Incident in a Ghostland is I watched it over a Monat Vor now and I can't stop thinking about it. So brutal and very depressing. Very unique movie worth a watch.
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Time for Zombie Tidal Wave! I already know it's my new Favorit movie. If Du can, please watch it so we can have a new franchise!
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Just watched Annabelle comes home. Let me just say that the whole conversation between Bob and the pizza guy Ian like the dialogue in my brain.
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Can we just talk about what happened to the slasher genre real quick? I mean, I really miss it and everything seems to be all paranormal these days and that just doesn't thrill me very much. I want to see the hills have eyes, nightmare on elm Street, Halloween, hostel, wrong turn...yano? Maybe it's just me though.
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It's definitely not just you! Slashers are my Favorit type of movie period! When Hell Fest came out in 2017, it was pretty huge for the slasher genre. Halloween made a comeback as well. I have a feeling we'll be seeing Mehr but definitely not like the 80s oder 90s. Most "casual" Fans think of slashers as pedestrian.Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Honestly I'm kind of the opposite. Ghost/paranormal Filme always scared me the most. Though I do enjoy slasher flicks it's actually probably my least Favorit of the sub-genres. To me they just aren't as scary as ghosts and stuff. Even so I'd like to see the sub genre come back again, because (though I Liebe Supernatural stuff) too much of the same thing gets old. I'd like some Mehr variety.Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Does anyone know of any horror flix that feature meat cleaver scenes? I mean any cleaver scene, even if its 5 Sekunden long. I collect cleavers and films with cleaver scenes, preferrably horror Filme but not always. I will be so grateful to anyone who Antworten to this post
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i really wanna see friday the 13th part 3 in 3d for that scene in the beginning when jason goes into that little store and hacks that guy in the chest with a cleaver!Vor mehr als einem Jahr
are Du a guy oder a girl? i kinda figure youre a guy cuz girls usually dont like horror flix. let me ask you, whos your fav, jason, freddy oder michael myers? i personally Liebe the Halloween Filme most, somethin about myers is just so creepy!Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Hey heather if Du wanna text back and forth Mehr my cell is 7634470316. werent the saw Filme great!? especially saw 6 where that girl cuts off her arm with that big beautiful cleaverVor mehr als einem Jahr
I don't know if there are meat cleavers specifically - but I think you're looking for Filme like the Texas chainsaw massacre, hostel, wrong turn, the hills have eyes, sickle....Vor mehr als einem Jahr
They used to have all of the ANOES Filme and the first 8 of F13 but they've been off for years now. Though last I checked New Nightmare was still on there. They might have Mehr for the October month.Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Just wanted to introduce myself, my name is Colin Bressler I am a low budget horror film director. I am currently making my new film Bloody Drama, check out our instagram @bloody_drama. Let me know what Du think?
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Don't Breathe was one of the best horror Filme I've watched in a very long time! This is proof that Du don't need a whole bunch of jump scares and paranormal anomalies to make a good and realistic scary movie. And the twist near the end... WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? XD
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oh i Liebe those old horror movies. yeah there are some good ones today, but nothing like the ones from back than now those are truly great films. well the good ones are anyways the bad ones are simply forgettable
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Watching Dog Soldiers. My Favorit werewolf movie of all time. I also really want to see Howl which came out just recently and is known as the scariest werewolf film since Dog Soldiers.
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Scariest werewolf film since Dog Soldiers? Idk what idiot sagte that but man they need to see way Mehr werewolf Filme Howl was an absolute abomination in every way, shape, and form BUT Du don't have to take my word for itVor mehr als einem Jahr
@Kainana: i dont like them either! but for some reason i just cant resist the temtation to look at scary things! thats why when i was younger, i would be like looking at my closet until i fell asleep! lol! but i was younger!Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Hate me if Du want but I really dislike these "modern" horror films that have been shipped out lately with the exceptions of the SAW series and maybe The Posession. I hate Paranormal Activity though and I hate The Conjuring as well because they're so, well... Boring and overrated. Slasher films need to make a comeback and not just with reboots.
