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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Seven
I started down the long drive way and had to stop to let several really nice cars in. I let several go Von and thought it was the end when the coolest motorcycle I had ever seen came spending in. I watched as he passed me and park his bike up the drive way. He took off his helm and he was the cutesy guy I'd ever seen. But I was Mehr memorized Von his bike then actually him. I realized I had been staring to long because of the look on his face. I decided to sped off because it was embarrassing to sit there and stare at him. New people, they will be the talk of the town once school starts.
"I'm home!" I yelled as I went through the front door. "Any one here?!?"
"Oh Lila, you're home." Billy sagte oddly. "I thought you'd be gone longer!!"
"Nah, I got bored and came home." I sagte as laid on the couch. "There's new people in town too. They seem weird but Hey I haven't met them yet!"
"Oh really"-
"Dad!" Jacob moaned.
"What is wrong with Jake?" I asked sort of worried.
"Just mono, Küssen to many girls." Billy sagte as he tried to laugh it off. "Nothing too bad!"
"Jake has mono?!" I asked as I rolled on the floor laughing. "That is impossible! He has not been Küssen girls!"
"Lila, Du can get mono even if Du have not kissed a girl!" He informed me. "I better go see what he needs. Why don't Du go to the strand oder something."
"Nah, I kind of want to stay here and watch tv." I said. "I will stay out of the way. I promise."
"No Lila. Get out of the house for the day!" Billy sagte almost demandingly. "Go on, everything is fine."
"Fine, but let me go to my room and change." I said. "It will not take long."
Billy sighed in frustration as he wheeled himself to Jake's room. Billy closed the door behind him. That was strange. I changed slowly. I did not want to go to the beach. Especially Von myself! It was going to be boring. I walked out of the room and ran into something that felt like a hot brick wall.
"What the heck?" I muttered as I looked up.
It was Sam Uley, the most hated guy between Jake, Quill, Embry, and I.
"What are Du doing here?!" I asked bitterly. 
"You're not capable of understanding what is going on." Sam said. "You should probably go to the strand like Billy told Du too!"
"Billy, I decided not to go to the strand today!" I yelled smiling. "It is not hot enough outside today."
"Lila, just please go!" Billy growled. " Just go somewhere! Somewhere that does not involve Du here!"
"Fine, I am leaving." I sagte as I closed my bedroom door shut. "See ya later!"
"I walked out of the house and there stood Sam's gang members, Jared and Paul. I did not like them either. But how was I suppose to get back inside the house and figure out what was happening. 
"Why are Du two here?" I asked as I tried to squeeze I formation out of them. "Cough it up!"
They looked at each other with rather big eyes. But did not say a word after that to each other oder to me.
I head towards the shed. There would be a clear shot to see into Jake's bedroom. I got there and they curtain were closed. I snuck behind the house and to my bedroom window which I left unlocked sometimes. I pushed it up quietly as possible and pulled myself in. I pushed the window down and went directly to my Wand that was closest to Jake's room.
I could only here buts and pieces of the conversation that was going on. "Are Du going to tell Lila-" and "No, she can't know about anything". I bet the what I heard first was Sam, but why would he know my name and the Sekunde was Billy but what came Weiter surprised me.
"I have to tell Lila, she's my sister!" Jake said. "I made a promise and I have to keep it!"
"No!"Sam yelled as I gasped as he voice echoed through the house.
It was really quiet for a minute. I creeped over to my bett and I slid under. I breathed through my mouth as I heard my door open.
"She's here and she knows something going on!" Sam half growled. "She has got to go! Why did Du ever take her in! Du knew this Tag would come!"
"You know that this Tag could have never came but it just so happen that it did!" Billy yelled."I had to take her in! I promised her parents! I keep my promises, she will not find out!"
Billy was angry, really angry. I smiled as Billy got onto Sam.
"Lila is in here, where is she?!" He growled. "Lila come on out, now!"
I jumped and hit my foot on the bottom of my bed. "Ouch!" I muttered as quietly as possible.
"Found ya!" Sam sagte as he grabbed my feet. I grabbed a hold of my bett and held tightly as he tried to pull me out. "Come on Lila! I found ya, give up!"
"Come on out, sweetheart." Billy said.
I swallowed hard and released my grip on my bed. Sam pulled me out and he looked ticked off! I wonder if I'm fixing to get in trouble?
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Ugh I couldn't stand it any more! Edward came out side with Emmet and Jasper. Zoey, what can Du not stand any more? - Edward asked. Just some people, first Collin and now Sawyer!! I said. Slow down, Zoe, What happen with Collin - Jasper asked. I dont want to talk about it, I told them. Jasper would quiet trying to make me spill, I don't want to! I yelled at him. Du need to talk to someone, why not us? Emmett said. Yall are guys, yall wouldn't understand. I told them. Zoe, Du know we will understand, Du can tell us. Edward said. I don't want to and them I lunged for Edward. I had him pinned...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Damon's POV
It was early morning and I knew Victoria would not be up until, 1) she made up her mind, 2) she has made up her mind and is sleeping in till noon, and 3) she is not getting out of bett till after noon because she has not made her mind up yet. They were all possibilities; but I was hoping for number two! I mean, we have been through thick and thin. I have been there at side her every minute. From her trying to commit suicide to her being practically on her death bed. But all I can do is hope that she likes me back. And if she does not then I, I have no idea what happens next.
