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posted by Pinkyfan333
     Black Night

This is a story about a group of Friends Remy and Emille(Ratatouille),Pinky and Brain(Pinky and the Brain), Colleen(Pinky and the Brain), Buck, Crash and Eddie and Scratte (Sara) (Ice Age 3) who go on a trip to a
Remote kabine in the woods. Not knowing that something else is
Watching them. Something that feeds on their fear. This is my first horror book. Enjoy!!!

Chapter 1: Road trip:

A Jeep is driving down the road with a Cadillac following it. In the jeep are 4 Friends (Pinky, Brain, Sara, and Buck). In the Cadillac are 5 Friends (Remy, Emille, Colleen, Crash and Eddie). The Friends in the jeep start talking. “This is going to be a great weekend, I can’t wait to get there” sagte Sara. “I know it’s going to be a great weekend,” Pinky said. “I am just glad to be with Du all.” sagte Buck. “Oh, How nice of Du to say that Buck, I hate Du too.” sagte Brain. Everyone laughed as they drove on.

The Friends in the Cadillac started to talk now. “Hey man how cool is it to hang around here for the weekend?” sagte Colleen. “Its pretty cool.” sagte Emille. Remy started to say weird stories that freaked everyone out “Did Du hear about those 2 campers that set up camp here in these woods, and they were never heard oder seen from again.” “Sounds like your average spook tale” sagte Colleen. “I’m serious,” sagte Remy. His face looked angry and serious at the same time. “You’re an idiot brother, how can Du tell those stories and freak us out.” sagte Emille “Let’s not let any tales get in our way and let’s have a good time.” sagte Crash “Crash is right we should ignore Remy.” Remy shook his head and rolled his eyes. They started laughing. “No one ever believes Du do they Remy.” sagte Colleen. “Oh look here it is,” she said.

Both the cars pulled up in the driveway. The kabine was set deep in the woods. It had Dirty windows and the shingles were about to come off. “Home sweet Home guys.” sagte Sara. “More like Home no home” sagte Remy. “Remy your not right.” sagte Colleen. The cars stopped and everyone jumped out and got their bags and went inside. Pinky and Brain stayed outside while everyone else went in the cabin. “What’s wrong Pinky?” sagte Brain. “I thought I saw something.”
sagte Pinky. “Look Pinky it’s just your imagination getting to you. Look at this place it’s marvelous. We will have a good weekend. Ok?” Brain said. “Ok Brain” sagte Pinky. Brain grabbed Pinky and they headed inside. As everyone unpacked they were sent to their rooms to sleep for the night. Until one of the Friends goes missing. Deep in the black, dark forest.

Chapter 2: Missing

    Everyone was asleep besides Remy’s brother Emille. He went outside to get something to drink when he heard a branch snap in the woods. He jumped up and went out into the woods. “Is someone there?” He sagte “Hello, Remy this is not funny” “I’m going to kick your arsch if it’s Du Remy.” He kept going deep in the woods when he turned around and a creature attacked and bit him on the throat. He was bleeding badly as blood gushed out everywhere. He tried to run but tripped on a rock and his head slammed into a protruding stick, killing him. His body was dragged away Von the creature.

The Weiter morning everyone got up. “Where is my brother, I can’t find him anywhere,” Remy said. “Maybe he went for a walk early in the morning,” sagte Sara “ He’s fine don’t worry.” Crash sagte “Hey lets go on a walk.” “I will go.” sagte Eddie “Me too” sagte Buck. And they walked off into the woods. Sara turned towards Remy. His face was motionless. “Remy your brother is fine like I sagte he probably went for a hike in the woods, He will be back here shortly.” “All right.” Remy said, “I’m going to get something to eat.” “I will Mitmachen you.” sagte Colleen “Pinky, Brain, Sara do Du all want to eat too.” “Sure!” they all said. They gathered at the tabelle and ate some food. “How about after we eat we can play a game of Truth oder Dare.” Pinky said. “Sound’s good” sagte everyone. “So I guess it’s just us 5 here” sagte Remy. “Yes,” sagte Sara “Just us 5.”

