Emmett & Rosalie Club
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posted by MajorFan2500
Bad Timing: Part 1

Rated T (for language)
Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own Emmett, Rosalie, Jacob, etc...all that credit goes to SM!

Hope Du like it! :)

Rosalie’s POV

“Come on, babe.” Emmett laced his hands through mine and made his innocent puppy-dog eyes, flashing those dreamy dimples he knew I couldn’t resist…except today.

“No Em,” I wined, “I just went hunting with Alice the other day.” I squeezed his large hands and pulled him closer to me, chest to stomach, peering up at him through my long eyelashes; he refused to make eye contact with me, making me giggle at his childish behaviors.

I pulled Emmett even closer, stood up on my tippy toes and whispered in his ear, “You hear that, babe?”

He froze, an expression of sheer confusion flashed through his perfect features, “…no?”

Exactly!” I whispered back to him with excitement coating my voice. I fell back onto my feet as Emmett glared down at me as though I was crazy.

For the past hour, Emmett had all but carried me out of the house, trying to get me to Mitmachen him, Edward and Jasper on a hunting trip down the river.

“It’s silent, Em. Nessie just went down for her nap, so she won’t be up for at least 2 hours. Esme and Carlisle are downtown, and Alice dragged Bella down to the mall to catch a last Minute sale. There’s, almost, no one here. When was the last time that happened?”


“Em, I just want one day, one hour even, just to myself.” I pleaded, becoming tired of this game. “Besides, even if I wanted to, I’m on Nessie-duty.”

“Like Du said, she’s sleeping.” Emmett joked.

Oh my gosh, Emmett!” I laughed, aware he was teasing, “That’s not funny...I’m not leaving her here alo…” I was thrown off thought as Emmett pulled me into a hug that I tightly returned and rested my head on his chest, inhaling his delicious scent of musk and cologne.

“Ugh…fine.” He replied, Emmett released me and held his hand to his chest, Schauspielen hurt…although I knew he kind of was.

I let out a short laugh at his expense and gently pushed his chest before turning on my heal and gliding toward my dresser, mindful that he hates it when I walk away from him. I pretended to be sorting through my beauty products as I watched the sauer, saure look upon his face turn into a smile in the mirror, making me grin as well and shake my head at his humor.

I looked back down but suddenly felt his strong arms swiftly lock around my waist before his thick fingers began pushing hair away from my neck where he soon began to kiss, sending imaginary chills throughout my body. I placed my hands on oben, nach oben of his and tilted my head to the side to give him Mehr room.

“Uugghhh! Emmett, knock it off!” Edward’s roaring voice came from down below. “Let’s go!”

I giggled and reluctantly turned around to push Emmett off me, “alright Monkey Man, Du need to go before neither of us have a chance of leaving the house today.”

A quiet growl of disagreement erupted from Emmett’s chest and I was abruptly drawn into a deep kiss…the kind that makes your legs feel like Jell-O…one that’s filled complete lust and passion, with a hint of desperateness. Emmett’s large hands were embracing either side of my face and I leaned up in order to wickeln, wickeln sie my arms around his neck.

Mere Sekunden passed before Edward and Jasper appeared in the threshold, Edward’s hands were squeezing his head while Jasper stared in disgust. Emmett refused to break the melting kiss, but awkwardness quickly occupied the room as my brother’s continued to scrutinize the intimate moment between me and my husband…assholes...

However, sometimes I wondered if their ‘powers’ made it as uncomfortable for them as it did for me, knowing they could see and feel these personal instances within my relationship.

I attempted to break the kiss, but I ended up whispering against Emmett’s smooth lips, “I believe you’re being summoned.” Emmett sighed and I was released from his comforting embrace. Instantly, a wave of emptiness filled my veins.

“Y’all are no fun,” Emmett teased with his barley-there southern accent.

“Well, I personally don’t wish to see my little sister in such a…bright light…” Edward scorned with repulsion. I glanced back at my husband with a sly smile, loving the effect I had on him.

