said, still feeling a tight pressure in his head. He started to speak to Vice again, but he found himself drifting off into Weltraum once more.

“Are Du listening to me oder are Du drifting off again, Azarika?” Vice asked, noticing that Azarika seemed to be drifting off again. “Can Du hear what I’m saying, oder have Du completely gone off in your own little world this time? I don’t mind having a conversation if Du have something important to tell me, oder if you’re feeling something other than a headache.”

Azarika turned his head towards Vice, still wearing a slightly spaced out look on his face. He could still feel a headache, and it was starting to bother him Mehr and more. “What? Did Du say something, Vice?”

“Yes, I did. Are Du listening to me now?” Vice asked, to which Azarika slowly nodded his head to. “Alright then. Do Du feel like Du need to speak with me about your headache? I’m willing to listen to Du if Du need to say something oder if Du want to tell me what you’re feeling.”

“I already told you, it’s just a headache,” Azarika said, coming back to his senses a bit more. He still continued feeling a pressure in his head, until he winced when he heard a loud POP sound in his ears. His first instinct was to throw his hands up to his ears when he heard the loud sound.

“What just happened?” Vice asked in confusion, watching Azarika suddenly wince and throw his hands up.

“I just… heard this really loud sound in my ears. Did Du not hear it yourself?” Azarika asked as he continued holding his hands on his ears, afraid that he was going to hear the loud pop again.

“What did Du hear?”

“It sounded like a pop. It sounded something similar to a large balloon popping right Von your ears. Did Du not hear that?” Azarika asked once more.

“No, I don’t suppose I did. I didn’t even hear the slightest popping noise,” Vice sagte as he shook his head. “Are Du sure Du actually heard that, Azarika?”

“Would I be covering my ears if I did not hear a loud noise?” Azarika asked, sounding slightly annoyed at Vice’s question. “I am not trying to sound angry, but honestly, there would not be a reason for me to cover my ears if I had not heard that sound.”

“Yeah, you’re right. My apologies,” Vice said. He started to speak to Azarika again, until he began to Weltraum out a bit himself. He looked off in a different direction, which Azarika noticed.

“Are Du looking at something oder did Du Weltraum out yourself this time?” Azarika asked, waiting for a response. The Dark Pferde fuchs did get a response from his seemingly spaced out leader, but not right away.

“Yes, I believe I did. Do Du find it strange that both of us keep having those moments? The moments where Du and I keep drifting in and out? Don’t Du find that strange?” Vice asked.

“Normally I would say no due to the fact that people Weltraum out often no matter what even, but I suppose I can honestly say that I do find it a bit strange that both of us are spacing out at almost the same time. It could be a bit strange in certain opinions,” Azarika said. “Also, I heard that pop, while Du seem like Du didn’t hear it yourself.”

“That’s correct, too,” Vice said. “Perhaps we should ask the others if they heard anything when we go to the Seeker to see what we can do with his energy? Just because they’re not in the same area as us doesn’t mean that they may not have heard the pop themselves.”

“I doubt that they would have heard the pop, but it would not hurt to ask,” Azarika sagte as he slowly began walking back to go inside the HQ building; he was tired of standing around outside, and he was honestly getting just a bit tired of the conversation, as he wanted a bit of peace and quiet.

“You sound like you’re getting a bit annoyed,” Vice noted as he followed Azarika back inside. “Let me guess, Du just want your alone time, but here I am talking to you?” Azarika didn’t say anything oder nod his head to what his boss had asked. “Well, I take the silence as a yes, oder at least I’m going to assume that it’s a yes.”

“I will admit that while I would have enjoyed having time alone, I understand that I am a member in your group and that Du wanted oder needed to ask me what Du should do with the Rasoulin Seeker that Du brought back from the Rasoul Dimension,” Azarika said.

“Well, thank Du for taking the time to listen to me, then,” Vice said, to which Azarika nodded his head to. “Anyway, now that everything seems to be back in order, are we heading off to the Seeker’s cell? Perhaps Du can take a look at him with me if Du feel like it. Perhaps we can see just what his Rasoul is capable of, oder perhaps we can see what we can do with it.”

“If Du want,” Azarika sagte through a quiet sigh, still wanting to have just his quiet alone time.

“Just give me a few Mehr Minuten of your time,” Vice said, noticing the sigh in Azarika’s voice. “Then Du can go do your own thing and relax for a while, oder have your quiet time, oder whatever Du want.”

“Thank you,” Azarika sagte with another sigh in his voice. “Which cell were Du keeping the Rasoulin Seeker?”

