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posted by SabrinaXKyoya
 Kyoya trying to fisch
Kyoya trying to fish
Continues from my story 6

"Why are we stuck on an island? I though we were supposed to be somewhere having fun!" Yu shouts at me. "Look Yu, things are only fun if Du enjoy them. Du could be doing something totally boring and yet enjoy it which to Du will seem like having fun." I answer back. 'He' taught me that. "Ya Yu. I can't believe Du didn't know that!" Kenta says joking around. "Oh please it's not like Du knew that either!" Now Kyoya comes in. They all start arguing of who knew it and who didn't. I roll my eyes and check the backpacks that came with the parachutes. Mine came with a water bottle and two blankets. I check Yu's and see that his came with a small pocket messer and another water bottle. Kenta's came with some rope and another blanket. And Kyoya's came with a small pocket messer and bags for some reason. I put all the stuff back into the backpacks and sit down to watch the argument. Some arguments should just be fought out cause that's the way it is. 'He' taught me that also. I started getting Lost in thought and thinking about everybody else back Home like Madoka and Ginga and Hyoma and Hikaru when I hear a loud stomach grumble that awaken me from my daydream. I look up to see Kenta blushing. He rubs the back of his head. "Looks like I am hungry." He says. Another stomach grumbles and this time it's Yu who is blushing. "I am hungry also. I want food." He shouts. Kyoya crosses his arms and looks away. "I can't believe Du guys already need to eat. I could last another Tag oder Mehr without food." Then his stomach grumbles and he blushes the most. We all start laughing, including me. "What's so funny? Come on, tell me!" He insists. I get up from my sitting spot. "It's just that Du act so tough and yet in the end your just one of us who just gets hungry daily." I pick up my backpack and hand the others theirs, making sure to take the pocket messer out of Yu's. for some reason I take Kyoya's hand and head of into the bushes, oblivious that he is blushing. I hear Kenta following and Yu shouting for us to slow down and that we were going to fast. We walk for a couple Mehr Minuten until we stumble upon a Obst baum with a lot of fruit. "Yay food!" Yu shouts and tries to climb the tree. He ends up falling off. "Ow ow ow ow ow. That hurt a lot." He says and walks away from the tree. "Let me try"
Kenta says as he walks to the tree. He ends up sliding down the tree's base. "I guess I am not cut out for this either." He says and goes to sit Weiter to Yu. I set my back pack down and go up to the tree. I find the nearest branch that could hold my weight and then put my feet not he tree's base to propel myself and sit on the branch I was hanging onto. "You guys, take the bags out of Kyoya's backpack and prepare them. There is going to be a lot of Obst falling." I say as I continue my way up the tree. i jump onto the Weiter branch and grab another one. I was about to jump again when the branch under me broke. I fell down a ways when I grasped onto a branch. It felt like my arm was being ripped out of its socket. I climbed back onto the branch and underneath me I hear everybody breathe a sight of relief. I keep climbing to the oben, nach oben of the baum and I reach the fruit. I take out my launcher and insert tigerin then aim carefully at the branches only enough to shake it to make the Obst fall. "Let it rip!" I shout and watch as tigerin sends all the Obst falling down. I descend the baum and sit against the kofferraum, stamm with tigerin encircling me and watch as the boys pick up the Obst and put them in the bags. They put the bags inside the backpacks and look up to the tree. "You guys I am right here" I say as I get up. I dust off my rock and catch tigress. "Now we gonna go fishing" I pick up my backpack and grab Kyoya's hand again. "Kyoya has a crush" Yu shouts and dances around us. I look at Kyoya and realize that he is blushing. I realize why he is blushing and I start to blush also. "He is not the only one with a crush" I say looking away. Yu's and Kenta's eyes grow wide. I head off into the busch with Kyoya before anything could go anymore awkward. We keep walking until we reach a small stream with a bunch of fisch swimming around. We set our backpacks down as Yu runs towards the stream "yay fish!" He yells and jumps right into the water. He tries to grab a fisch but it swims away from him before he could grab it. "Awwww. I could catch it. How are we supposed to catch them if they are to fast?" He asks me when he comes out of the stream shaking water out of his hair. "Use your beys" I answer. I take my shoes off and wade into the stream. I insert tigerin back into the launcher and concentrate. I see the others do the same. "You have to concentrate on only one fisch and time your shot just right so the fisch can't escape. Don't miss otherwise Du will have to go swimming! Let it rip!" I launch tigerin and demonstrate. The fisch lands on the bank. "There is one!" I position tigerin again. "That is so cool! Where did Du learn to do that!" Kenta position his bey also and launches. He misses and Saggiterio ends up in the water. "Oh no!" Kenta jumps into the stream and picks up his bey while Yu is laughing so hard he loses his balance and falls into the stream himself. "'He' taught me." Kyoya and I start laughing at both of