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Alright! Continuing with my series of oben, nach oben 10’s we have probably the most overdone type of Liste imaginable! oben, nach oben 10 characters! Regardless, I thought it’d be fun to see how my Anime Favoriten have changed since the last time I ranked them and frankly I’m a bit surprised. Mostly because my #1 came close to being dethroned, which at one point I had claimed was impossible. Regardless, keep in mind the usual stuff. This is an opinion based Artikel yada yada. If our opinions differ don’t whine about it yada yada. Du get the idea already. So here’s Wantadog’s oben, nach oben 10 Anime Characters!




15: Roy mustang (FMA/FMAB)

Starting off as what is basically the appetizer of my Liste is Amestris’ very own Flame Alchemist! I don’t even think I NEED to say anything here to explain why he deserves to be on the list. He’s badass, he’s hilarious, he’s a way better hero than Edward…really we’ve all heard that stuff before. I don’t have much of a reason for why I excluded him from the actual oben, nach oben 10, but I’ll try nonetheless. He was one of the last to be eliminated and it was a tough decision as was all the choices for my honorable mentions, but in the end as awesome as he was, I just didn’t feel he outshone the other entries. It’s kinda sad, but…I guess that’s how it goes.


14: Yoh Asakura (Shaman King)

Honestly I knew that someone from Shaman King was going make it into the honorable mentions. It was just a matter of figuring out which Asakura would take the spot. In the end though, I had to go with Yoh. I’ve always liked easygoing characters like him and he wasn’t just some main character that needed plot shielding in every battle. *cough*Ichigo*cough*

Don’t get this guy wrong though, he may be easygoing, but if Du threaten his friends, you’re in for a world of hurt.


13: Ika Musume (Shinryaku Ika Musume)

SQUID GIRL! Man this Zeigen had zero plot at all, but it was so great and Ika Musume always managed to put a smile on my face. Not to mention she is deceptively powerful, too! If humanity had Ika Musume on their team, then Attack on Titan would never have happened. I also know Mehr than a few people who would want to get their hands on those weight-altering bracelets of hers ;)

My only wish is to see what her family is like. Gotta imagine Ika Musume’s father is some uber powerful being.


12: Mokkun/Guren (Shounen Onmyouji)

MOKKUN! Oh my god I’m ashamed of MYSELF for daring to not put him in the oben, nach oben 10. It was so close and Mokkun was consistently on #9 oder #10 for the longest time, but just barely didn’t make the cut! Seriously though, I loved everything about this little fella. So much so that I don’t even think I would have liked Shounen Onmyouji if it didn’t have Mokkun. Mokkun’s mere presence in the Anime made everything seem so much better and Guren fueled my inspiration for one of my Favorit RP characters I’ve ever created. Sure they *spoiler* killed him off, but my gosh…such a great character.


11: Kenshin Himura (Rurouni Kenshin)

Fun fact. This guy was in my oben, nach oben 5 the last time I made a oben, nach oben 10 Liste and now he is only an honorable mention. It sure is interesting how much things can change in such a short period of time. Really though, what’s not to like about this guy? He’s a badass samurai with a dark past, an scary alternate side of himself that pretty much ensures people are gonna die, and he talks like Yoda. Do Du really need more? Well perhaps the guy can get a little tiresome and he’s basically the samurai version of Vash the Stampede, but still…I like swords and this guy does swords. He trained from childhood too and didn’t pick it up in a week like some other characters. *cough*Ichigo*cough*


THE oben, nach oben 10!

10: Riza Wildman (Princess Resurrection)

This one was difficult for me because my number 10 spot was a big fight between several different characters and deciding which one I liked Mehr was…well…impossible. I don’t like Riza Mehr than I do my honorable mentions. It was simply that close. However, while I may have liked them equally, that is not to say that Riza doesn’t deserve this spot. I Liebe mythological creatures and as some might be able to guess…the werewolf is one of my Favoriten and while she doesn’t transform and go mad during the full moon, she does have a lot of beast-like qualities that fit for her being half-human. She’s also extremely proud and honorable, insisting on fighting her opponents like they were dueling. Really, her personality is simply Mehr in sync with my tastes compared to the others. So ya…I’m gonna go watch that Zeigen again.