“Oh please, Eddie. You’re just…”

“Alright! We get it!” My sensible twin broke in. “Can we just go…!”

Edward rolled his eyes, “You’ve got one minute,” he warned us before he and Jasper left the room at vampire speed.

When they were out of sight, I spun around and caught the aggravated glare that I so rarely saw Emmett wear. His eyes met mine and we both burst into a sudden fit of laughter.

When we were both able to regain our composure, my hands were once again enveloped in Emmett’s. He raised our fists and kissed each of my knuckles softly before finishing with a gentle peak to my lips.

“I Liebe you,” he whispered resting his chin on oben, nach oben of my head while my arms were locked behind his back.

“I Liebe you, too.”

All too soon, I felt the hold break and the only contact left was between our fingers, “I’ll see Du later, Baby Girl.”

“I’ll be here,” I smirked.

“Bye, Ro.”

“Bye, Em.”

As he walked away our fingers fell at the distance and he was swiftly out of sight.

I walked toward our large bay-windows that framed one side of our room and watched as he sprinted off to catch up to our brothers.

Of course, we’d been apart before. Tons of times, honestly. But the distance never gets any easier to bear.

When he was gone, he took a part of me with him…my heart…

Without him I felt empty…unprotected…vulnerable.


I continued to stare into the distance – Tagträumen – after Emmett had left with Edward and Jasper. But I snapped out of my deep thoughts and headed to check on Renesmee.

I cracked the door open and peered in; Nessie was sleeping peacefully bungled in her blankets.

I absentmindedly walked into Edward’s old room and toward the crib. I stared into Renesmee’s beautiful face and down to her chest, watching it rise and fall in rhythm to her shallow breaths. A wave of bitterness washed over me, knowing I would never be able to give Emmett and myself such a gorgeous creature.

I quickly let the feeling fade before I completely Lost all control of my emotions and broke down Von the bedside.

A gave Nessie a gentle KISS on the forehead before gliding out of the room and shutting the door tight behind me.

I walked downstairs with the baby monitor and my book in hand and took a deep, unneeded breath as I fell back into the living room chair. I set the monitor on the tabelle Weiter to me, kicked up my feet and opened my book before I became Lost within the pages.


Time passed…minutes? Hours? I hadn’t the slightest clue, but my nose became filled with the most nauseating scent of wet dog.

Within seconds, there was a light tap on the door…then a knock…then a bang. Jacob.

Bad Timing, Mutt! Just ignore him, Rosalie.

Only moments later, the door was flung open with enough force to leave a reasonable crack in the wall.

Ugh! I threw my book onto the coffee tabelle and marched over to the dog. He stood in the threshold; no shirt, just shorts. Shocker.

“What the hell, Mutt!” I whispered with anger, hoping not to disturb Renesmee’s sleep any further.

“Where’s Nessie?” He asked stupidly, looking over my shoulder into the living room, he’s eyes scanning the area for her.

I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at him with complete annoyance.

“Forget it.” Jacob spat and stalked past me into the house.

“Um? Where do Du think you’re going?” I questioned, following him, three of my steps matching one of his enormous ones.

“Well you’re obviously not going to help me, so…”

“First of all, this isn’t your house,
” I mocked him, “and she’s sleeping. Why are Du even here though?”

“It’s my Tag with Renesmee. So where is Bella?” He finally stopped to look at me.

“Well, neither Edward nor Bella are here, and that information was never passed along to me, the babysitter for the day.” I tried to make things as clear as possible for his small brain to process, “So, I’m trying to be nice, but it would be great if Du could leave and I’ll have Bella call Du later to set up another date. But I suggest Du leave before I lose my cool.” I warned and motioned to the door.

Since Nessie’s birth, I had been trying to be civil with the repulsive mutt, but he had a certain way of pushing, not only my buttons, but the rest of the family’s, as well. I was the only one who didn’t put up with his crap; he was rude and disrespectful. For example: the door.

