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Private the pinguin Frage

What songs remind Du of Private?

 Private1sCut3 posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
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Private the pinguin Antwort

CuteCuddly said:
I thinks it might be the song True Colours, oder I have a Dream. ^^
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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
oder Sweet Gingerbread Man!
CuteCuddly posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Chrissy47 said:
rosa Fluffy Einhörner Dancing on Rainbows


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posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
Best answer. xD But is that an actual song? =3
Private1sCut3 posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
yep, look it up on youtube!
zasmn posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Lilly_Penguin said:
That Fill Me Up Buttercup song XD heheh.
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iloveprivate said:
Shadow Days Von John Mayer and Good Thoughts Von Colbie Caillat
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ImAnEasel said:
Ooh, tough one... Um... The Moomins' theme tune, maybe? That's a nice happy song. Ooh, no, wait!! The Moonins credit song!

'They Liebe the laughter and they Liebe the living, the moooooooomins......
Believing in sharing and caring and giving, the moooooooomins.....'

... Y'know... The Moomins? Ah, never mind... XD
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Penguins_fan said:
"Whithout you" , "Running up that hill" and also "I will always Liebe you". :)
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 "Whithout you" , "Running up that hill" and also "I will always Liebe you". :)
posted Vor mehr als einem Jahr 
Skilene17 said:
Numb Von LINKIN PARK, I think it sums up his true feelings pretty well.
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