Pinky, Brain, Sara, Colleen, and Remy played Truth oder Dare. They were laughing and having a great time. “Ok Pinky, Truth oder Dare.”
sagte Colleen “Dare” sagte Pinky. “Ok, I dare Du to lick my foot.” “Sounds yummy.” sagte Pinky and he licked her foot. Everyone gagged. “That’s disgusting Pinky” sagte Brain. Everyone started to laugh afterwards. “This is going to be a long night,” sagte Remy “Yes it sure is” sagte Sara. All of a sudden something was banging and scratching on the front door. Everyone jumped up. They all looked at each other. “What the hell was that.” sagte Remy. “I don’t know,” sagte Sara. They went to the door and pulled the handle. The door swung open and they all jumped.

    Chapter 3: The Dark Moon

    Buck, Crash, and Eddie went for a walk in the woods. It was dark out and they decided that they should follow the trail. They brought flashlights. Crash turned his on and kept seeing weird shapes in front of him as the light casted weird shadows in front of him. Crash had a creepy feeling about following the trail into the dark forest. “ This is creepy Buck.” He said, “I don’t want to go down there.” “Oh come on don’t be such a baby, the only thing out there is animals.” sagte Eddie. “It will only be about 10 Minuten and we will be right back up in the kabine again.” sagte Buck. They walked down the trail and they were close to the lake when Eddie shined his light in front of a busch and something scurried out of the way. “What was that?” he sagte “I saw something Bewegen in those bushes.” Buck went over there to check it out “Nothing here.” He said. Eddie was in shock and sagte “But I swear something was there.” All of a sudden a pale, drooling creature popped up behind Eddie and bit him on the arm and then it rammed its fist through his chest. “Oh my God, Eddie NOO!!!” sagte Crash “He’s dead we got to go now.” sagte Buck Eddie cried and sagte “No I am staying.” Crash started crying, Buck said, “If we stay here we die, we got to tell the others what’s happening and leave this place.” Crash agreed and they ran towards the cabin. The baum branches were cutting their faces. The kept running while they were seeing these creatures. They ran and Eddie tripped over a body. He looked at it and it was Emille’s body. He screamed and they both ran. They reached the kabine and banged and scratched on the door. Thus beginning the true terror in the woods.

Chapter 4: Revelations:

    They opened the door and the door swung open and Buck and Crash bolted in. “Shut the door and lock it now.” sagte Buck. “Whoa, what the hell is going on?” sagte Sara “Where is Eddie?”
“We were attacked Von these fierce creatures out there in the woods.” Buck said, “Eddie didn’t make it, he was torn to pieces.”
“Where the hell is my brother?” sagte Remy. Buck delivered the bad news to Remy “He’s dead too, I’m sorry Remy.” Remy got all teary eyed and cried. “We need to get out of here now.” sagte Sara. Everyone else agreed. “All right here is the plan.” sagte Buck. A few of us stay here at the kabine while the other few go to get help.” “Ok” sagte Crash “I will start the car.” Crash went out to the car and noticed it was leaking. He got in and started the car. The car blew up in flames killing Crash in the explosion. “Holy shit Crash, My friend, Why.” sagte Buck. Sara said, “We can’t leave now we have to fight whatever is out there,” Everyone agreed. “Is there any Pistolen here oder ammo?” Buck said. “Yes” sagte Sara “Down in the basement.” Buck ran downstairs to grab the guns. He gave each of the Friends a gun. Pinky: 45. fohlen, colt pistol, Brain: shotgun, Buck: Bow and Arrows, Sara: Machine gun, Colleen: Revolver, and Remy: Sniper Rifle. They decided that they need bait to lure whatever is out there closer. Buck went outside and mounted some c4 charges on the jeep. He went back inside and got some meat and threw it on the car. That would get their attention. He went inside. They waited and waited, for one single movement. Nothing came. They would wait there for the night. The only ones that are left are Pinky, Brain, Remy, Buck, Colleen, and Sara. They loaded their Pistolen and waited for what would seem like an eternity.

