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Once they arrived at the fountain, Rin was still talking, “…I mean if I did that maybe it would get harder, but I don’t know how to lower my memory abilities, so I guess I’ll just remember everything all the time, which isn’t too bad I’d say, because it’s like cheating, only it’s not, and it makes me feel all happy inside… and kind of cheatish, but oh well. I’m getting the feeling talking so long might be annoy-“

“You think?!” Kal snapped. “We’re here…” Kal and Nick put Jesse down then scooped up some water and splashed it in his face.

They watched closely for a reaction of some sort, but none came, so they dumped it again. This time Jesse twitched a bit, then began sputtering as he coughed himself awake. “Guh… Hi?”

“Let’s keep the deep breaths to a minimum in the future, okay?” Nick suggested.

“Wha do- oh! Yeah, got it.” Jesse wobbled upward, holding his head dizzily. “So this is what a hangover feels like. Care to remind me what we were going to do?”

“We were going to go see if the cops could give us any info about Arma-9.”

“Oh… How close are we?”

“Not very close.” Talon sighed.

“Well my house isn’t too far.” Kal informed. “We could head over there then drive over.”

“Alright then.”

Once they arrived at the station, Talon took it upon himself to personally see if any of the officers recognized him. He glanced about in hopes of a raised eyebrow, widened eyes, a gape, anything; So far nothing. The small group walked over to the front desk.

“Hello?” Nick greeted to the officer at the desk.

“Good afternoon.” The officer greeted with a cheery tone of voice. “Can I help you?”

“You don’t remember arresting me?”

“Um… No.” The officer answered in, looking a bit worried now. “We’re the police; that doesn’t mean we don’t remember every person we arrest. What’s your name?”

“Nick Falon.” Talon answered bluntly.

“Uh, Talon,” Kal whispered, “I don’t think this is such a good idea.”

“Let me check the records.” The officer started going through a bunch of files.

“Just go with it.” Talon whispered back.

“Oh, alright it says here Du were wrongly accused of Arson, Von officer Rickman.” The cop informed, Lesen off a file.

“When did Du figure out it wasn’t me? I wasn’t even here to defend myself.”

“Kid, are Du wanting to go back in jail? … oder Juvie?”

“Just trying to figure this all out.” Talon replied defensively. “I talked with the lady who lived at the house, and then she gets blown up; I don’t think that’s a coincidence.”

“Well the Chief isn’t here to give Du any Mehr information about i-“

“Could Du tell us where we can find Officer Rickman?” Kal intervened, pushing past Talon, to the desk.

“Sorry, unless Du have your parents here with Du I can’t give that type of information out.” The officer looked a bit puzzled, scanning the group Von head-count, “Um… wasn’t there four of you?”

Kal, Jesse, and Nick looked around themselves and noticed that Rin was no longer with them. “She… must’ve gotten bored.” Jesse guessed.

“Well… I guess we’ll be going now.” Talon motioned for his allies to follow as he exited the station. At first they stood around the front door, scanning around for any sign of Rin.

“She’s going to be vanishing a lot, isn’t she?” Kal sighed to Talon.

“Well I might be able to still talk to her through my head.” Talon suggested. “… I did tell Du guys about that, right?”

“I don’t think so.” Kal answered with a slightly surprised gape.

Rin appeared between the two mobians in a bright red light. “I GOT IT!” She announced triumphantly, pumping the air with her fists.

“… You… got the address of the officer?” Nick guessed while regaining his composure; Kal was looking around to make sure no one had seen the teleportation.

“E-yup!” Rin replied with a nod, and whispered it to Talon.

Kal screwed up her face a bit, “Why did Du have to whisper it to him?”

“… I dunno, Mehr dramatic?” Rin replied. “We goin now?”

“Shouldn’t we call our parents first?” Jesse suggested.

“You can if Du want, I don’t think it would take that long,” Kal began, “that is I’m guessing that the house isn’t too far seeing how someone only whispered the location-“ And Rin whispered it to Kal as well. “STOP THAT! Just… STOP IT!” Kal yelled, pushing Rin off.

Twenty Minuten later…

Officer Rickman, Carl Rickman, had a green and pale tan, one-story house, with a pleasant-looking garden in the front yard, and a nice car as well. He was currently sitting on his porch when the group arrived.

“Wait…” Talon held an arm out to stop the others. “If he’s in on it, he might recognize Rin.”

“Won’t he recognize Du too?” Rin reminded.

“Yes but they don’t know you’re with us, and he won’t think there’s a threat if it’s just the three of us.”

Rin looked down a bit, eyes darkening from normal blue a bit. She sighed, nodded, then jumped onto the roof to hide.

“Didn’t… think she’d get so upset so quickly.” Talon said. “Weird.”

“Well she doesn’t seem to like being alone.” Kal noted. “Anyway let’s get this over with.” Kal walked past the garage of the house, and towards the man on the porch. Carl Rickman was a brown backenhörnchen, chipmunk, streifenhörnchen with combed red hair, and brown eyes. He was wearing an orange button-up collared shirt, and jeans. “Officer Rickman?” She greeted.

“Yes, do I kno-… know you?” Carl Rickman knew he knew her, and that one pause of surprised proved it, and Kal heard it.

“You know me, and him.” Kal pointed at Talon, who was walking up as well.