“One of the lower cells with a stronger outside to it so the Seeker can’t break out, oder at least he can’t break out easily,” Vice replied. “Plus, I had Astra and Sniper watching the cell, and I trust them well enough to guard the cell. Willow might be there as well if she decided that she wanted to help, but I’m not exactly sure if she’s there oder not.”

“So the fair women are watching over the Rasoulin Seeker,” Azarika said, acknowledging what Vice had said. “If we men are here, then where does that mean Devin is? Where might he be?”

“I’m not honestly exactly sure where Devin is,” Vice replied. “I’m not exactly sure if he’s even here at this current moment. He may have gone out for a while, but I’m not sure if he did that oder not.”

“Would it be better to have him here? Surely it would be better for him to be here and help out with guarding the Rasoulin Seeker, correct? Did Du give him permission to just do his own thing for the time being?” Azarika asked.

“Well, I gave him some restrictions, but not a lot. Basically what it comes down to is he’s either here oder he’s perhaps out in town, oder maybe he’s just outside enjoying the fresh air like how Du were,” Vice said.

“I would say it would be better if he was here. Du never know, something could go wrong when Du attempt to approach the Rasoulin Seeker, which would mean that it would be much Mehr difficult to keep him under control if we are not all here to be guards and to help,” Azarika pointed out.

“So, Du think it would be better to have all of us here at once before we try to do something with the Seeker? Hm, well, I suppose that would make for a less chance of the Seeker being able to escape,” Vice mumbled. “Alright then, that sounds like a good idea. I suppose I’ll wait until Devin comes back oder until everyone can gather up around the cell.”

“Alright, I agree with your choice,” Azarika sagte with a nod of his head. He continued walking with Vice, until he began feeling himself starting to Weltraum out again. While Azarika wasn’t able to notice this Weiter fact, Vice was spacing out at the same time as well.

“…What were we talking about again?” Vice suddenly asked, breaking the small silence that had come when both of them had started spacing out. “Was it something to do with a Rasoulin Seeker? oder was it something that had to do with Devin?”

“I believe somewhere in that conversation both of those topics were spoken of,” Azarika said, also trying to recover from the Weltraum out. “Or so I believe. I believe I have forgotten what we were speaking of as well oder at least it certainly seems like that is what has happened.”

“Yes, that seems like what has happened,” Vice agreed with a small sigh. “Well, I feel a bit ashamed of myself. I normally have a fairly good memory, but here I am, having all kinds of problems with remembering and keeping my focus on our conversation.”

“I normally have a sharp memory as well, and a very sharp one at that,” Azarika said. “It almost makes me wonder if something is wrong with both of us. I do not understand why we would both be having these problems if it something is not wrong oder affecting us.”

“Well, I seriously doubt anything is wrong with us, but something could be affecting us since we keep having these drifting off moments,” Vice said. He stayed quiet for a moment as if thinking, and then his eyes lit up just slightly. “Wait, wait, I remember what we were doing now. We were speaking about what we could do with the Seeker’s energy, and we were talking about the fact that we would probably need everyone in the Dark Pferde group to guard the cell while we attempted to do something with the Rasoul energy.”

Azarika stayed silent for a moment, as if thinking over what had Vice said. “Well, I still cannot personally remember, so I am just going to have to assume that what Du are saying is correct. Do Du believe that what Du are saying is correct? Is that honestly what we were speaking about?”

“Well, that’s what I certainly believe we were speaking about. I can clearly remember it now, and it feels like it just happened a few moments ago, so yes, that’s what I believe we were speaking about. Which means that we need to gather everyone up oder wait for everyone to gather up before we attempt to do anything with the Seeker’s energy,” Vice said.

Azarika stayed silent once again before deciding to speak once again. “Alright then, I suppose I’ll have to take your word on it and follow what Du say, since Du technically are my boss oder my leader, whatever Du want to call yourself.”

“Oh, Du don’t have to call me that, Azarika. I may ask Du to do some things for me like a boss, but I would call Du a friend Mehr than I would call Du a worker. At least at some points,” Vice said. Azarika just remained quiet, not really knowing how to react oder what to say to what Vice had just said.

Both of the Dark Pferde members continued walking until Azarika suddenly came to a stop, which caused Vice to also stop and turn around in confusion to look at the fox, who seemed to have spaced out again.

“You’re spacing out yet again, Azarika,” Vice said, attempting to wake the Dark Pferde fuchs up from his spaced out state. Azarika didn’t respond however, and he remained absolutely quiet without moving a muscle oder even blinking his white neon eyes. “Azarika, listen to me.”

