Michael Jackson Club
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Have Du seen the recording of the live performance of Du Are Not Alone Von Michael Jackson during the HIStory Tour in Munich 1997? If Du care for Michael Jackson Du probably have. (Otherwise, Du can find it on YouTube.) There is this girl with the Teddy bär who’s screaming her lungs out when the song starts. Suddenly, a man pulls her out of the crowd and they both run up to the stage. And there she literally jumps at Michael. She wraps her arms around him and hugs him close. She’s crying, screaming (we can’t hear her because it’s a playback). Then she falls to her knees and hugs...
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 So beautiful
So beautiful
1.Bad Era~ I bet this is mainly almost every fan's Favorit era, I can see why. Michael is so beautiful and cute and sexy and gorgeous in this era(Well he is in every one though) Bad is also my Favorit Michael Jackson album and one of my Favorit tours. Michael's hair in this era is just so curly and pretty. And the Bad era is one of the eras where Michael was the most happy. Du could really see it in his eyes and his face during those years. Michael was the biggest star, sterne in the world and the allegations hadn't come yet. Everything was great and Michael was happy. And to me, I feel like Michael...
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I just read this amazing story and i cant stop crying! :'( I'm herz broken I wish i was her. Please tell me what Du think about this.

I want to tell Du that i am one of the girls that went on stage with Michael Jackson back in 1993. I will skip details like how I bought the tickets, how I went to the stadium, how the atmosphere was…that’s not interesting and fades away when the real important moment comes. The moment that he reached his hand for me and I went on stage. I felt like everybody else disappeared, that me and Michael were the only persons alive, not only in that place,...
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posted by mj_yana_girl
The simple answer:
The trademark armband that Michael Jackson wears is a symbol of the suffering of children around the world.

Most of his outfits over the past 20 years have featured an armband tied around his right around halfway between the shoulder and the elbow.

1) Most online dictionaries define an armband as: A band worn around the upper arm, often as identification oder as a symbol of mourning oder protest. A subset of this symbolism is often an element of memorializing innocent victims.

2) Armbands are recognized around the world as a sign of safety and help. they’re commonly worn...
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posted by farzad
 This is NOT it.Tell us the truth.
This is NOT it.Tell us the truth.

On June 25th 2009 Michael Jackson died. He was 50 years old and the father of three young children.

Were Du shocked? Du should have been. In fact, the true state of Michael Jackson’s failing health was being hidden from Du Von those who are making a profit from the screening of the “This is It” movie.

The movie is made of a careful choice of footage taken during Michael Jackson’s last rehearsals for the “This is It” Tour. Out of 110 hours of footage, a few scenes where selected in which Michael Jackson smiled and showed that, in spite of being in a dire state, he was...
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posted by BrittaniaLuv
Looking for a good place to post and enjoy Michael Jackson fanfiction. I see a few have been gepostet here. Kommentar if Du would like me to post some here, oder if Du know of any active Foren oder sites. I use to write "Love of a Lifetime" and "Nursing the Wound" on MJEOL Foren as "Mjsexybuddy", The site is still up, but there is no activity on the site anymore. I loved Schreiben Fanfiction, and I recently decided I would Liebe to start Schreiben again, but in a place I know it will be read and enjoyed.
When I was a young one, I grew up listening to mike's music, watching his Musik videos, watching moonwalker but honestly, I wasn't a big Fan of him (yet). I thought he was great. Absolutely great but I just wasn't a fan. I was a young one. A toddler. I didn't understand yet. My brother use to always play his Musik out loud in the house and we always use to sit down in the living room watching moonwalker all the time. I always wondered why my brother is such a big Fan of mike like I am today. He has a record player with a picture of mike in the thriller era on it and a couple of mike shirts....
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posted by mjkingofpop1
4 days have passed and Janelle was still rehearsing. In 3 days, she'll be at the Motown Studios, auditioning for the Bad short film. She was nervous and at the same time, excited. She was perfecting it in all ways possible and needed to portray a shy girl from Korea. During the time she was taking breaks from rehearsing for the audition, she was Schreiben Michael a thank Du note. She really wanted to thank him properly for the card and the present, but she felt that a direct approach would be too public for her. Whenever she'd reread over the note, she would have to rewrite it because of spelling...
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Setting: Michael is at reheresal with kenny ortaga. Michael and kenny are on break when a dancer comes up to them, with a small laptop in his hand.

Dancer: Hey mike ever heard of this Video called BME pain olympics?"
Michael: No i havent and i really dont plan to watch it.
Kenny: Yea im sure anything that has the word "Pain" in the Titel its not going to be good.
Dancer: Aww come on just watch it
Michael: oh all right...if it will get Du to be quiet.
Dancer places laptop in front of michael and hits play button
Michael: Dude what the hell is this???some kinda porn????why in the hell would i want...
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This is something new that i have had in mind and wanted to try out. I was thinking about some things and wondered..."Hmm how would michael react??? These will be written like a script instead of in paragraph form and pictures will be included so Du can imagine facial experessions that kinda thing.
Well i hope Du enjoy this, here it goes............

Setting: Michael is at neverland on Facebook when a friend walks into the room and she is on her ipad and is laughing histarically.