“Sir, one of ours is being approached Von the hybrids.” One of the agents walked up to Rovor, who was inside a central control room. He took a while to think over the information just gegeben to him. “What location, and which operative?”

“Rickman, and his home-base.”

“… Okay…“ Rovor waves his hands about the dozens of computer screens,

“Sir, what are-“

“I’m looking for the closest escapee…. Ah- There we go!” One screen lit up with what appeared to be a mutated krokodil mobian. It’s teeth covered its entire face, even the eyes, it was a dark grey instead of green, with scales shielding certain parts of its backside, oversized palms, and an oversized tail. “Time for an assassination!”


“I… I don’t know who any of Du are.” Rickman pathetically fibbed.

“You forgot what someone Du met less than a week Vor looks like?” Kal asked with a smirk. “Why aren’t Du at work anyway?”

“Off-day, now get off my property.” The officer got up from his porch and pointed towards the way out.

“Mm… Nah.” Kal remained still, as did Talon and Jesse.

“Get out oder I’ll arrest Du then.” Rickman produced a gun from the back of his pants and held it up, not yet pointing at the teenagers, as to Zeigen he was not completely threatening them yet.

“Don’t Du arrest people with handcuffs?” Kal quipped in her head. “Okay,” She sagte aloud, backing off a bit. Carl now had the gun pointed at Kal’s forehead, looking both ticked and a little worried.

Talon stepped vorwärts-, nach vorn sternly, attempting to look intimidating, Wird angezeigt his long claws at the officer. “We’re not going to just leave without s-“ The officer shot twice at Talon. Nick’s reflexes saved him barely. He raised his hands to block the shot, causing the bullets to hit his claws instead of his chest. However instead of breaking his claws, oder bouncing off, they seemed to burn up in a small black flame.

Nick felt a strange pulse in energy from the shots, and quickly looked at his hands, which remained unharmed. He was utterly stunned, and a bit frightened, but this was not the time to marvel at one’s Supernatural being.

He lifted his face in a cold stare, Schauspielen tough though not feeling so tough. The officer, if he was really ever one to begin with, was quite startled and a bit intimidated; his gun shook in his hands a bit, and his feet shuffled slightly back. Talon could tell Rickman was going to run, so as soon as Carl turned around, giving Talon a safe, sicher way of attack without getting shot, Nick pounced on him.

Jesse got the idea quicker than Kal, and dashed over to help hold Rickman down. Kal walked up and yanked the gun from his hands. As soon as Talon was in a Mehr preferable position to question, mainly glaring at Rickman while Jesse held the man to the Wand (And Jesse quite enjoyed feeling stronger than an adult), he began the interrogation.

“Where i-“

“WHERE WERE THE OTHER DRUGS GOING!?” Jesse sagte aloud in a dark gargling voice. The others, even Rickman, shot a startled and confused stare at him. “Someone had to do it.” He chuckled in normal voice.

“Ugh,” Talon sighed, returning to whatever dignity this intervention had, “Tell us everything Du know about Arma-9.”

“Not here…” Rickman whispered in a pleading tone. “My wife and my kids are inside. They have nothing to do with this.”

The three teenagers, Rin still hiding on the roof, looked to each other, deciding the Weiter move. *crack* Jesse knocked Rickman out. He then picked up the unconscious man and turned to Talon, “Where do we go from he-“ Talon ignored Jesse and walked out to the front sidewalk. “…What’s… with him?”

“You didn’t see his claws practically absorb those bullets?” Kal asked, thinking Jesse would remember such a Kürzlich event. Von the expression on Jesse’s face she assumed he hadn’t, and decided to walk over to Talon, who was sitting on the edge of the sidewalk looking either glum oder terrified.

“I… h-have no idea how that happened…” Talon stammered when he saw Kal approach. “I think I’ll… keep my claws retracted for now.”

“Do Du want to stay here for a while? Y’know… to recover?”

“… N-no… we’re wasting time. C’mon.” Nick got up slowly.

“Nick, it’s alright if Du want to wait a bit. There’s no rush… well yeah we shouldn’t be here too long, but Du can still take a breather.”

“… I’ll be okay. I guess I’d be Mehr freaked out if we hadn’t bumped into-“

Rin hopped down Weiter to them, “Are Du okay? Need a hug?”

“Yeah I guess so.” Kal was referring to Talon, but Rin did not know this, and promptly hugged the feline, who gasped briefly in surprised, then sighed and waited till Rin had let go, which she eventually did.

“Rin, we were kind of having a conversation.” Kal informed.

“Oh… sorry, I just thought Talon was all upset about superpowers, and wanted a comfort hug.”

“You didn’t even hug him ye-“ And then Rin hugged Talon, who groggily hugged back.

“Did Du have to butt into this?” Kal asked in an irritated tone. Rin took a step back, a bit hurt Von the remark. “Sorry, I just wanted to help…”

“It’s okay, Rin, we’re just a bit startled is all.” Talon intervened, attempting to sound assuring. “Anyway, we really should get going.”

“Where? Your house?” Jesse questioned in a sarcastic tone as he lugged the unconscious man along. “And what happened with your claws!?”

“So NOW he reacts.” Kal noted.

“Well… we could… uh… We don’t really have any good places to do this, do we?” Nick asked.

“Well we don’t normally kidnap officers of the law.”

“Maybe we could try the trödel, schrott, junk-e- yard?” Jesse suggested.

