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added by death-angel
Source: dave_bardin
added by rakshasa
Source: DC Studios - Warner Bros. Animation
added by rakshasa
Source: DC Studios - Warner Bros. Animation
added by rakshasa
Source: DC Studios - Warner Bros. Animation
added by rakshasa
Source: DC Studios - Warner Bros. Animation
added by rakshasa
Source: DC Studios - Warner Bros. Animation
added by rakshasa
Source: DC Studios - Warner Bros. Animation
added by rakshasa
Source: DC Studios - Warner Bros. Animation
added by rakshasa
Source: @JStarrC tumblr aka me
added by rakshasa
Source: @JStarrC tumblr aka me
added by rakshasa
Source: @JStarrC tumblr aka me
added by rakshasa
Source: @JStarrC tumblr aka me
added by rakshasa
Source: @JStarrC tumblr aka me
added by rakshasa
Source: @JStarrC tumblr aka me
Hush is back—and so are Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee—in Batman: H2SH! The biggest sequel in comic book history starts this March in Batman #158.
batman: h2sh
comic trailer
DC Comics
added by death-angel
added by rakshasa
Source: DC Comics
added by rakshasa
Source: JamesGunn@twitter
added by rakshasa
Source: cosmicstaff@tumblr.com
added by rakshasa
Source: DC comics - art Von Jim Lee