But the list!



9: Yuko “Alice” Shionji (Kamisama No Memochou)

Really, we’ve only just started this Liste and I’m already starting with the detectives. Anyone who knows me knows that I Liebe mysteries. I Liebe mysteries like Riku loves swea-ow! Sheesh. Sorry…Anyway, Alice is a fantastic detective! She’s understands what is needed to be a detective and exactly what that role entails. As she would say, being a detective is about Mehr than solving crimes. *cough*L*Cough* It is, at least in murder oder suicide cases, being a spokesman for the dead. She does it all from the comfort of her room as well! How NEET is that?! OW!...sheesh…Anyway, she isn’t just a great detective, her character and really the character of every character in the Zeigen just shines through with each episode. Du really find yourself relating to her and laughing along as Du realize that in the end, she is still a kid. I know right; an Anime child that also acts their age at times? How absurd.


8: Nadie (El Cazador De La Bruja)

I Never really liked Pistolen and gun users in anime. It always seemed kinda boring to me. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang. We get it we get it. However, Nadie was pretty darn awesome. I haven’t seen the Anime in awhile so I can’t really say much about her before I rewatch the show, but her humor, her attitude, her skill, her values/lack thereof all managed to impress me that when I put thought into who my oben, nach oben 10 were, her name jumped to the front almost immediately. Besides, dat taco song. Easily the Sekunde best song about Essen that I know of.


7: Yako Katsuragi (Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro)

You go girls! Females are just DOMINATING this Liste so far, and Yako is no exception. I would say there are very few female leads that don’t annoy me, but that is clearly not the case it seems. However, Yako is on the Liste because despite being on an Orihime oder Sakura level of uselessness, it is the way she interacts that gets her not only into the oben, nach oben 10, but several entries into the oben, nach oben 10. Anyone who has seen MTNN will agree that Du don’t really watch the Zeigen to solve the mysteries as Neuro usually does it before Du can even get started. No, Du watch it because the character interactions, especially those between Neuro and Yako, are so damned awesome; whether it intends it to be funny, serious, oder epic. The Anime delivers. Hey what can I say?! I’m a lighthearted guy. I like comedy almost as much as I Liebe mystery. If a Zeigen doesn’t make me laugh, Du can guarantee I won’t be raving about it. Du won’t see me eagerly discussing Attack on Titan’s latest dramatic death but rather bombarding people with pictures of Ika Musume and Okami-san. So for making me laugh my arsch off, this gluttony-incarnate easily deserves it.


6: Yoko Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho)

Ah… Finally we get a classic from my old lists and FINALLY we get a guy! I loved Yoko from the Sekunde he appeared on screen because I had my suspicions that he would prove to be a badass, and Du know what? I was right. The guy is a freaking genius, and if I’ve learned anything from anime, it is that genii are always either pretentious oder fabulous, and Kurama is so very fabs. Kurama’s a natural born leader, is a fuchs demon, which is sorta canine-ish, and he knows the entire alphabet, which could very well save your life one day. When I first started Yu Yu Hakusho, I wasn’t really expecting much. Yusuke seemed loud, Kuwabara had THE most annoying voice in the history of anime, Keiko was your typical helpless female, Botan was….well Botan was awesome and I still Liebe her. Regardless what I’m trying to say is that I probably would not have stuck with the Zeigen if not for Kurama and Hiei. Those two kept me interested long enough for the Zeigen to really draw me in, and now it is my #2 Favorit Anime of all time! So while my Liste always changes, Yoko always has a place in my oben, nach oben 10.