He just stood there, looking like the idiot he was. Finally, I gave up and sat back down to continue my book.

“Actually Blondie, I think I’ll stay right here and wait for Bella myself.” Jacob sagte cheerfully, he sat down one the couch and crossed his arms behind his head while slamming his massive feet onto the coffee table, I could already hear the cracks in the splintering the wood.

Deep breaths, Rosalie. Just ignore him.

Two can play at this game.

He must have a very short attention span, because he started into the jokes only Minuten after sitting down.

“Hey Blondie? How do Du drown a blonde?” he chuckled, seeming amused.

“Listen Mutt, I just want to enjoy one Tag to myself. So I will ask Du one Mehr time to please leave.” I pleaded through a fake smile.

“You put a mirror at the bottom of a pool!” He laughed, completely ignoring my comment.

Attempting to hide my anger, I began Lesen my book again, but found myself skimming over the same paragraph over and over.

“Why do blondes smile during a lightning storm?” he paused but didn’t wait for me to reply. “They think their picture is being taken!”

I rolled my eyes and pretended not to listen.

“Why can’t blondes make ice cubes? They forgot the recipe!” He was practically on the floor laughing at this point, but I still refused to make eye contact.

Happy place, Rosalie…

“What do blondes and cow poo have in common?” he cried whipping the tears from under his eyes.

Just go to your happy place…

“The older they get, the harder they are to pick up!”

Excuse me!

I slammed my book shut and threw it down on the table.

Jacob was now rolling on the floor and clutching his stomach in complete, uncontrollable laughter.

“Why did the dog chase its own tail?” I yelled with my hands balled into fists at my sides.

Jacob stopped and looked up at me with a red face and wet eyes, he was trying incredibly hard to keep his mouth shut to stop him from laughing.

“Why?” he snickered, letting out a girlish giggle and clasped his hand over his mouth.

“He tried to make ends meet!” I growled, not finding any humor in the stupid joke that Emmett told me months earlier when Jacob was first introduced to us. A high pitched howl rose from the dog as he Lost all control.

“You, Mutt, are unbelievable!” I shrieked and turn in the direction of the stairs.

He continued his violent fit of laughter, “What do Du call a blonde with 2 brain cells?”

Did he not hear me?

I knew I wasn’t going to like the answer, which is probably why I froze before my foot even touched the first stair, but I stood there and waited for the response.


My dead herz sank to the pit of my stomach, “What did Du say?” I seethed through gritted teeth.

“Pregnant.” He said, coming down from his high.

I stood there, unmoving…unable to speak, to breathe, to think.

“Get out, Jacob.” I whispered in sorrow, I was now crying tearlessly, pointing for the door. “Get out of my house!”

How dare he! He essentially called me a slut, then proceeded to rub it in my face how I could never have a child of my own. With Emmett being gone and the sudden emotions over Renesmee this morning, I was no longer in the mood to stand up to that pathetic dog.

He obviously didn’t understand common English, so I continued up the stairs…maybe he’d eventually get the message. Dumb dog.

“Blon…Rosalie…wait!” He yelled harshly. He chased me onto the staircase and grasped my arm with a forceful grip…

The emotions of panic and fury…

The looks of disgust and disillusion…

The feeling of prying and the hands…

It all came flooding back…

“Hey Rose...wait…” I now knew who was under the dim straße lam, laughing and yelling cat calls from behind me.

I panicked and started in a quick pace, the clicks of my heals becoming Mehr rapid as I traveled faster down the damp, dark street.

He wasn’t alone and he definitely wasn’t sober.

I wanted to run…hide under my covers like the child I truly was…but I couldn’t let him know he had this power over me, he would use it against me later as a weakness.

“Rose…” he wined. I could feel him getting closer. I clutched onto my bag tighter, I finally gave up and broke into a jog, but they weren’t going to stop.