them. Kyoya tries and manages to get a fish. We continue to fisch until we manage to catch enough fisch for the night. It's starts to get dark so we pack up and make a small camp. We collect wood and start a feuer launching our beys at once at a fast speed enough to light a spark then a fire. We take the blankets out of the backpacks and realize that we are one blanket short. "We're one blanket short and I am not going to share!" Yu shouts as he takes a blanket and walks off a little distance then takes lays on oben, nach oben of it. He starts to snore which is a sure sign that he is asleep. I grabbed the two blankets and gave them to Kyoya and Kenta. "Sabrina, aren't Du going to be cold at night without a blanket?" I smile and pat the oben, nach oben of his head. "I appreciate Du being concerned for me Kenta. That's really sweet. But i have slept outdoors before at night and I know how cold it can get. Plus I could just stay near the fire. So just accept the blanket ok?" I pat the oben, nach oben of his head again then see that Kyoya is staring at me. I couldn't tell what he was thinking so I walked over and put my hands on his shoulder. I see that he starts to blush and i start to blush myself. But even so I start to talk to him. "Kyoya, I'll be fine. I can handle the cold." He closes his eyes as he starts to answer me. "Fine but your going to use the blanket until it gets cold." How stubborn can Du get? I shake his shoulders a little bit. "I gave the blanket to Du already so Du are the one who is going to use it, whether it is cold oder not." I could tell he was starting to get annoyed because he stopped blushing. "Look, Sabrina, I like Du so Du are going to use this blanket. I am willing to sacrifice me being cold so Du can be warm! Now stop being stubborn and just accept the blanket!" I recoil at the last words but immediately start to argue back. "Are Du sure your not the stubborn one?" I answer back. He gets upset a little bit and we start to argue. This goes on for a couple of Minuten when Kenta interrupts us. "Why don't Du guys just share the blanket? Is it really that hard?" We both look over and see Kenta sitting on oben, nach oben of his blanket looking pretty upset. I guess he must of fallen asleep and we didn't notice so we must have woken him up with our bickering. Kyoya and I look at each other and he was probably thinking what I was. Imagining us sharing the blanket. We start to blush so I look away so he couldn't see my face. Kenta went back under his blanket and fell asleep again. Which meant their was no debate. I went and sat Weiter to the fire. I felt some weight on my shoulder. I look up to see Kyoya's face about a foot from mine. My hear started to beat faster and I started to blush like crazy. He puts the blanket around my shoulders then kisses me on my forehead. I look away afraid that he may see me look embarrassed at what he just did. I now plenty of my Friends back in America, that if they knew Kyoya would be totally jealous of me right know. That thought makes me smile a little bit. I was about to ask Kyoya about what were his motives for Küssen me when he walks over to a different spot near the feuer and lays down. I wait a couple of Minuten to make sure he was really asleep when I walked over and placed the blanket on oben, nach oben of him then when back to my spot. I couldn't fall asleep for some reason so I just sat their and stared at the feuer for a couple of hours. The feuer started to die down and I knew that if it went completely out I would be cold when I went to sleep. So I got up and set off to find some branches for the fire. For some reason I started to sing my Favorit song that I always sang with 'him' back in America. I walked along collecting branches while Singen to 'summer paradise'. I picked up my fifth branch when I saw a light in the distance. I knew that wasn't our campfire because I made sure I only went in one direction. So who's feuer is it? I started walking towards the light before I knew what I was doing and reached it sooner than I thought. i ducked behind a busch because i heard someone coming. i see a shadow in the trees. when i concentrated i could see that it was a guy. he had white hair with some red stripe in the front. he was wearing a black outfit except for the white cape that was draped over his back. he had a yellow bey holder that was in the shape of a dragon. that guy looked really familiar. i try tapping into my brain for memory of this guy if i have ever seen him before. the guy sits down on the floor and pulls out a picture from his pocket. i inch a little closer to see who was in the picture. i Lost my balance and ended up falling and landing on a branch. a loud snap happens as the branch breaks under my weight. he looks in my direction and i hold my breath afraid he might notice me. now that i could see his face i notice he has the most unusual amber sort of Gold eyes. sort of hypnotizing actually. i pull my camera out of my back pocket. i always carry around a camera is case something interesting happens i would take a picture. then later, draw it. i found this guy interesting so i positioned the camera to take the picture. i made sure to take him sitting of the log staring at the fire. since he wasnt doing that i sat down to wait. he barely moved the entire time. i yawned and lay down on the ground. it was a bit cold but i could handle it. Weiter thing i knew i fell asleep.