Kal and Talon looked at Jesse strangely, “Do we even have a trödel, schrott, junk-e- yard?” Kal asked.

“Don’t all cities?”

“I… actually don’t know.”

“We could do it,” Rin began, getting hyperactive again, “In the SKY!!” she pointed at the air with a large derpy grin on her face, eyes now turquoise. When she noticed no one was amused, the smile faded, “No really! Like a building roof oder somethin!”

“What on Mobius gave Du the idea to use a building?” Talon asked quickly.

“I dunno, it just popped into my head is all. Du got a better idea?”

“Give me a minute…” Talon bent over a bit, resting his chin on his fisted hand, and began thinking up options. Unfortunately the process of this was constantly interrupted Von the reoccurring thought of “THE GUY’S FAMILY MIGHT SEE US, ANYONE MIGHT SEE US, WE NEED TO LEAVE NOW!”

Finally he replied, “Let’s figure it out later, we need to get out of here. Someone will see us, oder this guy will wake up.”

“Well we can’t just walk off,” Jesse informed, “people will look over at the unconscious man and go ‘Hey what’s going on?’.”

“True… wait, Rin!” Talon quickly turned to face the identity, who instantly perked up again upon being called, “you teleport.”

“Eyup.” Rin replied cheerfully. “Waaaaaaaaaay ahead of ya. TO THE BUILDING!”

“Wait no I just wa-“ Rin grabbed hold of the group, and Rickman, then teleported everyone and herself to the roof of a skyscraper. Talon himself assumed she knew where she was going because she had been there before.

Kal and Jesse fell backwards, landing on their rumps then backsides, looking both stunned, and pained. The feeling of teleporting, going from one point to another in such a short time, felt… sadly disappointing. To Kal because she had read Bücher about science fiction, and since the areas of science fiction existed, she expected perhaps seeing everything pass Von quickly, oder actually feel Rin’s energy when they left. Jesse wanted to feel something tingly. The reality was that while Rin’s energy did go through them, it was Mehr like feeling electrocuted only not as painful, but just as unpleasant.

Talon felt the pain, but aside from finishing his sentence with a “-nted Du to- ugh!!”, the other thoughts did not kreuz his mind… yet. He would later note in his head about how strange it felt to be in a completely calm area, then suddenly end up in a windy one, but not at the moment.

“So let’s start getting the info outa this dude.” Rin ordered, as she began to morph out chains around Rickman’s hands and legs, as well as a sitz below him.

“Hey, color and everything.” Jesse noted, “Nice… who’s going to interrogate him?”

“I’ll do it.” Talon nominated with a sigh, then turned to Rin, “Rin, he still doesn’t know you’re here so-“

“Yeah yeah, got it.” Rin walked off to hide behind a Fan system on the roof.

“Alright then,” Talon picked Rickman’s face up to face him, holding as good an intimation stare as he could, then shook him a bit, “HEY! WAKE UP!”

Jesse thought to himself “I don’t think that would wake him up if us talking this whole time didn’t.” but sagte nothing aloud, and simply laid his ears back a bit from the sudden loud noise, as did Kal. Rin was currently having a sword duel with her two sword-morphed fingers.

After the screaming did nothing, Talon gave the good officer a nice slap to the cheek… twice. “Slowly the man groggily awoke.

“Hey, he’s up, wonderful.” Talon announced in a dark low tone, keeping his glare and frown still, and his eyes fixed on Rickman’s. A previously normal teenager, trying to intimidate an adult officer. Normal.

“When did…” Rickman got a good look at his surroundings as his memory came back to him. “Oh gre-“

“Oh no would be Mehr accurate.” Talon interrupted. Rickman gave the teenager a short huff with a smirk, as one would give to a child, then yanked a bit attempting to grab Talon, not knowing he himself was chained, causing poor Rickman to lurch forward, almost falling on Nick, who retaliated with shoving him backward, and having the chai fall backward, giving Rickman’s backside a nice crack-sounding pain.

“Ugrl…” Rickman focused back in again while Talon stood over him still, slowly extending his claws outward to increase whatever intimidation he was going for.

“You, ARE, going to spill everything, or, you, ARE, going, to die.” He threatened in a cold tone.

“A-alr- Okay!” Rickman attempted the pleading-hand-position, but was stopped yet again Von the chains. “Arma-9 is connected to a Mobius known as Mobocan. There are two parties. One ran Von Rovor, and the other Von some scientist overlander on Mobocan.” Rickman paused for a bit, to see if Talon was going to give in to the little info spilled. When Talon did not reply, Rickman decided Mehr was needed and continued. “R-Rovor and sometimes others, send in mobians, and other people, as experiments for the overlander. I’m not a high-clearance agent, so I don’t know any specifics… but… I’m guessing, you… maybe all of you, were one of Hybrids made.”

“Are there any other bases?” Talon kept his stare still, but was having a hard time not twitching from the new information about himself, his friends, and this… scientist.

“Y-yes, a lot of bases, but Du can’t find most of them here, they’re i-“

Death. Rickman had not died yet, but death was what stopped him from talking. As soon as he heard the gurgled, roar of a monster, he knew who had been sent for him, and it was not to save him. His Angel – Jäger der Finsternis of death, his Grimm Reaper, had just arrived.

The krokodil monster stood across from them, having just clawed its way carefully and quietly to the oben, nach oben of the building. It would have been completely quiet, had it not been for one of its overgrown teeth poke through his skin, growing larger in the wound.