Chapter: 5: Fighting Back:

Remy looked through his sniper scope and saw something. “Guy’s quarter right, 100 feet away. There are a lot of things out there.” They loaded their Pistolen and held their fire. They went to the meat that was set on the car. “Buck, Blow them up.” sagte Brain. He pressed the c4 trigger and the car blew up and burnt all the zombies around them. The car lit up with orange and red flames. “Wahoo” sagte Pinky “Great Job” sagte Brain “Awesome job, Buck” sagte Sara. They saw Mehr creatures and open fired on them. Pinky killed a few with his fohlen, colt 45. Brain shot his shotgun and took a few out too. Remy blew off a few heads with his sniper. “Headshot baby hell yeah.” he said. Everything went quiet and then the power went out. “Get the Flashlights.” sagte Buck “We need them.” Colleen went to get the flashlights down in the basement when all of a sudden; right behind her was a creature breathing behind her. The breath was hot and she didn’t Bewegen a muscle. She slowly grabbed her machine gun and loaded it. She screamed and turned around and shot at it. The creature grabbed her and choked her until her neck snapped and then bit in her neck ripping her head off. Buck ran downstairs and yelled “Colleen where the hell are those flashlights.” He grabbed a flashlight and shined the light on the ceiling. There was blood everywhere. He grabbed his gun and saw the creature. He shot at it. Hitting it in the head killing it. He ran back upstairs and told everyone that Colleen was dead. Buck said, “Ok, there are only 5 of us left, we have to stick together and fight these things back to hell.” Everyone agreed to stick together. They grabbed their Pistolen and began to feuer on them. There was an army of them everywhere and they only had so much time before they would last.

Chapter 6: The Last Stand:

    They started shooting and killing them. Some of them broke the windows. They were tearing at the windows with their claws. They kept shooting at the creatures until Remy yelled out “Grenade!” He threw a grenade and everyone ducked down.
The blast blew up the creatures. Their blood spraying on the survivors. Remy sagte “How do Du like that, Du sons of a bitches.” Buck ran to the window and said, “Well I guess they are all gone.” The creatures busted through the glass and grabbed Buck and pulled him outside. The creatures were tearing at his body. Finally he was dead. The Friends were saddened and in grief that there leader was dead. They kept shooting the creatures. One creature was still alive and Sara grabbed a metal pole and stabbed it in the chest. She then grabbed a shotgun and blew off its head. It’s blood spraying on her. “We got to leave,” Brain sagte “We can’t” sagte Sara “Were all going to die.” sagte Pinky. Angered with frustration Remy said, “Well if we are going to stay here, we will all die here.” Sara came in and told them their fate “Look even if we do leave here, where are we going to go? There’s nothing but forest here, we will all be dead within minutes.” Remy finally admitted to staying “Sara’s right we have to stay, we can’t afford to die out there.” “I agree,” sagte Pinky. Brain sagte “Ok but if we stay, no one is going out of sight, not anybody.”
“Got it,” everyone said. The Friends prayed and mourned over Buck.They went back into the kabine and dressed their wounds and loaded their ammo. Remy told everyone their job “Pinky and Brain, Du guys get some rest, Sara and me will watch out for anything suspicious out there.” Pinky and Brain drifted into sleep as Remy and Sara watched for any intruders. Remy said, “I’m going to go downstairs and look for anything else useful.”
“Ok” Sara said. Remy dropped his sniper and went downstairs. It was really dark so he turned on his flashlight. He descended into the dark basement. He found a box with tape on it. He ran back upstairs and showed the box to Sara. They looked at each other and then lifted the box up.