5: Maou Sadao (Hataraku Maou Sama)

Woot! Way to keep it going, my male character favs! Maou, oder heck, the entire cast of Hataraku Maou Sama was hilarious, but with Maou, I saw so many aspects that I found so….incredible. I haven’t read the light novel so I don’t know everything about his background, but from a couple spoilers I inadvertently stumbled upon, I saw that he came from humble origins and had to work hard to get to where he was. Admittedly the whole mass killing, demonic armies, pure evil bit was a bit over the top, but it was great in Wird angezeigt just how prideful Maou is in both himself and demonkind in general; and when he is sent to Earth without any powers, it is great to see him drop his pride to once again start at the bottom and work his way up.

Apart from the Zeigen both elegantly and hilariously having Emilia, do the exact opposite and hold onto her pride and anger with everything she has, Maou holds onto his pride Von accepting his new life and declaring that he will one Tag rule both Earth and Ente Isla.

Maou is, in my honest opinion, everything a true king should be. He knows what his people go through, everything he does is designed to protect them and give them the lives he thinks they deserve, and he is perfectly willing to cast aside his pride, accept a position that Von all means he should be better than, and even allow himself to be someone else’s subordinate. He’s kind, caring, ruthless, and badass.



4: Frieza (Dragon Ball Z)

And here we have another female-huh? Frieza’s a guy? Du sure about that? No, there’s no way. I mean look at her….him? No….no way….

Well aside from that little hiccup, we have Lord Frieza, the indomitable Weltraum tyrant of the Dragon Ball universe. Anyone who knows me knows that Dragon Ball Z was going to EVENTUALLY be on this list, and anyone who knows me knows that it’ll be in my oben, nach oben 5. Well If I do say so myself, Frieza is a pretty good choice to represent that.

In addition, Frieza is also the only villain on this list. Yes, the Weiter three are protagonists, get over it. I have nothing against antagonists. In fact, I Liebe them. Villains are crucial to the story and as an avid RPer, I do Liebe orchestrating a plot to suit my own evil desires. >=)

Onto the actual character, Frieza was a fantastic villain. From before Du even saw his face, Du could see the havoc he had wrought. And when he finally does appear? He just sits there, smiling as his minions kill mercilessly. When Frieza finally does start to fight, it is incredible. Du slowly see each fighter stand up to the fearsome tyrant only to find that as strong as they are, Frieza is always much stronger. Everytime it seems like they had gained the upperhand, he pulled out some new transformation and crushed them. The same even goes for the mighty Goku, who used every trick in the book to defeat Frieza, and fail. It took the…er…”hefty” sacrifice of Krillin to finally bring him down. #SuperSaiyanBullshit

Admittedly Frieza’s goal was rather cliché. Yada yada, immortality. However, I think it is the most scary to imagine just what would have happened if Frieza had gotten his wish. And I’m not even gonna get into what God Frieza adds to it. That movie is a bit too Kürzlich and I don’t wanna spoil it. Go watch Resurrection of F and then Du can see what I mean.

To me, when I think of Anime villains, Frieza is always the first to pop into my mind.


3: Nougami Neuro (Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro)

So…remember Yako from way earlier? Well this is the other half of the dynamic duo, and if the gap speaks to anything, it is that there is a clear reason as to why it’s Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro and not Majin Tantei Yako Katsuragi.

Basically all the stuff I sagte about Yako earlier applies to Neuro, except Neuro is far from useless. Neuro is such a freaking badass that he literally ATE all of the mysteries in Hell itself then promptly moved on to chow down on Earth. Neuro solves all his cases the same way, Von transforming into a giant fucking bird demon and clamping his head over helpless culprit. Neuro, like Yako, is almost always focused on his stomach which is why they make such a good team. I could probably make pages upon pages upon pages about how much I Liebe the dynamics between them, but then it would seem like that is all there is to Neuro and THAT is most certainly not true.

Neuro has shown several times that he is willing to let Yako develop her skills into the detective she pretends to be. He’s even helped her at times and during the HAL case, even put the solving of the case directly into her hands. Neuro had no doubts that Yako could solve the case. Pretty interesting how a demon would put the biggest meal it’s had in awhile in the hands of someone like her.

