Damon & Elena Club
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Damon arrives at Elena's room to check on her.
It has been a Jahr since her break-up with Stefan and Damon is worried that Elena has been depressed. Although she puts on a Merida - Legende der Highlands face, she prtends she is fine, Damon can see her suffering.

He can't stand to see her in this state. Damon sits on Elena's bed. He can hear the dusche going from the other room and so He lays on the bett to rest a moment. While he awaits Elena's return he difts off to sleep. Elena turns off the water and gets out. Elena dries off and slips on her PJ's. She has been crying in the dusche because this is a place where no one could see her pain.
The last thing she wants people see is her weakness. She knew that Stefan's herz still belonged to Katherine. That she was the woman he was still in Liebe with and HE was always at her side when she needed him. Whether that meant physicially protecting her oder emotionally comforting her. Elena wants to put her fragile herz in a glass case to protect it from love. Liebe only hurts you.

Elena dries her tears and heads of to her room heavy hearted. She walks in to see Damon peacefully dreaming on her bed. Her expression softens as she gazes upon him. He is sleeping on his side with his hands tucked gracefully under his face. He looks so sweet in the dimly lit room. Elena delicately sits on the bett as to make sure not to wake him. Then She tenderly caresses his face. Damon's skin is so silky soft. "Damon... Du have helped me though this dark time, You've come here every night just to comfort me, Listen to whatever I have to say, Du are here for me and that means the world to me." She says softly.

She feels very tired now and lays Weiter to Damon. Her eyes focus on his peaceful expression.
She gently takes his hand from under his face and She makes sure not to wake him. Elena delicately drapes Damon's arm over her. She needs to feel his warm embrace now. Elena snuggles closer to Him laying her elegant face against his chest. Damon slowly opens his eyes when he hears her gently sobbing. He draws the crying girl closer to him.

"Damon.. I.." Elena begins to say.. "Elena it's ok. I'm right here with you."
He gently embraces the emotional girl un til her sobs subside.
"Damon, will Du stay here with me... I just can't be alone.." She asks timidly.
"Of course my dear sweet Elena." He says with a soft sweet tone.
Damon shifts his position to allow Elena to rest her her upon his chest. Elena feel a sense of warmth and security, Something she hasn't felt in a long time. She closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep. Damon strokes her hair and He feels closer to Elena now Mehr then ever. He closes his eyes and the two are asleep in one another's arms.

Morning light shines into Elena's room. Elena wakes up, Damon's right there Von her side.
Damon looks at her. "wow, Elena Liebe the new Bride of Frankenstein Look."
Elena shoves him playfully and teases him "you're a dick."
Damon says with a smirk."I know Du Liebe it."
She laughs "yeah, Mr. Salvatore"
Elena sagte frankly. "Hey, I got to get dressed I'm running a little late."
Damon grins, "Ooh a peep show!"
Elena laughs, "No, It's time for Du to head out."
"Ok, OK, my lady," He kisses her on the cheek gently.
"Au Revoir," Damon says and he's gone in the blink of an eye. Elena pauses for a moment and smiles. Then she gets dressed cause she has told Stefan she would meet with him.
Elena is filled with dread at what he might say.

Elena heads out the door and starts walking. She thinks wow what a clear beautiful sky. She's walking and glances a shiny red sports car. It looks Italian and very expensive. The Red devil as she calls it is parked at The Mystic Falls Bar and Grill. That's where she is supposed to meet stefan. She knows that is the car Stefan got for his lovely Katherine.

She glances the two of them come out of the Restaurant holding hands. Stefan is so entraced Von this new Katherine. This human Katherine. Ever since she has become human Stefan let his wanting to protect this woman affect how he Treated Elena. She felt that she was Sekunde place in his herz and He didn't NEED her for his 1st Liebe has returned to him. She feels so small now. Knowing that stefan really never stopped loving her. He only shunned her advances because he was Lying to himself. He was Lying about what he felt.

Elena ducks behind a tree. She sees Stefan leads Katherine to her car where He leans over and passionately Kisses Katherine.
Katherine snaps, "what ever do Du need to see that hündin for?"
Stefan laughs, "You mean Elena?"
Katherine snears, "OF course I meant her! She should die for all I care! She still wants you! Du are for me and me alone!"
Stefan takes Katherines hand and looks into her eyes. "I Liebe Du not her. Du made me see her weak Ways. I know in my herz that she never cared for me, she only pretended so she could have Damon all to herself!" Stefan Kisses Katherine once Mehr and sees her off.

Elena wasn't close enough to hear what they sagte but Von Katherine's body language It cant be good.
She was shocked to see Stefan actually KISS Katherine that way. She thinks that maybe Its a bad Idea to Speak with Stefan after all. She's unsure. Maybe it has nothing to do with Katherine.. Maybe its something very important, She reasons. Stefan heads back inside. Elena waits 5 mins and then heads toward the Restaurant.

Shes so leary of what he might say but pushes that feeling back and Heads inside. Mystic Bar and Grill feels as though it could've been very romantic under different cicumstances.
She felt uneasy. She sees Stefan and grabs the empty sitz at his table.

Stefan looks at her with an effortless smile, "Hello, Elena."
Elena doesn't return one though.
Stefan asks boldly, "Cmon Elena why the cold stare? Aren't Du delighted I took the time out of my Tag to come see you?"
Elena glares at the arrogance Stefan is displaying. "What is it Du want to speak about?" She asks shortly.
Stefan tries to warmly hold Her hand. Elena snaches it away!
"Elena, why can't Du Liebe me once more.." Stefan begs.
Elena glares at him with intensity! "Stefan, THAT IS CRUEL, HOW CAN Du SAY THAT TO ME!?"
Stefan starts, "because Im in..."
Elena expression grows hard. "DON'T!"
Stefan plays dumb.. "Why Elena??"
Elena look grows angry, "I thought I knew Du once but I was wrong, I was only fooling myself into believing that Du are something that you're not!"
Elena's voice grows quiet, "I saw Du with Katherine just now."
His eyes narrow at Elena's hurt expression. "YOU BREAK UP WITH ME TO BE Von DAMON'S SIDE, THAT IS WHY Du ARE A WHORE!!"