“I’m dead alrea-ady, j-just listen,” Rickman stuttered, trying desperately to get the attention of the now gaping and distracted Talon, who slowly and nervously looked back over to him. “you have to get his claws off oder Du can’t kill him-“

“GUWAHA!!” Talon yelled as he felt the beast grab him Von the waist, digging into his stomach before tossing him to the side, then proceeding to Slash away at a screaming Rickman. The beast was not going to eat Rickman, he could not even if he wished to. The overgrown teeth and claws on his face would not let him. And while no one was currently wondering this, one would wonder how this mutant replenished itself with Essen without being able to get it to his… oder her, mouth.

“THE-AH! SOMEONE ELS-“ Rickman could barely be understood from the destroying, but with one last scream he uttered words that sounded somewhat like “E-IIIIIIC-C…-C…!” Obviously they had come at the end of the message. Rickman, was dead, his corpse, though not able to be seen due to the croc being in the way, was a torn up… everything.

The four… heroes, were utterly stunned, including Rin who had looked over at the action as soon as the creature attacked. “HEY!” She yelled over to the croc, walking over to meet eyes, though the croc’s eyes were almost completely covered.

The creature turned to the identity, hissing and flexing his claws. The others would have attempted to help Rin, but they had a feeling she would do alright.


“So…” Rovor noted, seeing the event through a hidden camera, “the identity IS with them.”


“Identity…” The creature hissed in a surprisingly fluent Russian sounding accent, minus the hissing. “I have no quarrel with you! All of you, go!”

“Er… Wait Du don’t work for Mr. Evil wolf man?” Rin asked, feeling a bit disappointed that she did not get to fight.

The croc turned, gesturing to Rickman, “I was captured like all of you, and disfigured Von these monsters; a death of their kind is good enough for now.” The creature then turned to leave. Talon noticed that his claws, the ones not on his hands and feet, were still digging into his skin and body. This creature was once mobian. Nick could only assume that whatever Arma-9 did to him, caused these claws to grow longer and longer, and now they were spiking into him, and probably would kill him over time.

No one knew what to do oder say. This krokodil had just murdered their only form of information, but… was he an enemy? They doubted he even knew about Rickman helping them, and wanted only revenge it seemed. And from what they could tell, he was not going to harm anyone, aside from tossing Talon to the side.

Jesse looked over the edge of the building and noticed the creature had not even left any scratch marks when he climbed up. He had been careful not to harm the skyscraper. Should they let him just leave?

“What are Du going to do now?” Kal asked cautiously.

The creature turned to face Kal with a sigh, “Search… for anyone linked with Arma-9, kill them, and… look for a cure if I can… b-before I die…”


“This is not how it was supposed to go. Well then plan B.”


A high-pitched “zeeeeeeeeeeeee” was heard from a distance of the group. Everyone looked about, trying to see where the sound was coming from. The mutant was the first to realize it was the sound of a threat. “DOWN! DOWN NOW!” He yelled before shoving Rin back and motioning for the others to go. Directly after, something blew up on the side of his neck, coaxing a painful scream from the creature as he weakly looked about for his attacker.

The croc collapsed on the ground, supposedly dead oder unconscious. Rin walked over to see how bad the wound was on his neck. Strangely there was barely a mark where he was hit, only a small scratch and hole.

“Um… I guess they weren’t aiming for him.” Rin sagte to the others, beginning to walk back. The three teenagers however barely acknowledged her, and were Mehr interested in what was happening to the creature.

The mutant’s claws increased in size at a much faster speed than before, with Mehr scales appearing, and his tail, arms, and legs, becoming even larger than before. He roared and hissed, slowly rising from the ground, looking about wildy, as if he was now nothing but a dumb animal.

Jesse was first to understand what had happened and yelled out “HE’S GONE RABID!” before grabbing Kal Von the hand and darting for the door at the oben, nach oben of the roof.

Talon stayed, he wanted to help, but at the same time, he did not really see what he could do. He had no idea how to use the black-mist-like ability again, and he doubted he would experience a Deus Ex Machina anytime soon. So the fight was Rin’s, and Von the now green and red glow in her eyes, she seemed to be excited Von the challenge.

“Fun time.” Rin leapt onto the croc while at the same time morphing her arms into large long triangular-blades, which she used to repeatedly Slash at his face. The creature’s helm of overgrown teeth and claws blocked the damage to an extent, with a few cracking off from the impact. He took this opportunity to slam his head to the ground, thus slamming Rin to the ground as well, and began clawing and punching her while she was down.

Sparks flew everywhere with Rin’s Nanite body becoming smashed, though at the same time regenerated. The identity spawned a hand from her head, which gave the creature’s chin a nice firm uppercut, causing him to fall on his backside.

Rin teleported to a standing position, and morphed her right hand into a giant hammer, three times her size. She slammed down at the creature with this, only to have the creature slam back at it with his claws, knocking it to the side, barely missing him, and making a large dent in the roof’s floor.

“RIN! DAMAGE CONTROL!” Talon yelled loudly, noting subconsciously that people would be below them and the roof could cave in if another hit like that came.

Rin acknowledged the advice, which distracted her from the fight for a short moment. The creature sliced at Rin’s arms, thus disconnecting her from her makeshift hammer. She quickly countered this Von running around him in a circle, while at the same time wrapping him in Nanites, before tossing him off the building, and following as he fell.