After a few moments went by, Azarika found himself coming back from his spaced out state, shaking his head as he came back to his senses. “Again. And I do not understand why, oder know why.” He took a small breath before turning his head towards Vice. “I’m sorry, I’m coming,” He added, starting to walk over to Vice so they could continue to where they were walking. Before he was able to get completely over to Vice, however, that loud popping noise once again came back in his head, except this time it was followed Von multiple pops and a strong headache once again. He quickly covered his ears again, feeling a worse headache than before from the loud, multiple pops.

“Azarika, are Du alright?” Vice asked, noticing that Azarika had covered his ears once more. “Did Du hear that popping noise again? The one that Du told me about before?”

Azarika stayed quiet for a moment, still feeling a headache, though the popping noise was gone. His body relaxed slightly, and his eyes blinked a few times as he looked around a bit, almost as if confused. He continued looking around, but then he decided to speak to Vice. “I am… I am fine. Yes, I heard the pop once again, but multiple times this time.” He continued looking about, almost as if he was still confused. “…Vice, do Du think it would be alright if we wait a short bit until we attempt to use the Rasoulin Seeker’s energy?” He asked, almost sounding just a bit calmer voiced than he did before now. He still had the same voice, but he did sound just a bit Mehr relaxed. He was still feeling a headache, but he was slowly beginning to feel just a bit better.

“Wait? Wait for what?” Vice asked, his voice sounding quite shocked at what Azarika had just asked. He failed to notice the slight change in Azarika’s voice and the confusion that Azarika seemed to have for a small moment; Azarika had seemed almost like he had felt Lost oder didn’t know where he was.

“I… just need to do a little something first,” Azarika said, which confused Vice even Mehr than he already was due to the sudden question.

“Like what?” Vice asked, sounding Mehr confused than he was shocked at this point.

“It is just a small thing. I just simply need to do a small something. I can promise that I will be back to help Du with the your plan and the Rasoulin Seeker as soon as I possibly can,” Azarika said, attempting to get Vice to agree to letting him go to do whatever that he wanted to do.

Vice stayed quiet for quite some time, thinking over what Azarika had just sagte to him. “Well, I still do need to find and round up Willow and Devin so they can help as well. …Which could take a while considering that I’m not exactly sure where Devin is. It could take a few Minuten oder even a little while if I have to spend quite a bit of time trying to find them and getting them to come help me with the Seeker.”

“Exactly, it could take some time,” Azarika said. “For that reason, that is why I was asking if I could go do this small something that I want to do. If it does take Du a while to find the others oder bring the others into a group, then in the meantime I thought I could be doing this small something that I want.”

“Well, what are Du planning on doing?” Vice asked, attempting to press just a bit to know what Azarika was going to do. “Where are Du planning on going to do whatever it is that Du want to do?”

“I just… have something that I would like to think over,” Azarika said. “I thought about going to a quiet room oder going to where I normally sleep here so I could have quiet while I thought over what I would like to think over.”

“…Well, can I honestly trust Du to come to the cell and help out when I get everyone else together?” Vice asked. “When we get everyone gathered together, I’m going to be ready to do something with the Seeker unless something else comes up between now and then. If I come to get Du oder send someone after you, will Du come to me and the others?”

“Yes, I will,” Azarika sagte with a nod of his head.

Vice thought over what to do for a short while, before releasing a sigh. “Fine, I suppose Du can go do whatever Du want to do. Like I said, I expect Du to come meet with the others as soon as you’re done oder as soon as I tell Du that I need you,” He sagte before turning to walk away and continue to where he was going.

“Thank you,” Azarika called after the Dark Pferde leader as he watched Vice turn and disappear around a corner. Once Vice was gone, Azarika released a sigh. “…Now if only I knew what to do… I have a chance now, but what to do…” He sighed through his teeth before turning and walking off in the opposite direction from where Vice had gone.


Kyle sat in his room, sitting on his bed. He was off in thought, thinking over what had recently been going on in his life. He thought of school and his classes first of all, which was normal for a student who was in school. He also began thinking about his friends, which was fairly normal as well. He wondered what Kagen was up to, and he thought that maybe he could hang out with Kagen sometime soon. He continued thinking about his friends, until Mancer came up in his mind. Kyle narrowed his eyes slightly as he thought of the black and red Nighless; Kyle had learned quite a few new things about Mancer, such as learning that Mancer was a Nighless creature living in the Rasoul Dimension instead of just some kind of hybrid. Kyle's mind also wandered off to Mancer's brothers and what all he had learned so far in the Rasoul Dimension. He would admit that he was quite eager to go back to the Rasoul Dimension oder at least to learn Mehr about the Rasoul Dimension. Kyle also looked vorwärts-, nach vorn to when he would be able to train and work with Mancer's brothers as well.

