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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Seven
I started down the long drive way and had to stop to let several really nice cars in. I let several go Von and thought it was the end when the coolest motorcycle I had ever seen came spending in. I watched as he passed me and park his bike up the drive way. He took off his helm and he was the cutesy guy I'd ever seen. But I was Mehr memorized Von his bike then actually him. I realized I had been staring to long because of the look on his face. I decided to sped off because it was embarrassing to sit there and stare at him. New people, they will be the talk of the town once school starts.
"I'm home!" I yelled as I went through the front door. "Any one here?!?"
"Oh Lila, you're home." Billy sagte oddly. "I thought you'd be gone longer!!"
"Nah, I got bored and came home." I sagte as laid on the couch. "There's new people in town too. They seem weird but Hey I haven't met them yet!"
"Oh really"-
"Dad!" Jacob moaned.
"What is wrong with Jake?" I asked sort of worried.
"Just mono, Küssen to many girls." Billy sagte as he tried to laugh it off. "Nothing too bad!"
"Jake has mono?!" I asked as I rolled on the floor laughing. "That is impossible! He has not been Küssen girls!"
"Lila, Du can get mono even if Du have not kissed a girl!" He informed me. "I better go see what he needs. Why don't Du go to the strand oder something."
"Nah, I kind of want to stay here and watch tv." I said. "I will stay out of the way. I promise."
"No Lila. Get out of the house for the day!" Billy sagte almost demandingly. "Go on, everything is fine."
"Fine, but let me go to my room and change." I said. "It will not take long."
Billy sighed in frustration as he wheeled himself to Jake's room. Billy closed the door behind him. That was strange. I changed slowly. I did not want to go to the beach. Especially Von myself! It was going to be boring. I walked out of the room and ran into something that felt like a hot brick wall.
"What the heck?" I muttered as I looked up.
It was Sam Uley, the most hated guy between Jake, Quill, Embry, and I.
"What are Du doing here?!" I asked bitterly. 
"You're not capable of understanding what is going on." Sam said. "You should probably go to the strand like Billy told Du too!"
"Billy, I decided not to go to the strand today!" I yelled smiling. "It is not hot enough outside today."
"Lila, just please go!" Billy growled. " Just go somewhere! Somewhere that does not involve Du here!"
"Fine, I am leaving." I sagte as I closed my bedroom door shut. "See ya later!"
"I walked out of the house and there stood Sam's gang members, Jared and Paul. I did not like them either. But how was I suppose to get back inside the house and figure out what was happening. 
"Why are Du two here?" I asked as I tried to squeeze I formation out of them. "Cough it up!"
They looked at each other with rather big eyes. But did not say a word after that to each other oder to me.
I head towards the shed. There would be a clear shot to see into Jake's bedroom. I got there and they curtain were closed. I snuck behind the house and to my bedroom window which I left unlocked sometimes. I pushed it up quietly as possible and pulled myself in. I pushed the window down and went directly to my Wand that was closest to Jake's room.
I could only here buts and pieces of the conversation that was going on. "Are Du going to tell Lila-" and "No, she can't know about anything". I bet the what I heard first was Sam, but why would he know my name and the Sekunde was Billy but what came Weiter surprised me.
"I have to tell Lila, she's my sister!" Jake said. "I made a promise and I have to keep it!"
"No!"Sam yelled as I gasped as he voice echoed through the house.
It was really quiet for a minute. I creeped over to my bett and I slid under. I breathed through my mouth as I heard my door open.
"She's here and she knows something going on!" Sam half growled. "She has got to go! Why did Du ever take her in! Du knew this Tag would come!"
"You know that this Tag could have never came but it just so happen that it did!" Billy yelled."I had to take her in! I promised her parents! I keep my promises, she will not find out!"
Billy was angry, really angry. I smiled as Billy got onto Sam.
"Lila is in here, where is she?!" He growled. "Lila come on out, now!"
I jumped and hit my foot on the bottom of my bed. "Ouch!" I muttered as quietly as possible.
