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added by liberiangirl_mj
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by WhozBad2021
Source: Thrill3rrr
added by liberiangirl_mj
added by liberiangirl_mj
They say I'm different
They don't understand
But there's a bigger problem
That's much Mehr in demand
You got world hunger
Not enough to eat
So there's really no time
To be trippin' on me

You got school teachers
Who don't wanna teacher
You got grown people
Who can't write oder read
You got strange diseases
Ha but there's no cure
You got many doctors
Who aren't so sure
So tell me

Why Du wanna trip on me
Why Du wanna trip on me
Stop trippin'

We;ve got mroe problems
Than we'll ever need
You got gang violence
And bloodshed on the street
You homeless people
With no Essen to eat
With no clothes on their back
And no shoes on...
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posted by 2468244
She always takes it with a
Heart of stone
‘Cause all she does is
Throws it back to me
I’ve spent a lifetime
Looking for someone
Don’t try to understand me
Just simply do the
Things I say

Love is a feeling
Give it when I want it
‘Cause I’m on fire
Quench my desire
Give it when I want it
Talk to me woman
Give in to me
Give in to me

You always knew just how
To make me cry
And never did I ask you
Questions why
It seems Du get your kicks
From hurting me
Don’t try to understand me
Because your words just
Aren’t enough

Love is a feeling
Quench my desire
Give it when I want it
Takin’ me higher
Love is a woman
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Oh no. . .
oh no. . .
oh no. . .

You'll never make me stay
so take your weight off of me
I know your every move
so won't Du just let me be
I've been here times before
but I was too blind to see
that Du seduce every man
this time Du won't seduce me

She's saying that's ok
hey baby do what Du please
I have the stuff that Du want
I am the thing that Du need
she looked me deep in the eyes
she touchin' me so to start
she says there's no turnin' back
she trapped me with her arm

Dirty Diana, nah
dirty Diana, nah
dirty Diana, no
dirty Diana
let me be!

Oh no. . .
oh no. . .
oh no. . .

She likes the boys in the band...
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The famous actor spoke again about Michael Jackson, saying that the king of pop is an angel. In an earlier interview had sagte it wants the return of the star, sterne as an angel, because he had tremendous influence in the world.

Characteristics told British GQ: «It is a great loss for us and even pray to return. We owe thanks to the Creator to send us an angel, yet like Michael. Because if it does not, we will lose Mehr than a man. "

"It would be very special if we send such a man on earth. Affected so many people, so many businesses, politicians, scientists, musicians, artists and many others and then we got? Probably not the saw as well as it had "completed Von Wesley.

Finally, the actor sagte 47chronos encourages children to listen to the Musik of the legendary star, sterne every day.
posted by 2468244
It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight Du see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream but terror takes the sound before Du make it
You start to freeze as horror looks Du right between the eyes
You're paralyzed

'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
And no one's gonna save Du from the beast about to strike
You know it's thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thiller tonight, yeah

You hear the door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run
You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun
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added by awsomegtax
posted by 2468244
Now I’m just wondering why Du think
That Du can get to me with anything
Seems like you’d know Von now
When and how I get down
And with all that I’ve been through, I’m still around

Don’t Du ever make no mistakes
Baby I’ve got what it takes
And there’s no way you’ll ever get to me (Come on now)
Why can’t Du see that you’ll never ever hurt me
‘Cause I won’t let it be, see I’m too much for Du baby

You can’t believe it, Du can’t conceive it
And Du can’t touch me, ‘cause I’m untouchable
And I know Du hate it, and Du can’t take it
You’ll never break me, ‘cause...
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posted by 2468244
Your Liebe is magical, that's how I feel
But I have not the words here to explain
Gone is the grace for expressions of passion
But there are worlds and worlds of ways to explain
To tell Du how I feel

But I am speechless, speechless
That's how Du make me feel
Though I'm with Du I am far away and nothing is for real
When I'm with Du I'm Lost for words, I don't know what to say
My head's spinning like a carousel, so silently I pray

Helpless and hopeless that's how I feel inside
Nothing's real but all is possible if God is on my side
When I'm with Du I'm in the light where I cannot be found
It's as though...
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posted by 2468244
There’s a place in
Your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could
Be much
Brighter than tomorrow
And if Du really try
You’ll find there’s no need
To cry
In this place you’ll feel
There’s no hurt oder sorrow

There are ways
To get there
If Du care enough
For the living
Make a little space
Make a better place

Heal the world
Make it a better place
For Du and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If Du care enough
For the living
Make a better place
For Du and for me

If Du want to know why
There’s a Liebe that
Cannot lie
Love is strong
It only cares for
Joyful giving
If we try
We shall...
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added by liberiangirl_mj
added by liberiangirl_mj
posted by 2468244
Oh no
Oh no
Oh no

You’ll never make me stay
So take your weight off of me
I know your every move
So won’t Du just let me be
I’ve been here times before
But I was too blind to see
That Du seduce every man
This time Du won’t seduce me

She’s saying that’s ok
Hey baby do what Du please
I have the stuff that Du want
I am the thing that Du need
She looked me deep in the eyes
She’s touchin’ me so to start
She says there’s no turnin’ back
She trapped me in her heart

Dirty Diana, nah
Dirty Diana, nah
Dirty Diana, no
Dirty Diana
Let me be

Oh no
Oh no
Oh no

She likes the boys in the band
She knows when...
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posted by 2468244
Sun comes up on this new morning
Shifting shadows, a songbird sings
And if these words could keep Du happy
I'd do anything

And if Du feel alone, I'll be your shoulder
With a tender touch, Du know so well
Somebody once said, it's the soul that matters
Baby, who can really tell when two hearts belong so well

And maybe the walls will tumble
And the sun may refuse to shine
But when I say, I Liebe you
Baby, Du gotta know
That's for all time
Baby, Du gotta know
That's for all time

Moon shines down on this good evening
One warm KISS in the cold night air
And for this good love, undeceiving
I’d go anywhere, just...
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posted by 2468244
Have Du seen my childhood
I’m searching for the world that I come from
‘Cause I’ve been looking around
In the Lost and found of my heart…
No one understands me
They view it as such strange eccentricities…
‘Cause I keep kidding around
Like a child, bur pardon me…

People say I’m not okay
‘Cause I Liebe such elementary things…
It’s been my fate to compensate
For the childhood I’ve never known…

Have Du seen my childhood
I’m searching for that wonder in my youth
Like pirates and adventurous dreams
Of conquest and kings on a throne…

Before Du judge me, try hard to Liebe me
Look within...
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added by cherl12345