The door knocked, and the glocke rang repeatedly.

Kyle's ears immediately stood on end at the sudden sounds as he was snapped away from his thoughts and back to reality. He quickly jumped up off of his bett and dashed out of his room, attempting to try to get to the door before whoever was at the door became to impatient oder angry. "I'm coming!" He called towards the door, coming down the stairs quickly, but not quick enough to put himself in danger oder falling down. He jogged over to the door quickly before opening it to see who was at the door.

Almost red with fury, with her arms crossed, and her foot tapping a mile a minute, was Casey.

Kyle just stared at the seemingly furious Casey for a few moments, rather shocked Von her sudden appearance and the fact that she did seem so furious. "C-Casey... Is something wrong?"

“YA THINK!?” She walked past Kyle into the house then turned around quickly to face him, arms still crossed, “Y’know at first when I didn’t hear… ANYTHING from Du for a couple days I thought Du were just busy, then a week went Von and I thought ‘Alright I’ll just wait for him to remember that he has a girlfriend’ but it’s been at least one Mehr of those and well, I’ve had it.” She uncrossed her arms, letting them jolt towards the ground with squeezed fists, “Do Du know how worried I got!? And do Du know how… upset it made me when I found out that there wasn’t anything wrong!? That Du just… didn’t seem to care that Du hadn’t seen me in a while? If Du wanted space, not only is this too long , but Du could have told me!!” She relaxed a bit, but only because she was getting light headed and out of breath. She sat on the couch dizzily.

Kyle closed the door slowly in shock, shaken Von Casey's words. He slowly turned around to face her, wearing a look of absolute shock and surprise on his face. His ears drooped down completely against his head as he attempted to collect himself and figure out what to say. "...Casey... I-I... I've just been so busy... with school and with other things... I... I barely even had time to spend time with my Friends as well... I mean... I just.... I've just had so much going on... I haven't had time to spend with anyone lately..."

“I saw Du make Friends with that bat dude.” She retorted, “And Du have a phone don’t you? Two and a half weeks, Kyle! Not once did Du think to at least tell me Du were busy?”

"Well, that bat goes to my school," Kyle sighed through his teeth. "While I'm stuck in school, I have time to speak to him. So... That's my only answer there." He looked over at Casey, beginning to look quite sad in facial expression. "Yeah, I have a phone. Now, I'm sorry, okay? I forgot... I mean, I'm not a perfect person. I forget things, and then I feel like I'm too busy to do other things. I guess I thought I've been way to busy with what's going on in my life right now to be able to call you... I have no idea, all I know is that I'm not a perfect person..."

“What kept Du so busy?”

"School and... some training with a new teacher of mine," Kyle replied, his ears drooping down once more.

“… That’s it?”

"...Well..." Kyle thought to the fact that things were going on with I2, Ruby, and Damien, and then he thought to the fact that he was going against the Dark Pferde group. "...It's... It's... complicated. There's just... some things going on with... a few... family members/friends of mine, and... I've been... dealing with some other things which I don't want Du to get dragged into."

“Then just TELL me these things.” Her voiced cracked slightly, tired out from talking, “The last time Du left me out of something, some… MORPHING freak tried to steal you, then kill you, then she brainwashed Ruby and I2! Let me decide if I want to be a part of something oder not.”

Kyle released a sigh, feeling just a bit defeated. "Fine, I2 is back, but she doesn't seem to have her normal personality oder her memories, so Ruby and I have been trying to... well, we want I2 back to normal. And then I've been training with a new teacher of mine because there's this guy and his team that are... I think, after me. All I know is that they're up to something, and I'm trying my best to stop them. I've... been captured a few times Von them, so that's another reason why I've technically been busy and not able to contact you."

“But Du h-“ She stopped herself with a sigh looking down for a moment before getting up and looking back at Kyle, “From now on tell me about these things alright? If you’re busy I get it, but when you’re not, I’d like some time with Du too.”

"And I'm trying, okay...?" Kyle said, releasing a sigh. "I feel like I'm trying the best that I can... I just feel like I have so many things going on at once, and I've just had my mind wrapped around other things that I need to learn, like my schoolwork and my teacher's... er, teachings. So... Like I already said, that's why I've been feeling like I don't have enough time."

She still seemed tense… then slowly softened, “Are Du busy now?”

"Unless I'm forgetting something, I don't think I am."

“Then can we do something?”

"Well, what did Du have in mind...?"

“I don’t know… a movie oder something?”

"I suppose that would be fine."