Rin attempted to grab the creature so that she could teleport them out of the city, but the creature kept swatting her away, each time leading to her teleporting back. “RA!” Finally Rin had had enough of being batted around, and promptly gave a solid *WAM* kick to the Creature’s hand as he attempted to hit her again, causing him to not only loose half the claws on that hand, but also bump into the side of a building, creating Mehr damage to it.

Rin noticed the damage, but the creature was stunned now, and that gave her an edge. She jumped onto his chest, wrapping her Nanites over his entire body if she could before he attempted to push her away, and teleported them to a gras, grass field Weiter to a highway.

The creature ripped Rin off as he fell on his back and head, screaming and roaring, then tossed her into the air. Rin quickly recovered, and kept herself floating in the air, a good twenty-five feet up from the creature. “Okay, ammunition time.” She grinned. Transforming her arms into energy pistols, she began firing chaos energy rapidly at the croc from above.

The mutant was struck once in the chest, knocking backward. He grabbed hold of the ground to keep his balance, and took to the defensive, dodging all the feuer he could. As he dodged, he began ripping his larger claws from his body and once he was close enough, he jumped into the air, and slammed the claws into the holes of Rin’s pistols, causing them to explode in her face, sending both of them up farther into the air.

The mutant was not going to let her go that quickly however. He kept a firm grip on whatever Nanites he could grab at, and squeezed the identity tightly as they feel towards the ground from forty feet.

“NOT… GOING… TO HAPPEN…” Rin let out spasms of energy blasts repeatedly until the creature’s grip was loosened. She would have teleported, but he would have come with her, and it would have done no good. They landed hard on the ground, with the croc still caving over her like a dome.

With one charged up blast, Rin blew the creature off, leaving a crater from the energy in the ground. The mutant fell down once again, dizzily getting up, and looking a bit worn out, vaguely making out the blood-craved, red-eyed, identity standing in front of him. Rin transformed both her hands into a giant energy canon, to feuer at him, but then something flew through her head. “He’s not himself! Keep him alive!” Talon’s voice. He was using the connection to talk to her.

Rin was a bit hesitant; the creature was starting to run towards her again, and it was an easy, perfect, shot. But she faded back to her normal hands. “Fine…” The creature swung at her with rapid swipes and punches. Rin dodged the first three, but was knocked to the left Von the fourth. The creature turned to continue, giving a massive schlagen, punsch at the identity.

Rin teleported behind the beast, causing his fist to hit the ground. While his back was still turned, Rin did a 360 while increasing the density in one energy charged hand, and landed one last schlagen, punsch on the back of the mutant’s head, breaking through the claws, and knocking him out.

The identity looked over her prized victory with a smirk, then placed a hand on the creature, and prepared to teleport. “He’s down, not killed, but down. Where do Du want him?” She asked, assuming Talon was still ‘on the phone’ as it were.

“Y-… U-uh… actually why don’t Du bring us there?” Talon answered, stuttering even in his thoughts.

“Alright.” Rin replied, still grinning from the thrill of the battle.

A short time later the group was together on the highway plain, though they walked a ways away from the actual road, as not to get any unwanted attention.

“This is awesome, this is awesome, this is awesome!” Jesse squealed in delight, hopping in circles.

Talon was still examining the damage done to the mutant, with Rin standing behind him, grinning still. “You sure Du didn’t kill him?”

“Well I can’t be too sure.” Rin shrugged, holding her hands out in the regular finger-nail-admiring pose. “There was a large CRACK… before he went down.”

Kal was quite concerned, and going over the various risks and things they would have to look out for in her head, as she assumed someone would simply scowl if she started to state them aloud. However she did manage to say “You really feel accomplished, don’t you?” to Rin.

“VERY.” Rin replied, turning to face the slightly miffed-looking feline.

“You know if he really is dead, Du killed an innocent guy. It wasn’t his fault.”

“Pardon?” Rin scoffed, taken back a bit. “Sorry but I just saved Du guys, and stopped this guy from going on a rampage. And I really don’t think he’s dead.”

“Are Du sure? He’s not waking up.”

Rin looked back over to the mutant; he hadn’t woken up yet. Her eyes changed to a dark blue for a moment, considering what Kal had said. Sure she was only trying to end the fight, but maybe she went too far.

“Speaking of people not waking up, why didn’t anyone try to stop this guy from getting Rickman?” Kal questioned, looking over her allies sternly.

“I was shoved to the side.” Talon reminded with a raised eyebrow.

“Alright, good enough. Jesse?”

Jesse was a little out of it but caught on, freezing in mid dance. “I wasn’t… close enough?”


“He got what he deserved.” Rin answered bluntly. Kal narrowed her eyes a bit. “When Du get captured Von these people and they try to kill Du with a weird goop,” Rin began, giving Kal a glare as well, eyes glowing red, “you can start judging me.”

“Both of you, knock it off!” Talon yelled. He looked over to the creature and noticed that he was in fact beginning to rouse. His breathing however was shallow, filled with groans of pain.

“Hmm…” Rin walked over and began bending and yanking the teeth and claws of the mutant.

All at the same time the three teenagers yelled “What are Du doing?!”

“He can’t breathe; I’m helping him breathe, happy ending.” Rin informed bluntly. Some blood poured out from the holes of the mutant’s face, but he was breathing easier now.