"Hey Damon,"...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Sixty Six
Victoria's POV
All I could remember was waking up to Bonnie, Stefan, and Elena setting up candles around me. Damon was gone.
"Damon?" I asked worried.
"It is okay. Drink this." Damon said.
Before I could ask what it was Damon had the cup up to my lips. It had to he some kind of medicine. It tasted awful!  My vision started getting getting blurry.
"What did Du give me?" I asked scared. "I cannot see!"
"It is okay Victoria, we are helping you." Bonnie said. "You are just going to sleep."
"No, Damon do not let her! Who knows what will happen!" I cried.
"You will be fine. I promise."...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Victoria's POV
I woke up in the middle of the night oder early morning from a nightmare. I sat up and tried looking around but if was so dark I could not see a thing. I laid back down trying to think to where I was at. I laid down on an arm. Why was there an arm under my neck.
"Damon?" I whispered frightened.
"Hmm?" He voice from beside me came from.
I let out a sigh of relief as the curtains opened. The sunshine came in bright. Blinding my eyes in the process.
"How are Du feeling? Any better?" Stefan asked as Damon sat up. "Damon did Du stay in here last night?"
"Yeah, I wanted to make sure she...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Tyler's POV
Mason did not come Home till late last night. It was odd, really odd. He had a tear in his hemd, shirt with blood stains on it. But the flesh under the hemd, shirt was just fine. No cut, no scar. It look as if Mason was never hurt.
I sat on my bett trying to figure out how to ask Mason "how Du become a werewolf". I would just have to ask when Mom is not home.
"Hey Tyler, I am going to the store." Mom sagte as she stuck her head in my room. "Do Du need anything?"
"Okay and no I do not." I said. "Thanks any ways."
It was Mason and I at the house now. Good time to ask him until I heard the doorbell...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Fifty Three
Victoria's POV
I gasped to fill my lungs with air! I was breathing heavily. I heard someone let out a sigh of relief. It was Tyler.
"What are Du doing here?" I asked. "I knew something was out there! Oh,I am so thankful to be alive!"
"You are alive?" He sagte oddly. "How is that possible?"
"I have a ring, if I die I come back a live." I said. "Now answer my question!"
"Right." Tyler said. "I was coming back from the old slave quarters, I was there with a girl but turned out that she likes Matt. I sort of saved Du from the wolf."
"Thank Du Tyler!" Victoria chirped...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Fifty Two
Tyler's POV
"You cannot tell my mom oder Mason what I am doing." I said. "There is a stone and Mason wants it. I do not know why but I am going to figure out why!"
"Okay." She said. "But why are Du keeping it from him?"
"I am keeping it from him becuase he showed up radomly." I said. "He knows something about the stone. It has to be important if it is in my dad's safe."
"Okay." Victoria said. "You are probably right."

The party was going awesome but since I had to watch Victoria it was hard to flirt with girls. It was weird, I wanted to be nice but I also wanted to...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Fifty
Fine I will, let's go back to your place though. Bonnie said.
Can't we do it right here? I asked.
Sure why not. Du have a ring? She asked.
Uh no. Why would I have a ring on me? I asked as I pulled a ring out of my pocket.
Bonnie gave me a weird look.
I do not have a clue on how that got into my pocket. I said.
Let me look. She said.
Okay. I mumbled as I handed it to her.
Stefan came into the grill as Bonnie sagte "All done". 
Seriously? I asked really skeptical.
Here it is but if Du kreuz me once, I will take it off, and Du will not even realize it. She said.
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Forty Eight
We got to Mayor Lookwood's wake. It looks if the whole town was gathered in their house. Except, it probably was not the whole town but it sure did look like it.
I walked around the house, slightly exploring it. It was a big house and really fancy too.
What happens when Du get mad? Someone asked Tyler as I walked into a room.
Oh sorry, I was just, um just looking around. I said.
It's okay Victoria. This is my uncle, Mason Lookwood. Tyler said.
Hi Mr. Lockwood, it's nice to meet you. I said.
Please call me Mason. I am not that old. He laughed.
Yeah Du are. Tyler...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I wanted to go somewhere but I did not know where. I could not go Home because I had a chance to get killed Von Katherine, could not go to see Jeremy because he really hates me right now, and I did not even know where Stefan and Elena where. I mean they are all ways missing oder so it seems like it. I was starting to get tired of spending so much time Von myself. But since did being Von myself started bothering me?
I walked out of the grill and walked into Elena, Stefan, and Caroline. Caroline looked really different. I sensed something different too.
Hey Victoria, are Du okay? Stefan asked.
You don't...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Forty Four option two
Jeremy's POV
I heard footsteps I gently rushed into the bett where Tori was sleeping. Her head was still hurried under some pillows. I hadn't slept good all night since Uncle John came in last night and it was also from sleeping in a chair.