“Great.” She smiled a bit, gave him a light hug then started out the door, “Anything in particular?”

"Not that I can really think of..." Kyle replied. "Wait a moment... Shouldn't I be telling my parents that I'm going somewhere? That would be the nice thing to do..."

“Okay; go ahead.”

"Alright then." Kyle ran off quickly to go ask his parents for permission before he left to go somewhere with Casey; he didn't want to just leave the house without his family knowing first.

Kyle had to Suchen around his house for a bit, as he wasn't entirely sure where both of his parents were, though he was trying to look for them as fast as he could so he wouldn't keep Casey waiting for too long. After a few Minuten of searching, Kyle was able to find both of his parents in the lab beside the kitchen. Kyle made sure to knock on the door of the lab before just walking in on his parents. They called to him, telling him that it was fine for him to walk in.

Kyle opened the door to the lab before stepping inside, letting the door close behind him. He looked over towards his parents, who turned away from what they were working on to face their son with smiles on their faces. Kyle took a small breath before starting to speak to his parents. "Mom, Dad, I wanted to ask Du something."

"What is it, Kyle? Do Du need a little something?" Kushina asked, still wearing a soft motherly smile on her face. Jacob also still wore his fatherly smile on his face.

"Well, Casey actually came over, and... she wanted to go see a movie with me, but obviously before I left, I wanted to come as Du if it was okay if I went somewhere," Kyle said. "Casey sagte that she wanted to do something with me oder at least spend some time with me since I've been so busy."

Jacob and Kushina didn't seem upset Von Kyle's question, but their expressions did fade a bit. They both stayed silent for a few moments, exchanging glances with each other, until Jacob decided to break the silence. "...Kyle, I understand that Du haven't been able to see Casey and that Du most likely do want to see her, but, son, we miss Du as well. You've been gone so much lately, your mother and I want to spend time with Du as well. I'm sure your brother and sister are missing Du as well, and I would imagine Ruby and maybe I2 are missing Du as well."

Kyle stayed quiet for a moment, his expression fading a bit as well. He had never really thought about it that way; he really was spending quite a bit of time away from his family as well. As much as he loved Casey, he knew that his own family was supposed to be closer to him that his girlfriend. "...So that means I can't go with Casey...?"

"We're sorry, Kyle..." Kushina said. "I hope you're not angry with us oder upset with us, but we really want to see you... If Casey still wants to spend time with you, however, she's Mehr than welcome to stay for dinner, if that's alright with your father..." She added, looking over at Jacob, who nodded his head about Casey staying for dinner.

Kyle didn't want to argue with his parents oder risk upsetting them, so he decided to just nod his head to what his parents had told him. "I'm not mad at you... Du don't have to worry about that," He said, being honestly truthful when he sagte that. He honestly wasn't upset oder angry at his parents; he understood completely what they were saying. "...I'll tell her what Du told me. I'll tell her that Du would rather me stay home, and I'll tell her that Du sagte it was okay for her to stay for dinner."

"Thank Du for understanding and not putting up a fight, Kyle. It'll be much easier on your mother and I if Du honestly stay here and tell Casey what we told you," Jacob said. "Thank you, Kyle. You're a good boy, and Du listening to us without a major fight oder argument proves that you're willing to listen to us. Thank you." Kushina nodded her head and sagte thank Du to her son as well, who nodded his head to both of his parents.

"Alright then. Well, I would hate to keep Casey waiting for too long," Kyle said, turning back towards the door of the lab. "I Liebe both of you." Jacob and Kushina both smiled and told their son that they loved him as well before they turned back to their work. Kyle walked out of the lab then and closed the door, before quickly jogging back into the living room. He jogged over to the front door and turned to face Casey so he could talk to her. He took a deep breath, trying to figure out how he was going to talk to the girl without making her angry oder upsetting her.

“Soooooooooooooo…?” She asked

"My... parents sagte that they would like for me to stay home," Kyle informed. "Since I have been gone so much, they want me to stay here and spend time with the family... which I sagte was okay because I would hate to upset them oder make them angry... BUT, they sagte it was fine if Du want to stay for dinner."

Casey sighed, looking back and forth downward. She sort of squinted, as she was thinking it over. She did answer finally “I was… kind of hoping it would just be the two of us.”

"Well, I'm sorry, Casey... My parents sagte they want me to stay home, so that's what I want to do..." Kyle said. "Dinner is the best thing I can do right now, since I'm going to stay home."

Casey’s expression did not get tense, but she did kreuz her arms again. She went back to pondering then replied “I’ll just come back later.”