“First… Du try to kill me… now Du save me…” The mutant chuckled tiredly. “I think Du broke my arm…”

“Is your giant claw an arm?” Rin asked, looking over the claw she hit in the first falling fight.

“I would not be surprised.” He replied, slowly getting up. “Oy my head…”

“Sorry for the roughness, Du were all like ROAR, so I had ta-“

“I know, I was the one Du fought if Du don’t recall.” The mutant reminded in a stern blunt tone. He wiped a bit of the blood off his scaly face, his deep blue eyes Wird angezeigt a bit now, not that they were whimsical oder anything like that.

“What is your name?” Kal asked.

“Derin… I think.” The mutant answered with a sigh, rubbing his head a bit. “I… have a distorted memory. The many prices one pays for letting people experiment on them.”

“Yeah we were kind of about to find out about those before Du made Rickman a sprinkler.” Jesse informed boldly.

“I… I did not know that. I was led to you. I saw Rickman and thought it was luck… if… it wasn’t…”

“Then… we were being watched? Spied on?” Kal guessed.

“Arma-9 knows where we are!” Rin yelled angrily, clenching her fists with chaos energy sparking up a bit around them. “And all that time of hiding wasted!”

“Well we got information.” Talon noted calmly.

“And met… Derin.” Kal added. She turned to face Derin, “by the way do Du have any information Du might like to give us? Rickman sagte something about us all being hybrids, and… well I want to know if I’ll grow teeth on my shoulders now as opposed to later on, no offense.”

“None taken,” Derin replied with a shrug and a half chuckled. “I wish I could help more, but I only remember images, faint ones at that, of my imprisonment; mostly the experiments performed on me. I could not hear their voices usually, due to how much I was screaming, but I don’t recall hearing about others. I found out about that later on. And then I was captured again, and Du four freed me…” Derin turned to Rin with a slight glare, “more oder less.”

Rin remembered blowing up the base, and chuckled nervously, “Well you’re not dead.” She noted, pointing her finger up to add insurance.

“Yes… well,” Derin turned to leave, “I believe I’ll be leaving now. If I can , I will help Du in your war with Arma-9.”

“Wait why not just Mitmachen us?” Talon asked, a bit miffed that the super-powered krokodil chose to leave.

“You all look normal; even the identity can look normal. I… cannot.” A sigh followed as Derin began walking away. “I would be too easily noticed. Farewell.”

No one stopped Derin, and as soon as he was out of sight, Rin let out an energy blast around the area. It did not seem to damage anyone, but seeing how it came out of nowhere, everyone jerked back in surprise.

“R-Rin? Du okay?” Jesse asked nervously, inching towards the identity. Rin simply pointed a finger to the left in the air, where a previously cloaked hover-camera fell to the ground, deactivated. “Who wants to smash it?” She asked with a grin.

The story would be on the news soon about a cloaked figure fighting something that looked like a Batman villain knock-off, on the rooftops. The group decided to quickly make it home, though Rin was a bit nervous about going to her “relative’s” house, thinking they might put two and two together. Thankfully they did not even ask where the group had gone, though nothing about them seemed out of the ordinary when they went Home in the first place.

Talon… walked to his bedroom, and lifted up his shirt, feeling the scratch mark Derin had gegeben him, which stung badly. It was not serious, but it might have left a scar. That was the least of his worries. The rest of that day, which was about an hour, and that night, he did nothing but eat Dinner, and try to use his power again.

Nick went through everything he felt when it first activated. Fear, no… Protectiveness… no. Determination seemed likely, but he did not recall feeling that in the first incident. But it was worth a go. He flexed his arm out towards a small lamp in his bedroom, and a black stream of energy flowed from his hands, and engulfed it, turning the lamp into dust.
posted by ShadowWolf337
Attention all Sonic Fc owners who play on XBox live! Im making a clan that everyone can join! Its gonna be called: Sonic Fan Characters United
, oder something like that....

All I know is this clan will be a peaceful clan, which means we won't fight other clans for leaderboards. The only way we would actually fight another clan is if they challenge us. If Du want Du can be called Von your Fc's name in the clan. I like to play Halo Reach and make awesome maps to play on (for example: EPIC Hunger Games, Regular Show, and The Canyon) so if Du got Halo Reach, we WILL have fun, trust me!

How to join:
1. add a Kommentar saying that Du want to join
2. send a friend request to my XBOX Live account (ShadowWolf337) and a message saying that your on fanpop.

If Du don't have a Xbox yet but are getting one soon oder your Xbox is giving Du problems, just tell me and I will reserve a position for Du untill Du get Du Xbox oder fix it

Thanks for your consideration!
Ok,we know Du want to skip the mumbo jumbo and get straight to the information,WE CAN DO THAT!!!

Gary-stu=unfairly powerful unbeatable cheater

A gary-stu is
1.Too powerful,almost/is godly
2.Always wins,unfair.
3.Never suffers hardships a true warrior would face
4.A basic DBZ rip-off right of the bat
5.Too attractive/Too sexy(As pointed out Von takthefox)

The gist is to balance out your characters powers and skills,If Du make him/her a powerhouse,Give him/her a obvious weak spot/poor defenses.If Du make him/her a living shield,Weaken there powers.yin and for "Getting there way",Sometimes...
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posted by catgirl140
gepostet on my new website, link, this survey asked the following 5 Fragen based your on the main sonic fc.

Total responses: 22
Blank area have no votes.