Jeremy Du awake? Uncle John asked as he came in.
No. I moaned as if I was half awake.
Get up, I've got stuff to talk about. He said.
No I'm sleeping and if I get up, I'll wake her. Never wake her up, let her wake up on her own. I know what she likes. I sagte trying to sound as if I was asleep.
Hey Du two get up! Uncle...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Forty
Damon's POV
No kidding. I said.
So what do I do? Go Home and hide under my bed? She asked.
No you'll stay with Stefan. I sagte as I scanned the area for Stefan and Elena.
Damon! Please no!! Don't make me stay with them. Victoria begged.
We'll figure it out. I sagte as found Stefan.
Stefan, I have some news that you'll want to know. I said.
What would that be? Stefan asked skeptical.
They Vampire are going after the founding families. I said.
Wait, they are going to attack Jeremy and I? Elena asked scared.
Yep. Victoria said.
Wait if they are going after Jeremy and Elena. Then...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Thirty Seven
I couldn't find Damon nor Stefan anywhere! To make it even worse, I didn't have any money on me so I wouldn't be able to  buy any Essen which meant that I couldn't stay at the grill till I found Damon oder Stefan. I had to sit outside in the freezing cold with a thin jacke on. Let's just say I was a little mad. I was able to go to the game since I went around back and hopped the fence. Thankfully I didn't get caught. We ended up winning the game which was a plus. The downside was I still hadn't found Damon oder Stefan! I was to scared to even walk Home in the...
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After I went to the phycologist, I went to my other classes. It was boring, I hated the stares and unfriendly people. Why did everyone have to know what I did over the weeks. Couldn't I have acted like it was a vacation? No it couldn't be that easy!
How Du holding up? Damon asked as I stood at my locker.
Funny Damon. I said.
No, I'm serious. He said.
I'm fine. I said.
Not buying it. Tell me. He demanded.
Okay fine. I hate that people staring and they call me phyco when I pass by. I said.
Are they really doing that? Damon asked really concerned.
Yeah a couple of times. I said.
Don't let them get to...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Let her go and I'll give Du the stuff. Jeremy said.
Hand over the stuff first than I might let her go safe. He said.
Jeremy threw the stuff to the other and he still didn't let me go.
Jeremy gave Du the stuff, now let me go! Please. I begged.
What else do Du have? He asked.
Nothing. I'm broke. I don't have anything. Jeremy said.
Okay this stuff is real! Let's get out of here. The other boy said.
Fine. You're safe, sicher this time. He said.
He removed the blade from my neck and shoved me to the ground. They took off running into the woods. Jeremy came over and picked me up. I wrapped my arms around him...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I was scared about going out with Damon. Damon likes to drink a lot and well Jeremy is try to stop. I didn't want it to be this hard on his first Tag of quieting. I knew Jeremy want a bier but I think he didn't want me to see him at his week point.
Jeremy walked me Home tonight.
You want a bier really bad don't you? I asked as we walked up the drive way.
Yeah. How did Du know? He asked shyly.
It has to be hard to quiet drinking. Especially when Damon is drinking up a storm. I said.
Yeah, it is. But I know it will be worth it in the end. Jeremy sagte as he looked over at me.
I hate to change you,...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Lost And Found Chapter Seven
Stefan Salvatore's POV
As I was hunting for animals. I came across Victoria laying on the ground.
Victoria? I asked cautiously.
She was sitting bait for a vampire to come Von and drain her of blood. A unresponsive girl in the forest alone. What Mehr could an evil vampire ask for?
I picked her up lightly and carried her back to my place. She had been there a while, I hadn't seen her at school for three oder four days. Surely she hadn't been there all that time. With Vampire passing through, like Damon. She was bait for him oder someone else.
What are Du doing? Damon asked....
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added by Sk8bordNewMoon
Source: Google
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
New Begining Chapter 82
I turned around and looked at Edward. If I wanted us to work out, I need to stop being so sensitive.
Scarlet I'm sorry. Edward said.
It's my fault! I should stop being so sensitive and emotional about everything. I want this to work and Du are trying really hard and I feel like I'm not trying at all. I hate that we keep fighting and it's all my fault. I said.
Edward came over and hugged me.
It's not all your fault! It's mine too. We just need a way to work it out. Edward said.
I can't live with ya and I can't live withoutcha ya. I said.
Get off our land. Someone growled.
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
New Negining Chapter 78
The Weiter Tag I heard Dad talking to the Doctor Carisle. He was saying that I would get go Home later today if nothing went wrong. What would go wrong? I couldn't here that good because they were outside the door. Edward was sitting right Von me. It made me jump. I didn't even notice him there.
Sorry I didn't mean to scare you. He said.
Why are Du sitting here? I asked.
I am a very very close friend. Edward said.
He had pain on his face.
Oh I'm sorry. I said.
I felt bad for not remembering him.
It's okay, it's not your fault. He said.
It feels like it. I said.
Hey sweet heart....
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