Chapter 7: Sacrifice:

    They looked at each other and then looked at the box. They opened the box and newspaper clippings and old newspaper Artikel were in there. “What the hell,” Remy read one of the articles. “Rogue Creatures Escape Bio Research Facility.” Remy looked shocked. They read Mehr of them. “No Cure”, “They attack on sight.” They wondered what happened to those creatures. They wondered if they were once human and then they were changed into creatures. A lot of thoughts went in their heads. They heard a sound outside. Remy took his sniper and looked through the scope. “Oh man, there are a lot of them.” He fired on one of them. The bullet zinged right through the throat of the creature. Blood sprayed everywhere. The sound woke up Pinky and Brain. They went to the box where all the newspaper clippings had been. “What the hell happened here.” sagte Brain. Pinky grabbed his pistol. “Let’s go kill these bastards,” he said. Brain ran outside and yelled real loud “Come and get me Du bastards.” The creatures ran after him and Pinky, Sara, and Remy fired upon them. Brain pulled out a machete and started slashing them and cutting off their heads. He stabbed one of the creatures in the head and pulled it out.” A creature from behind slashed his back and slashed him on the stomach and torso. “Arrgggh” He grunted. Pinky ran to his friend and held the gun up with one hand. “Got to hell,” He shot at it and killed it. “Brain,” he yelled. He ran to his friend. “Pinky, Du were always a good friend to me.” Pinky cried and sagte “Oh Brain, Why, Why you.” Brain said, “Hey, this was an interesting weekend wasn’t it,” He laughed and then coughed. Pinky cried and muttered “Brain don’t Du die on me,” Brain sagte his last words “I will always be with Du Pinky, Don’t Du forget it,” He Lost his breath and died. “Oh my God, Why?” Pinky said. They decided to go back inside. Sara saw something in the house. All of a sudden lightning flashed and above her was a creature that grabbed her and twisted her neck and tore her in half. Pinky and Brain shot at it. The creature smacked Pinky and he flew into the wall. Remy kept shooting at it. Mehr creatures came in the house and Pinky grabbed a propane tank. “Pinky, Leave here now!!” Remy said.
“But what about you,” Pinky said. “I’ll be fine,” he said. Pinky cried and said, “I can’t leave you.” “Do it damn you!” Remy sagte as he grabbed a time bomb out of the weapon pack. The creature grabbed Remy and slammed him against the wall. All the rest of the creatures were inside with Remy. He grabbed the time bomb. 10,9,8,7,6 Pinky ran for his life. 5,4,3,2 Remy said, “Go to hell Du motherfu-.” Boom, The whole house blew up and the force of the blast knocked Pinky down. Remy killed all the leftover creatures and sacrificed himself for Pinky’s escape. Everyone was dead besides him. He couldn’t believe it.

Chapter 8: Escape:

He ran and ran through the forest and finally reached the highway. A cop car stopped in the middle of the road and flashed his lights “What the hell are Du doing out here.” He said. Pinky started crying saying that everyone was dead besides him and that these creatures attacked his friends. The cop grabbed him and took him in the car. They drove off of the road and the cop car drove away until the screen faded to black.

1 Jahr Later: Pinky’s Letter:

“I cannot believe all my Friends died that week. I look back wondering if they died in vain. That Tag was supposed to be a vacation but turned into a nightmare for my Friends and I. I wake up every night from those visions I saw that night. I find myself wondering, if sacrifice was the answer, what was left behind.”
added by jlhfan624
Source: Warner Brothers
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Source: Warner Brothers
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Source: Warner Brothers
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Source: Warner Brothers
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Source: Warner Brothers
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Source: horrorseason @ tumblr
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Source: horrorseason @ tumblr
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Source: horrorseason @ tumblr
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Source: troybaker @ tumblr
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Source: briarauroras @ tumblr
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Source: CBS Films
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Source: Summit Entertainment
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Source: Summit Entertainment
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Source: Summit Entertainment
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Source: Summit Entertainment
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Source: Summit Entertainment
added by jlhfan624
Source: Summit Entertainment
added by jlhfan624
Source: Summit Entertainment
added by jlhfan624
Source: Summit Entertainment
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Source: spinning-bird-kick @ tumblr