Is your character's name based of their powers? Eg: Frost, Blaze, Bolt etc.
No: 100%

Official characters have names based of their powers, personality oder physical feature.

Does your character have a last name?
Yes: 100%

Sonic and co. don't have last names.

Does your character have a nickname/s?
Yes: 91%
No: 9%

Sonic has alot of nicknames and schlucken gives the nickname 'Shorty' to Tails.

How old is your character?
11-15: 50%
16-20: 45%...
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posted by silverstream101
Well...basicly i got bored and i desided 2 make something 4 Riley! its just going 2 b why i made him and stuff

Riley is from the Sol Dimention like Ember and her oldest sister Nova. When Ember and Riley were little they played togather all the time. So when Ember "died" he didnt belive it and has been looking for her sence. He got word that a red cat has been seen in the Mobius Dimention and found a way to get there. He STILL hasnt found her but refuses to stop looking. So now hes somewhere in Mobius looking for Ember.

Small? yes...but i was feeling i WILL make a story version soon
posted by Giz_4ever
The beautiful girl I have known since I was two,
made a speech and now there's nothing I can do.
Drove away Von a simple word,
flew away like a stream-lined bird.
A tear blown away with every gush of wind,
the script was wrote and then it was binned.
Ever word counted as horror,
sitting under a baum clenching onto my sorrow.
Every type of contact opened up a mystery door,
now it is a shame because it won't happen anymore.
I wish for Du if I wasn't cruel,
I'd hope you'd wish for me to.
There is no Frage relevant to why Du left me,
there is only the answer which is obvious Du see.
I covered my heart...
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posted by ILoveSonic21
It's is 7:00am on a Thursday

Norma:*yawns* wow I had a good nights sleep!

Norma gets up and walks over to the dining room and sees mercer

Norma:good morning mercer

Mercer:good morning Princess Norma

Norma:wow I'm not used to being a princess but I can't believe I'm a princess

Mercer: Du will get used to it princess

Norma: ok well should I cook some breakfast?

Mercer: no its okay I ca-*hears smashing and crashes*

Mercer:what is going on!?!?

Mercer and Norma look down from the balcony and they see jagger and he is trying to penetrate the force field


Mercer:he's trying to break the force field...
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posted by Giz_4ever
Jojo's theme song:


Walked away

Could've been a little bit wiser
Should've been a millionaire
Could have held Du a whole lot tighter
Acted like I did not care

I want to feel like I'm somewhere
In the middle of this
I want to feel like I'm not just slipping away

So I walked away, walked away
Because I heard Du say that it'll never be the same
I shoulda walked away, walked away
The voice inside me shouts out loud
The silence feels Mehr silent now

Walked away
Walked away

Tried to step a little bit calmer
Can't shock the passerbys
These tingles within her vision
A pushing child will never cry
My kissen lies right inside this rushing ferris wheel
I want to step up instead of spinning in place


I often wonder what's the truth
Where not to go, what not to do
So many days inside this carnival wheel
So many ways Du can move
Still you're standing still

(Chorus x2)

Walked away
(To end)
1.) Draw a circle
2.) Draw upside down dreieck under the circle
3.) Round the dreieck out
4.) Erase the Straight dreieck if it is still there
5/6.) Draw thin cylinders for arms/legs
7.) Erase the lines between the body and the arms/legs
8.) Add gloves, socks and shoes
9.) Weiter part is all Du add the features of your FC and tada!
Expect Mehr of these so anyways, have fun!

Mehr stuff: About the Friz game its coming along well but the level is 9 so the final boss will actually be a whole other game
posted by ShadowWolf337
Welcome Everybody to my Chatroom, for those who are just finding this im making a Video of me playing Slender with Commentary. Okay let me Explain all the other details. im going to be talking to Du all before the "Action" and that will be at 12:00 A.M. Central Time.I will be recording a my best friend's house so Du will be hearing him in the background. So untill i make the Video oder Videos (it depends on my nerves after the first video) Please don't freak me out because if i get scared i will scream, and im guessing thats what Du want(XD) OH I almost forgot to mention this if Du want to thank someone for (in a way) starting this Thank TakTheFox, when he made the Slender RP he encouraged me to watch Videos of other people playing the acursed game which led to this whole thing!
Oh here is my Youtube account name so Du can know where to go: Uberko2424
anyways feel free to talk to me and to each other.
posted by TakTheFox
Anatomy difference

So this is another rant about Deviantart stuff. Sorry if Du don’t want to hear this, I just had to post it.

I gepostet two pictures to a SONICFANCHARACTER group of Rynk. The Acid-monster one, and the big-ears one. Both were declined. They stated that it was because of poor sonic-anatomy, blatant colors, and other things that would suggest they weren’t sonic-type.

Why wouldn’t it be mobian? I can understand the confusion about the acid-monster pic, but the big-ears pic was plain and simple, easy to see, mobian. There wasn’t anything abnormal about it.

The only conclusions...
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posted by TakTheFox
Chapter four
(Sept 19th Friday)

It was two Mehr days until the rain had finally stopped. Because of this a fair amount of the school got soaked when one student, whose name was Chad, opened the door to the inside courtyard, and allowed all the built-up water to not only rush into him and soak his clothes, but also a bit of the inside-hallways.

Grace had walked Von and found herself surprised not at all to find Rynk sliding in it without a care in the world, oder dimension in this case. The janitor’s blue pelz changed red that day, and it wasn’t going to go back any time soon.