"Found ya!" Sam sagte as he grabbed my feet. I grabbed a hold of my bett and held tightly as he tried to pull me out. "Come on Lila! I found ya, give up!"
"Come on out, sweetheart." Billy said.
I swallowed hard and released my grip on my bed. Sam pulled me out and he looked ticked off! I wonder if I'm fixing to get in trouble?
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I walked inside Embry's house, wondering where he was at. His mom had gone on weekend trip to go see her sisters. They were fine with Embry and I staying Home alone together.
"Emrby are Du here," I yelled as I sat my backpack in the bedroom that i was staying in.
No one answered, he was somewhere are La Push. I could find him easily since this town was so small.
I hopped on my bike and went towards my house. I knew if anything was going down it would be there oder at my old hose. That was pretty much their only meeting places. That I knew about.
I passed my house and did not see them so I went a...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Twenty Seven
A weekend off from Jacob is just what I needed. I was so thankful for Embry letting me spend the weekend with him and his family. Embry had some explaining to do to his parents; but they thankfully understood.
Why was Embry being so nice to me? He had not been that nice to me since he joined Sam's gang. It was all so confusing. Usually, when people Mitmachen Sam's gang they do not go back to their 'old' friends.
"Lila, may I come in," Embry asked as he knocked lightly on the door.
"Sure," I sagte as I sat up in bed.
"You know, what I saw Jake do tonight made me start...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
This Is My Life Chapter NineteenPblshd
Nick's POV
"Nick, let's skip school," Haley whispered during class, "it is Friday , no one will miss us!"
"Haley, we cannot skip class," I whispered back.
"And why not," she asked as she pushed her eyebrows together.
"Because this is school, we have school stuff to be able to go to college," I sagte as the glocke rang.
"You are no fun," she sagte shaking her head, "come on, please!"
"What would we do," I asked.
"Go to the beach," she sagte as her eyes lit up.
"And do what," I asked.
"Swim, layout," she shrugged.
"Come on Hay, Du gotta have a plan," I sagte teasing.

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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I turned around expecting to Seth standing there. But it was not.
"Oh I am so sorry," the guy said. "I thought Du were my fiancee!"
"It is okay," I sagte laughing a little, "I thought Du were my fiancee."
"That is funny," he said. "y'all have a good time in Paris."
"Thanks, Du too." I said.
"Who was that," Leah asked after that guy left.
"Just a stranger who thought I was his fiancee and I thought he was Seth," I sagte still laughing. "he sounded so much like Seth,"
"Oh, so he was engaged," Leah asked, "so that means he if off limits?"
"Yes Leah, if a guy is in engaged then he is off limits," I said....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
This Is My Life Chapter Eighteen
"Do Du like living here, Haley," Miss Lisa asked.
"At first I hated it, but it has gotten better," I sagte smiling at Nick.
"Did Du ever go to church back home," she asked curiously.
"I am not sure," I sagte thinking, "I probably went before my mom died."
"Oh I am so sorry," she sagte surprised.
"It is okay," I sagte reassuring her, "how long have Du two been going to that church?"
"We have been going there since Nick was a baby," Nick said.
Miss Lisa started laughing. I guess Nick felt left out there for a minute.
"Did Du two finish your homework," Miss Lisa asked,...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
This Is My Life Chapter Fourteen
Surprisingly, church was fun. We played volleyball and we heard preaching. The church was right on the beach; it was beautiful.
"Are Du hungry?" Nick asked after church was over.
"Yeah a little." I sagte as my stomach gave a hint.
"Sounds like it." He teased.
"Was that a fat joke?" I asked joking.
"Of course not! There is not an ounce of fat on you." Nick said.
"Too kind." I stated.
"Just being truthful." He smiled.
I just shook my head and laugh as I got onto the motorcycle.
We rode down the open rode. Okay; it was not really an open road. It just felt like...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
This Is My Life Chapter Twelve
I held onto the rocks tightly. I was scared to let go. I hoped if I stayed there Frozen that the wolf would just disappear. The wolf stared at me, strict in the eyes.