Ya, I know. I get it. I’m still just talking about Neuro and Yako, but really it is easily the best part of that Anime and their…relationship, for lack of a better word, fuels pretty much everything that happens in the anime. I haven’t read far enough into the Manga to say, but I’ll just leave it with this. Gate to Hell opens. Earth in danger. Everyone panic. Neuro flies in. closes it himself. Saves the world. Fuck yeah!


2: Botan (Yu Yu Hakusho)

Warning! The following paragraphs are filled with copious amounts of fangirling, gushing, screeching, crushing, ranting, and 5 Minuten of cuddling my computer screen.

BOTAN! Oh my gosh where do I even begin with this?! I. LOVE. BOTAN! I am not even exaggerating. She was my very first Anime crush and Von now it has gotten so far out of hand that I think I actually do Liebe an animated character. SHUT UP! Du can say whatever Du want. Botan is like the holy grail to me. I mean, there is NOTHING bad that I can say about this character. Blue hair? Liebe it! Ponytail? AWESOME! Kimono? PRETTY! Personality? HILARIOUS!

Honestly, I think she alone sparked my liking ponytails. I think she alone sparked my liking blue haired Anime characters. Heck, even now, one of my absolute Favorit Icons on this site is the one I have of Botan. Did I mention I Liebe her? Don’t think I mentioned that yet. I seriously do…

Well in the ANIME, I can say that Botan is equally impressive. She’s one of the first faces we see, and damn is it a nice one. She starts right off the bat with the humor. I think I mentioned earlier that ASIDE from Botan, Yoko was my reason for sticking with Yu Yu Hakusho, and now Du see why. The way she acted in the show, her dialogue, the spunk. All of it blended together into a character that I looked vorwärts-, nach vorn to seeing in each episode. I mean, can Du find me any other death gods that fly around on oars and wearing rosa kimono’s ? Du can’t, can you? Because Botan is one of a freaking kind.

Botan is WITHOUT A DOUBT my absolute Favorit female Anime character and I would have no qualms at all putting her at the #1 spot of this list, but that’s not the case. Instead the number one spot goes to…


1: Goku (Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z/Dragon Ball Super)

I get it…I get it already. This is overdone. It’s bland and it’s boring and it’s most certainly predictable. A mainstream shounen Anime main protagonist. Wow, so shocking. Well suck it up buttercup. It’s Goku time.

Goku’s on this Liste because he is fucking awesome. Seriously…I know there’s a backstory and there’s his growth from evil saiyan baby to warrior of goodness, but this guy is driving the nostalgia train and I am just sitting there like a jackass with a big smile on my face.

As a kid, I loved Goku. I didn’t care if all he did was scream, I didn’t care if his lines were cliché, I just loved the violence. I just loved the, at the time, badass heroic lines. I loved seeing him go super saiyan, and as any self-respecting 7 Jahr would, I LOVED the screaming…and I loved it even Mehr when my mom tried to ban the Zeigen from the household. The number of times I would just sit there in my room blasting Kamehameha’s and Singen Rock the Dragon in a voice that made the Engel up in heaven….buy earplugs…it was awesome!

Even now? I know that Dragon Ball Z was not that great of an anime. I know it’s overrated and had a story line a single monkey could come up with Von crapping, but that doesn’t matter because even now the Zeigen is entertaining and the Zeigen is just pure, unadulterated, F.U.N
F is for fists that schlagen, punsch all the bad guys!
U is for ultimaaate forms!
N is for never-ending screaaaaaaaams….

Du can sit there with your shows with long complex storylines with 15 deaths an episode and character backstories that are way too damn tragic for everyday life…I’m gonna sit here, and I’m gonna watch Goku beat up an evil Weltraum tyrant Von transforming into a golden beast of pure awesomeness. I do Liebe Botan, but Goku, as TERRIBLE of a father that he is (and he’s a VERY bad father…the worst….) just means too much to me for him to lose this spot.


I'd offer Du a cookie, but I ated them.
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