i woke up a couple of Minuten later with sweat pouring down my face and gasping for air. "just a dream, just a dream, just a dream" i muttered to myself over and over again. i sat down and looked around. i was Weiter to a small campfire. "hey whats with Du trying to take a picture of me? heard of privacy?" a voice from my left said. i looked over and found myself facing the guy i wanted to take a picture of. not that i think about it, i shouldnt of done that. i could see the look of heavy disapproval in his eyes. plus his scowl didnt help at all. this guy reminded me of 'him'. even looks like 'him.' "hey dude whats your name?" i asked as i got up and stretched out my muscles which were sore from sitting down so long. "like i have to tell Du that" he Antwort me. say what? i turn towards him to confront him about his rudeness. "you already know my name, Brea." a memory clicks on my brain. the only person that has ever called me Brea and a really good friend of mine when i was a kid in America. i stepped vorwärts-, nach vorn to him "Ryuga, is that seriously you?" he crosses his arms and shakes his head. "i cant believe it actually took Du that long to figure out it was me. seriously i knew Du were slow, but not that slow." i was to happy to care that he was criticizing me. he always did that anyways so its not like its really a surprise for me. i ran over to hug him. "how have ya been Ryuga, have Du been traveling around oder something?" he doesnt answer me. instead he just hand me back my camera and goes to sit Weiter to the fire. he was never the one to answer much. just taunt people. i walk over there was probably only one way to get the answer out of him. i walk over and take out tigress. "Ryuga, if i beat Du in a battle, Du have to tell me why Du came to Japan and didnt stay there with my brother. if Du win i wont bother Du with it anymore." he stands up and brushes some dirt off of his pants. "fine Brea. but actually if i win Du have to travel around with me." uh oh. i guess he still doesnt know i am here with Kyoya, Kenta and Yu. i guess i had no other choice. my only option is to win. i cannot lose. "the rules are that there is only a sleepout no stadium out. the whole island is our arena and Du can use anything to your advantage." your kidding right? he must of knew it was me from the very beginning because i am not good without an arena. "fine lets do this already." i insert tigerin into my launcher and he inserts a different bey than when he had when we were kids. this is going to be tough for me. "3, ,2 ,1, LET IT RIP!"

 Ryuga Von the campfire
Ryuga by the campfire
posted by Julie-alice
'Go virgo take her down', Chao xing shouted. 'That is not gonna work'. Nikora replied smiling. 'Really, Du are the most weakest blader i have ever known'. Chao xing said. 'He was right if i know well Nikora was actually the most weak blader in the team will she win oder will she lose? and will She deafeat Kyoya in another battle? well that depends Read along and find out.