"Are Du sure...?" Kyle asked, his ears drooping down slightly as if he was disappointed. "You don't want to stay for dinner...?"

“I just don’t… want to-… I just wanted to have some kind of… ROMANTIC evening oder something like that.”

"Couldn't we do that over dinner, though...?" Kyle asked, before quickly closing his mouth, figuring that was most likely not the best thing to say. "...I mean... I know that Du want... time that's just us, but... that's all that I can do right now... I don't want to disrespect my parents and just leave."

“I’ll just come over… tomorrow oder something.” She approached the door, “Think of it like a test… I guess.”

"A test of what...?" Kyle asked in confusion.

“I guess you’ll have to find out.” She opened the door, walked outside, and closed it softly. Her footsteps could be heard loudly, as she wore heels.

Kyle stood in confusion, honestly not having a clue as to what kind of test she meant.
posted by CyberEchidna
I was walking to the park one day
Then there was a faint figure I could see
I asked my friend if he saw it
But he sagte it must just be me.

I walked to the figure and sagte hello
But received silence as my reply
I asked if she could talk, she grabbed me Von the
neck, forced me to the ground and said: Be silent oder die.

I got somewhat scared, but then pushed her off
And brushed away the debris.
She looked me in the eye and
here's what she sagte to me.

"I am not a normal person,
I'm not supposed to be seen,
But Du can see me, oddly enough
And there is one thing that can mean."

I asked her what that would be,
continue reading...
posted by TakTheFox
Why I draw like that

So I know I don’t really get that much feedback about why my art looks kind of stiff, (really stiff) but I thought I should explain why it’s not really improving in some ways.

Now I’m not saying I don’t have flaws that are my fault. I do, and I am trying to get better, but the main problem is my drawing program.

Serif Draw PlusX4 is what I use, and if Du have the same problems, you’ll understand.

1.    HANDS!
I can draw hands. Granted it drives me up and down the earth’s core, but I can over time. Sadly though if I want to draw REALLY good hands...
continue reading...
In this Part I will analyze their weapons, moves and abilities

Friz the Hedgehog
-Chaos Control
-Chaos Spear
-Chaos Blast
-Light Speed
-Martial Arts
-Military Knowledge
- .45 Magnum
- Katana
- Duel SMGs
- Daggers
-Knight(Weapons: Diamond Sword)

Torch The Elemental(Currently King of The Firelands)
-Flame Control
-Flame Being(Ablility to become part of any Flame)
-Pain Absorb
-Heals from Fire
-Kung Fu
-Flaming Broadsword
-Flaming Torch(Hyper Form)
-Nuclear Torch(Torch's Ultima Form)
-Black Flame Torch(Dark Form)


posted by darksilver
Miss me?... didn't think so... Anyway, while I was gone, I've been Schreiben books. New characters, new places, all that good stuff. I thought, it wouldn't hurt to tell Du guys about Boom, cause his back story has never been told.

Boom was born from Rythe and Xion. Rythe is a Hedge-Bat, and Xion is an Ecidna. Boom was born 4 years before his younger brother, Slash. Boom quickly learned how to use a gun, and Von the time he was 10, could snipe a 6 inch in radius target in the center from a mile away. When he was 12, he got his first set of pistols. He dual-wielded them like a real pro. To this...
continue reading...
It's been hours... days... weeks, since I left the Triple S... I haven't found a single trace of Emile-kun... I think I've been going the wrong way this whole time... I don't think I'll ever find him... I'll probably die of hunger within the Weiter hour...
"Back to the real world, Mary. Back to the real world."
It's been about an Stunde since Mary ACTUALLY left the Triple S. She stopped walking and closed her eyes.
"... Dang it. I have been going the wrong way! Stupid fanisizing." She turned around and started walking back.
Mary walked for another 15 Minuten before resting under a tree. "I freakin'...
continue reading...
posted by Mapware3640
somewhere at sea...

-Bronko:...Ugh...*Fading in and out*...ugh...*Crab pinches him in the balls*AAAAAAH!!!*kicks crab*Where am I?

Bronko notices he is at sea,hes sitting on the wrecked bus,everybody appeared to be dead.including marty...