All too soon, I could feel them stepping on my heels. He grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me to him so my back was flush to his stomach.

His Friends surrounded me as he brought his mouth to my ear and blew into it, sending a chill down my spine. “What’s the rush, Rose?”

“Just trying to get home, Royce…it’s late. I’m tired. And you’re drunk.” I tried to sound serious, because I really was not in the mood for his games and his talking in circles, but the fear in my voice refused to hide itself.

“Rose,” he cried, stretching out my name, “I just want to Zeigen off my gorgeous fiancé. Isn’t she a beauty, boys?” I could smell the raw alcohol in his words.

I had never seen Royce drunk before, I had never even seen him drink anything other than a few sips of wine at a ball oder holiday event. When I questioned him about it, he always insisted that he “hated the bitter taste of beer”…little did I know that, apparently, he preferred something much stronger than your average aged wine.

His eyes were a deep black, far from his real pale blue ones.

His body was stiff and cold like a brick.

His grip on me was strong. Harsh and controlling.

His words were like venom. Deep and stinging.

“She’s stunning. But with all those clothes on…it’s hard to tell…” John mused; his parents were Friends of my mother and father, so I grew to know him well…but at this moment, as his eyes pierced into my skin possessively, I was practically convinced he wasn't even drunk.

Royce laughed and reached up to tear off my hat, pins and clips yanked out with it.

“Ouch! Royce!” I shrieked in pain and gripped my head as my hair fell around my shoulders.

I couldn’t give him this satisfaction, so I took in my pride and turned around to his stone face. “I’ll see Du tomorrow. Sober,” and walked away.

I only got two steps before I was pulled back once again and fell to the wet ground with a thud. My geldbörse landed Weiter to me and my belongings were scattered across the street.

I was hastily pulled to my feet Von a man I didn’t recognize and pushed into Royce. He began tugging at my jacke and unbuttoning my blouse. With my small frame, all I could do was yell and toss around, but my struggles were only rewarded a klatschen, smack across the face, leaving a burning mark on the side of my cheek.

“Stop! Please stop! Please!” I cried, but the streets were vacant as my screams echoed down the city.

Soon they were all around me, tearing off my clothes and abusing my body.

I was carried to the nearby ally and assaulted in the most unthinkable ways.

“Looks like you’re going to have to find a new bride, ay’ Royce?” One of the men joked as they strode away, leaving me in the cold snow, thinking I was dead…and I wished I was…

“Get off me!” I shrieked, ripping my arm from his grasp and pulling it to my chest.

“What the hell?” He yelled back at me, I couldn’t tell if he was angry oder confused…probably both…
He stepped closer to me and my reflexes took over. I swung my arm vorwärts-, nach vorn in panic, and with the little force that I was able to give, he was sent flying into the large fireplace in the living room. When he landed, the bricks fell around him in a crash of smoke.

As the wolke of ash died, he got up from the wreckage slowly, clearly in pain. His face was a bright red and his chest was rising and falling rapidly as he breathed through bared teeth.

I knew what was coming next, but I no matter how terrified I was, I wouldn’t run and hide…after everything I’d been through, I knew I was stronger than that.

So I waited…I waited for the wave of adrenaline to hit and tell me what to do…because, with a beast fifteen times my size, staring through me, wanting nothing Mehr than to rip me to shreds…I completely and utterly was helpless…

Emmett’s POV

“Oh please, Eddie! I don’t care about your so called ‘special powers’…we all know who would win in a race.”

God, I loved getting under his skin! I mean, if he really had these mind Lesen abilities, wouldn’t realize how much crap I give him just for my own personal enjoyment? Some genius!

“Don’t flatter yourself, Big Brother.”

“Fine, let’s put your big arsch where your mouth is, Little Brother,” he mocked me.

Pfff…”little!” Yeah right!

“Whoever gets to the lake first gets bragging rights for a month.”