Thankfully it was...
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Chapter three
(Sept 15th Monday)

A particularly rainy Tag at the school, The Inner-School courtyard was almost pool-like with how much water it contained. Its lack of drainage-ways caused the intake to be at least three-inches and slowly climbing. It started like this a Tag prior, and hadn’t shown any sign of stopping.

Most of the students had decided to stay in bed, pretending to be under the weather, as they did not want to attend the few classes available. However around thirty-percent of the rest of the students were huddled in the bibliothek that was not attached to the main school, and was...
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Hey new fc's character creators! If Du are on a part of making Liebe interests.

1. Why do people start it?
A. Because beginners think that it would be interesting to have their male oder female fcs to go out with SEGA characters. Im not trying to be mean but please step it up guys! Try to make A great relationship between 2 Fan Characters. It would be nice to see that instead of seeing a girl Fan character dating shadow oder is Sonic oder Silvers Girlfriend.

2. What about Kids?
A. Seriously. A kid. Why would some fangirls (no offense) do that? It's not official that SEGA would say so, So just please...
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posted by silverstream101
 Ember the Cat Now (16)
Ember the Cat Now (16)
*sigh* im just gonna try it like a story its going 2 b VERY long....once again im doing 1st person

I have had enough of this...not the spy work and stuff like that but the things that people DO....right now im on my way to seperate a father and daughter...sorces have showed that the father, RIder, has been abusive to both his daughter, whos name is unknown, and to other innocents. I find it really sad on how some people r...

I stop running looking around at the barren area and i sigh. I keep moving. After awhile i spot a single building in the distance. this...
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Frostbite and Scarlet lived their normal lives when one night, a man named Grey experimented on a body swap potion gone wrong. The blast hit Scarlet and Frostbite in their sleep, causing them to switch bodies. After making a conclusion in the morning, they tried to continue with each other's lives until they found a cure. Frostbite did just fine, but Scarlet was having trouble with Frostbite's relationship. Will Scarlet be able to push through, oder will Frostbite's relationship with Aqua come to an end?
posted by GoldenBaramundi
My FC is called Sandy the Cat and I'm gonna tell all Du Fans a bit about her. Let's get started!

Name: Sandy
Species: Cat
Gender: Female
pelz Colour: Ginger with Tangelo orange stripes
Eye Colour: Electric Blue
Attire: orange Bracelets and Anklets, White Cami, Pale blue denim cut-offs with red belt, bare feet oder when she goes swimming she wears a red and white striped bikini, her bracelets and anklets, bare feet.
Hair Style: Long Pigtail that's ginger with tangelo orange rings. Her tail is done in the same pattern.
Personality: Loud, Outgoing, Annoying, Happy, Bouncy, Beachy, Bright, Playful, Goofy, Humorous.
Age: 12 and a half.
Quotes: "HELP!!! I broke my leg!" "Hey Guys! Let's go to the beach!" "Why do Du hate me? Sorry if I'm annoying..." "LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!!"

So that's Sandy. She's all across the fanclub so see if Du can spit her in RP's, Fragen and quizzes.
sorry I can't give Mehr than 1 lesson because I'm too busy ^^' but I may be able to give another , but I don't promise!

I'll give Du a live lesson ( I have 90 minuts can take 30 of them to give a lesson that will at least make Du able to tryout making your sonic character in 3D )

1.first off download the 3D program :
it's 590 megabits

holy shit this is too big! alright Du can download the prev version but it wont open everything
it can work but it will be a little trouble to interact with me sometimes

2.anyway , after downloading this download joinme , it's a program that shows me your...
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posted by dragongirlkatie
Name : Cynder the night fury.
age : 9
birthday : 10 of july
eye colour: in between blue mint and purple.

her past: Cynder is the last of her kind, her family were killed Von The Blacknightmare, and soon wiped out, but Cynder somehow escaped the Blacknightmare and longs to seek revenge. Her best friend Tristin the phoenix was her only friend when she was yonger, they got caught Von the Blacknightmare when they exscaped they got teilt, split up Von a Cynder has found Tristin again and Tristin had made Friends with Kate Von then since then the Blacknightmare has'nt found her but is still trying....
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“What is it u r in this whole ur eyes...? close ur eyes and think about it 4 a bit...” 1 of the 1st Fragen he asked me...because I was nameless...both me and my twin sister. Should I start bak a bit farther...? Fine...let's...we'll come bak 2 that....
    We'll start from the begining then...we basicly grew up in WWIII. Mom and Dad fought constantly. We grew up in du haube in the Big Apple. That's NYC 4 those who don't kno. Some1 sagte the only thing that can save us all now is sencitivity and compastion....they keep pushing freedom at us but didn't leave...
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 Boots with Asylum Straps
Boots with Asylum Straps
this is all the info on my characters that maybe isn't clear from the pictures i i'll Liste it here (Note: this does NOT include any background info. that's a compleatly different story)
Dark Blade (Hedgehog)
Fashion Sense: Pt. 1; Clothes
he has a punk style and always wares leather combat boots, usually with Asylum Straps and some sort of metal in places (like studs oder a metal skull) his pants usually have visible stitches and multiple colors, some call them patch pants. he never wares a hemd, shirt but always has a jacke on. from time 2 time he wares different gloves depending on how he...
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