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I agree slasher films need to come back but the way they were I am so tired of 2-usually the last girl and her bf living ENOUGH! There is a reason she is called "the final/last girl"Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Fellow Horror movie lover, need HELP! I keep hearing about the 1974 horror movie classic Black Weihnachten and I've never seen it :( so anyone know where I can watch it?! Thank you!
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The conjuring FINALLY came to theaters in Sweden yesterday! And I was right there to see it! It had many good scares and a very nice phasing! I think the girl in the chair Weiter to me almost fainted! XD I don't think it will be as scary when watching it at home, but no horror Filme are.
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saw the spanish horror movie paranormal experience(with subtitles of cource) not the best horror movie ever but it was pretty good and it had nice bloody scenes
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can Du guys please Mitmachen my new club? it's about books, movies, poems, stories oder songs that have ever made Du cry oder sleep with the light on. it's called dark imaginations, stories and poems.
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This is important to horror Fans and collectors alike because as Child's Play series Fans we are extremely limited in choice as far as accurate replicas go and are forced to pay ridiculous amounts of money for one replica usually of foreign origin because every single worth while piece created for this film is of limited release and considered extremely rare. It's not right for Fans of the series to have to pay 2,000 average for a replica and one from 5 years Vor at that. We want a "to scale" accurate replica of Chucky from the original Child's Play films in his unstitched form.Vor mehr als einem Jahr
Sinister had a few jumps scares but it sucks :/ the strangers is really good and is really scary considering that its based on true eventsVor mehr als einem Jahr
There is Dead Weltraum film being made and I have started a petition for Josh Stewart from The Collector, and The Collection, to be cast as Isaac, the lead. Thank Du for your time and I'd appreciate any help with this. Please sign the petition : )
Hi guys, if Du get a chance, have a look at **The Possession 2012**...for me it was a oben, nach oben class movie. The demon in this movie being 'Abisu' The taker of children! A lot of people have slagged this movie off however, i like Filme based on true stories so gave this a go. I thought it was for the critics, well, here's a smiley for you...
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Du should possibly all check out link - these guys produce good quality horror films on a regular basis. Weiter up is 'The Exorcist Chronicles', due out Weiter Monat - and while you're at it see my news Artikel on 'International Scare Actor Takes on Scream Queem Challenge' as horror actor Paul Sutton will be interviewing most of the cast from Exorcist Chronicles over the Weiter few weeks. PM me if Du need any Mehr info :)
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Please!!!! Rob Zombie DID NOT direct that shitbomb House of wax!!! GODDESS, Rob had Nothing to do with that peice of goat excrament. James Serra can be blamed for that non stop crapfest. The remake had parris(IM A SLUT) Hilton in it for christ sake. p.s. its Kruger with a K. ty.
gepostet Vor mehr als einem Jahr
i Liebe horror Filme !!!! best Filme ever <3 but if i had to pick one horror person from these Filme .... it would be FREDDY CRUGER!!!! I Liebe him to death he is my fav. person in like the world of movies<3
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New horror movies: Jason vs. Michael Meyers, don't turn off the light, our parents are zombies, Rosen are red, violets are blue and I will kill you, dangerous secret admirer,
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It's about this girl and her mum who Bewegen in a new house witch is Weiter to a house witch this girl kills her mum and dad it really hard 2 explain but I recommend u watch itVor mehr als einem Jahr
Who here thinks Norman Bates should be the face of this club(those of Du who don't know who he is ur not true horror Fans get off your arsch and go see psycho)
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pa3 was pretty good pa & pa2 werent that good. but now pa4..... THATS A WHOLE 'NOTHER STORY RIGHT THERE!!!!!!!!!! pa4 was so creepy if Du thought pa3 was scary Du should see pa4 omg i was like freaking out so bad in it i loved itVor mehr als einem Jahr
^^ feel da same way!!! ive got 1 friend who likes horror Filme but we dont talk about them much cuz everybody else joins the convo & there like, "how do u like that stuff" and then we always end up off-topic and trying to discuss that getting scared isn't particularly bad. So its nice to have ur fellow scarymovielovers around know what i meanVor mehr als einem Jahr