Tears roll down Elena's face. "Stefan.. How... Could you..?
I broke up with Du because Du now had Katherine. Human Katherine. I didn't have a place in your life. not anymore."
Elena continues, "Stefan, Du had the woman Du loved so may years Vor back, How could Du not want her over me she is your first love."
Stefan snatched a glass of water off the table. "You're a lying bitch! Du honestly didn't care what I was doing, Du had your LOVER BOY!" He threw the water at Elena and Stormed out and left the drenched Elena sitting there.

Elena rushed out of there with tears streaming down her face.
She headed out the door and then Started to collaspe from the emotional toll.
All of a sudden as out of nowhere Damon was right there and caught Elena in his arms before she hit the ground. Damon held the limp Elena in his arms and he was worried out of his mind. He held Elena tightly in his arms as he ran lightning quick to Elena's room.

He was there in a matter of moments. He loosened his hold and He looked at the now unconscious Elena. She was so pale white. Damon carefully layed Elena on the bed. He felt distrought and disparity that Elena was in this state. He called out her name urgently! She doesn't reply and looks shades paler. Damon almost Paniced when he spots a small messer on the table. He grabs the messer and takes it to his wrist. Blood starts to flow. He he puts his wrist up to Elena and helps her drink some of his blood.

Elena's color starts to return. Damon sits there and watches over Elena.
He has to make sure she is ok. HE doesn't look away. After 10 Minuten Elena's color has almost completely returned. She slowly opens her eyes. Her eyesight is a lil blurry but recognizes Damon right away. She sits up but She still trembling thats when Damon Takes her into his arms. She weakly hugs him cause her strehgth hasn't returned.
"Damon.. I'm ok really.."
Damon pulls back but holds Elena's Hands in his.
"Elena.." He says in a worried tone.
His beautiful blue eyes look so warm as he says, "You scared me cause I need Du in my life and I will protect Du always." She looked at Damon with her tears in her eyes.
She hugged him "Oh, Damon..." she spoke softly.

Damon consoled the visibly Shaken Elena.
"Damon.. I never knew Stefan could act this way." Damon pauses a moment and thinks.
He Antworten tentively, "Im sure there is alot that he didn't let Du in on. Maybe in his own way hiding the truth was his way of trying to protect Du but It seems his Liebe for Katherine has clouded his judgement."
Elena Fragen in her now unsteady voice, "He was always so thoughtful and now why has he changed? Why does Katherine have this hold over him?"
Damon looks at Elena deeply, "Elena... The Stefan Du knew was very different then the Stefan I know. It seems as though he's hiden his past from you."
Elena looks surprized, "But I knew about Katherine and turning you."
Damon looks so solemn now and Elena moves closer to him. She tenderly grasps his hand. "Damon.." Her eyes focused on Damon's Still solemn face. He doesn't meet Elena's Gaze.
"Elena, there so much Du don't know." Damon's normally strong attractive voice seemed so weak. His voice grows quiet, "Stefan was a different person. A person that Du wouldn't want to know." Elena rests her head on the now Silent Damon's shoulder. Her beautiful silky hair spills over Damon's strong shoulder.

Elena gently reaches up and places her elegant hand on Damon's face. She could Feel the pain he was feeling. She wanted to comfort him. Damon's pale skin and dark hair looked exquisitely beautiful in the dim light of her room. His features were still so handsome even in his sadness.

A small tear escapes Damon's eye and slides down his handsome face.
Elena gently wipes the tear away. Damon slowly meets Elena's awaiting eyes.
Elena stares into those pools of blue crystal. Damon's eyes were teary which made them seem to sparkle. She couldn't look away. She didn't want to. She inches vorwärts-, nach vorn towards Damon. Her lips meet his. They are so soft and she feels warm then her herz starts to race. There is nothing else right now. Damon kisses Elena so tenderly and he runs his hands through her silky hair as he feels Elena lips upon his own. Their KISS deepens and both feel a passion like they haven't felt before. Elena slowly pulls back and gracefully caresses His beautiful Face. His eyes are so blue and alive now. the perfect shade of Blue. So heavenly she thinks. They reminded her of the ocean.

She looks at Damon in that sweet passionate way. Her eyes are focused on his.
Elena says softly, " Damon, I Liebe you, I don't know when it happened but I can't imagine my life without you."
Damon embraces elena warmly, "I once tried to forget that I loved you, I tried but I couldn't. I need to be near Du even If Du weren't to be mine. It was enough for me. I'm in Liebe with Du Elena. All I ever want for Du is your happiness and Safety."
Damon continues looking into Elena's soft brown eyes. "Elena, Du are my twin flame, my soul, and the one I can't live without."
Elena's eyes fill with tears of tenderness as sweet passion envelops both of them. Damon slowly releases Elena from his warm embrace. She looks at him tenderly.

She stands up and grabs his hand. "Let's go for a walk I hear the moon is quite a lovely sight to see."
Damon puts on his trademark smirk. "Ok, Miss Elena your the leader."
Damon then scoops elena up and she feigns protest. Damon laughs softly. With Elena in Damon's arms he wiskes Elena off to see the night.
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Source: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/damon-elena?before=1312315647
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Source: http://teamdelena-vampirediaries.tumblr.com/