“That’s so pathetic! To the lake? Bragging rights? Really? I thought Du were Mehr of a man than that, Eddie.” I scoffed, “Come on! Make it so I at least want to win…”

“Alright…ummm…whoever reaches the lake, catches a bear, and drains it first, wins.” A smug grin stretched across Edward’s face.

“Whatever.” It still didn’t seem like much of a challenge, he obviously forgot that I was the reigning champ with bears. “And if I win…?”

“If you win,” Edward laughed doubtfully, shaking his head, “you have to wear a dress of Rosalie’s for a full day…while walking around downtown.”

“Good one, brother!” I chuckled, “but when I win, Du have to wear nothing but a bra and underwear of Bella’s for three days! That includes the visit with the Denali’s on Saturday.” I challenged, already picturing Edward in a tiny, bright rosa bra with matching zebra underwear. I almost burst out laughing then and there.

“You’re on, Emmett!”

We both glanced over to our quiet brother who was standing to the side, just enjoying the circumstances that were forming in front of him.

“Jasper, you’re the ref. I have a feeling this could be close,” Edward sagte smugly, like he honestly had a chance.

I felt like a 5 Jahr old. I couldn’t believe I was making a pathetic bet with my brother just to rub it in his face later. Would I really make him live up to the bet? Probably not…I wasn’t that mean; but sometimes Edward needs to be reminded who the big man of the house is.

I guess my childish side was peeking through the surface Mehr than usual, with Nessie always wanting to play “horsies” with her Uncle Emmett.

I smiled to myself at the memory.

“Get ready for the whipping of a life time, Eddie!” I yelled, jumping up and down and shaking my hands at my sides, as if to get my blood pumping before a big game.

“As if.”

Cocky jerk-off.

Edward gave me an arrogant smile and clapped his hands. “Ready?”


Jasper drew a thin line in the sand with an old twig and motioned us to take our places.

“On your marks.”

“Get set…”


Trees were flying Von me before Jasper had a chance to finish, but, glancing back, I noticed Edward was already close behind.

My eyes were a vibrant honey and I could still feel the warm, crimson liquid within my throat, I felt incredible and there was no way I was letting my smug-ass brother beat me at my own game.

I’ll just take it easy for now…let him have his fun…

While the distance to the lake was at least 10 miles, both Edward and I were on our last stretch within 3 minutes. He was stepping on my heals and I could feel his sly grin burning into my back as he put in his last ditch effort and passed me.

Not for long, Eddie Boy! Time to pick it up.

I shot vorwärts-, nach vorn and left Edward in a wolke of dirt; I was bursting through the tress that closed off the lake only Sekunden later and looked around. The aqua water was shining into my eyes, as the sun fell among the trees and sparkled in the pond, casting an oddly calm feeling amid the forest.

I inhaled deeply through my nose and immediately caught the scent of a black bär hid between the brush and stones.

I whipped my head back once Mehr and still caught no sight of Edward oder Jasper. Ha Ha! I was in my zone and there was no way Edward was pulling off a win this time.

The bär was defenseless against my brute power; however, I killed it hesitantly. While I had been feeding off Tiere for years, I still have yet to feel comfortable taking the life away from an innocent creature. I don’t think anyone could come to terms with it, but it was clearly better than slaughtering humans for a living.

I held it up to my mouth, ready to claim my victory title, but it brusquely dawned on me that Edward had yet to reach the lake.

There’s no way…

While I had immense self-confidence, I knew it was almost impossible that I could have beaten him Von this much, considering our close standings throughout the first part of the race.

This perplexed me enough to drop the bär and stare into the endless vegetation surrounding me. I knew Edward was never one to give up without a fight.

Stop Emmett, it’s a trap!

If I hadn’t known Edward any better, I would have listen to myself and returned to my kill, but he was a fair-and-square kind of guy, he would win fairly oder not at all.

I was utterly confused…it didn’t make sense. I guess he could have known that it was a losing battle and simply started Home before sundown, but he wasn’t one to quit either, no matter what the outcome.