"Go away!" I demanded trying not sound scared.
The wolf sounded like it had laughed. Why would it have cut my rope? Surely my roped did not break. But then I saw the baum all splintered up. The wolf slowly started coming over to. I was started to flip out. I wanted to jump off the side of this cliff. Surely there was not anything harmful in the water at this moment. I remembered that the wolf would...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I sat at my schreibtisch doing homework and listening to Musik when I thought I heard something hit my window. I ignored it and went back to what I was doing. Not even five Sekunden later, I heard it again. Great, it better not be Nick! I went to my window, peaked out, and sure enough it was Nick holding some rocks in his hand. I do not know why he was doing this. I mean he was in his bedroom, throwing rocks at my window. Could he have not found some other girl to annoy?
"Nick, what can I do for ya?" I asked slightly annoyed.
"I just wanted to say sorry for what happened earlier at school and at McDonald'."...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I was half way to school when Nick pulled up beside me on his motorcycle.
"Awe c'mon beautiful, hop on." He said.
"In Du dreams!" I stated.
"I prefer the real world." Nick said.
There was awkward silence.
"Suit yourself." Nick said.
He put his helm back on and revved his bike. It splattered mud all over me.
"Ugh!" I screamed in frustration.
I liked this t-shit.
I got back to school and Tristan was standing Von my locker.
"Hahaha, wow, what happen to you?" He asked.
"Just don't say anything." I said.
He was laughing so hard that he was turning red.
"Tristan just breath." I said.
Ugh, I opened...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
We walked to the restaurant since Dad had the only car. It didn't take lone since Connor was with me.
We ordered our Essen and Dad called Tristan.
We are at cracker Barrel. Tristan said.
Are Du kidding me? He asked.
He paused for a Minute and then hung up.
What was that about? I asked.
Dad wants us to be Home soon, we are leaving at 1, no later not earlier. Tristan groaned.
We ate our breakfast in silence. Everyone was sad, it was awful. We finished and Tristan paid. We left and walked home. I felt like I could cry, I didn't like it. I was going to miss Connor so bad. We got to our house and...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
"Lila, we know Du are out here." Jared sang. "Come out, come out, wherever Du are,"
"Dude, do not scare her oder she will not come out." I said. "Lila if Du are out there, please come home. Dad has called the police."
"That is one funny joke." Lila's voice came from the trees above us. Lila's head came down right behind us. "Seriously, I have been gone for an hour."
"Charlie keeps thinking Du have been kidnapped." Jared said. "Dumb right?"
Lila popped right back into the trees. I started looking up and looking around.
"Yeah, very." She sagte as she popped diagonal from us. "Why, I am complete fine....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lila's POV
I sat in the baum house forever seemed it. It was just boring, the rain kept falling. Thunder and lightening happened every few Sekunden it seemed like. I did not hear the Wölfe once while I was up there. Usually when ever something happened that was bad oder just spontaneously the Wölfe would howl. But I spoke to soon, I heard one. It was way too creepy. It sounded close. They all ways do but Du can sometimes tell that they are sort of far off.
The bushes beneath me rustle. Not no small rustle that a bunny oder squirrels make. This was bigger, like a wolf! I have all ways wanted to...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Mattie's POV
After we celebrated our victory with the Cullens' Seth, Sam, Leah, and I went to Seth's house. We wanted to let everyone know we were okay. We got there and we were showered with hugs and "congratulations".
I could not really believe that Seth had proposed to me! It seemed as if it was all a dream. A wonderful dream at that! I am going to be Mrs. Seth Clearwater. Alice is going to do our wedding. I told her that Seth and I would like a rather simple wedding but she insisted that she would plan everything. It kind of scares, I mean I heard all about Bella's wedding. It seemed very...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Does anyone read this story?! Let me know Von Kommentar oder Von "like" the story!!
