Damon & Elena Club
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added by _Chryso_
Source: tumblr.
Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Elena Gilbert
season 4
added by Joy3570
Source: http://ribelledentro.tumblr.com/
added by escada
Source: tumblr
added by bussykussi
added by Deiona
Source: Sakura971 @ FF
posted by delenasalvatore
 credit: Pufyfantastik
credit: Pufyfantastik
Please welcome our FOTM winner for February, the wonderful HaleyDewit (Ellen)! *round of applause* Big thanks to Ellen for taking the time to answer these questions!

1. Can Du please introduce yourself?

Hi, my name’s Ellen. I’m 21, 22 Weiter month. I work in the küche of a tearoom. I have three sisters and one brother. I Liebe writing, making Icons and fanvideos. I’m addicted to music, Filme and TV-shows.

2. How do Du feel about winning FOTM title?

I think it’s awesome! It really seemed as if I wasn’t going to be nominated, but then Delena4eva nominated me at the last minute.

3. When...
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posted by delenaluv
it was the morning after and elena had stayed all night with damon giving him the cure. while he was still sleeping she had nothing to do but relive last night in her head. what the hell just happened oder better yet whats gonna happen? elena thinks that if she admits that she feels something for damon that would make her another katherine. elena doesnt want to be like katherine. she doesnt want to feel anything for damon. difference is katherine sagte she loved both but showed that wasn't the case. katherine knew damon would die using the dagger to kill elizah but didn't care oder once again put...
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posted by storyteller13
Damon arrived at Elena's room to check on her.
It has been a long time since she hasn´t seen Stefan, and Damon is worried that Elena has been taking it a little to good. Although ahe hasn´t done anything to herself yet, he could feel her sufering in the inside.

Damon sat on Elena's bed. He can hear the water going from the other room and so He lays on the bett and thinks about what he´s going to say. While he awaits Elena's return he difts off to sleep. Elena turns off the water and gets out. Elena got a towell and dries off her face. She has been washing her teeth thinking about every stefan...
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posted by georgouskadia19
Elena was lying on her bed, how she had been able to ignore her feelings, those she felt in the respect of Damon Salvatore. Indeed she knew that she was attracted Von him, but what girl would not be Von him? She had to see Damon taking care of this Rose to open her eyes. Shefelt so many things at the same time … Suddenly, she felt a cold breath on her neck, and turned around. It was him. It was Damon.
" Damon, what are Du doing here? How is Rose doing? " She asked him,
" her state worsens from hours till hours, he answered Von looking at her with his piercing blue eyes, it doesnt left her much...
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added by ForeverEternity
added by vanszerelem
added by Kackahaluzova
added by Leytonfan4ever
Source: http://twin-flames.tumblr.com/
Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Elena Gilbert
added by az0965022
Damon Salvatore
Vampire Diaries
Elena Gilbert
added by vuttiopas
Source: Ning
added by Irenenew
posted by merzycullen
A hopeless dream
Damon Salvatore was in the living room drowning his silent sorrows and soundless grief in alcohol, staring at the fire. His herz broken, his soul wounded Von the words that escaped the two women’s lips, women who he forever loved and forever will love, their words proclaimed and claimed Stefan, Saint Stefan, as their own. “I never loved you. It was always Stefan.” “I care about you. But I Liebe Stefan, it will always be Stefan.” Those were the words, the words that wound him Mehr than vervain and kill him Mehr than the stake through the heart. Why could there be another...
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posted by HaleyDewit
Bonnie was sitting on Caroline’s bed, looking at pictures of her, Caroline and Elena. “Those were good times” she sighed. She looked up. “You think I can ever get it back again?” she asked. Caroline was sitting at her desk. “I really don’t know, Bonnie. Maybe in time” she sagte not very convincing.
“I can try to say I’m sorry” Bonnie tried. “I can go to Elena and apologize” Caroline shook her head. “Not a good idea. Elena is not in the mood to see you”
“Oh, well, then maybe I can try Damon?” Bonnie said. “If he’s the reason Du guys found me, there must be...
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