“Edward!” I yelled into the still trees. Silence.

“Jasper!” Nothing.

I glanced back at the lifeless animal at my feet and weighed the choice of finishing what I came for oder listening to my instincts, but the deep pang of anxiety within my stomach fought against my better judgment.

One last time I called into the forest, making them rumble from the strength of my voice. “Edward!”

I left the bär uncertainly and took off, away from the darkening lake and into wear I had last seen Edward and Jasper. However, my efforts were in vain.

I continued the Suchen throughout surrounding the area near the lake. After circling the lake numerous times, expanding my territory with each lap, I finally stopped to contemplate my Weiter action.

Go home,

Go back to the lake,

Continue searching…

I was broke off thought when the hushed murmur of voices traveled through the thick foliage. Without a Sekunde thought, I took off in the direction of the faint mumbles that lead me to a small clearing where my two idiot brothers were inaudibly discussing something with low, harsh tones.

I was overcome with irritation, “WTF, assholes!” I stomped up to Edward, who had his back to me, and shoved his shoulder, causing him to stumble vorwärts-, nach vorn a step. “Hmm? Why don’t we leave Emmett, go stand in the middle of a Zufällig clearing and gaze into space, while talking like a couple of bratty schoolgirls, and look like a couple of complete morons,” I angrily mocked their predicament with the upmost sarcasm.

They completely ignored me.


I studied their faces and stared in the same direction they seemed to be. Trees… a lot of trees. Wow!

“I’m going home. Y’all need help.”

“Emmett, would Du just shut up?” Jasper finally spoke with his thick south-western accent clearly audible; his sudden outbreak took me Von surprise, Jasper rarely ever burst out with such comments.

I turned around and walked back to him, “excuse me?”

“Knock it off, Emmett,” Edward mumbled under his breath with glossy eyes and confusion upon his face, Jasper wore the same expression.

“What the hell’s your guys’ problem?”

I could tell Edward was about to come off with some smart-ass Kommentar but decided against it just in time, “…it's...it's Rosalie.” Edward slurred, somewhat unsure.

“Something’s wrong…” Jasper shared the same tone.

I was becoming agitated now, was this some sort of sick game? I kept waiting for them to yell “Got ya! Du shouda’ seen your face!” and falling upon the dirt in laughter…but their expression remained neutral.

“When Du both want to act like adults, I’ll be at home.” It felt strange being the mature one for once.

“Emmett!” Edward called me back, his face to no longer in a state of confusion, but replaced without humor, nonetheless. “Something’s wrong.” He repeated Jasper’s statement.

There was no hint of amusement within their tone, their faces dead like stone. They wouldn’t take something like that this far, not when it concerned Rosalie. Edward and Jasper know how much I Liebe her.

They weren’t kidding…

“What do Du mean, something’s wrong with Rosalie?” I questioned bitterly, rejoining them in the meadow.

Edward fell back into his state of concentration. “It’s so hard to tell…her thoughts are everywhere, I can almost see her in my head…but it’s blurry…everything seems jumbled.”

“She’s frightened…injured in some way, maybe…enraged?” As Jasper spoke each emotion, his face changed, mirroring the feelings.

Edward’s face lit up. “There’s Mehr than one person…”

“I think Du right…” Jasper followed in suit.

I watched between them as they put the pieces together, yet all I could do was stand there. Frozen. My wife was in some sort of danger while depended on my brothers for some sort of response to help her. For the first time, I wished my physical attributes upon someone else, just to, in some way, help my Rosie.

“A man…a large man. He’s not thinking…it’s as if his mind is blank.”

“There’s only rage, no rationalization.”

“Rosalie…she’s thinking about…a man, but not the one with her…someone else.” Edward concluded, “from her past? I can see him, the one with the green eyes and long hair…damn…I know him…”

“Royce.” I stated dryly. I didn’t him to map it out for me.