Ian's POV
Ivie gave me the best birthday present ever. Just to sit there under starlight was amazing. Sure they did not change but I still liked to look at them. When I was little I would lay on the back porch and look up at the stars for hours. Sometimes I would fall asleep outside and would wake up to watch the sun rise.
"I could spend hours up here!" I sagte as I looked over at Ivie. "It so beautiful even if they do not change."
"I am glad Du like it!" She sagte smiling. "I was worried that Du did not like stars anymore."...
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I Just Might Be Weiter Chapter Sixty Eight
Seth's POV
I went to my house when Carlisle sagte that Mattie and I could. I wanted to ask my parents and Leah what they thought if I asked Mattie to marry me. We could wait to be married, ever how long. I just want her to be mine. I want her to know that if I died tonight that I absolutely loved her without a doubt.
"Mom, dad, Leah. I am home!" I sagte as I came through the front door. "Please be home."
"Hey Seth!" Leah said. "Is something wrong? Where is Mattie!?"
"Mattie is at her house is sleeping but I wanted to talk to Du all." I sagte nervously. "I what...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Nine
I sat in the house and watched tv for hours. I watched rerun after rerun of ever Zeigen that was on. Jake finally came through the house, slammed the front door, and than slammed his bedroom door. What was wrong with him?
"Jake?!" I asked as knocked on his door. "Is something wrong?"
"No!" He half yelled when I opened the door. "Get out! I'm going to sleep!"
"Quill and Embry are worried about you!" I sagte lying. "I saw them last night."
"They wouldn't understand." Jake muttered.
"Would not under stand what?!" I asked curious. Maybe Jake would tell me what is going on....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter EightN2P
I sat there terrified, looking at them. I had never been so scared in my life. I looked at Sam and then at Billy trying to figure what was going out. Sam nor Billy sagte a word. I continued to stared, getting Mehr and Mehr frightened Von the minute.
"What did Du all here?" Sam finally growled. "Come on tell me!"
"I-I-I-I did not here a thing. Only bits and pieces." I sagte as my voice got stronger. "Not enough to put the puzzle pieces together so don't worry about it. I will go now, and get out of your hair!"
I jumped up and went back through the window. I jumped...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Cambridge Academy Chapter Sixteen?
Ivie's POV
I woke up with a "Merry Weihnachten card and a book beside my tabelle with a bär sitting on it. It was his birthday too! I totally forgot! Ugh, I am the worst friend ever!
I remember the first time Ian and I told everyone "Merry Christmas" on our birthdays. We were too little to understand that Du get gifts on your birthday, not just on Christmas! It has been a tradition in my family since I was little. Of course, I am not sure about Ian because, well frankly we have not talked in a couple of years!
I sat up and read the card.
The front of the card read,...
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Not Your Typical Country Girl Chapters Forty Five
Tex's POV
She laid there motionless for a few Minuten and then thankfully got up.
"Harmony! Are Du okay?" I asked as she climbed down from fencing.
"Umm, just gonna be sore." She sagte oddly. "Jack! I haven't seen Du in a long time!"
I watched as she went over to him and hugged his neck.
"It's been 5 minutes; are Du okay?" He asked worried.
"I'm fine. I'm just gonna be sore." She shrugged.
"Jack can Du watch her while I ride?" I said. "Somethin seems off bout her!"
"Yeah I can. But I think you're over reacting." He said.
I had a good ride but not...
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Not Your Typical Country Girl Chapter Forty Four
"You have officially been caught up on everything that has been going on since Wednesday night." I sagte to Isaiah as sniffed.
"I'm really sorry about Midnight Moon, I can imagine how much Du cared bout him!" He sagte sympathetic.
"It doesn't matter. He was just a horse." I mumbled lying.
He wasn't just a horse. Midnight Moon was my horse.
I ordered my Essen and took a sitz at one of the picnic tables.
"You don't have to act like that. It's okay to Zeigen grief over him." Isaiah sagte as he sat down across from me.
"I'm fine." I said.
"Okay. If Du sagte so."...
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