-Bronko:Whoa....thats not good....what do I do?I can't swim...
-Bronko:I have balls.
-Captain Fbomb:Sure Du do Du f***ing lassy.
-Bronko:WHOA!I can see why they call Du captain Fbomb
-Captain Fbomb:You got that f***ing right.
-Bronko:Ok,ok.censor!We may have some younger viewers.(Yeah,he just broke the fourth wall)

So shortly captain Fbomb decided to allow bronko to board his vessel,Unaware of what dangers are going to follow

To be continued.
years Vor diana was on the Weltraum colony .she was maria robotniks sister.she was only three then and very....creative
diana:what would be a girls best fwriend a DONKEY IN A SUMBRARO
igrandfather:how about a hedgehog instead
diana:if Du havent notice i am a hedgehog so no i want a donkey now
maria:well then if Du have a donkey youll have to clean up his uh ohs
diana:0-0 i guess a hedgiehog will work
maria:good cause i have someone to Zeigen Du *takes her to see shadow* this is shadow the hedgehog
shadow:*stands there*
diana:is he suppose to be this boring maria
maria:hes not boring he just doesnt talk much
diana:um maria thats boring
shadow:*grunts at diana*
diana:now he grunting at me come at i dare Du to
maria:diana Du know he will fight you
shadow:if its a fight Du want its a fight Du will get
posted by ShadowWolf337
Attention all Sonic Fc owners who play on XBox live! Im making a clan that everyone can join! Its gonna be called: Sonic Fan Characters United
, oder something like that....

All I know is this clan will be a peaceful clan, which means we won't fight other clans for leaderboards. The only way we would actually fight another clan is if they challenge us. If Du want Du can be called Von your Fc's name in the clan. I like to play Halo Reach and make awesome maps to play on (for example: EPIC Hunger Games, Regular Show, and The Canyon) so if Du got Halo Reach, we WILL have fun, trust me!

How to join:
1. add a Kommentar saying that Du want to join
2. send a friend request to my XBOX Live account (ShadowWolf337) and a message saying that your on fanpop.

If Du don't have a Xbox yet but are getting one soon oder your Xbox is giving Du problems, just tell me and I will reserve a position for Du untill Du get Du Xbox oder fix it

Thanks for your consideration!
Ok,we know Du want to skip the mumbo jumbo and get straight to the information,WE CAN DO THAT!!!

Gary-stu=unfairly powerful unbeatable cheater

A gary-stu is
1.Too powerful,almost/is godly
2.Always wins,unfair.
3.Never suffers hardships a true warrior would face
4.A basic DBZ rip-off right of the bat
5.Too attractive/Too sexy(As pointed out Von takthefox)

The gist is to balance out your characters powers and skills,If Du make him/her a powerhouse,Give him/her a obvious weak spot/poor defenses.If Du make him/her a living shield,Weaken there powers.yin and for "Getting there way",Sometimes...
continue reading...
posted by catgirl140
gepostet on my new website, link, this survey asked the following 5 Fragen based your on the main sonic fc.

Total responses: 22
Blank area have no votes.

Is your character's name based of their powers? Eg: Frost, Blaze, Bolt etc.
No: 100%

Official characters have names based of their powers, personality oder physical feature.

Does your character have a last name?
Yes: 100%

Sonic and co. don't have last names.

Does your character have a nickname/s?
Yes: 91%
No: 9%

Sonic has alot of nicknames and schlucken gives the nickname 'Shorty' to Tails.

How old is your character?
11-15: 50%
16-20: 45%...
continue reading...
posted by silverstream101
Well...basicly i got bored and i desided 2 make something 4 Riley! its just going 2 b why i made him and stuff

Riley is from the Sol Dimention like Ember and her oldest sister Nova. When Ember and Riley were little they played togather all the time. So when Ember "died" he didnt belive it and has been looking for her sence. He got word that a red cat has been seen in the Mobius Dimention and found a way to get there. He STILL hasnt found her but refuses to stop looking. So now hes somewhere in Mobius looking for Ember.

Small? yes...but i was feeling i WILL make a story version soon
posted by Giz_4ever
The beautiful girl I have known since I was two,
made a speech and now there's nothing I can do.
Drove away Von a simple word,
flew away like a stream-lined bird.
A tear blown away with every gush of wind,
the script was wrote and then it was binned.
Ever word counted as horror,
sitting under a baum clenching onto my sorrow.
Every type of contact opened up a mystery door,
now it is a shame because it won't happen anymore.
I wish for Du if I wasn't cruel,
I'd hope you'd wish for me to.
There is no Frage relevant to why Du left me,
there is only the answer which is obvious Du see.
I covered my heart...
continue reading...
posted by ILoveSonic21
It's is 7:00am on a Thursday

Norma:*yawns* wow I had a good nights sleep!

Norma gets up and walks over to the dining room and sees mercer

Norma:good morning mercer

Mercer:good morning Princess Norma

Norma:wow I'm not used to being a princess but I can't believe I'm a princess

Mercer: Du will get used to it princess

Norma: ok well should I cook some breakfast?