“Royce? Royce. Royce!” Edward tried the name out, his face contorted with repulsion, “the one who…who…”

I nodded.

“There’s Mehr to it…why would this man make her think about that monster?” Edward questioned.

“It’s the same feeling she felt that night…” Jasper spoke after an extended silence, “whenever Rosalie thinks about that night…it’s the same one she has now…”

“She’s thinking about Du now, Emmett,” Edward mentioned, “she’s wondering where Du are…”

“She’s terrified…”

As they listed these seemingly insignificant details, it felt as if I was reliving the torturous vampire transformation once again…knowing the woman I loved Mehr than life itself was presently being attacked and not having the ability to do something as simple as Bewegen my feet. I was totally and unquestionably powerless.

“Now she’s thinking about…the man with her…” He stopped and his face fell.

“Ugh! I can’t see anything!” Edward yelled, clearly embarrassed and feeling helpless in the situation. Even though Edward and Rosalie seemed as if they could hardly stand each other, the bond they’ve created was undeniable.

Silence overtook the open Weltraum around us.

“She’s hurt…scratched!” Jasper blurted out finally, dumbfounded.

Vampires couldn’t be scratched…

“She’s held down…in the living room…” Edward informed as a new wave of thoughts hit him. “The man...we know him…”



“The Mutt!” I may not have mind Lesen abilities oder the power to read people’s emotions, but I wasn’t stupid.

To my relief, my feet were instantaneously unglued from the terrain, I immediately lunged into the thick mess of trees before Edward and Jasper registered the depth of what I just said. It even took me a moment to come to terms with what I had just realzied.

It seemed like I was on a treadmill, running as fast as my legs would carry me, but never moving forward. What was truly a small jog home, felt like a marathon.

As I sprinted through the never-ending dirt and brush, it seemed as if my herz began to beat once again and my body was reborn; I was abruptly gasping for breath and felt as if I could topple over in pain at any moment.

I began to wonder if I was too late…
Kellan Lutz
Nikki Reed
Rosalie's P.O.V

He was dead. What else could it be? Ever since Edward through him down he hadn't moved an inch. Emmett. My Emmett. I was going to die with him, no matter what. I don't want to walk this earth without him! Edward was shouting at me, telling me Emmett wasn't dead, he was Lesen his mind and he saw stars. STARS? STARS? Of course he was dead.

My body was burning, like I was on fire. I went to lie down Weiter to Emmett, and when I put my hand in his he stood up, and his hand slipped out of mine. HE WAS ALIVE! "EMMETT!" I screamed through my blinks. I had to make sure he was real. He...
continue reading...
posted by KATYrebekah
Rosalie's P.O.V

I've been driving now for around 17 hours. But I don't even know where I'm going. All I'm doing is searching every street, every forest, every PLACE (almost) in America until I find him. Why do I want to find him though? I mean, I should want to throw plates at his head and smash things, and rip him apart limb from limb. Except I don't. I want him to hold me in his tight embrace and tell me it was all a nightmare. Though I know he won't be able to. Because I'm a vampire, and vampire's don't sleep, therefore vampire's don't dream (or have nightmares).

"Stop the car Rose!" Edward...
continue reading...
Kellan Lutz
Nikki Reed
Fan video
posted by RealRosalieHale
The Ring Chapter 5

I am completely Lost in Emmett as he kisses me. I lay there in his arms, absolutely Lost in his beautiful golden eyes. We lay like that for who knows how long before, way too soon, Emmett attempts to untangle me from him. I pout and stick out my bottom lip, not letting up on my grip. He bellows his deep laugh and eventually just picks me up with him. “They are going to be wondering where we went babe,” he says as he starts walking. I huff in reply but smile as he starts absentmindedly playing with my ring. Then he starts running vampire speed back to the house with me...
continue reading...
posted by RealRosalieHale
The Ring chapter 4