Michael: What the hell is so funny?
Friend: Man Du really need to see what some of these girls are posting on this...
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A week has passed and Michael still has not called Holly! Latoya and Michael are sitting in the küche having some iced tea. Latoya takes a sip of tea, she looks at him and knows something is wrong. Latoya asks "whats wrong Michael?" He sighs "oh I don't know, I just feel kind of lonely thats all." "Why should Du feel lonely, it is a beautiful Tag out today!" Michael just looks out the window and never Antwort her. Latoya thinks for a minute, "oh I know ask David (David Gest) to come over." "I can't he left for his vacation yesterday." Latoya gets up from the table, "well then call that new...
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Another 2 months have gone by, Ileanna and Michael are now planning their wedding. Ileanna is now sitting at neverland, michael's Home alone, while michael was out running some errands. Shes watching tv and hold Elijah when her cellphone began to ring...

"Hello?" Ileanna answered. "Oh my god! Ileanna how are Du i havent talked to Du in like months." Ann sagte with excitment. "Hey Ann, its good to hear from you." Ileanna smiled. "So how are things with Du and michael?" Ann asked. "Great..we're getting married Weiter month." Ileanna said. "Oh my god!!!! thats great!!!...what all happened on the...
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 Happy as he could be
Happy as he could be
A Jahr and a half later
Aislinn was offered a full time job at the "Never Grow Up and Smile" orphanage. She took it and called the abendessen theater where she usually worked and told them that she has to work part time at the theater. They told her that it was alright with them. She hung up and smiled. (Me: I bet your wondering where Michael is, aren't you?) Michael was finishing up his tour. He had one last Zeigen and that was back in Gary. He was excited to visit his old Home town, but at the same time nervous
At the orphanage
Aislinn was now called 'Madame Aislinn', although she didn't mind being...
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It was a chilly afternoon. I was sitting down on the cold sidewalk alone in front of my house. The wind blew my brown hair in my face, which made me constatntly push it away. The cold breeze would hit my skin making me shiver a little bit. I should've listened to my Mom when she told me to take a jacke with me, but, as usual, I didn't. I took a yellow chalk stick out of the box in front of me. It was half-used. I got on my knees and wrote my name on the concrete, "G-E-N-E-S-I-S" I would say to myself as I wrote my name. When I dotted my "I" with a herz the chalk broke into pieces. "Aww come...
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Too much confusion was and still is about this new MJ album and this song, Breaking News..
When I first heared the song Breaking News, I didn't felt him there, I didn't recognize his voice there, his voice was always so strong and soft in the same time.. he never had problems of breathing when he recorded a song, never had problems of taking the sound really high thing that doesn't happen on Breaking News.
I tough.. "and if is his real voice?? it can be possible to be his real voice and I can't feel it? I listen to this voice for 18 years, it's inside of me.. is it possible to be his voice and...
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Joe Jackson is now revealing why he put a $500 million price tag on his wrongful death lawsuit against Dr. Conrad Murray. His theory -- "The Mehr Du go, the less Du get ... so I went high."

During Joe's interview with GOOM Radio -- in which sported some severely oversized MJ bling -- he sagte Dr. Murray was just "the fall guy" ... and that a lot of other people were to blame for his son's death.

Joe also took issue with our story that he was following Oprah Winfrey around like a welpe dog during her sit-down interview with the Jackson family earlier this Monat ... but you'll have to watch the video for the lowdown.
posted by 2468244
There’s a place in
Your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could
Be much
Brighter than tomorrow
And if Du really try
You’ll find there’s no need
To cry
In this place you’ll feel
There’s no hurt oder sorrow

There are ways
To get there
If Du care enough
For the living
Make a little space
Make a better place

Heal the world
Make it a better place
For Du and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If Du care enough
For the living
Make a better place
For Du and for me

If Du want to know why
There’s a Liebe that
Cannot lie
Love is strong
It only cares for
Joyful giving
If we try
We shall...
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Why are people saying that MJ's alive???? What's the point??? I REALLY hate to say this, but MJ's dead... ok? There's no proof at all that he IS alive! If you've seen a Kürzlich Foto with him in it - it's probably photoshopped. If you've seen a Kürzlich video with him in it - it was probably edited so it looked oder sounded like that. And if you've actually seen him recently - it was probably his ghost oder your eyes are tricky. And if Du think that he IS still alive, then Du gotta re-think everything that's happened in the past year. I mean if he was, why would he put his children and family through...
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Your butt is mine
gonna take Du right
just Zeigen your face
in broad daylight
I'm telling you
on how I feel
gonna hurt your mind
don't shoot to kill
sham'on, sham'on
lay it on me all right...

I'm giving you
on count of three
to Zeigen your stuff
or let it be. . .
I'm telling you
just watch your mouth
I know your game
what you're about

Well they say the sky's
the limit
and to me that's really true
but my friend Du have
seen nothing
just wait 'til I get
through. . .

Because I'm bad, I'm bad-
(bad bad-really, really bad)
you know I'm bad, I'm bad-
you know it
(bad bad-really, really bad)
you know I'm bad, I'm bad-
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I Liebe and miss Michael Jackson about 100 billion% so very much. Du are my most precious Rudy red rose Michael. I miss Du 😢😢😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭😞😩😔😔 100 billion% so very much. Du are so sexy and handsome,good looking,nice,kind,precious,perfect,amazing,loving,trusting,respectful,resposlible Michael Jackson. Rest In Peace Michael Jackson 😭😭😭😢😢😢😭😭😞😩😔. Do Du Liebe me Michael Jackson do you? He is the most kindest person that I would ever meet I am not lying at all I promise 🙌🙌. Du never ever did anything I mean anything to hurt someone something illegal oder mean in all his life.

Sincerely Yours P.S Rest In Peace Michael Jackson I will never forget oder stop loving oder missing Du ever 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢💋💋. XOXO Liebe RIP to:Michael Jackson from:Leslie Mae Kathryn Woods a 12 almost 13 Jahr old girl that lives in the USA in Hebron ,Kentucky