'Nikora at once shouted'Special move'. And she almost knocked Virgo out of the stadium as if it were a leaf .Da shan was impressed Von her new battiling style .Though Kyoya had defeated her but he had thought her something she...
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posted by Julie-alice
'Right'. Kyoya said' Like we forgot that', He mumbled all the same.'Lets take her'. Nile said.'Where?The hospital?'. Demore asked. 'Are Du out of your mind, she can't walk that far'. Nile said.So it was decided that she would go with Nile ,Kyoya ,Demore and Benkei.

'Wait I can't walk that fast'. Nikora called. 'I think someone should help her'.Nile said.'Who is going to carry her'.Demore asked. Nile and Benkei took a step back so that left Kyoya.

'Great Kyoya'. Demore said.'What?'Kyoya asked and he looked around and noticed Nile and Benkei had taken a step back.

'NO WAY Du CARRY HER'. He said...
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posted by Julie-alice
'What's the big idea scaring me ?'Nikora asked in a rage.'Where were you?'. Da shan asked. 'I was walking'. Nikora answered. 'More like battling'. Da shan sagte . Now Nikora never hid anything from Da shan but she felt she should not tell him about Kyoya. So instead of saying something she went to her room quietly and left early the Weiter day.

She went to find Nile. She found him with Kyoya,Demore and Benkei.She called him but he did'nt seem to hear she ran and called again but she suddenly slipped and went past him.'Did Du see something?'. Kyoya asked'No',Demore replied.

Nile saw something in...
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Let it rip!'Go Rock serpent hit him hard'.'Leon get him Specail Bewegen 'King lion tearing blast".Kyoya shouted and it almost sent Rock serpent flying but Nikora was not to give up yet.'Rock serpent specail move(Invisible poisen fang)'.She yelled. 'That would go no good cause i never lose'.Kyoya remarked and he was right because Demore saw the serpent and Nikora soon gave up nearly.'Leon take it down full power go'.

Kyoya called and Nikora was defeated.'NO it can't be I can't lose'. Nikora cried down on her knees.'I want a rematch Kyoya'. She shouted.'Really! I'd take Du on but i don't have much...
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'Da shan may I go outside'. Nikora asked. 'Why?'. Da shan asked mysteriously. 'You know i always go for a ..uh .. walk .. outside'. Nikora replied hesistatingly. ' Oky'. Da shan replied.
' Why did i have to say walk? I know i hate walks'. Nikora sagte to herself and deep in tought she bumped into someone. 'Ah! watch where you're going you...' Nikora started but stopped as she saw the strangers face. 'Who are you?' She asked.'Can't Du see where you're going'.A boy with brown and orange hair asked, there was another boy with green hair standing beside.'Sorry'. Nikora sagte .' I'm Nile and this...
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posted by Julie-alice
At the temple.....
Da shan stands on one foot and practices his balance. 'Da shan'. Nikora calls.Da shan does'nt pay any attention. 'DA SHAN'. She yells. Da shan falls with a thud.'Nikora don't Du have anything to do better then scaring people out of their skins'. Da shan said. 'Sorry'. Nikora said. She walks up to Chao xing.'Chao xing what are Du doing?' She asked. 'Whats your problem?' Chao xing asked back. 'Whats my problem? Whats your problem? She asked. 'Stay out of my bissnuss'. Chao xing sagte . ' I don't have intest in it ethier. Nikora sagte and walked inside. she look at her pendent in her chian that kyoya had gegeben her when they were children. as she grew up she had forgotten about him . 'Whoever gave me this must be looking for me'. She tought to her self. Nikora did'nt knew very soon she'd be meeting kyoya soon. She only kept getting glances of someone whenever she looked at her pendent.
posted by Julie-alice
As transporter, van ho shan was walking down thr road back to the 4000 Jahr old legacy temple for training,Da shan felt an arm on this shoulder. He turned around and forced a smile on his face as he saw Nikora smiling. Nikora was a new member and she had a bey called kobra, cobra oder fang cobra. She could see Da shan had forced a smile on his face, she felt ashamed after she had fought with Chao xing that afternoon . Nikora never found out what it was , why Chao and she always fought with each other. But she liked it. " I'm sorry Da shan , it was all Chao xing's fault". She said. "No its your fault". Chao xing...
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added by TheGreyWolf