Mercer: no its okay I ca-*hears smashing and crashes*

Mercer:what is going on!?!?

Mercer and Norma look down from the balcony and they see jagger and he is trying to penetrate the force field


Mercer:he's trying to break the force field...
continue reading...
posted by Giz_4ever
Jojo's theme song:


Walked away

Could've been a little bit wiser
Should've been a millionaire
Could have held Du a whole lot tighter
Acted like I did not care

I want to feel like I'm somewhere
In the middle of this
I want to feel like I'm not just slipping away

So I walked away, walked away
Because I heard Du say that it'll never be the same
I shoulda walked away, walked away
The voice inside me shouts out loud
The silence feels Mehr silent now

Walked away
Walked away

Tried to step a little bit calmer
Can't shock the passerbys
These tingles within her vision
A pushing child will never cry
My kissen lies right inside this rushing ferris wheel
I want to step up instead of spinning in place


I often wonder what's the truth
Where not to go, what not to do
So many days inside this carnival wheel
So many ways Du can move
Still you're standing still

(Chorus x2)

Walked away
(To end)
1.) Draw a circle
2.) Draw upside down dreieck under the circle
3.) Round the dreieck out
4.) Erase the Straight dreieck if it is still there
5/6.) Draw thin cylinders for arms/legs
7.) Erase the lines between the body and the arms/legs
8.) Add gloves, socks and shoes
9.) Weiter part is all Du add the features of your FC and tada!
Expect Mehr of these so anyways, have fun!

Mehr stuff: About the Friz game its coming along well but the level is 9 so the final boss will actually be a whole other game
posted by ShadowWolf337
Welcome Everybody to my Chatroom, for those who are just finding this im making a Video of me playing Slender with Commentary. Okay let me Explain all the other details. im going to be talking to Du all before the "Action" and that will be at 12:00 A.M. Central Time.I will be recording a my best friend's house so Du will be hearing him in the background. So untill i make the Video oder Videos (it depends on my nerves after the first video) Please don't freak me out because if i get scared i will scream, and im guessing thats what Du want(XD) OH I almost forgot to mention this if Du want to thank someone for (in a way) starting this Thank TakTheFox, when he made the Slender RP he encouraged me to watch Videos of other people playing the acursed game which led to this whole thing!
Oh here is my Youtube account name so Du can know where to go: Uberko2424
anyways feel free to talk to me and to each other.
posted by TakTheFox
Anatomy difference

So this is another rant about Deviantart stuff. Sorry if Du don’t want to hear this, I just had to post it.

I gepostet two pictures to a SONICFANCHARACTER group of Rynk. The Acid-monster one, and the big-ears one. Both were declined. They stated that it was because of poor sonic-anatomy, blatant colors, and other things that would suggest they weren’t sonic-type.

Why wouldn’t it be mobian? I can understand the confusion about the acid-monster pic, but the big-ears pic was plain and simple, easy to see, mobian. There wasn’t anything abnormal about it.

The only conclusions...
continue reading...
posted by TakTheFox
Chapter four
(Sept 19th Friday)

It was two Mehr days until the rain had finally stopped. Because of this a fair amount of the school got soaked when one student, whose name was Chad, opened the door to the inside courtyard, and allowed all the built-up water to not only rush into him and soak his clothes, but also a bit of the inside-hallways.

Grace had walked Von and found herself surprised not at all to find Rynk sliding in it without a care in the world, oder dimension in this case. The janitor’s blue pelz changed red that day, and it wasn’t going to go back any time soon.

Thankfully it was...
continue reading...
Chapter three
(Sept 15th Monday)

A particularly rainy Tag at the school, The Inner-School courtyard was almost pool-like with how much water it contained. Its lack of drainage-ways caused the intake to be at least three-inches and slowly climbing. It started like this a Tag prior, and hadn’t shown any sign of stopping.

Most of the students had decided to stay in bed, pretending to be under the weather, as they did not want to attend the few classes available. However around thirty-percent of the rest of the students were huddled in the bibliothek that was not attached to the main school, and was...
continue reading...
Hey new fc's character creators! If Du are on a part of making Liebe interests.

1. Why do people start it?
A. Because beginners think that it would be interesting to have their male oder female fcs to go out with SEGA characters. Im not trying to be mean but please step it up guys! Try to make A great relationship between 2 Fan Characters. It would be nice to see that instead of seeing a girl Fan character dating shadow oder is Sonic oder Silvers Girlfriend.

2. What about Kids?
A. Seriously. A kid. Why would some fangirls (no offense) do that? It's not official that SEGA would say so, So just please...
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