Emmett POV

I stare out the window. I hear Rosalie and Carlisle. Did I just hear her call him father? Glad to see I can bring them together, I roll my eyes and try to restrain myself from punching the wall. I sit on the bett and take a deep, yet unnecessary, breath. After a couple hours, Rose still hasn’t come in here. But did I really expect her to? I sigh and look around for something to distract myself with. My eyes immediately are drawn to the many Fotos of Rosalie and I. I can’t pull myself away from them. I walk over and lay all the pictures face down. I pace the room...
continue reading...
posted by MajorFan2500
An Emmett and Rosalie Fanfic

Chapter 22

I've Had It!
Rosalie POV

I walked upstairs at a humans pace and went straight to my bathroom.

I went up to the counter and placed both my hands on either side of the sink and bowed my head down with my eyes closed, too afraid to witness what I looked like at that moment…

After countless Minuten I got the courage to look at my reflection…and it was horrible…but the odd thing was, for the first time ..ever.. I didn’t care. At all. Appearance did not matter to me, all that mattered was what I felt and I didn’t even know what it was I felt…but I did...
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posted by RealRosalieHale
The Ring Chapter 2

Emmett’s POV

Rose turns around and starts running off in the direction of the house. I don’t Bewegen for a couple seconds, stunned and confused. I was so overcome with need and Liebe for Rosalie that I had gotten too caught up and broke her ring. And then she just exploded at me. I try to make sense of the whole situation but my better judgment tells me that I should follow my Rose. I shake my head trying to clear my thoughts as I chase after Rose. I run vampire speed for a while, trying to follow her. I can tell that she’s trying to take a different route Home and I’m...
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posted by MajorFan2500
An Emmett and Rosalie Fanfic

Chapter 21

What do we do?
Carlisle POV

Edward and I pulled Emmett away from Rosalie while Esme tried to get her to respond. Once he was far enough away from her I told him to go take a run, to get away before things got worse.

I watched him sprint off in anger before turning back to Rose with a sigh of relief.

I walked up to her and took her face in my hands. I inspected her cheeks and neck, like a father would out of instinct, even though her skin was like marble.

She pulled away Von lifting her head out of my grasp before Esme whipped her tears off her cheeks and under...
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posted by MajorFan2500
An Emmett and Rosalie Fanfic

Chapter 19

Come Back
Emmett’s POV

“What do Du mean Du can’t tell me?” I yelled and instantly regretted it. “I’m sorry.”

Carlisle and Esme both nodded their heads.

I began walking off into the forest before Esme spoke softly.

“She’ll come back, Emmett. Just not right now, but she is okay…safe…healthy…she is extremely smart and mature and knows what she is doing. All she is doing is sorting a few things out.” Esme explained.

I thought for a Minute before asking a Frage I was not sure I wanted to know the answer to, “is it my fault?”

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added by MajorFan2500
Source: Fanpop User on 'Eclipse' Page
added by MajorFan2500
Source: Fanpop User on 'Eclipse' Page
added by MajorFan2500
Source: Fanpop User on 'Eclipse' Page
added by MajorFan2500
Source: Fanpop User on 'Eclipse' Page
added by MajorFan2500
Source: Fanpop User on 'Eclipse' Page
added by MajorFan2500
Source: Fanpop User on 'Eclipse' Page
added by MajorFan2500
Source: Fanpop User on 'Eclipse' Page
added by MajorFan2500
Source: Fanpop User on 'Eclipse' Page
added by MajorFan2500
Source: Fanpop User on 'Eclipse' Page
Rosalie POV
    Two short years Vor I was turned into a monster. I'm beautiful, yet still a monster. Being a vampire wasn't fun at all. I personally don't like eating animals. Well, their blood that is. But, rather a deer than a human I guess.
    I was hunting in the deep woods of Tennessee. It was far from where we were staying in the Appalachian Mountains, but, once again, Edward had gotten on my last nerve. Sometimes, no most of the time, I just want to rip Edward apart limb from limb.
    I was Lost deep...
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